Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What are the powerful elves of Baokemeng Sword and Shield?

What are the powerful elves of Baokemeng Sword and Shield?

Baokemeng Sword and Shield, recommended by powerful elves. What are the useful elves in Baokemeng Sword and Shield? Let's take a look together ~

Baomengke civil engineering


Monkey grass knocking system

Wooden stick with special effects: the wooden stick that knocks on the monkey's hand was originally just an ordinary branch in the forest where monkeys live, and it has become like this after unique changes. Over the years, influenced by the energy in the monkey, it has become able to play a special role.

Bring vitality to flowers and plants: green body hair can use sunlight to generate energy. When knocking monkeys play with wooden sticks near flowers and plants, green leaves will become greener and withered flowers will become bright again.

Features: lush

Racial value estimation: HP74/ attack, 58/ defense, 59/ specialization, 33/ special defense, 49/ speed, 58/ total 33 1.

The last form of evolutionary doubt is as follows:

The playful appearance, coupled with the musical talent, reminds people of the drum set when the knock monkey first appeared, so we simply put a drum on its final evolutionary form and turned it into an elf version of' Raytheon'. It's really a monkey race, ray. Do you feel handsome? The evolution of left regiment is obviously grass+combat attribute form, and it is also very handsome. Bian Xiao thinks that the image of holding a staff on the left gives people a wise feeling, which may refer to the image of a wise man waving scarlet in the sun and moon.

Fire system of inflammatory rabbits

Proud feet: Use proud feet to run quickly and jump up and down to disturb your opponent. Sometimes you will kick your opponent with the soles of your feet with extremely high temperature, and let him fall into a state of burns when he is injured.

The second heart fire sac ":there is a fire sac in the chest, full of high viscosity fire energy." After doing warm-up exercises to improve heart rate and body temperature, the energy of fire can exert its real power. At this time, the physical quality of rabbits will be improved by leaps and bounds.

Features: fierce firepower

Racial value estimation: HP75/ attack, 95/ defense, 33/ special attack, 33/ special defense, 33/ speed, 62/ total 330.

The last form of evolutionary doubt is as follows:

The shape of Yan Rabbit is basically the image of fire+fighting attribute, but I still think there are enough Yusan schools with fire attribute. If it's not brilliant enough, it's easy to be compared with burning chickens and monkeys (I haven't forgotten King Yanwu, and I really don't feel anything about it). What makes Bian Xiao most satisfied is the shape on the right, not too handsome.

Lacrimal lizard water system

It will disappear as soon as it comes into contact with water: it has a feature that as long as it comes into contact with water, the color and pattern of the body will become consistent with its surroundings. Personality is a little timid, once nervous or shy, the water in the body will be secreted like sweating, thus assimilating with the surrounding environment to hide the figure.

It is equivalent to 100 onion's tear effect: the tears of tear-eyed lizards contain powerful tear components, and it is said that its effect is even equivalent to 100 onion. Once you feel dangerous, you will cry and spread this substance everywhere. In this way, nearby creatures will shed tears, and it will also take this opportunity to escape.

Features: rapids

Racial value estimation: HP74/ attack, 33/ defense, 33/ special attack, 94/ special defense, 33/ speed, 63/ total 330.

The last form of evolutionary doubt is as follows:

The prototype of teary-eyed lizard is chameleon. As we all know, the new generation of Galere is based on Britain, and the west dragon is often called the big lizard with wings. So I believe that the tear-eyed lizard will eventually evolve into Jackie Chan.

Galle region


Name: Caller Wang

Category: puppy Bao Meng Ke

Attribute: electricity

Height: 0.3m.

Weight: 13.5kg

Features: Pick up the ball

The habit of being attracted to moving objects.

Wang has the habit of being easily attracted by fast-moving objects, so sometimes he will chase humans and treasure dreams, or chase cars.

Running around with an electric spark

The caller Wang has a power generation organ in his body, and he can generate electricity when he runs around. However, because the generated electricity can't be stored in the body, it can be seen from time to time when it is running.

