Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - How big is the Arctic Ocean?

How big is the Arctic Ocean?

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest, shallowest and coldest ocean in the world. The Arctic Ocean is roughly centered on the Arctic Circle, located at the northernmost part of the earth, surrounded by the European continent and the North American continent, with a narrow Bering Strait communicating with the Pacific Ocean. Connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the Greenland Sea and many straits, it is the smallest ocean in the world, with an area of only 6,543,805 square kilometers, less than one tenth of the Pacific Ocean. Its depth is1097m, and its deepest point is 5499m. Ancient Greece once called it "the ocean facing Ursa major". 1650, the Dutch explorer W. Barents divided it into an independent ocean, called the Great Beiyang. 1845, named by the Geographical Society of London, UK, translated into Arctic Ocean in Chinese. Mbth Arctic comes from Greek, which means the ocean facing Ursa major.

The origin of the name

Arctic Ocean, mbth comes from Greek, which means the ocean facing Ursa major. 1650, German geographer B. Varenius first divided it into an independent ocean called the Great Beiyang; 1845, which was named Arctic Ocean by the Geographical Society of London. It was changed to the Arctic Ocean because it is at the northernmost part of the four oceans, and because the climate in this area is extremely cold and the surface of the ocean is covered with ice all the year round, so people call it the Arctic Ocean.

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Area: 1365438+ million square kilometers, equivalent to114 in the Pacific Ocean. It accounts for about 4. 1% of the total ocean area in the world, and is the smallest and shallowest ocean among the four oceans of the earth. Arctic Ocean

Geographical location: roughly centered at the north pole, between Asia, Europe and North America, surrounded by three continents. Scope: The Arctic Ocean is surrounded by land and almost semi-enclosed. It connects with the Atlantic Ocean through the Norwegian Sea, Greenland Sea and Baffin Bay, and communicates with the Pacific Ocean through the narrow Bering Strait. Between Asia and North America, the Bering Strait is connected with the Pacific Ocean. Between Europe and North America, it is bounded by Iceland-Faroe Hill and Vivia Thomson Ridge; The Danish Strait and Smith Strait in northeast North America are connected with the Atlantic Ocean. Depth: The average depth is about 1200m, and the deepest point in Nansen Basin is 5449m, which is the deepest point in the Arctic Ocean. Geographical division: According to the natural geographical characteristics, the Arctic Ocean is divided into two parts: the Arctic sea area and the Nordic sea area. The main part of the Arctic Ocean, the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea, the East Siberian Sea, the Chukchi Sea, the Beaufort Sea and the Canadian Arctic Islands all belong to the Arctic sea area. Greenland Sea, Norwegian Sea, Barents Sea and White Sea all belong to the Nordic Sea. The area north of the Arctic Circle is called the Arctic Region or Arctic Region, which includes the northern parts of Asia, Europe and North America along the coast of the Arctic Ocean and many islands in the Arctic Ocean. The countries and regions around the Arctic Ocean are Russia, Norway, Iceland, Greenland (Denmark), Canada and the United States. There are dozens of different nationalities in the Arctic, among which the Inuit are the most widely distributed. North magnetic pole: 1985 The position of the north magnetic pole is 102 54' west longitude and 78 12' north latitude.

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Its area is 14788000 square kilometers, which is114 in the Pacific Ocean, 1/7 in the Atlantic Ocean and 1/6 in the Indian Ocean, accounting for 4. 1% of the world's ocean area. The average water depth of the Arctic Ocean is 1225m, which is 1/3 of that of the Pacific Ocean. The maximum water depth is 5527 meters, which is less than 1/2 of the Pacific Ocean. More than 2/3 of its area belongs to the underwater edge of the mainland, that is, there is a very broad continental shelf around the Arctic Ocean. Arctic Ocean

