Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Attacked by Raiders 12 constellation _ 12 constellation

Attacked by Raiders 12 constellation _ 12 constellation

How to subdue a man in 12 constellation? What detailed strategies are worth sharing?

Look at the boy's Venus sign, and you can see which one you like! The moon constellation can also see the type that makes him feel safe!

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) must be able to play! Leo, show your admiration for him! Sagittarius don't restrict his freedom!

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) must make them feel that you are more talented and can understand them better, mainly through spiritual communication!

Earth signs, you have to have these things to conquer them!

Water signs are very gentle to them, always together, generally easier! Scorpio, he likes you and will naturally take the initiative!

Libra, Virgo, Aquarius and Taurus are all related to looks!

Libra boys like lively, cheerful and unrestrained girls and can play games with Libra boys.

Pisces boys like sexy girls with grooves. You can take some sexy photos so that only he can see them.

Aquarius boys' appearance association, p.

Cancer boys live at home. If you can cook a good dish, you will win his heart.

Taurus boys prefer economically independent girls, and they can show off everything in their circle of friends, provided they buy it themselves.

Leo boys like you to be dazzling enough, either beautiful or talented.

Virgo boys are particularly attracted to girls with maternal light intensity.

Capricorn boys like girls who are as enterprising as they are, and they are unlikely to be in a state of development. From time to time, they will find their circle of friends who work overtime and increase their goodwill.

Aries boy, please try to be cute!

Gemini boys like girls who resonate with him. It would be great if you could open your heart to him.

Scorpio boys are obsessed with mysterious things.

Sagittarius boys, share more songs. If he finds that you are listening to the same song, it will increase your goodwill.

Men are not used to subdue. In a short time, he may show obedience, but in a long time, he won't. A man's kindness to a woman largely comes from his need and respect for this woman. So if you want a man to be attached for a long time, you have to work hard from these two points.

How to do it, you have to take care of it. Let's analyze how to subdue the men in 12 constellation and how to capture their hearts.

How to capture the heart of Cancer?

If you want to capture cancer, you must be seven points gentle and three points considerate. As long as you take a gentle and considerate strategy towards Cancer, his heart will follow you soon. If your eyes are good enough to detect the subtle expressions on Cancer's face, it will be even more divided.

How to capture the heart of Taurus

If you want to capture Taurus, you must take the initiative and make progress. If you don't actively chase Taurus, there is no story between you. In addition to taking the initiative, you need to make positive progress. There is no way for Taurus to be a salted fish.

How to capture the heart of Aries

If you want to capture Aries, you must be sincere and enthusiastic. What Aries wants is true love. Only by being more sincere, less routine, more positive energy and less negative energy can you move Aries' heart.

How to capture Virgo's heart

If you want to capture Virgo, you must have a three-point temperament and a seven-point courtesy temperament. Just a beginner. If you have no ink in your stomach, don't join in the fun. Personality is the most important assessment standard. Virgo likes to find a place where there is nothing wrong with her body.

How to capture Gemini's heart

If you want to capture Gemini, you must be three points gossip+three points humor+four points smart. Gossip can attract Gemini's attention, humor can win Gemini's favor, and cleverness can really keep Gemini's heart. All three are indispensable.

How to capture Leo's heart

If you want to capture Leo, you must have two points of praise+three points of concern+five points of Excellence. The lion's concept of mate selection will never change, that is, you must be good enough to attract his attention. Besides being good, you should always coax him, praise him and love him.

How to capture Scorpio's heart

To capture Scorpio, you must have seven points of sincerity and three points of preference. If you want to chase Scorpio, you must have a heart of 24k pure gold. If you can't give Scorpio the preference you want, then don't provoke Scorpio.

How to capture Libra's heart

If you want to capture Libra, you must have a face value of seven points+an active face value of three points, which is a hard indicator. If you are good-looking and active, you must have a chance.

How to capture the heart of Pisces

If you want to capture Pisces, you must be mature+romantic+coquetry, be a mature adult, treat Pisces as a child's pet, and have a sense of ceremony every day, so that Pisces can bathe in love.

How to capture Sagittarius's heart

To capture Sagittarius, you must be like-minded+fun+trust. Sagittarius is only with like-minded people. It's no use talking to ugly people. Sagittarius refuses to be bored. You must play with him to continue to develop.

How to capture Capricorn's heart

If you want to capture Capricorn, you must take the initiative and follow the fate. Pursuing Capricorn does not necessarily have a story, but it is absolutely impossible not to take the initiative. You do what you have to do, and leave the rest to fate.

