Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - How are the constellations in the sky made up?

How are the constellations in the sky made up?

The earliest time of constellations dates back to a long time ago. In China, as in foreign countries, in China, we can distinguish some stars among the stars in the whole day and what they are. When do you think this time can be traced back? We can go back at least seven thousand years. Why do you say that? Because in the ancient tomb in Puyang, Henan, we excavated the tomb of an ancient leader, so in this tomb, dragons and tigers made of clam shells are listed around him respectively. And under this human bone, that is, at his feet, his leg bone is in the shape of a big dipper. Then, after the research of experts, this dragon is not an ordinary dragon, but a constellation in the sky. That is to say, the shape of the stars we saw in the southern sky in summer was considered as a dragon in ancient China more than 7,000 years ago. Winter night is the starry sky in the southern sky. We will see a white tiger. This white tiger and Longquan are all human imagination. But in ancient China, it already existed so early. In fact, in ancient civilizations, these are all the same. For example, in Egypt, coffins unearthed in the pyramids more than 5,000 years ago had constellations on the lid. For example, like swans, there are swans A constellation like this, that is to say, it also existed very early, that is, knowing the constellation. So the dragon and tiger constellation China is very early. I say this because people began to recognize this constellation among the stars in the process of understanding this constellation, because it was in the Neolithic Age, and such a period was a period when civilization was taking place. Then this is significant. Everyone thinks that their thinking is different from that of us modern people, because people at that time had a feeling of awe in the sky. Because they think that many important things happen from the sky, when they think about it, they say that there is an invisible power, a frightening power, from the sky. Therefore, these constellations are often associated with God. Then in China, just like some tribal totems, it is said that this tribe worships something very much, and there is also a kind of tribal totem worship in the constellation. Therefore, the constellation has an important power since its birth, and people are very afraid of it. Of course, there are also some constellations that leave a good impression on people. Suppose they are on this map now, they can see it in spring. Let me show you this constellation now. Then this constellation is called Ursa major, and we in China have known these seven stars for a long time. There is a barrel-shaped seven stars in this place. We call it Beidou. Everyone knows the Beidou, so we can use the two stars in the middle of the Beidou to connect to find the North Star. Therefore, Beidou plays a very important role in the process of star recognition. But in China, this constellation is called Beidou. Abroad, think of it as a big bear, in the shape of a bear. Let's take an example, that is to say, there are actually many constellations in the sky, which people realize in the process of continuous accumulation. The starry sky has different names in different cultures. Now that this constellation has been produced, here is a question to talk about your views on this constellation. The appearance of constellations, or constellations, should be a milestone in the course of human understanding of the universe. This is very important when people recognize constellations among the stars. This should be a milestone in our understanding of the universe. Can you convince me by saying so? Why is it a milestone? What reason do you have to say that? Now, I want to point out two points to illustrate this matter. The first point is that when you know the starry sky, that is, the constellation, then people will use this star to understand the changes of the four seasons. Of course, we all know the changes of the four seasons, just say it and you will feel it. Cold in winter and hot in summer, you will feel this way. Therefore, people's initial calendar or their initial understanding of the four seasons depends entirely on people's feelings and the phenomena you see, such as fallen leaves, long leaves, long grass, grass death and so on. In addition, through my own personal experience, it is too hot and too cold, but this calendar is unstable. For example, this spring is early and fast, which means that this spring is likely to be short because of the change of temperature. However, this is entirely based on human feelings. This is not reliable, but one thing can be more reliable, that is, the starry sky in the four seasons is different. You can learn about the four seasons by changing the constellations. It is very regular which stars appear in summer and which stars appear in winter. When people know the constellations, they will use them to judge the seasons. We in China have a very good idea, which is to use the handle of Beidou. Now you can see the handle of Beidou. Then we recorded in books before the Han Dynasty that bucket handle in the east refers to spring, bucket handle in the world refers to summer, bucket handle in the west refers to autumn, and bucket handle in the north refers to winter. Suppose we know the four seasons, I can know which season is coming and which direction it points to by the handle of Beidou. So the same thing happened in the west. For example, in Babylon in the 3rd century BC/KLOC-0, we know that Hammurabi was a very famous king of the Babylonian dynasty. Then in his time, the zodiac, that is to say, the twelve constellations on the zodiac have been finalized. So people know the constellation, he is very early. As I said just now, knowing constellations is an important milestone in the course of human understanding of the universe. One of the reasons is that since we know the constellations, we don't decide the seasons by feeling, but by an astronomical phenomenon. So what do you want to say? What does the change of the starry sky in the four seasons reflect? Actually reflects the movement of the sun in space, so because the earth revolves around the sun. Therefore, the movement of the sun in space actually reflects that the earth is in different positions all year round. Therefore, only by entering the astronomical phenomenon to determine the season can we truly enter the scientific season and truly divide the season scientifically. Therefore, knowing the constellations to determine the seasons should be an important event in the process of human understanding of the universe. The second is that I know the constellations, so there are many astronomical records, so what the ancients recorded is still information that modern astrophysicists can use. I can give you an example. For example, in the Song Dynasty, there was a record in our Song history that during the period from the Song Dynasty to the first year, a guest star appeared in Tianguan, and the guest star was a guest of Hakka. This event actually recorded a supernova event, and it was at that time that a supernova exploded. Because of the constellation, that is to say, it tells you that this happened near Celestial, and Celestial is in modern Taurus. So, the event happened in 1054. Now, what do you see in this place? I saw the crab nebula, which means that the first neutron star we have found now is in this crab nebula. If there were no constellations, this ancient record says that there was a supernova explosion, and you don't know where it happened. But now, thanks to the constellation, we have recorded it in great detail. So, we now know that the supernova that broke out in 1054 has now become a neutron star with a very beautiful nebula around it. Therefore, in these two senses, the constellation is a milestone after human beings know the birth of the universe. I think now, everyone can agree with this view. Because, we have facts to illustrate this matter. The second point I want to talk about the zodiac. Now let's show you the zodiac. We can still see the zodiac clearly. So now there are twelve constellations arranged around this ecliptic. These twelve constellations are the so-called zodiac signs, or the zodiac signs. So now, because people don't necessarily study astronomy, I use a term, "the zodiac". Many people say that I have to find out what the zodiac is first. What are you talking about? Otherwise I don't even know what the zodiac is. If you say the zodiac, it's hard to understand, right? So I want to explain what the ecliptic is here first. If you use this sentence to explain the ecliptic, it may be easy for everyone to understand. That is to say, if the orbital plane around the earth is extended to the sky, this plane is called the ecliptic plane, which is understandable. Assuming that the orbital plane of the earth's revolution is infinitely expanded and made into a plane, then it can form a plane in the sky. This plane is the ecliptic plane. In fact, we ancients didn't know the ecliptic that way. Because the earth moves around the sun, you can't feel yourself moving on the earth. You only see the sun moving, so the trajectory arranged by the sun in the sky for one year is the ecliptic. So the ecliptic is the first time that people know that the ecliptic is such a track formed by the sun in the sky in one year, which is called the ecliptic. So now everyone understands the meaning of the zodiac. Suppose the sun stays in a constellation every month. So it can be said that it is a very important constellation understanding.