The arctic ocean has a cold climate, and most of the ocean surfaces are cold all year round. The average temperature in Leng Yue in Arctic sea area can reach -20-40℃, and it is below 8℃ in warm season. The annual precipitation is only 75-200mm, and the Greenland Sea can reach 500mm. There are often violent storms in cold seasons. Affected by the North Atlantic warm current, the water temperature and air temperature in the Nordic sea area are higher, with more precipitation and lighter ice conditions. There is a lot of sea fog in warm seasons, and it is foggy every day in some months, even for a few days and nights. In the Arctic sea area, the water temperature from the water surface to the depth of 100-225m is about-1- 1.7℃, and the water temperature along the coast varies greatly all year round, which is-1.5-8℃. In the Nordic waters, the water surface temperature is between 2- 12℃ all the year round. In addition, in the Arctic Ocean, the water depth 100-250 meters to 600-900 meters, there is a warm water layer from the North Atlantic warm current, and the water temperature is 0- 1℃. The Arctic Ocean current system is composed of Norwegian warm current, Spitsbergen warm current, North Point warm current and East Greenland cold current, and it is a branch of North Atlantic warm current. The Arctic Ocean current enters the Atlantic Ocean, and under the action of geostrophic bias, the current deviates to the right. The southern part along Greenland is called East Greenland Cold Current, and the southern part along Labrador Peninsula is called Labrador Cold Current. The coastline of the Arctic Ocean is very tortuous, forming many shallow and wide marginal seas and bays. Coastal types include erosion coast, fjord coast, delta coast and lagoon coast. The marginal seas along the coast of the Asian continent include Barents Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, East Siberian Sea and Chukchi Sea. There are Beaufort Sea and Greenland Sea along the coast of North America. There are many islands in the Arctic Ocean, second only to Taiping Arctic Ocean.

The ocean ranks second among the oceans. The archipelago covers a total area of about 3.8 million square kilometers, all of which are mainland islands, mostly distributed on the continental shelf. The main rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean are ob river, Yenisei, Lena and mackenzie river. In the marginal waters around the Arctic Ocean, there are countless icebergs. They are not as high as the Antarctic, but they have strange shapes. Icebergs drift south along the current, and some drift from Arctic waters to the North Atlantic. Because the drifting route is not fixed, it brings great harm to ships sailing in the North Atlantic. There are perennial ice sheets in the Arctic Ocean, accounting for about two-thirds of the total area. Icebergs and floating ice drifting from east to west are distributed in the rest of the sea surface; Only the Barents Sea area is not frozen all year round because of the warm current in the North Point. Most of the islands in the Arctic Ocean are covered with glaciers and ice sheets, while the coastal areas of the Arctic Ocean are mostly frozen soil, and the frozen soil layer is hundreds of meters thick. Near the North Pole, there is no day and night for nearly six months every year (10- March of the following year). At this time, dazzling auroras appear in the sky, generally in the form of bands, arcs, curtains or radiations, which are common near 70 degrees north latitude. The rest of the year is a day without night. Due to the cold climate and ice cover, the investigation of the Arctic Ocean is very small. It was not until the 1930s that a floating scientific station was established on the ice to make some systematic investigations. 1937, the Soviet Union landed in the Arctic with an ice plane and established the Arctic Floating Science Station 1 in the Arctic Ocean. In the 1940s, the United States, Canada and other countries made 20 polar ice landings from the air, and built 8 ocean stations and 1 scientific research station. During the International Geophysical Year (1957 ~ 1958), in addition to flight activities, many floating stations were added for continuous observation, and nuclear-powered submarines were used to investigate the situation under the ice sheet.

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How did the Arctic Ocean originate? Through long-term research, marine geologists believe that the formation of the Arctic Ocean is closely related to the rupture and disintegration of the Laoyagu land in the northern hemisphere. The process of submarine expansion began in the late Paleozoic and was mainly realized in the Cenozoic. It takes the earth's North Pole as the center, and produces the Arctic Ocean basin through the ocean floor expansion movement of the Eurasian plate and the North American plate. At present, the "Arctic Ridge" found at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean is the center line of the crust that produces the ice ocean floor. At the same time, the Arctic Ocean parallel to the ridge of the Arctic Ocean was found at the bottom of the ocean.

