Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - The Life of the Characters in Wei Ruyun's Works

The Life of the Characters in Wei Ruyun's Works

When Li Xian was a prince (680-683), Webster was made a crown princess because of her beautiful appearance.

In the first year of Hongdao (683), Webster gave birth to his son Li Zhongrun, the eldest son of Li Xian. In addition, she also gave birth to four daughters, namely, four princesses: Yongtai, Yongshou, Changning and Anle.

In the year of Heishengyuan (684), Li Xian ascended the throne and Wei Fei was the queen. In the same year, it was deposed by Wu Zetian and renamed as King Luling. Webster followed him all the way to Zhou Fang. On the way, Webster gave birth to her daughter Princess Anle, with the small print "Wrapped" (Princess Anle was born in a carriage last week and was wrapped in Li Xian's clothes after birth, hence the name "Wrapped"). It was because he owed Princess Anle a debt when he was a child that Li Xian gave her special treatment when he became emperor. During Fang Ling's imprisonment, Li Xian and Wei experienced all kinds of difficulties and hardships together and had deep feelings. Whenever Li Xian heard the news that Wu Zetian sent a special envoy, he wanted to commit suicide in panic. Webster stopped him and said, "If the fate is uncertain, you will die at most. Why are you in such a hurry! "

Li Xian once swore to Webster privately: "If I can see the light of day again in the future, I will definitely let you do whatever you want without any restrictions."

The Webster family was in a miserable situation after Zhongzong was abolished. His father Wei died in exile in Qin Zhou, and his mother Cui Shi was killed by Ningcheng, the leader of Qin Zhou. Wei Xun, Hao Wei, Wei Dong and Wei Ba all died in Rongzhou. Two sisters, escape. In the first year of the holy calendar (698), Wu Zetian called Li Xian back to the eastern capital. In 699, the second year of the Holy Calendar, Wu Zetian re-established Li Xian as the Prince.

In the first year of Dazu (70 1), Li Zhongrun, Webster's only son, talked with his daughter Li Xianhui and his son-in-law Wu Yanji about Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Changzong. Then on the third day of September, Jong Li Runhe Wu Yanji was sentenced to death by Wu Zetian. On the fourth day of September, her daughter Li Xianhui passed away.

In the first year of Shenlong (705), five people, including Zhang Jianzhi, assistant minister of Fengge, and Cui Xuanyong, assistant minister of Luantai, launched a mutiny, forcing Wu Zetian to abdicate, and Li Xian was restored, which was known as the Shenlong coup in history, and Webster became the queen again.

After Webster became queen again, he intervened in political affairs like Wu Zetian of the Gaozong Dynasty. Huan went to the table and thought, "There is nothing wrong with women. It is lucky to be in charge at home." Shangshu said,' If hens crow in the morning, this family will be destroyed'. I found that every time your majesty came to North Korea, the queen always sat behind the scenes and took part in handling military affairs. I have observed emperors of all ages, and no one ruled with women without causing the country to perish. Besides, yin is above yang, which is against the laws of nature; It is against human nature for a woman to bully her husband. I hope that your majesty will observe the experience and lessons of the ups and downs of rebellion in ancient and modern times, always think of the country and the people, and urge the queen to strictly observe her duties, devote herself wholeheartedly to women's education and not interfere in foreign state affairs. "At that time, Zhao Rong Shangguan Waner repeatedly persuaded Wei Houxing to tell the story of Wu Zetian, so the above request stipulated that the people of the whole country mourned for their mother who had been abandoned by her father for three years. He also asked people all over the world to be adults at the age of 23, to be exempted from labor in 59 years, and to adopt a new system to collect people's hearts. Li Xian agreed.

Shangguan Waner recommended Wu Sansi to Wei Hou and took Wu Sansi into the palace. Then Li Xian began to discuss politics with Wu Sansi, and Zhang Jianzhi and others were restrained by Wu Sansi. Tang Zhongzong asked Wei Hou and Wu Sansi to play a game called "Backland", and he sat there and counted chips for them. As a result, Wu Sansi began to have an affair with Hou Wei, and Wu's power became stronger.

Zuo Sanqi often waits on Wang Zhongfu, who is an illegitimate child; His concubine is Zhang Yizhi's niece. After Wei hated Li Zhongfu deeply, he framed him in front of him and said, "Li Zhongrun was forced to commit suicide because Li Zhongfu framed him in front of Emperor Zetian." Therefore, Li Xian demoted Li Zhongfu to Zhou Pu, and soon changed his surname to Zhou Jun, and often ordered state officials to take strict precautions against him.

Wei Hou and Wu Sansi framed Jing Hui and others in front of Li Xian every day, saying that they were "good at politics by virtue, which would be bad for the country in the Tang Dynasty." Zhongzong believed their slanderers. Wu Sansi and others took the opportunity to advise Li Xian. "It is better to let Feng Jinghui and others be kings and recall them at the same time. In this case, on the surface, it can be seen as a tribute to the heroes, but in fact it can deprive them of their power. " Li Xian thinks this is very good. On the 16th day of the Sino-Japanese War, Li Xian appointed Shi Zhong and Qi Gong Jing Hui as Pingyang King, Gong Qiaohuan as Fuyang King, Zhong Shuling and Hanyang Zhanggong Jianzhi as Hanyang King, Nanyang Gong Yuan Ji Shu as Nanyang King, and Tejin, Tongzhong Shumen and Boling Gong Cui Xuan as Boling King. At the same time, they were relieved of their posts as prime ministers, and were rewarded with gold silks and pommel horses on the first day of each month. He also gave Huan a surname, Wei Shi, so that he could be related to Queen Wei. Soon, Li Xian appointed Cui Xuan as the governor and governor of Yizhou, and later appointed him as the secretariat of Liangzhou. Subsequently, Wu Sansi ordered officials to resume the policies of Wu Zetian. Those who refused to curry favor with the Wu clique were excluded, and those who were exiled by Zhang Jianzhi, Huan and others were revived, and all political power fell into the hands of Wu Sansi.

