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High school mathematics handwritten newspaper

The contents of the mathematical tabloid

Here are some materials that you can sort out at will. Part I: Mathematical Story 1. Archimedes, an ancient Greek scholar, died at the hands of Roman enemy soldiers who attacked Sicily. )

Later, in memory of him, people carved the figure of the ball carved on the cylinder on his tombstone to commemorate his discovery that the volume and surface area of the ball are two-thirds of that of the circumscribed cylinder. Galois was born in a town not far from Paris. His father is the principal of this school and has served as the mayor for many years.

The influence of family makes Galois always brave and fearless. 1823, 12-year-old galois left his parents to study in Paris. Not content with boring classroom indoctrination, he went to find the most difficult mathematics original research by himself. Some teachers also helped him a lot.

Teachers' evaluation of him is "only suitable for working in the frontier field of mathematics". Archimedes was born in Syracuse, Sicily, at the southern tip of the Italian peninsula in 287 BC.

Father is a mathematician and astronomer. Archimedes had a good family upbringing since childhood. 1 1 years old, was sent to study in Alexandria, the cultural center of Greece.

In this famous city known as the "Capital of Wisdom", Archimedes Job collected books and learned a lot of knowledge, and became a protege of Euclid students erato Sese and Cannon, studying geometric elements. The second part: Mathematics in life is to be applied in real life. Mathematics is used by people to solve practical problems. In fact, there will be math problems in life.

For example, when you go shopping, you will naturally use addition and subtraction, and you always have to draw pictures when you build a house. There are countless problems like this, and this knowledge comes from life and is finally summed up as mathematical knowledge, which solves more practical problems.

I once saw a report that a professor asked a group of foreign students, "How many times will the minute hand and the hour hand overlap between 12 and 1?" Those students all took off their watches from their wrists and began to set hands; When the professor tells the same question to the students in China, the students will use mathematical formulas to make calculations. The commentary said that it can be seen that China students' mathematical knowledge is transferred from books to their brains, so they can't use it flexibly. They seldom think of learning and mastering mathematics knowledge in real life.

From then on, I began to consciously connect mathematics with daily life. Once, my mother baked a cake, and two cakes could be put in the pot.

I thought, isn't this a math problem? It takes two minutes to bake a cake, one minute in front and one minute in the back. At most, two cakes are put in the pot at the same time. How many minutes does it take to bake three cakes at most? I thought about it and came to the conclusion that it takes 3 minutes: first, put the first cake and the second cake into the pot at the same time, 1 minute later, take out the second cake, put the third cake and turn the first cake over; Bake again 1 min, so that the first cake is ready. Take it out. Then put the reverse side of the second cake on it, and turn the third cake upside down at the same time, so it will be all done in 3 minutes.

I told my mother about this idea, and she said, actually, it won't be so coincidental. There must be an error, but the algorithm is correct. It seems that we must apply what we have learned in order to make mathematics serve our lives better.

Mathematics should be studied in life. Some people say that the knowledge in books has little to do with reality now.

This shows that their knowledge transfer ability has not been fully exercised. It is precisely because they can't understand it well and apply it to daily life that many people don't attach importance to mathematics.

I hope that students can learn mathematics in their lives and use mathematics in their lives. Mathematics is inseparable from life. If they study thoroughly, they will naturally find that mathematics is actually very useful. Part III: Mathematical Joke "Not Bathroom" Although Amy Nord, a German female mathematician, has obtained a doctorate, she is not qualified to start a class because she needs to write another paper before the professor will discuss whether to grant her the qualification as a lecturer.

Hilbert, a famous mathematician at that time, appreciated Amy's talent very much. He ran around asking for permission to be the first female lecturer at the University of G? ttingen, but there was still controversy at the professor meeting. A professor said excitedly, "How can a woman be a lecturer?" If she is allowed to be a lecturer, she will become a professor in the future and even enter the university Council.

