Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Everyone has his own bottom line, so what can the twelve constellations tolerate most?

Everyone has his own bottom line, so what can the twelve constellations tolerate most?

Everyone has his own bottom line, so what can the twelve constellations tolerate most?

Aries can't stand it: repetition and triviality. Aries male has a strong subjective consciousness. They often follow their own settings and pursue their own beliefs. Everything you say in front of them is in vain before they wake up. When you meet a woman who likes to be a princess and tell you what to do all day, let alone Aries. You are much more annoyed, and the grumpy Aries may break out one day.

Taurus can't stand it: vanity and snobbery. Men in Niu Niu are very gentle people. He never gets angry easily, but he is also a very down-to-earth person, and he will live carefully. Many times, it is difficult for women to arouse their anger, but there is a special situation. Niu Niu can't stand it when this woman is too vain and snobbish and values money above everything else. Once she loses her temper, the scene will be small and creepy.

Gemini can't stand it: too clingy. Gemini people are smart and don't like being tied down. He always wishes he had a pair of flying wings and could fly freely. For a woman, she is always free, and it is difficult to devote herself wholeheartedly to it. He has long been used to a lonely life. In his view, what I hate most are those women who insist on entanglement every day. These women will only become passers-by in life.

Cancer can't stand it: men who are careless about cancer are very sensitive. He always puts a protective film on himself unconsciously. He will be very serious about life, sometimes too serious and persistent. His serious attitude towards life determines that he can't tolerate women's excessive carelessness. He will think that this is uncertainty, contempt and blasphemy to them. Lack of enthusiasm is the biggest reason for his outburst.

Leo can't stand it: most stingy lion men are kind and tolerant, and his generosity is obvious, but when they meet stingy women, he can't stand it. Pride is his performance, his face is excellent, he likes to enjoy it, and he can pursue life without reservation. For him, money is just a tool for happiness. Those stingy women will only make her feel as boring as flies on a cake and want to get rid of it.

Virgo can't stand it: slovenly. In fact, Virgo men are weak. It is hard for him to blame a woman cruelly. Generally speaking, he will only suffer sadness and injustice silently. But there is one thing he can't stand, and that is a sloppy woman. Virgos are usually neat freaks. He really can't stand a sloppy woman walking around him, which will make him feel sick.

Libra can't stand it: lack of education Libra has always been known for its elegance, and Libra men have always considered themselves noble princes. He also hopes that all the women around him are well-educated and can live in harmony. But sometimes, when I see a woman pick up a toothpick in public, pick her teeth, or dig her ears, nose and saliva, it really makes her want to rush up and slap her in the face.

Scorpio can't stand it: Scorpio's bones are actually very fragile, and he always shows a deep sense of defense. For those amorous women who discharge everywhere, she laughs at them, not to mention her contempt and contempt for them. In fact, what he needs are those who are smart, can tolerate their willfulness, can give him emotional sustenance, and will give his fragile mind a harbor to settle down.

Sagittarius can't stand it: Sagittarius men are decisive and full of action. His attitude towards things is always full of passion and he is not afraid of any difficulties. On the contrary, those women who are not diligent are naturally lazy. He just wants to be extravagant with others, avoiding the important and avoiding the important. Such a woman is useless waste in their eyes. How can he get along in harmony when he appears in front of him?

Capricorn can't stand it: Capricorn is the most progressive group of people in the twelve constellations. His tenacity can endure any difficulties and obstacles until a solemn road appears before him. In his mind, nothing is not old. He hates women who don't want to make progress. All he knows is that his parents gossip all day, or enjoy it everywhere, without any achievements. This kind of woman appears beside them. He will only be scolded.

Aquarius can't stand it: gossip is not the frankness of Aquarius men. It's hard for him to live a lie. He does not expect the approval of people around him, nor does he expect the perfection of feelings, but he absolutely rejects all hypocrisy. He only asked for one word-the truth. She is disgusted with those easy-talking women and will not give her any good looks. In his view, such women only deserve to be exiled to the Antarctic island and let them speak in front of the lonely sea.

Pisces can't stand it: selfish Pisces men are easy to be sad. He often indulges in the sweetness of fantasy but ignores the cruelty of reality. They are typical utopian believers. He always imagines everything in the world too beautiful. He believes that everyone should help each other and be as close as family. However, when meeting those selfish women, I always put my own interests first. It is foreseeable how I can experience the beauty and contradictory stimulation in his heart.

The above is my detailed introduction. I hope it will be helpful to everyone after reading it. I hope the rest of my life is full of happiness and love. Let's praise, forward and bless it together!