The characteristics of Wang's "catching the ball"

Summon the king's "catching the ball" is a new function of this book, which will play an effective role in throwing elf balls to catch wild treasures. In the case that the caller Wang doesn't carry props, as long as it is a fairy ball that can't be caught after the 1 throw, no matter what kind of fairy ball it is, it will be picked up.


Name: small charcoal

Classification: coal treasure dream

Attribute: Rock

Height: 0.3m.

Weight: 12.0kg

Features: steam engine/heat resistance

You can move freely in dark places and rough roads.

Small charcoal will illuminate the dark place with red eyes, and turn the coal blocks on its body like wheels, moving in coal pits and mines. Even on rough roads, you can move freely.

Every household has a little charcoal child.

Until about 100 years ago, every household had a small piece of charcoal, and the coal stripped from it was often used as fuel for cooking and heating stoves. Even now, it often shows its talents in outdoor activities and other occasions.

Characteristics of small charcoal "steam engine"

Xiao Tan Tsai's "Steam Engine" is a new feature of the book's debut. You can increase your speed when you are attacked by your opponent's water attribute or fire attribute moves in battle.

Aluminium steel dragon

Name: Aluminium Steel Dragon

Category: alloy package Mengke

Attribute: steel/dragon


Weight: 40.0 kg

Characteristics: light metal/heavy metal

Lightweight and hard metal fuselage

Even though the metal that constitutes the aluminum steel dragon body is extremely hard, the weight of _ is only 40.0kg, which is very light. It is precisely because of this that _ can make agile movements contrary to its heavy appearance. On the other hand, due to the low corrosion resistance of the metal of the car body, it is easy to rust.

Scrape stones by hand

Aluminium steel dragons live in caves and mountains, scraping rocks with different hands left and right. _ I often meet Bankilas who lives in the same area. From time to time, you can see these two treasures fighting in the mountains of Galle area.

Young cotton

Name: Young Mianmian

Category: floral precious dream

Attribute: grass

Height: 0.4m.

Weight: 2.2kg.

Characteristics: cotton wool/vitality

Pollen with healing effect, young cotton likes clean land and pollen with healing effect. The influence of pollen also applies to humans. It is said that there is a folk therapy in Galle area, which will boil the pollen of young cotton into a drink and give it to children who are uncomfortable.

Young cotton is blown away by the wind for a long distance. When moving, you can control the direction by changing the direction of your body or using petals.

White bitter fleabane

Name: Bai

Category: cotton jewelry is a dream

Attribute: grass

Height: 0.5m.

Weight: 2.5kg

Characteristics: cotton wool/vitality

Salicornia is a precious dream evolved from young cotton, and its head is covered with cotton wool. These cotton wadding has a cushioning effect and can reduce head injuries.

Small seeds on cotton wool are said to have nourishing effects on people and Bao Kemeng. The seeds will be sown with cotton wool in the wind to provide nutrients for the earth.

Wool woven sheep

Name: Wool Woven Sheep

Category: Yang Baomeng

Attribute: General

Height: 0.6m.

Weight: 6.0kg

Function: plush/running

The white hair that covers the whole body keeps growing all his life. Even if it is shaved, it will grow back to its original appearance after 3 months. Braided sheep's body hair is used to make clothes or carpets and other products, which is a very popular specialty in Galle area.

Braided sheep move in groups, imitating the actions of their owners or ethnic leaders. _ Children don't like fighting. When the enemy runs away, they roll around and move.

Crow in steel armor

Name: real crow

Category: Crows are treasures, but they are dreams.

Attribute: Flight/Steel

Height: 2.2 meters

Weight: 75.0 kg

Features: sense of oppression/tension

I believe that there is no treasure dream in the sky in Galle area that can be compared with the crows in steel armor. From time to time you can see _ children flying around smartly. It is said that the bag that challenges the armored crow will be defeated and flee because of its sharp eyes and cries.

The armored crow has excellent flying ability and extremely high intelligence. _ Using these abilities, I am engaged in taking people to various towns in a company called Gallagher Team.