Can women be allowed to enter the highest academic institutions of universities? Another professor said, "How do our soldiers feel when they come back from the battlefield and find themselves prostrating themselves at the feet of women to study?" Hilbert stood up and firmly refuted: "gentlemen, the gender of the candidate should never be an argument against her becoming a lecturer." After all, the university Council is not a bathing hall! " Part IV Interesting Mathematics 1 Let's try to run a hotel with 80 suites and see how knowledge becomes wealth.

According to the survey, if we set the daily rent as 160 yuan, we can be full; And every time the rent goes up in 20 yuan, three guests will be lost. Daily expenses for services, maintenance, etc. Each occupied room is calculated in 40 yuan.

Question: How can we set the price to be the most profitable? A: The daily rent is 360 yuan. Although 200 yuan was higher than the full price, we lost 30 guests, but the remaining 50 guests still brought us 360*50= 18000 yuan. After deducting 40*50=2000 yuan for 50 rooms, the daily net profit is 16000 yuan.

When the customer is full, the net profit is only 160*80-40*80=9600 yuan. Of course, the so-called "learned through investigation" market was actually invented by myself, so I entered the market at my own risk.

Sunzi Suanjing is one of the top ten famous arithmetical classics in the early Tang Dynasty. It is an arithmetic textbook with three volumes. The first volume describes the system of number, number, multiplication and division, and the middle volume explains the method of calculating fractions and Kaiping, which are all important materials for understanding the ancient calculation in China. The second book collects some arithmetic problems, and the problem of "chickens and rabbits in the same cage" is one of them.

The original question is as follows: let pheasant (chicken) rabbits be locked together, with 35 heads above and 94 feet below. Male rabbit geometry? The solution of the original book is; Let the number of heads be a and the number of feet be B.

Then b/2-a is the Rabbit and a-(b/2-a) is the Pheasant. This solution is really great.

When solving this problem, the original book probably adopted the method of equation. Let x be pheasant number and y be rabbit number, then x+y=b, 2x+4y=a, and X = A-(B/2-A). According to this set of formulas, it is easy to get the answer to the original question: 12 rabbits, 22 pheasants.

Mathematical handwritten newspaper materials

Bole in the field of mathematics in China-When people praise Maxima, they always think of Bole who knows horses.

China's scientific community will never forget his teacher, Xiong Qinglai, the pioneer of modern mathematics in China, when praising China. Xiong Qinglai (1893- 1969), a native of Maitreya, Yunnan Province, was admitted to colleges and universities in Yunnan Province at the age of 18. At the age of 20, he went to Belgium to study mining, and then went to France to study and get a doctorate.

He mainly engaged in the research of function theory, and defined an "infinite order function", which is called bear infinity internationally. Xiong Qinglai loves education and has made outstanding contributions to the cultivation of scientific talents in China.

1930, when he was the head of the Department of Mathematics at Tsinghua University, he found Hua's name from academic magazines. After learning about Hua's self-study experience and mathematical talent, he resolutely broke away from convention and invited Hua, who was only 19 years old and had a junior high school education, to Tsinghua University. Under the training of Xiong Qinglai, Hua later became a famous mathematician.

Many famous scientists in our country are his students. When he was over 70 years old, although he was paralyzed, he was still ill and supervised two graduate students, namely young mathematicians Yang Le and Zhang Guanghou.

Xiong Qinglai's noble character of cherishing and cultivating talents is highly praised and admired by people. As early as 192 1, when he was a professor at Southeast University (the predecessor of Nantah), he found that a student named Guang Liu was very talented and often instructed him to study.

Later, together with a professor who taught in Guang Liu, * * * sponsored Guang Liu from a poor family to go abroad for further study and sent him living expenses on time. On one occasion, Xiong Qinglai even sold his fur robe and sent money to Guang Liu.

After Guang Liu became a famous physicist, he often mentioned the past fondly. He said, "It was ten years before I heard that the professor sold me fur robes. I was moved to tears at that time. I will never forget this incident.

How much he cares about our generation and how much enthusiasm and love he has given! Thales, the father of mathematics, was born in 624 BC and was the first famous mathematician in ancient Greece. He used to be a shrewd businessman. After he accumulated considerable wealth by selling olive oil, Cyrus devoted himself to scientific research and travel.

