Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Daily superstition constellation

Daily superstition constellation

We often say that we should respect science, and the education in schools is materialistic, which tells us that everything has scientific basis to explain. But is this really the case? Many people have heard of some strange things and are superstitious in their daily life. So is there such a person in the zodiac? Gemini: I prefer to believe that Gemini is a superstitious person. Although many characters around me are full of desires, some people are eloquent, as if there are really some supernatural things. So I'd rather believe it or not. Gemini feels that this kind of thing is not absolute and may have an impact on his work and career, so even if he is educated, he still believes in superstition. Leo: The family atmosphere has influenced Leo since childhood. He usually looks like a good student and should respect science. But the opposite is true. The reason why people are superstitious everyday is because it has something to do with the atmosphere at home. If family members often burn incense and worship Buddha for peace every holiday, then Leo will be affected to some extent after hearing it for a long time, and there is also a voice in his heart saying that he should be pious. Capricorn: You watch too many ghost movies. Capricorn is the kind of person who is easily influenced. Usually they watch too many ghost movies, and often feel that there is such a thing around them, but others can't see it. Why else are there so many ghost films? Someone must have seen it with their own eyes, so even if Capricorn is not a party, she will still be afraid and superstitious in her daily life. Sagittarius: There are some things you can't do. Sagittarius is not a superstitious person at first, but they still believe in scientific verification. But when something bad happens to someone around you, Sagittarius will pray for blessings at this time, and they will still unconsciously bring hope in their hearts, hoping to make everyone around them better by praying for blessings, so this is also the reason for their superstition. Pisces: Many things are difficult to explain scientifically. Pisces is not an absolute person. Even if they are educated, they will not completely say that nothing supernatural will happen in this world. After all, the world is so big and time is so long, many times things will happen that even science can't explain clearly. So Pisces still believes that some superstitious things really exist. Superstition or not, in fact, it also represents some beliefs in the hearts of a large part of people. With hope, they will persist. Therefore, superstition or science is a kind of cognition of the inner world of self.