Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Who would like to introduce Emily the Catwoman?

Who would like to introduce Emily the Catwoman?

Brand: Emily

Emily's full name is strange Emily,

She is one of the products of the new American clothing brand "Cosmic Debris". The origin of this brand began at 1992, when a group of poor students with creative talents printed their designs on T-shirts and hung them on trailers for sale. Among them, Emily, who originally had only T-shirts and stickers, was very popular because of her long black hair and expressionless alienation.

Ten years later, Emily not only introduced clothes, but also peripheral products such as backpacks, CD bags, flip-flops and skateboards.

The two main colors of Strange Emily series are black and red, and the protagonists are little girls and black cats. Every once in a while, new products are launched, but the strange and strange feeling of another world runs through. People always say that women are like cats. The combination of these two fickle and confusing animals is self-evident. ]


Her name is Emily.

Emily Strange is Emily's full name. Strange, strange is Emily's last name. Apart from coming from a strange family, Emily is naturally unsociable and maverick. Emily is also addicted to all mysterious and dark substances, and is keen to appear with castles, skulls, spiders, bats and death roses. She will always be 13 years old, largely because the number 13 represents curse and bad luck in people's eyes, just like her black cat. Emily even has a prediction machine called "Oddisee 8-Ball". Generally speaking, Emily believes in mysticism, and we can all say that Emily is a real little witch.

In the western world, a girl named Emily usually gives people the impression that she is petite, quiet, reserved and inner-beautiful. For example, in the19th century, there were two literary celebrities named Emily: Emily Dickinson, a reclusive poetess in the United States, and emily bronte, a famous British Bronte three sisters, who wrote Wuthering Heights. Affected by Emily's self-confinement, Emily strange's slogan is "I want you to leave me alone" and "My problem is you". Emily is a loner, undisturbed by her lover, and the only creature lucky enough to accompany her is her four black cats: mystery; Who is closest to Emily, decorated with five-pointed stars; Miles; Who has a scar on his eye runs fastest; The lack of horn in the right ear often appears on the Sabbath; In the distance; The cleverest Nee Chee has a flower tail and six claws on each foot. Like the Chinese zodiac, every cat has its own logo.

Emily can be indifferent and indifferent to all progressive and meaningful things, and is a negative nihilist. But she has a very strong hobby: rock music. Emily admires many original bands in the history of rock and roll, such as "Gate Band" and "Cursed Band". She also dreams of releasing her own rock album. Emily's fascination with loud music is not difficult to understand when it comes to her background. Emily, a cartoon girl, was born in 1992 in California, USA, and was designed by local skateboarder Rob Reger. Just as Rob Reger gave Emily all spirituality, American West Coast culture influenced R.R. from the bone. As we all know, California is the hometown of psychedelic drugs, the hometown of Psychemedic rock, the breeding ground of hippies, and the hardest hit area of punk rock since the 1970s. Since high school, R.R. has traveled to various cities in California to watch punk rock performances. His whole personal concept and work style are deeply infiltrated by punk spirit.

1992, R.R. created Emily only for a skateboarding company in Santa Cruz. Unexpectedly, the cartoon image was very popular after its launch, and R.R. even benefited from it, and started his own cartoon company with friends: cosmic debris. Now Emily is the first brand of cosmic dust, with a huge fan base and a multi-million dollar product assembly line around the world. Peripheral products include books, clothing, ornaments, puppets and so on. Although Cosmic Dust didn't set up Emily's exclusive store in Chinese mainland, if you look closely, you can easily find Emily's knockoffs in small shops in dark alleys of the city, with prices ranging from 1 yuan to 50 yuan. If a girl happens to like Emily, and these imitations are of good workmanship, it is worth buying and collecting.

This is the official website of Emily. Usually Emily's first-hand information comes from here. In addition to icon wallpaper, Flash games, online music, there are peripheral product catalogs for fans to enjoy and play, and more importantly, there are Emily's latest activity announcements. For example, the biggest news recently is that on June 29th, 20th Century Fox Film Company won the film adaptation right of Emily strange and will co-produce a comic film with the same name with Cosmic Dust. According to optimistic estimation, this long-awaited film will meet Emily fans all over the world in 2007. Official website also has Emily's fan club. In the face of more and more Emily fans, Emily said in an interview: it's strange when we are alone; When we are in the crowd, we are strangers; When all Emily fans get together, we are the strangest. When we are alone, we are strangers; When we are alone in the crowd, we are strangers; When we are together, we are strangers. )

Generally, you will find it after a lot of search.