Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What is opal?

What is opal?

What is opal (opal)

Opal, as a gem, is called Opal in English and Opal in Chinese.

The chemical composition is SiO2 nH2O, and the water content is generally 3%- 10%.

Crystal system: belongs to amorphous body.

Refractive index: 1.37- 1.47 (refractive index is related to its water content and decreases with the increase of water content).

Hardness: 5.5-6.5

Density: 2.15-2.23g/cm3

Opal is a natural hardened silica gel containing 5- 10% water. Unlike most gemstones, opal is amorphous and will gradually dry and crack due to the loss of water in the gemstone.

Opal belongs to opal in mineralogy, which is a kind of gem with color-changing effect and an amorphous silica containing water. There is no fixed shape, and it is often dense block, granular, earthy, stalactite, nodular and porous.

There is a spherulite structure inside, and the aggregates are mostly grape-like and stalactite-like. The background color is black, milky white, light yellow, orange and so on. Translucent to slightly transparent. Glass luster, pearl luster, protein luster. Has a color-changing effect. Fragile, conchoidal fracture. Under the irradiation of long-wave ultraviolet rays, different kinds of opals will emit different colors of fluorescence.

There are two varieties: expensive opal and ordinary opal.

Due to different viewing angles, your opal will show a colorful flash (rainbow color). Its rainbow color is caused by the diffraction light of its structure-the regular arrangement of tiny silicon balls. The bigger the sphere, the wider the color range, so your opal has several different colors.

In ancient times, China people loved opal very much, especially in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and regarded it as a palace treasure.


On the opal with excellent texture, you can see ruby-like flame, amethyst-like color and emerald-like green sea, which are colorful, seamless and beautiful. Opal is transparent to slightly transparent, glassy, gray, black, white, brown, pink, orange, colorless and other colors, and it is amorphous. The quality evaluation of opal is based on the background color, color change, firmness and perfection of cutting and pondering.


According to the color characteristics and optical effects, natural opal can be divided into three types: albumin opal (white opal), black opal (black opal) and fire opal (fire opal).

Bai Opper

As a gem with a long history, its basic colors are colorless, protein, light gray, light yellow and light purple. After being polished into an arc-shaped gem, the surface will look beautiful and colorful. It is best to take the background color as white and change the color to bright color.


It was not known until it was discovered by Australians in the 20th century. Its colors are black, dark green, dark blue, dark gray and brown, and black is the best. There are many colors on the surface of black opal, which is particularly bright and dazzling against the dark black background.


This is a special kind of opal. It is translucent to completely transparent, and its colors are yellow and orange-red. Because the diameter of the silica ball that constitutes it is too small, it has no discoloration effect and belongs to a low-grade gem.

Distribution: Filling holes in mineral deposits or mineral guanidine in igneous rocks to form stalagmites or stalactites, and replacing organic matter in fossil wood, animal shells and bones. Australia has been the main producing area of opal since19th century. Others are Czech Republic, USA, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa.


People have been using a hard artificial glass-slocum stone to imitate opal. 1973, gilson made an opal imitation in the laboratory.

The influence of opal on the wearer;

It can stimulate inspiration and imagination, bring breakthrough and leap-forward ideas and concepts, and is a treasure of professionals and talents. Strengthen personal ability and talent, have decisive execution ability, and be able to gather money and make money. It is necessary for businesses to attract customers.

Constellations and opals:

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Because of cancer's rich imagination, opal can make these imaginations work and make cancer's imagination exceed imagination.

Leo Leo (July 23-August 22)

It can make the lion's talent play effectively and make the result constructive.

Libra Libra (September 23rd-65438+1October 22nd)

Libra people are born with excellent understanding and artistic appreciation, and opal can help Libra bring these advantages to the extreme.

Aquarius (65438+1October 20th-February 19)

Genius constellation should be matched with genius crystal, and opal can make the creativity of water bottle to the extreme.

For people born in June+10 in 5438, opal is their lucky gem.