Two ridges, lomonosov Strait and Mendeleev Strait (the mid-ocean ridge), indicate that the bottom of the Arctic Ocean has expanded more than once. Twenty million years ago, the Arctic Ocean was at most a huge freshwater lake, which flowed into the Atlantic Ocean through a narrow passage. Then 6.5438+0.82 million years ago, due to the movement of the earth plate, the narrow strait gradually became a wider strait, and the seawater of the Atlantic Ocean began to flow into the Arctic Circle, gradually forming today's Arctic Ocean. This is the conclusion reached by Swedish scientists after analyzing the sediments collected from the bottom of the Arctic Ocean in 2004. Martin Jackson of Stockholm University in Sweden recently reported that they collected 428-meter-thick sediments in Lomonosov Ridge near the North Pole in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, among which a 5.6-meter-thick sediment was of special significance. This deposit was formed from 6.5438+0.82 million years ago to 6.5438+0.75 million years ago. It is divided into three sections with different colors. The bottom layer is black sediment, which contains a lot of undecomposed organic matter, indicating that the bottom of the Arctic Ocean could not get enough oxygen for degradation at that time. Jackson said that since 654.38+82 million years ago, the Farm Strait connecting the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean (sandwiched between Greenland and Svalbard) began to widen. "We suspect that (at that time) fresh water flowed from the surface of the Arctic, while heavier seawater flowed in from below." These anoxic seawater led to the formation of black sediments. With the expansion of the Farm Strait, seawater began to flood into the Arctic Ocean from the surface, and they absorbed oxygen before sinking to the bottom of the sea, so that oxygen and marine life began to appear at the bottom of the water, and the corresponding sediments turned gray. Finally, all the fresh water in the Arctic Ocean was replaced by seawater, and iron oxide, manganese oxide and marine fossils began to appear on the seabed. Swedish scientists say they can't determine the exact time of the formation of the Arctic Ocean, but this process may have gone through about 750,000 years.

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The Arctic Ocean is located around the North Pole, roughly centered at the north pole, and is surrounded by Eurasia and North America. Although it is the smallest, shallowest and coldest ocean in the world, it has extremely important strategic significance. As far as maritime transportation is concerned, the Arctic Ocean route is a shortcut between the European part of the Soviet Union and the Far East. The distance from Murmansk to Vladivostok in the east is 10, the Arctic Ocean.

400 kilometers, this route is shorter than the route around Suez Canal13,700 kilometers, and shorter than the route around the Cape of Good Hope by more than 20,000 kilometers. The biggest disadvantage of the Arctic Ocean in shipping is the short sailing cycle. Except for the Barents Sea in the south, which is not frozen all year round, the northern coasts of the Soviet Union, the United States and Canada are navigable for only half or one third of the year. Even if it is a short voyage, it must be cleared by icebreakers, and its carrying capacity is limited. The tonnage of a ship is 4000 ~ 5000 tons. Crossing the route over the Arctic Ocean, 1957 made its first flight successfully. It is the shortest air passage between East Asia, North America, Western Europe and Northern Europe. The air route from Tokyo, Japan to Copenhagen, Denmark via Alaska and the Arctic is 2700 kilometers shorter than the original voyage. In addition, huge ice sheets, Iceland, icebergs and ice floes are not conducive to the movement of ships, but they are very beneficial to the activities of submarines. For example, submarines can get rid of the surveillance of planes and reconnaissance satellites because of the cover of ice; The drift of floating ice hinders the tracking of monitoring equipment; The sonar device of the ship is disturbed by the noise generated by squeezing between ice and scouring between ice and water. In recent years, more and more Soviet and American nuclear submarines have been cruising under the ice in the Arctic Ocean, which shows the importance of its strategic position and takes advantage of its favorable conditions. In a word, the strategic position of the Arctic Ocean is very important, especially after the Second World War. Many countries have stepped up their activities in this regard, especially the United States and the Soviet Union have established many military bases, including nuclear weapons, which are in confrontation with each other in the coastal areas of the Arctic Ocean.