He is diligent and studious, at the same time, he is not superstitious about the ancients, and he is brave in exploration, creation and positive thinking. His hometown is not too far from Egypt, so he often travels to Egypt.

There, Ju Lushi learned about the rich mathematical knowledge accumulated by ancient Egyptians for thousands of years. When he traveled in Egypt, he calculated the height of the pyramids in a clever way, which made the ancient Egyptian king Amerasis admire him very much.

Cyrus's method is ingenious and simple: choose a sunny day, erect a small stick at the edge of the pyramid, and then observe the change of the shadow length of the stick. When the length of the shadow is exactly equal to the length of the stick, quickly measure the length of the pyramid shadow, because at this time, the height of the pyramid is exactly equal to the length of the tower shadow. It is also said that Ju Lushi calculated the height of the pyramid with the ratio of the length of the stick shadow to the tower shadow equal to the ratio of the stick height to the tower height.

If this is the case, it is necessary to use the mathematical theorem that the corresponding sides of a triangle are proportional. Ju Lushi boasted that he taught this method to the ancient Egyptians, but the fact may be just the opposite. It should be that the Egyptians knew a similar method a long time ago, but they were only satisfied with knowing how to calculate, without thinking about why they could get the correct answer.

Before Ju Lushi, when people knew nature, they were only satisfied with how to explain all kinds of things. Ju Lushi's greatness lies in that he can not only explain it, but also add a scientific question mark to why. The mathematical knowledge accumulated by ancient orientals is mainly some calculation formulas summarized from experience.

Cyrus believes that the formula thus obtained may be correct in one problem, but it may not be correct in another. Only when they are proved to be universally correct in theory can they be widely used to solve practical problems. In the early stage of the development of human culture, it is commendable that Ju Lushi consciously put forward such a view.

It endows mathematics with special scientific significance and is a great leap in the history of mathematics development. This is why Cyrus is called the father of mathematics.

Cyrus first proved the following theorem: 1 A circle is bisected by any diameter. 2. The two base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.

3. Two straight lines intersect and the vertex angles are equal. 4. The inscribed triangle of a semicircle must be a right triangle.

5. If two triangles have one side and the two angles on this side are equal, then the two triangles are congruent. This theorem was first discovered and proved by Cyrus, and later generations usually call it Cyrus theorem.

According to legend, Ju Lushi was very happy when he proved this theorem. He slaughtered a bull to worship the gods. Later, he also used this theorem to calculate the distance between the ship at sea and the land.

Ju Lushi also made pioneering contributions to ancient Greek philosophy and astronomy. Historians affirm that Cyrus should be considered as the first astronomer. He often lies on his back to observe the constellations in the sky and explore the mysteries of the universe. His maid often joked that Cyrus wanted to know the distant sky, but ignored the beautiful scenery in front of him.

According to the research of Herodotus, a historian of mathematics, it is known that the day suddenly turned into night (actually a solar eclipse) after hals War, and Ju Lushi had predicted this before the war. There is an inscription on Ju Lushi's tombstone: "The tomb of the king of astronomers is a little small, but his glory in the field of stars is quite great.

"Idiom: The story of changing three times: It is said that this is an allegorical story recorded in Zhuangzi. In the Song Dynasty, there was a man who kept a large number of monkeys at home. Everyone called him a sniper.

Being a spy understands the monkey's psychology, and the monkey understands his words. Therefore, he loves these small animals that can communicate with people very much, and often reduces the rations at home to satisfy the appetite of monkeys. One year, there was a famine in the village, and my nephew wanted to reduce the food for the monkeys, but he was afraid that the monkeys would be unhappy, so he first discussed it with the monkeys. He said, "Starting from tomorrow, I will give you three fruits every morning and four at night, okay?" When the monkeys heard that their food was reduced, they all stood up with their teeth bared, showing their anger.

The sniper changed his mind immediately after seeing it.

High school mathematics handwritten newspaper

I have a story about mathematics. Once upon a time there was an old man who had three sons. One day, he was dying, so he made a will and his three sons shared his property-17 cows. He didn't want his sons to get the inheritance so easily, so he had to test them. Therefore, the eldest son is required to get 1/2, the second son gets 1/3, and the youngest son gets 1/9. The cattle cannot be killed separately. The three sons can't figure out a way. Then I met a scholar and solved the problem.