In ancient Rome, this gem was once considered as a symbol of power.

It is unusual because it is not a crystal, but is made of silica particles.

Place of production

Fill the holes in mineral rocks or mineral guanidine in igneous rocks to form stalagmites or stalactites to replace the organic matter in fossil wood, animal shells and bones. Australia has been the main producing area of opal since19th century. Others are Czech Republic, USA, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa.

Pay attention to your health

It must be kept in a cool place. Because egg stones contain a lot of water, they will lose water and crack if exposed to sunlight or strong light for too long.

When using electrical appliances such as hair dryer or spraying chemicals such as perfume, it is also best to avoid wearing opal.

Some thinner opals can be kept in water for a period of time every six months.

Composition and value of opal

Opal is famous for its unique color and luster. Its rainbow-like dazzling light is colorful, inlaid and full of mystery, which is incomparable to other gems.

Although it is called opal, it is not a single tone. If it is only white, it is worthless. Transparent, red and yellow * * * series are mostly milky white and blue * * * series in Australia, and one of them is called black opal, which is as deep as peacock feathers and very beautiful, so the price is particularly high.

Opal is a gem containing silicic acid. It can shine like a rainbow, and the price is very high. The results of electron microscope observation of opal show that the particles containing carbon dioxide are arranged neatly and tightly, and the gaps between the particles contain water. When the light enters, it will be decomposed into seven colors, showing a rainbow-like beautiful and dazzling light.

Opal is a natural hardened silica gel containing 5- 10% water. Unlike most precious stones, opal is amorphous. Due to the loss of water in precious stones, opal will gradually dry and crack. Opal belongs to opal in mineralogy, which is a kind of gem with color-changing effect and an amorphous silica containing water.

What is fire opal fire protein is generally the cause of opal fire without fire, which was confirmed after the invention of electron microscope; Under the electron microscope, we can see that the structure of opal is composed of a whole spherical particle of silica. If the particle size of silica in this area is the same, light diffraction will occur due to structural reasons, which constitutes a fire. If the spherical particles are different in size, there will be no fire. When the size of the whole spherical particle is the same, the size of the particle determines the wavelength of light that can pass through this area, that is, the color of fire. Generally speaking, red fire is rarer than blue and green fire, and the price is higher. In addition, the larger the fire area, the higher the value.

What is an opal parrot? Opal cobalt blue-winged budgerigar

Chinese name: opal cobalt blue-winged budgerigar

Mutation: This variety with uniform feathers is the most popular and the most difficult to cultivate. \

Category: budgerigar

History: In addition to feather color, budgerigars have three different types of crown feather variation, of which round crown feather is the most prominent one, and the other two are semi-circular crown feather and tufted crown feather respectively. These feather types can be combined with any feather type or stripe type, so budgerigar mutants have great reproductive potential. The crested parrot was first bred by Australian breeders in the1920s, but it was not popular because of the difficulty in reproduction. Usually you can see some crested parrots at large professional exhibitions.

major feature

Length: 18cm

Life expectancy: 7 years.

Gender difference: The female bird has a brown wax film on her beak.

Breeding: Incubation period 18 days, and feathers grow after 35 days.

Young bird: black eyes, no white eyes, small mask, horizontal stripes from forehead to wax film.

Crown feather: The crown feather of this budgerigar is flat and even.

Feather color: cobalt blue is caused by a single dark gene in the sky blue variety, and this color has always been very popular.

Stripes: Feathers are opal-shaped, the stripes on the head are very light, and so are the stripes on the wings.

Is opal a moonstone? What is the difference? Opal is not moonstone.

The English name of feldspar is feldspar, which evolved from German Feldspath. SPAR means crack, which accurately reveals that feldspar has the characteristics of perfect cleavage. The specific types are moonstone, Tianhe stone, sun stone and Labrador stone. Mineralogically, the first two belong to orthoclase and the last two belong to plagioclase.

Moonstone, Tianhe stone

Chemical molecular formula: KAlSi3O8

Refractive index:1.518-1.530, generally 1.52.