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The Arctic Ocean is surrounded by land and is almost semi-enclosed. It connects with the Atlantic Ocean through the Norwegian Sea, Greenland Sea and Baffin Bay, and communicates with the Pacific Ocean through the narrow Bering Strait. According to the physical and geographical features, the Arctic Ocean is divided into two parts: the Arctic sea area and the Nordic sea area. The main part of the Arctic Ocean, the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea, the East Siberian Sea, the Chukchi Sea, the Beaufort Sea and the Canadian Arctic Islands all belong to the Arctic sea area. The Greenland Sea, the Norwegian Sea, the Barents Sea and the White Sea all belong to the Nordic waters. The area north of the Arctic Circle is called the Arctic Region or Arctic Region, including the sub-Arctic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean along the Arctic Ocean.

Many islands in northern Europe, North America and the northern Arctic Ocean. The coastlines of all continents and islands in the Arctic Ocean are tortuous, and there are broad continental shelves along the coasts of Asia and North America. The shelf of the Arctic Ocean is developed, with the maximum width exceeding 1200 km. The central part runs through the Lomonosov Ridge, crosses the Arctic from Novosibirsk Islands in Asia, and reaches the north shore of Greenland in North America. Mountain peaks are generally 1000-200m away from the water surface, and some mountain peaks are only over 900m away from the water surface. There are violent volcanic and seismic activities, which divide the Arctic Ocean into Canada Basin, makarov Basin (Mendeleev Ridge divides the basin into Canada and makarov) and Nansen Basin. The depth of the basin is between 4000 and 5000 meters. There are many mounds and depressions in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. There is an east-west submarine highland between Greenland and Svalbard Islands, which is the dividing line between Arctic waters and Nordic waters. The northeastern part of the Nordic Sea is the continental shelf, the southwestern part is the deep water area, and the Greenland Sea is the deepest, reaching more than 5,500 meters. [ 1]

Edit the seabed topography of this part.

The Arctic Ocean is one of the four oceans with the smallest area, the most tortuous coast and the most islands. Total area12.3 million square kilometers, accounting for 3.6% of the total ocean area, and volume170,000 cubic kilometers, accounting for 1.24% of the total ocean volume. The horizontal outline of the Arctic Ocean is almost semi-closed in the Mediterranean, and the coast is very tortuous and broken. The number and area of islands are second only to the Pacific Ocean. Greenland (2175,600 square kilometers) is the largest island in the world, and the Canadian Arctic Islands (654,380,300 square kilometers) is the second largest island in the world. The Arctic Ocean is the deepest continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean.

The average water depth is1.296m (1.17m), and the maximum depth is 5449m (north of Spitsbergen Islands, lower than 82 23' N and19 3655 E). Only 15% of the area is deeper than 3,000m (of which only 2. 17% is deeper than 4,000m). The outstanding feature of the seabed topography of the Arctic Ocean is that the continental shelf is very broad, especially in the northern part of Eurasia, which is generally 400-500 kilometers, and the widest point is near 1700 kilometers (water depth is 50- 150 meters). The continental shelf in northern Alaska is narrow, only 20-30 kilometers. Most of these continental shelves were originally part of the land and sank into the shallow sea after the Quaternary Ice Age. Another feature of the seabed topography of the Arctic Ocean is its ups and downs, and a series of ridges, basins, troughs and trenches are staggered. In the middle of the Arctic Ocean, there is a horizontal submarine mountain range-Lomonosov Ridge, which runs from Novosibirsk Islands to ellesmere island via the North Pole, with a total length of 1 0,800 km and a width of 60-800 km, which is 3000 m higher than the ocean floor, and the ridge is about 1 0,000 m away from the sea surface. The submarine mountains are steep and steep, and there are volcanic eruptions. They are tectonic cracks and folded mountains, which are composed of sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks. The oceanic ridge divides the whole Arctic Ocean into two parts, the Canadian Basin facing North America and the Nansen Basin facing Asia and Europe. There are obvious differences between the two parts in ocean current, seawater movement direction and water temperature. There is a Mendeleev Ridge in the west of Canada Basin, which is 1 1,500 km long, relatively low in height and gentle in slope. On the outer side of Nansen Basin, there is a central ridge of the Arctic Ocean, also known as Nansen Ridge, Gackley Ridge or Otto Schmidt Ridge, which consists of several parallel ridges, from Laptev Sea to Iceland via the northern end of Greenland, and then to Atlantic Ridge. In a word, we don't know enough about the seabed topography of the Arctic Ocean, but it is known that most of the Arctic Ocean covered with ice is not land, island or a complete deep-sea basin. [ 1]