The answer is to borrow a cow from the villagers, so the eldest son got half of 18, that is, nine heads, the second son got six heads, and the third son got two heads, making a total of *** 17. Just borrow it.

Data content of mathematical handwritten newspaper

Data content of mathematical handwritten newspaper

Math joke: constant function and exponential function e's x power walk in the street and see differential operators far away.

The constant function was scared and quickly hid, saying, "I differentiate by it, and there is nothing!" " "

Exponential function said unhurriedly, "It can't do anything to me, I am the x power of E!" " "

Exponential function meets differential operator. Exponential function introduces itself: "Hello, I am the x power of E."

The differential operator said, "Hello, I'm' d/dy!'" " "

1, rounding

Zaizai came back from school in high spirits and asked his mother, "Where's Dad?"

Mother saw Zaizai's excitement and asked strangely, "Is Dad at home? What do you want with dad? " "I asked my father for fifty cents."

"Why?" Mom asked.

"Before taking the math test, my dad told me,' If I get a score of 100, I'll get 1 yuan, and 80 will be given to 8 cents.' Today, I got 45 points in math. "Aberdeen replied.

My mother was surprised and asked, "What! Mathematics is only 45 points? "

Zaizai proudly said, "Yes, it has to be rounded off mathematically, so Dad has to pay 50 cents."

How to make a mathematical handwritten newspaper

I think we can pay attention to the following aspects.

Content: Anything related to mathematics can be used as a handwritten newspaper. You can find some digital songs and some Olympic-related materials, and then process them to get what you want! For example, you can write stories about mathematicians, math culture, math jokes, wonderful answers to interesting math problems, stories about math, stories about learning math, and so on. , the content is very rich.

Layout: In addition to accurate modeling, we should also be good at dealing with the collocation and changing relations of color blocks. These relations should be handled according to the needs of the object to make the layout colorful. The processing of handwritten newspapers in lower grades is mainly illustrated, which is full of childlike innocence and childlike interest.

Students can choose to paste some cut articles or pictures, which is simpler and easier, and can also cultivate students' interest in reading books and newspapers. In fact, there is no need for junior children to have a set of procedures for handwritten newspapers. For them, writing freely, matching a picture and naming themselves are good works.

Pay attention to illustrations in mid-range handwritten newspapers; There are certain requirements for plate types, which should be rich in content. It is right to make handwritten newspapers with your heart. I just want to do handwritten newspapers with characteristics, such as student experience, student space, teacher-student interaction, after-school life, hobbies, common sense of life and so on.

Senior students have higher requirements for writing handwritten newspapers than middle and lower grades. Students should not only be beautiful but also have a reasonable layout in the layout design of handwritten newspapers.

It should have certain depth and significance in content, and pay attention to the connection and popularization of knowledge. Students should consolidate their knowledge by processing handwritten newspapers.

It usually takes a long time to process handwritten newspapers. Everyone should sum up experience to improve the efficiency of running a newspaper and consolidate knowledge through running a newspaper. Achieve the purpose of deepening learning.

Mathematics handwritten newspaper pictures (simple in grade four)

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& gt all types > moving pictures > still pictures > facial feature recovery default filter 900x6 10 56k.

Mathematical Manuscripts _ Mathematical Newspaper 1600x 1200 288k

The picture information of the fourth grade math handwritten newspaper is 1056x730 124k.

"Mathematics is amazing" junior high school handwritten newspaper-. 900x657 1 10k

Mathematical Manuscripts _ Mathematical Base Camp 1024x768 226k

Walk into the picture of Mathematical Manuscript 1024x768 272k.