How to capture the heart of Aquarius

If you want to capture Capricorn, you must work hard and be lucky. It's no use trying to chase water bottles, just like buying * *. You think you chose him, but in fact he chose you.

Love is bumpy. Be more sincere and less routine. Be kind to others and yourself, and you will meet your destiny.

Confession is a matter of courage. In addition to courage, you need to poke the pain point in his heart. So what is the secret of success in the face of 12 constellation?

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

This kind of constellation: conservative, regular, boring, etiquette first.

Sudden confession is a kind of pressure for TA. If you don't like it, it will make them more defensive.

Make friends with them and talk about work, family, favorite things, etc. Get to know TA step by step, and let TA get to know you slowly. Appear when TA needs it. Although confession takes a long time, there is still a chance of winning.

The secret of winning: boiling frogs in warm water.

Taurus, lion, Scorpio, Aquarius

This kind of constellation: withdrawn, narcissistic, arrogant, introspective.

They need to be praised and are very eager to be understood. If you can walk into his heart and let him know that you understand his happiness and his sadness, it will be very attractive.

People you like always have similarities. You can observe them. Close to the "ideal type" in his mind, or become his "flower of deduction", the chances of success will be greatly improved.

The secret of winning: undersTAnd ta and praise ta.

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

This kind of constellation: wit, humor, greed, worry, contradiction.

It will be hard for you to express the above four constellations because they are really popular.

You should arouse their curiosity, because they are curious, and your uniqueness will make you stand out from the crowd. It is important that you be more creative or imaginative than him. Then they will look at you differently.

The secret of victory: don't take the usual path.

Confession is a matter of courage. I hope this article can be a magic weapon on your love road.

Aries men are more passionate, aggressive and aggressive. Therefore, if you want to conquer Aries, you must be beautiful and in good shape first. Secondly, you can play hard to get and set some obstacles for them, which will make them more fulfilled, more measured and more controlled by themselves.

Most men in Taurus are insecure and like a stable and lasting relationship. For a Taurus man, you must make him feel safe enough, only him, without him, from beginning to end, from beginning to end.

Gemini men prefer passion, pursuit of new things, entertainment and poetry. A man who wants to conquer Gemini must always keep his freshness, read more books, take him waves and fly him.

Cancer men like to cook good food and stay at home. Their mood fluctuates greatly. So you must not do this. Give them enough comfort when they are in a bad mood, cook food with him and enjoy it together.

Leo male is an overbearing president, who likes to control everything, socialize and bask in the sun. So you should be a docile little woman and be happy with him.

Virgo men pay more attention to spiritual communication and neatness and order. Therefore, we must not be sloppy and must not be outside the rules. You have to understand him, too.

Libra men like all beautiful and noble things and have a very high sense of fashion. For Libra men, making themselves more beautiful, attractive and fashionable is half the battle.

Scorpio is attractive, but jealous, jealous and boring. So you must keep a good sense of boundary with others, and you can tolerate his lack of sense of humor.

Sagittarius men are honest and simple about their feelings. They like freedom. Give Sagittarius men a sense of space, don't force them to do things they don't like, and be simple and pure.

Capricorn man is very conservative, traditional and unromantic. Therefore, traditional and conservative girls are their first choice.

Aquarius likes feelings with a sense of distance. Being too close will make them uncomfortable. So don't stick to him, give him space and freedom.

Aries male: provocative

Taurus male: virtuous

Gemini man: novelty

Cancer man: sense of security

Lion Man: Worship

Virgo man: meticulous

Libra man: sparkling.

Scorpio man: Sincerity.

Sagittarius man: Have fun.

Capricorn Man: Struggle.

Aquarius man: mysterious

Pisces man: romance

What strategies do people who love you need?

Although it is said that women chase men, girls still need a little skill to chase boys. At least you should know how to attract the attention of the right person. Let's talk about how to subdue men in the zodiac.

Aries male

As we all know, the biggest feature of Aries is its lively sunshine and love for all kinds of challenging people and things. It is impossible for Aries to like girls who are unhappy all day. What they like best is the girl who laughs like a flower all day and makes them feel that it is not easy to catch up.

Taurus male

Taurus is an honest and steady constellation. Generally speaking, they will be quiet and unnoticed in the crowd. But for the other half, Taurus wants her to be shiny. So if you like Taurus, let him see your shining side.