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The coastlines of all continents and islands in the Arctic Ocean are tortuous, and there are broad continental shelves along the coasts of Asia and North America.

submarine topography

The shelf of the Arctic Ocean is developed, with the maximum width exceeding 1, 200 km. The central part spans the Lomonosov Ridge and comes from the New Xibe Arctic Ocean in Asia.

The Leah Islands crossed the Arctic and reached the north shore of Greenland in North America. Generally, the peak is 0/000-2000m away from the water surface/kloc-,and some peaks are only over 900m away from the water surface. There is violent volcanic and seismic activity. It divides the Arctic Ocean into Canada Basin, makarov Basin (Mendeleev Ridge divides this basin into Canada Basin and makarov Basin) and Nansen Basin. The depth of the basin is between 4000 and 5000 meters. There are many mounds and depressions in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. There is an east-west submarine highland between Greenland and Svalbard Islands, which is the dividing line between Arctic waters and Nordic waters. The Nordic Sea is a continental shelf in the northeast and a deep water area in the southwest, among which the Greenland Sea is the deepest, reaching more than 5,527 meters.


The arctic ocean has a cold climate, and most of the ocean surfaces are frozen all the year round. The average temperature in Leng Yue in Arctic sea area can reach -20-40℃, and it is usually below 8℃ in warm season. The average annual precipitation is only 75-200mm, and the Greenland Sea can reach 500mm. There are often violent storms in cold seasons. Affected by the North Atlantic warm current, the water temperature and air temperature in the Nordic sea area are higher, with more precipitation and lighter ice conditions. There is a lot of sea fog in warm seasons, and it is foggy every day in some months, even for a few days and nights. In the Arctic sea area, the water temperature from the water surface to the depth of 100-225m is about-1- 1.7℃, and the water temperature along the coast varies greatly from-1.5-8℃ throughout the year. In the Nordic waters, the water surface temperature is between 2- 12℃ all the year round. In addition, in the depth of Arctic Ocean 100-250 m to 600-900 m, there is a warm water layer in the middle from the North Atlantic warm current, and the water temperature is 0- 1℃. The Arctic Ocean is one of the worst areas in the world. Because it is located in the northernmost part of the earth, there are unique extreme days and nights every year. Every year 10 to March, and the winter half year is "long night"; From April to September, summer is a "long day". After a day and a night, it is another year. Every long night, nature only has beautiful moonlight and colorful aurora, which brings light and comfort to people. On the vast ice sheet, colorful aurora bursts, like suddenly rising holiday fireworks, illuminating half the sky; He sometimes dances in the air like a colorful strip, sometimes like a flower curtain hanging in the sky, and sometimes like a searchlight pointing directly at the sky. But the beauty of the aurora can't hide the harsh climate of the Arctic Ocean. Thousands of miles of ice, year-round snow, cold weather, many icebergs. The sea ice here is about 3 million years old. In winter, 80% of the sea surface is frozen, and even in summer, more than half of the sea surface is occupied by ice. But even in such a cold world, seaweed is still full of vitality, and seals and walruses often haunt the ice water; Powerful polar bears are experts in fishing, and cunning arctic foxes often follow behind, trying to eat the remaining bones and meat for nothing. Flocks of fish and snow fish grow fat and strong; Eskimos who are good at building houses with ice and snow lead a heroic hunting life. Arctic aborigines and Inuit have lived and multiplied here for generations, with a history of at least 4,000 years. In the past long years, they lived a free and self-sufficient life, without words and money. With the passage of time, Inuit people began to accept modern civilization, and their lives have undergone tremendous changes.

ocean current

The Arctic Ocean current system is composed of Norwegian Warm Current, Spitsbergen Warm Current, North Point Warm Current and East Green Arctic Ocean, a branch of North Atlantic Warm Current.