Birefringence: 0.07

Deviation: 0. 12

Hardness: 6

Density: 2.55-2.58g/cm3

Daylight, Labrador.

Chemical molecular formulas: NaAlSi3O8 and CaAl2Si3O8.

Refractive index: 1.555-1.571,generally1.55,

Birefringence: 0.07

Deviation: 0. 12

Hardness: 6

Density: 2.65-2.75g/cm3

Four kinds of feldspar crystal systems: monoclinic or triclinic.

Origin: the world's high-quality moonstone gems mainly come from Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Switzerland and other countries; Sunshine stone mainly comes from Mexico, the United States, Norway and other countries; Labrador is mainly Madagascar, Finland and Russia; Tianhe stone is produced in the United States, Russia and India. Tianhe Stone, Moonstone and Labrador Stone are also found in some areas of China.

Feldspar is widely distributed in nature, but it is rarely used as a gem. Feldspar is a framework silicate mineral containing potassium, sodium and calcium, which occurs in magmatic intrusions, pegmatites and gneiss. The crystal morphology is thick plate or short column, and the aggregate is granular or massive. Different varieties have different colors, such as colorless, milky white, meat red, gray, sky blue, green, golden yellow and so on. Transparent to translucent, glass luster. All four kinds of feldspar gems have two sets of perfect cleavage. Gem-grade feldspar often has special halo and halo effects. For feldspar gemstones, we can comprehensively evaluate their special optical effect, color, transparency, cutting, shape and weight after cutting.

Moonstone, also known as moonstone and moonstone, has the chemical formula of (potassium aluminum silicate), which is the gem with the most optical effect. Colorless or milky white, high-quality people are often translucent, with a light blue halo, like hazy moonlight, which is a gem of feldspar. In ancient times, people in many countries in the world thought that wearing moonstone could bring good luck, awaken lovers' tenderness, give people strength and look forward to a bright future. In modern times, many countries regard the moonstone as the "birthstone of June" together with pearls and metamorphic rocks, symbolizing health, wealth and longevity. The processing value of rough and poorly polished moonstone is greatly reduced. Pay attention to the best optical effect when wearing moonstone.

Moonstone or moonstone and moonstone. Because cats have beautiful eyes, they are also called rainbow moonstone. Moonstone can help calm the restless mood and enhance the feminine nature of women. Help individuals fall asleep comfortably, as well as beauty special effects. When female officials use it, the effect is more obvious. At the same time, the moon stone is also a lucky stone born in April in the solar calendar.

Tianhe stone, also known as "Amazon stone", is a free translation of Amazonite in English. Blue and turquoise, translucent to slightly transparent. It can be used as a ring face or as a sculpture. The colors are pure blue and emerald green. Bright texture, good transparency, less cleavage, is a high-quality product. Turquoise Tianhe stone can be used as a substitute for jadeite.

Sunstone is also called "Sunstone" and "Venus Feldspar" because its crystal contains mineral inclusions such as hematite, goethite and mica, and the reflected light produces golden yellow dazzling flash, which is called "daylight effect". Sunlight stone is colorless and transparent. It is extremely important to evaluate the transparency of sunshine stone. The more transparent a gem is, the higher its value is. Yellow to orange, translucent and dark inclusions, good reflective effect, is the best product of Nikko.

Labrador stone reaching the gem level is translucent and appears blue, green, orange, red or other colors in a special direction. Turn the Labrador stone, and you can see gorgeous colors from different directions. Labrador stone with changeable colors, also known as "spectral stone", is top-grade in blue, yellow-green, and red. According to many years' research by scholars in the field of minerals in China, the "Heshibi", which was famous all over the world and valuable in the Warring States period, may belong to the gem-grade product of Labrador stone. Geologists in Hubei Province, China once discovered Labrador in Shennongjia area. The local geomorphological characteristics are consistent with those recorded in ancient documents, which proves that the mineral composition of Hebi is Labrador stone.