Gemini man

Gemini boys are not difficult to chase, as long as they have a little affection for you at the same time, plus your positive hints, they will be subdued immediately. Of course, if you are good-looking and have a good temper, it will be easier to subdue them.

Cancer man

Whether it is a cancer man or a cancer woman, the heart of cancer is mostly soft and fragile. If you want to pursue cancer men, you must remember that you can't give them the feeling of being at arm's length. If you like it, you must express it clearly It would be better if you could show your love for him in more details.

Lion man

Leo boys usually give people a overbearing and difficult appearance outside, but this is just a mask for lion men to stand on the society. They also need a gentle harbor. Gentle and considerate girls are lion man's favorite. If you like him, show them your tenderness.

Virgin male

Virgo boys hate sloppy life and like girls who treat life as poetry, so if you want to capture virgins, you can't let them see your sloppy side.

Libra male

Libra is the most prosperous of the twelve constellations, so Libra men will never lack girls who love them, so if you decide to capture Libra men, you must not be popular. You should have your own characteristics and make them think you are special.

Scorpio male

The appearance of Scorpio boys always gives people a cold and inaccessible feeling. It's not easy to get close to Scorpio, but once he positions you as an acquaintance, they will open their hearts to you. Therefore, the most important thing to appease Scorpio boys is to know more about them and not be rejected by their indifference.

Shooter man

Sagittarius boys often don't fall in love because they think it's too much trouble to fall in love. They not only have to report their whereabouts to the other half every day, but also lose most of their freedom. If you want to chase Sagittarius, you should let him know that being with you won't bind them too much, and they are still free.

Capricorn man

The love that Capricorn boys want is very simple, that is, loyalty. There is not much demand for the other half of Capricorn. They just want to find a girl who has the same three views and can always love herself. So you just need him to have feelings for you, plus similar three views.

Aquarius man

Aquarius boys are more individual and don't like to go with the flow no matter what they want to do, so if you want to capture Aquarius' heart, you'd better show them your uniqueness. In addition, when chasing Aquarius boys, don't chase them too tightly, which is more likely to cause their possessiveness.

Pisces male

Pisces boys are full of romantic fairy tales of princesses and princes, and like to fantasize about the future. If you like Pisces, try to satisfy their inner fantasies. The more you conform to his inner perfect image, the easier it is to subdue him.

Gemini: When you are in a mood with him, don't quarrel with him, and don't go against him. As long as you ignore them coldly, they will soon be relieved and will take the initiative to come to you.

Cancer: He eats a lot. As long as his stomach is satisfied, he can say anything.

Leo: Obey his orders and instructions. Do as he says, and he will be fine.

Aries: Always eat soft and never eat hard. Be gentle with him and never lose your temper with him.

Taurus: He values money very much. He is a little slave. If you want him to listen, you can control the financial power.

Virgo: He is not used to what he seems, as long as he learns to ignore his temper.

Libra: No matter what you do, discuss with him more and don't be unreasonable.

Scorpio: As long as you give him enough face, he is particularly easy to satisfy.

Sagittarius: He is a face value controller and attaches great importance to external beauty, so he should learn to dress himself up and appear in front of him beautifully every day.

Capricorn: Don't ignore his existence and give him enough sense of security.

Aquarius: You don't have to ask him to do anything, but you should respect his decision so that you can get along well.

Pisces: He is a romantic. The more romantic you can give them, the more they will listen to you.

For your question, I think it should be more about how to be an attractive woman.

Although there are many kinds of men, which can be divided into different personality ages, they have one thing in common: they are all men. So it's not so much how to subdue the men of the twelve constellations as how to improve their charm.

Attraction and charm value, charm value is indeed related to appearance, but it is closely related to elements other than appearance. More attention should be paid to the identity of inner soul and the inner image that makes people feel comfortable and happy.

To enhance your attraction, that is, the charm value, you can start from the following three aspects.

First, the appearance is glamorous, attractive, neatly dressed, keep yourself clean, do a good job in fitness and keep fit.

Second, improve their internal quality. The essence of communication is emotional feedback. When you meet someone you admire, you should learn to impress each other's hearts, impress each other with your sincerity, and keep each other equal in the process of communication. But you should also maintain your independence, distinctive personality and self-confidence.

All of us are often attracted to some attractive people, and these people all have their common characteristics. Handsome appearance, elegant, colorful temperament, trendy and unique image make people have a strong desire to explore it. We are often attracted to such people. If you want to attract boys, you can start with the simplest aspects.