Soon, Wu Sansi and others framed Jing Hui day and night, so they demoted Jing Hui as the secretariat of Langzhou, Cui Xuan as the secretariat, Huan as the secretariat of Mizhou, and Yuan as the secretariat of Yunzhou. At that time, together with Jing Hui and others, he killed Zhang Yizhi, Zhang Changzong and other meritorious people, and was regarded as an accomplice of Jing Hui and others, and was relegated.

In the first year of Jinglong (707), Wei Hou thought that Prince Li Zhongjun was not her own, so she hated him. King Wu Sansi of Tekin and Dejing especially hated Prince Li Zhongjun. Because Shangguan Waner had an affair with Wu Sansi, she often praised Wu Shiqun in the letters she drafted. Princess Anle, Xu and left-back general Wu Chongxun often bullied and insulted the prince, and sometimes even called him a slave. Wu Chongxun also instigated Princess Anle to suggest to Tang Zhongzong to abolish the prince and let her be the wife of the emperor. The prince has been angry for a long time and can't calm down. In July of the same year, Li Zhongjun led Li Duozuo, the general of Zuo Yulin. , and launched the change of loyalty, killed Wei Hou cronies Wu Sansi and Wu Chongxun's family. Li Zhongjun tried to kill Wei Hou, but he was blocked in Xuanwu Gate, and the soldiers defected and failed. Soon, Li Zhongjun was killed by Zuo.

On August 13, Queen Wei and other ministers listed the following table and asked Li to rename Xuanwu Gate as Shenwumen and Xuanwu Building as Shengli Building. Zong Chuke also led the civil and military officials, demanding that Wei Hou be named a holy queen of Shuntian. Li Xian agreed. In June of the fourth year of Jinglong (7 10), Li Xian died suddenly (it is said that Wei Hou and Princess Anle conspired to poison Li Xian with poisonous steamed cakes). Wei Hou secretly refused to send out an obituary, called your prime minister into the palace, mobilized 50,000 soldiers from various governments to be stationed in Chang 'an, and appointed Xu Wei Weijie, Wei Guan and Wei Yanqing. Wei Hou appointed Pei Tan, the minister of punishments, and Zhang Xi, the minister of Xiaohong, as the same books, so that they remained in the East. Wei later appointed Zhang Jiafu, the minister of the official department, Cenxi, the assistant minister of the Chinese book, and Cui, the assistant minister of the official department, as fellow officials, and the power of state affairs fell into Wei's hands.

Shangguan Waner and Princess Taiping drafted the testamentary edict, and made them Crown Prince, Li Dan as Assistant Minister and Empress Wei as Regent, in order to balance the forces of all parties. However, the prime minister Zong Chuke, together with Taichangqing, Sinongqing Zhao, Jiujiu Ye Jingneng and the Wei family, persuaded the Queen Mother Wei to follow the example of Wu Zetian and become the emperor. At that time, the northern and southern guards guarding Miyagi and the important ministries of Shangshu Province were controlled by Webster's children, who recruited a large number of partisans and colluded with each other inside and outside the imperial court. Zong Chuke secretly wrote a book about Queen Mother Webster, citing predictions to show that Webster should replace the Tang Dynasty and rule the world. Zong Chuke also planned to kill Shang Emperor, but he was worried that Prime Minister Li Dan and Princess Taiping would get in the way, so he plotted with Princess Wei Wen and Princess Anle to get rid of them.

Li Longji, the king of Linzi, decided to strike first after discussing with Princess Taiping. On July 2 1 day, Li Longji launched the Tang Long Uprising. Ge Fushun, commander-in-chief of Wan Qi Zuo Ying, drew his sword and went straight to Yulin Camp, beheaded Zhuo Wei, Weber and Gao Song, and shouted loudly: "Wei Hou poisoned the first emperor and sought danger for the country. Tonight, everyone hopes that Qi Xin and Qi Xin will work together to eradicate the Wei family and their best friend. Make the king emperor and settle the world. Anyone who dares to help the rebels at both ends of the first mouse will be associated with the three families. " All the officers and men of the feather army are very happy that I did this. So Ge Fushun gave the heads of Wei and others. After Li Longji saw it under the light, he walked out of the south gate of the forbidden park with Liu Youqiu and others. Zhong Shaojing led more than 200 craftsmen, followed by axes and saws. Li Longji sent Ge Fushun to lead Zuo Wanqi to attack Xuande Gate, and Li Xianxuan to lead you to attack Baishou Gate. The two sides agreed to meet in front of Lingyan Pavilion, that is, make a scene. Ge Fushun and others killed the soldiers at the gate and broke into the palace. Li Longji led his troops to guard Xuanwu Gate. After hearing the drums in the palace in the middle of the night, he led the director and Yu Bing Lin into the palace. Nanya, who is in charge of guarding the coffin in Taiji Temple, heard the movement and all dressed up, responding to Li Longji and others. Wei Hou fled to Qi Fei camp in the chaos, and a Qi Fei soldier beheaded Wei Hou and presented his head to Li Longji. Princess Anle rushed to the mirror and was killed by the soldiers. In addition, Wu Yanxiu was beheaded outside Zhang Sumen, and General He Lou was beheaded in Taijitang West. Soon after, Wei Ruyun was posthumously exiled to Shu Ren and buried as a gift.