Arctic Ocean currents such as blue cold current enter the Atlantic Ocean, and under the action of geostrophic drift, the currents drift to the right, which are called East Greenland cold current along Greenland and Labrador cold current along Labrador Peninsula.

Ice sheets and glaciers

The most important feature of Arctic Ocean hydrology is the perennial ice sheet, which accounts for about 2/3 of the total area. Icebergs and floating ice drifting from east to west are distributed in the rest of the sea surface; Only the Barents Sea area is not frozen all year round because of the warm current in the North Point. Most of the islands in the Arctic Ocean are covered with glaciers and ice sheets, while the coastal areas of the Arctic Ocean are mostly frozen soil, and the frozen soil layer is hundreds of meters thick.


Near the North Pole, there is no day and night for nearly six months every year (65438+ March of the following year). At this time, dazzling auroras appear in the sky, generally in the form of bands, arcs, curtains or radiations, which are common near 70 north latitude. The rest of the year is a day without night.

Edit this section of marine resources.

Although the Arctic Ocean is a world of ice and snow, with a cold climate and long nights, it is not conducive to the growth of animals and plants, but it is not a barren land where people think that nothing grows and creatures disappear. Of course, compared with other oceans, the species and quantity of life are the Arctic Ocean.

It's worse The plants on the island are mainly mosses and lichens, and some islands in the south have hardy herbs and shrubs; The white bear, which lives on islands, ice floes and icebergs, is the most famous animal and is considered as the symbol of the North Pole. Other animals include walruses, seals, mountain rabbits, arctic foxes, reindeer and whales. Due to the low temperature and water temperature, there are fewer plankton, so there are fewer kinds and quantities of fish. Only Barents Sea and Greenland Sea are located at the intersection of cold current and warm current, with more fish, rich in herring and cod, and are one of the world-famous fishing grounds. There are many birds along the Siberian coast in summer, forming a unique "bird market". It is worth noting that the Arctic Ocean is rich in mineral resources, which is an untapped treasure house on the earth, especially the Barents Sea, the Kara Sea, the Beaufort Sea, the northern islands of Canada and the Strait, and is rich in oil and natural gas. It is estimated that the oil reserves will exceed 65.438+0 billion tons. Spitsbergen's coal reserves are about 8 billion tons, with thick coal seams, excellent quality and shallow burial. The Soviet Union and Norway jointly mine, and the annual coal output exceeds 1 10,000 tons. Mo Like Mountain in Greenland has an iron ore reserve of over 2 billion tons, which is a high-quality mine. In addition, the Arctic Ocean is rich in chromite, copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, vanadium, uranium, thorium, cryolite and other mineral resources, but most of them have not been exploited. Mineral continental shelf is rich in oil and natural gas, and coastal areas and islands are rich in coal, iron, phosphate, peat and non-ferrous metals. Such as Bojola River basin, coal fields in Svalbard and Greenland, phosphate in kola peninsula, oil and gold mines in Alaska, etc. Marine life marine life is quite rich, mostly near land, and the deeper into the Arctic Ocean, the less. There is a vast fishing area near the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, full of lush algae (green algae, brown algae and red algae). There are white bears, walruses, seals, whales, herrings and cod in the ocean. Mountain rabbits and arctic foxes are rich in fur and precious fur on the tundra. Besides, there are reindeer and polar dogs.

Edit the hydrological characteristics of this part.