Mathematical Manuscripts Exhibition-Contents-Cangnan. 900x638 94k

Mathematical Manuscripts _ Mathematical Rubik's Cube 749x562 100k

The second mathematical manuscript-xmmm092. 900x624 94k

Mathematical Manuscripts _ Interesting Mathematics 1 640x480 64k

Click on the article "Prince of Mathematics". 1024x768 286k

Mathematical Manuscripts Exhibition-Contents-Cangnan. 900x596 52k

Mathematical Manuscripts _ Interesting Mathematics 4 1038x734 144k

Click on the article "Ocean of Mathematics". 1024x768 2 12k

The third grade mathematics handwritten newspaper works 2048x 1536 828k.

Mathematics handwritten newspaper-introducing figures inside and outside the classroom. 900x639 80k


Junior high school mathematics handwritten newspaper materials

There are five students in Xiaomi's family

Xiaomi's father wants to entertain six children with apples, but there are only five apples at home. What shall we do? I have to cut the apple, but I can't cut it into pieces. Xiaomi's father wants each apple to be cut into three pieces at most.

This has become another topic: divide five apples equally among six children, and each apple is not allowed to be cut into more than three pieces. How did Xiaomi's father do it? Xiao Mahu Counting Chickens During the Spring Festival, Xiao Mahu, a professional chicken farmer, stood in the yard, counted the total number of chickens, and decided to stay, 1/2, and sent it to the nursing home 1/4 solatium * *, 1/3.

After he sent the chickens away, he heard the chickens crowing in the room, only to know that there were 10 chickens missing. So I counted the chickens inside and outside the room again, and there was nothing wrong, no more, no less, just 1/2 left.

Little careless and strange. What's the problem? Do you know how many chickens Xiao Mahu counted in the yard? "This article is organized by the first model essay and the first model essay network, and the copyright belongs to the original author and the original source.

How many guests came one day and Xiao Lin was washing dishes at home. Xiao Qiang saw it and asked, "Why do you wash so many dishes?" "There are guests at home." "How many people came?" Kobayashi said, "I don't know. I only know that each of them uses a rice bowl, two people share a soup bowl, three people share a vegetable bowl, four people share a big wine bowl, and one * * uses 15 bowl. "

Do you know how many guests have come? Where did three people stay in a hotel for a dollar? The daily price per person was 10 yuan, and each person paid 10 yuan, which was given to the boss 30 yuan. Later, the boss gave 5 yuan a discount and asked the waiter to return it to them. As a result, the waiter embezzled 2 yuan, and each of the remaining 3 yuan returned 1 yuan, which means that each person spent 9 yuan's money. Three people spent a total of * * * 27 yuan, plus 2 yuan, a corrupt waiter, spent a total of * * * 29 yuan.

Where did the dollar go? Mathematics (mathematics; Greek: μ α θ η μ α κ? In the west, this word comes from the ancient Greek word μ? θξμα(máthēma) has learning, learning and science, and it has another narrow and technical meaning-"mathematical research", even in its etymology. Its adjective μ α θ η μ α κ? (mathēmatikós), which means related to study or hard work, can also be used to refer to mathematics.

Its surface plural form in English and its surface plural form in French, les mathématiques, can be traced back to the neutral plural mathematica in Latin, which is Cicero's name from the Greek plural τ α α θ η μ α ι κ? (ta mathēmatiká), a Greek word used by Aristotle, refers to the concept of "everything counts". Mathematics is a subject that studies concepts such as quantity, structure, change and spatial model.

By using abstract and logical reasoning, the shape and motion of objects are counted, calculated, measured and observed. Mathematicians have extended these concepts in order to express new conjectures with formulas and establish strictly deduced truths from properly selected axioms and definitions.

What is the essence of mathematics? Why can mathematics be applied to all other subjects? Mathematics is a subject that studies the laws of quantity and shape of things. In order to deeply study its essence and expansion, it is necessary to introduce complete civilized proper nouns. In fact, the essence of mathematics is that everything in nature has its storage space, which is called storage space. Judging whether something is a "storage space" is actually very simple: as long as it can be embedded in "in * *", it is a "storage space" (including concrete and abstract), then everyone will find that everything can be nested inside, that is, everything in nature is just a different "empty storage".

So people also found that algebra is a subject to study storage; Geometry is a subject that studies the shape of space. And since everything in nature is just different empty storage, mathematics can certainly be used in all disciplines! .