Plagioclase belongs to the general name of feldspar minerals in the isomorphic series of NaAlSi3O8(Ab)-CaAl2Si2O8(An). * * * is divided into six minerals: albite (An0- 10Ab 100-90), anorthite (An 10-30Ab90-70), intermediate feldspar (An30-50Ab70-50) and Labrador stone. In petrology, the first two are collectively called acid plagioclase, and the last three are collectively called basic plagioclase. The crystal belongs to the framework silicate mineral of triclinic system, which is mostly columnar or plate-shaped, with common flaky twins, and fine parallel twins can be seen on the crystal plane or cleavage plane. White to off-white, some slightly light blue or light green, glassy and translucent. Two groups of cleavage (one group perfect cleavage and the other medium cleavage) intersect at 86 24', hence the name plagioclase. Mohs hardness is 6-6.5 and specific gravity is 2.6-2.76.

Plagioclase is widely distributed in magmatic rocks, metamorphic rocks and sedimentary clastic rocks. Plagioclase is the main raw material of ceramics and glass industry, and the beautiful color can be used as gem material, such as sunshine stone.

Opal is a natural gem, and its colors are black, orange, translucent, milky white and so on. Mostly milky white, hence the name opal. Opal is characterized by its colorful appearance. From different angles, it will present different colors.

The main component of opal is spherical amorphous silicon dioxide (SiO2), and its water content is about 10%, so its hardness is worse than other gemstones and it is not resistant to high temperature. The main producing areas are Australia and Mexico. Opal is a kind of underground water rich in silica permeates into rock cracks, and spherical silica nanoparticles are precipitated under the action of gravity. 1 cm3 opal takes about 5 million years to deposit, so it is quite precious.

If the silica spheres are the same size and arranged regularly, the most expensive crystal opal will be formed (please don't confuse it with silica crystals! ); If the size of silica spheres is slightly different, the finished product will have a milky white background luster, which is called white opal or milk opal. If the size of silica spheres is very uneven, the finished product will lose its color appearance and become inferior opal. At present, there are also synthetic opals on the market.

Under the microscope, crystalline opal is a natural photonic crystal with periodic hexagonal lattice arrangement and photonic band structure. The refractive index of silicon dioxide in visible light band is 1.5, which is not enough to form an absolute energy gap. When the diameter of silica sphere is 138 nm, the energy gap of vertical incidence falls in the purple light region, and opal emits purple luster. With the increase of the diameter of silica sphere, the energy gap gradually shifts to the red region. In addition to the size of silica spheres, the energy gap range will also change with the change of incident angle. In addition, opals are mostly photonic polycrystals composed of photonic crystals with different sizes and directions, so the reflected light presents fascinating and colorful colors.

What does opal mean? Opal: It can stimulate inspiration and imagination, bring breakthrough and leap-forward ideas and concepts, and is a gem for professionals and talented people. Strengthen personal ability and talent, have decisive execution ability, and be able to gather money and make money. It is necessary for businesses to attract customers.

Are albumin stones more valuable? Opal, also known as opal, flash mountain cloud, etc. , a precious gem, has two varieties: precious opal and ordinary opal. Look at your type!

What color is the most expensive opal in Xinjiang? Opal is a natural hardened silica gel containing 5- 10% water. Unlike most precious stones, opal is amorphous. Due to the loss of water in precious stones, opal will gradually dry and crack. Opal belongs to opal in mineralogy, which is a kind of gem with color-changing effect and an amorphous silica containing water.

There are two varieties: expensive opal and ordinary opal.

Due to different viewing angles, your opal will show a colorful flash (rainbow color). Its rainbow color is caused by the diffraction light of its structure-the regular arrangement of tiny silicon balls. The bigger the sphere, the wider the color range, so your opal has several different colors. The quality evaluation of opal is based on the background color, color change, firmness and perfection of cutting and pondering.

According to the color characteristics and optical effects, natural opal can be divided into three types: albumin opal (white opal), black opal (black opal) and fire opal (fire opal).