The arctic ocean is located in the arctic circle, and the solar radiation heat obtained throughout the year is very small; Above it, because winter is a stable high-pressure area, there is little cloud cover; Coupled with the wide distribution of ice sheets on the ocean surface, under the influence of these factors, it has become the coldest ocean in the world. The temperature is very low and there are many snowstorms all year round. In the cold season (165438+ 10 to April), the average temperature is between -30℃ and -40℃, and the lowest is -52℃. The average temperature in warm season (July to August) is lower than 6℃. The average annual precipitation is only 75 ~ 200mm, mainly snowfall. Therefore, the biggest feature of Arctic Ocean hydrology is the low water temperature, and most of the Arctic Ocean.

The sea water in the seabed area is below 0℃, so there are large areas of perennial ice sheets and floating ice. In the cold season, the Arctic Ocean is white, and the ice sheet area is the largest in March, reaching 1, 1.4 million square kilometers, accounting for 87% of the total area of the Arctic Ocean. In the cold season of July, August and September, most of the ice and snow on the shore melted, and the surrounding "icebergs" and ice floes floated everywhere, but the middle of the Arctic Ocean was still covered by ice sheets. The ice sheet is the smallest in September, about 7 million square kilometers, accounting for 53.4% of the total area of the Arctic Ocean. However, it is not a contiguous ice sheet, but an ice cluster composed of large and small ice cubes, with an area of one to dozens of square kilometers and a thickness of 2.5 to 4 to 5 meters. The surface is flat or undulating and relatively solid. In addition to the ice sheet, there are Iceland or icebergs in the Arctic Ocean, which are formed by the ice on the continental shelf of polar islands entering the sea. Iceland has a slow current, a flat surface, a large area (up to 600-700 square kilometers) and a thickness of 30-35 meters. Icebergs are distributed around Iceland, and the area is very small. Because of the seabed topography, the Arctic Ocean has a unique circulation system, which is roughly bounded by Lomonosov Ridge, with clockwise circulation in the east, counterclockwise circulation in the west and small counterclockwise circulation in Laptev Sea. Judging from the nature of the current, it is mainly a cold current, and the warm current only includes the Spitsbergen warm current and the North Point warm current in the Barents Sea, while there are the West Greenland warm current and the Bering Sea warm current at the southwest end of Greenland, which have a small influence range. In addition to the North Atlantic warm current, there are also some rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean in Asia, Europe and North America. These ocean currents increase the water volume of the Arctic Ocean, raise the water surface, and flow outward to the Greenland Sea and the Bering Sea in the form of ocean currents, forming the East Greenland Cold Current, Labrador Cold Current and Kuril Islands Cold Current, and exchanging water balance with the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. In the inflow, 90. 1% comes from the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean only accounts for 8. 1%. In the outflow, the Atlantic Ocean accounts for 98.27%, and the Pacific Ocean only accounts for 1.35%. Because of the low temperature and weak evaporation in the Arctic Ocean, the salinity is very low, with an average salinity of 30-32 ‰, which is the lowest among the four oceans. The western part of northern Europe (Barents Sea and Greenland Sea) is slightly higher, accounting for 34.5 ~ 35 ‰, and the coastal area is 33 ‰. The eastern Arctic waters are low, with an average of 28-32 ‰, and the coastal waters are the lowest, with only 25‰.

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? The Arctic Ocean is the apex of Asia, Europe and North America. It has the shortest large arc route connecting three continents, and its geographical location is very important. At present, there are fixed air and air routes along the coast of the Arctic Ocean, mainly including the Arctic Ocean route from Murmansk to Vladivostok and the direct route from Murmansk to Svalbard, Reykjavik and London.

Editing this paragraph is facing a crisis

The sea ice area of the Arctic Ocean has shrunk to the smallest in the history of observation. According to estimates, on September 2, 20051day, the sea ice area of the Arctic Ocean was about 5,309,500 square kilometers, which was monitored by its own satellite.