Turtle eater

Name: Biting Tortoise

Category: Bite the treasure dream.

Attribute: Water/Rock



Features: strong jaw/hard shell armor

Bite treasure's teeth are sharp and strong, and can even crush rocks or steel. Although _ carries a heavy rock shell, its developed muscle strength enables _ to move quickly.

Tortoise is very violent, and it is generally believed that only excellent trainers can make them obey. It seems that some trainers will let go because they can't cope.

Frost milk fairy (super giant)

Name: Frost Milk Fairy

Category: Cream is a dream.

Attribute: goblin

Height: 30.0 meters ~

Weight:. kilogram

Function: sweet curtain

Anti-strike cream body

The super giant cream fairy's body will overflow with whipped cream. The greater the blow, the harder the whipped cream will become, so it has absolute defense against physical attacks. Plus _ has a huge "tree fruit" decoration with hardness comparable to _ stone, it seems that ordinary attacks can't do any harm to _.

High heat missile

The super giant cream elf will launch a high-calorie missile with whipped cream around it to attack. When encountering these missiles, Bao will feel happy and energetic, but at the same time, he will fall into a state of serious insanity.

Super giant move "super giant happiness"

After the super giant, the demon attribute attack made by the cream fairy will become "super giant happiness." "Super Happiness" can not only hurt our opponents, but also restore all our precious HP.

Frost milk fairy

Name: Frost Milk Fairy

Category: Cream is a dream.

Attribute: goblin

Height: 0.3m.

Weight: 0.5kg

Function: sweet curtain

Dessert chef's dream lover

Frost cream fairy can produce whipped cream. The happier you are, the stronger the taste of whipped cream. Desserts decorated with these whipped cream are very delicious, and it is every dessert maker's dream to make the cream fairy a companion.

A face cream with calming effect.

When attacked by the enemy, the cream fairy will throw sweet whipped cream to distract or block the opponent's sight, and then run away. The whipped cream produced at this time contains a strong calming ingredient, which will make the opponents who eat it lose their fighting spirit.


Name: Zigzagoon (Galle's appearance)

Category: Beaver Treasure Dream

Attribute: Evil/General

Height: 0.4m.

Weight: 17.5kg

Features: picking up/gluttonous ghosts

Zigzagoon temperament

Because of its bellicose nature, Zigzagoon (the appearance of Galle) will provoke mankind and Bao through _. Although this kind of behavior often leads to the struggle between treasures and dreams, it seems to be just a farce in the eyes of human beings, so many people will not be angry even if they are provoked. Zigzagoon (the appearance of Galle) seems to be very dissatisfied with this attitude of human beings.

Habitat in Zigzagoon

Zigzagoon lives in grasslands, forests and towns, and people can be seen everywhere in Galle. Zigzagoon (the appearance of Galer) is considered as the original species of Zigzagoon. It is said that Zigzagoon in other areas is zigzag, which is influenced by the habits of the original species.


Name: Linoone (Galle's appearance)

Classification: attacking Bao Kemeng

Attribute: Evil/General

Height: 0.5m.

Weight: 32.5 kg

Features: picking up/gluttonous ghosts

Linoone image

Bao Ke Meng Jian Dun Linoone How Bao Ke Meng Jian Dun Linoone Attribute Graphical List

Linoone skills

Linoone (Galer) is good at hitting and hammering at a speed of 65,438+000 kilometers per hour. Although these attacks have the destructive power of crashing, once they fail, they will produce great flaws.

Linoone's character.

Linoone (Galle's disguise) is reckless. Even if his opponent is better than himself, he will challenge at will.

Stop the bear

Name: Stop Bear

Category: Stop the Treasure Hunting Dream

Attribute: Evil/General


Weight: 46.0 kg

Features: sacrifice/perseverance

Dulanxiong image

Stop the bear from evolving

Compared with other areas, the living environment of Linoone people in Galle area is very severe, because there is fierce competition among their kin. The survival instinct cultivated in this environment enables them to evolve into road bears.

