Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Do Aries boys who belong to sheep match Pisces girls who belong to sheep?

Do Aries boys who belong to sheep match Pisces girls who belong to sheep?


Oriental fortune-telling uses birthdays and zodiac signs.

Real name and date of birth are required.

In the west, the twelve constellations are used to take a date as the month or date of birth.

Just one birthday in the solar calendar. (year, month and day), with the deepening of blood type. . etc

So, you have to calculate Chinese and western. . There are buts. . I don't know, and I can't count.

What I can give you is constellation analysis.

There are no unmatched constellations in the world. Constellation analysis is to let each other know each other's good and bad, personality, personality and so on. I hope the two sides can tolerate each other, understand each other and tolerate each other. Such feelings can make the marriage last.

The following is for your reference, you can choose to believe or not, but don't be fascinated ~!



If you walk up to an Aries, say to him, "As an Aries, you are very creative." -Aries will reply "Say it again! I was born with many good ideas. Would you like to listen? "

If you walk up to a Pisces person and say to him, "As a Pisces person, you must be good at some kind of water sports, swimming and diving, right?" Pisces will answer, "Yes, I can swim-but which one do you think I am good at?" I think I can learn ... "

If you walk up to an Aries and say to him, "You will never be a leader if you go on like this." -Aries will say, "Do you want a slap?"

If you walk up to a Pisces and say to him, "If you go on like this, you will never become a leader." Pisces will say, "Really? Haha, I hope you are right this time. "

As you can see, Pisces can give in, while Aries is aggressive. Good-hearted Pisces always wants to make others happy, afraid of conflict, and doesn't like to be the focus of attention.

Aries and Pisces are together for 2- 12 days. This means that Aries has two outer constellations from Pisces, which is the 12 constellation after Aries. Aries represents money, and the money obtained or paid for Pisces often leads to discussions about money in their relationship.

For Aries, Pisces represents many secrets. Pisces knows many secrets, but is unwilling to tell them. This really annoys Aries.

Pisces people are always willing to admit their shortcomings or flaws. This can easily become an obstacle in the relationship between Pisces and Aries. However, Pisces people have no malice. Indeed, "all this was promised and then forgotten." That's a good idea. It is this philosophy that keeps Pisces young and comfortable.

Aries (male)-Pisces (female)

Men are probably the most masculine men, and women are probably the most feminine women. The couple are made for each other.

Their love is so touching that people often think that Romeo and Juliet are nothing more than that. The man's heroism can be brought into full play in this love, and the woman's gentleness and meekness are even more extreme. However, they may also go to an extreme-the man becomes an out-and-out sadist and the woman becomes an out-and-out masochist.

The awakened friend discovered this unfortunate fact from the awakened marriage life. One night. Friends are visiting the Awakening House. After all the children went to bed, Sue's handsome husband hugged Sue and said proudly, "My woman has no intention of pursuing any career or joining any club. She can't get me into trouble-I got her pregnant in summer and let her take off her shoes barefoot in winter. Haha, so she can't go out and make trouble. "

Sue's friends were very angry, but they froze again-Sue actually looked at her husband with a smile, just like an oriental princess looked at her king. There is no doubt that they will grow old together, and when commemorating their golden wedding day, they will still be as attached to each other as they were when they first fell in love. He is tall and strong, and she is petite and weak (barefoot). But as the enthusiastic French say: Long live the difference. It is this absolute difference that attracts them to each other, and their love is successful because of this difference.

Before marriage, the woman will receive many phone calls from men. She often can't make up her mind whether to go to the movies with Xiao Wang, to the art exhibition with Xiao Li, to the opera with Xiao Feng, or even to sit with Little Liu Qu Cafe for an hour. Until she got married, the woman never worried about rent or travel expenses. There are many knights willing to pay for her. After the marriage, her phone is still ringing. Neighbor Mrs. Zhang wants to complain to her, and Mrs. Li wants to pour out her heart ... because she is a very patient person, she will not show boredom when listening to anyone and will not criticize the speaker. On the contrary, she will comfort others and shed tears of sympathy. This is unbearable for men. "My home is not a psychotherapy clinic!" He shouted at her. The man also has a lot to say to the woman. He also has unpleasant things outside, but he has no time to talk to his wife about it! No, a man can't tolerate his wife being an all-weather companion. The woman should always be around him, and only when he wants to go out alone to find friends can his wife take a vacation.

The woman is quiet and elegant since childhood, and she is a lovely girl. She is considerate and polite. Even if she is angry with that man, she won't make a scene. No matter how desperate she is, there is still a smile on her face, but that one look can reveal her heart. A husband should pay attention to her eyes. If her eyes are dodgy or empty, it means that her feelings are in crisis. The man should try to be considerate and comfort her. She won't cry when men are noisy. If she is so sad that she wants to cry, she yawns instead of moaning, and blinks to hold back her tears.

The man should always review whether the other person pays too little attention. The woman should also learn to talk to the man actively. Since we live together, we should take the initiative to share the responsibility, not be passive.

Their sexual life is often very successful. However, there are often shadows in daily life. The woman is not frivolous, but too feminine, so there will still be many admirers after marriage. The man is not a romantic disciple, but his charming demeanor inevitably makes him favored by many women, and vanity does not allow him to refuse other women. All this should not cast a shadow over their relationship, but it just happened. Although Pisces women are willing to understand and trust their men, Aries men always want to get rid of this woman. In Aries's eyes, he hasn't changed his mind, but she is very talented.

This is really unfair. Of course not fair. Pisces women will feel much better if they know that their affair is not from what, but from finding and confirming their feelings.

When two completely different people are put together, will they become more and more blind or more distant? For Pisces and Aries, there is no substantial difference between them, and they are both afraid of being hurt. If one of them is injured, the other will feel more pain. Really.