Minimum area after measurement. Research shows that the temperature in the Arctic is rising sharply at present, which is twice as fast as that in other parts of the world. According to the observation and analysis of relevant Japanese institutions, the sea ice area in the Arctic Ocean has been reduced to the minimum since the satellite observation of 1978, due to the influence of the low pressure generated off the coast of Siberia. Experts predict that the sea ice area will be further greatly reduced in the future, and this situation may last until mid-September. According to the latest analysis released by the Japan Marine Research and Development Agency, the sea ice area in the Arctic Ocean has been decreasing since July. Since August, due to the stagnation of low pressure in Siberia offshore, warm air from other regions has been transported to the North Pole, accelerating the process of shrinking sea ice area. On August 15, the sea ice area in the Arctic Ocean decreased to 5.307 million square kilometers, the lowest in the observation history. Experts believe that there are other reasons for the above phenomenon: the fragile and easily melted ice just formed along the coast of the Arctic Ocean has spread to the Arctic Ocean across the 80-degree latitude, accelerating the reduction of the sea ice area in the Arctic Ocean; The sea ice released from the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean has increased; Causing the sea ice area in the Arctic Ocean to shrink.

Edit this paragraph to explore research.

Flag planting in the Russian Arctic Ocean triggered the Arctic expedition fever.

On August 2, 2007, the Russian Arctic delegation successfully dived two mini submarines near the North Pole and planted a titanium flag on the seabed below the North Pole to prove Russia's sovereignty over the sea area.

Vice President Duma dived into the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

Chilingarov, vice-chairman of the Russian Duma and head of the Arctic delegation, informed the research ship by radio that the submarine he was driving was peaceful-1 and successfully reached the seabed when diving to 426 1 m. He said, "The whole diving process is very gentle, and we are surrounded by the Arctic Ocean.

A faint yellowish landscape, we didn't find any life on the seabed. After the Russian submarine dived, the diver planted a 1 meter-high titanium flag on the seabed below the North Pole, and placed a capsule container with information on the seabed to prove to later generations Russia's ability to explore and develop the North Pole. In addition, divers also collected some soil samples and seabed environment samples, and filmed the seabed environment into video tapes. It is reported that these materials will be brought back to Russia for further research. Russian scientists hope that these materials can prove that the seabed below the North Pole is connected with the Russian ocean continental shelf. In this regard, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said, "Russian submarines choose to dive in the Arctic, not only to show Russia's ability to develop and explore the Arctic, but also to prove that the waters near the Arctic are Russian territory."

It is more difficult for a submarine to return than to dive.

The biggest challenge of this mission is the return process of the submarine. An Arctic expedition expert in St. Petersburg, Russia, said, "The oxygen supply carried by submarines is limited. If the submarines get stuck in the ice during the return flight, or can't find a way to let them dive, it will be dangerous. " It is reported that the submarine will stay at the bottom of the sea for about 1 hour and then return quickly.

The whereabouts of the Russian scientific research team are closely monitored by American spy planes.

On the 2nd, after Russian divers successfully dived in the Arctic and planted a titanium flag on the seabed, the US Coast Guard said that on the 6th, the United States would send a research ship to the Arctic Ocean for a mission. It is reported that there are four polar scientific research vessels in the United States, and the "Healy" scientific research vessel will be dispatched this time. American officials said that there are new navigation channels in the Arctic Ocean, and scientific research institutions have found abundant resources here, so "the United States must explore the Arctic more actively to protect our interests here." According to Russian media reports, the whereabouts of the Russian scientific research team were closely monitored by an American spy plane. On the first 1 day of the whole dive process, the Russian Arctic delegation arrived at the North Pole and began preparations for submarine dive. The staff dug a 25-meter-long and 10-meter-wide dive channel near the North Pole overnight. Russian submarine No.2 did not dive as planned, but was delayed for about an hour and a half. On the 2nd 12: 08 (Beijing time 16: 08), Chilingarov, head of the Russian delegation, personally led the team and "Heping-1" began to dive. When the "Heping-1" submarine dived to a depth of 300 meters, "Heping -2" began to dive. At 4: 08 pm, the submarine "Heping-1" hit the bottom when diving to 426 1 m. Twenty-seven minutes later, the "Peace -2" submarine reached the bottom when it dived to 4302 meters.

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