Bear blocking skill

Although the bear is very militant, it seems that _ rarely takes the initiative to attack. It will first provoke the opponent, lure him to attack, and then cross his arms to make a block that can block the opponent's attack. Blocking bears are good at fighting back with sharp claws when their opponents show flaws.

Double bomb gas

Name: double bomb gas (Galer appearance)

Category: poison gas treasure dream

Attribute: Poison/goblin

Height: 3.0m.

Weight: 16.0kg

Features: floating/

Purified air spouted from the top of the head.

Double bomb gas image

Double bomb gas characteristics

Double bomb gas (in Galer form) takes polluted air and toxic gas as nutrient sources. When _ absorbs the toxin in the gas, it will discharge the gas from the top of the head. Because the ejected air is purified, it is very clean.

Double bomb poison gas skill

The toxin accumulated in the double-bomb poison gas (the appearance of Galle) will become high-concentration poison gas, which will overflow from the mouth and float to the mouth. Even a little smell will make the whole body numb and unable to move, so this poison gas is its biggest weapon in the battle of Baokemeng.

Morphological changes: Baumorubeck will appear in the new work. If you think that Jiebaodun Molubek is awesome, you can look at the shared list of properties of Jiebaodun Molubek. After reading it, you will know Morubeck's various skills and characteristics.


Name: Morubeko

Category: double-sided dream

Attribute: electricity/evil

Height: 0.3m.

Weight: 3.0 kg

Features: full and hungry, Morubeko's feature is that cheek pouches generate electricity at any time. He always feels hungry because he consumes energy in the process. Because of this, he usually always brings the seeds of tree fruit to satisfy his hunger.

Mo Lu Bei ke image

Morula morphology

Morubi's appearance will change when she is always hungry, and her hormonal balance will also change when she is always hungry. This change not only coarsens its temperament, but also changes the color of its body hair. In addition, the energy stored in the cheek pouch will change from electrical to evil.

Mulberry embryo skill

Molubeko's satiety and hunger are the new features of this novel's first novel, which makes Molubeko's style change in every round. Morubeck's famous trick, Halo Wheel, will change its attributes with his form: when it is full, it will become an electrical attribute move, and when it is empty, it will become an evil attribute move.

Onion commandos

The aristocratic knight "Onion Ranger" appeared, which belongs to the classification and combat attribute of yellow-billed ducks.

The scallion duck living in Galle area has evolved into a treasure dream after numerous battles. Calm personality, open combat as their creed. Its heroic temperament in the battle is extraordinary, and it has even been chosen as the theme of painting. The painting depicting the duel between the green ranger and the knight snail is a famous work in Galle area.

How about Bao Mengke sword shield onion commando? Performance introduction of Baojiandun's new elf Onion Ranger.

Onion Rangers will wave sharp onion stalks like spears in battle, and thick onion leaves will be used as shields. For the green onion ranger, the green onion that has accompanied them for many years is more important than anything else.

Once the green onion withers, the green onion rangers will leave the battlefield and never fight again.

This new "meteor assault" move is a special move that only green rangers can learn. This trick is to aim the top of the onion at the opponent and make a surprise attack at a very fast speed. Although the power of the moves is amazing, the physical burden is also great. So after using this trick, I will not be able to move for a while.

Small fire horse

basic document

Name: Little Fire Horse

Category: A dime is a dream

Attribute: super ability

Height: 0.8m.

Weight: 24.0 kg

Function: escape/pastel curtain

Acquisition method

Little fire horse has lived in a forest in Galle since ancient times. It is said that the small fire horse has become a unique feature of Galle area because it has been bathed in the life energy overflowing from the forest for generations. The little fire horse can absorb the life energy in the air and store it in the mane. The more energy is stored, the brighter and more shiny the mane will be.

Featured introduction

The pastel curtain of Little Fire Horse is a new feature of this work. This feature can not only make yourself and your companions immune to poisoning, but also restore poisoning when playing in battle.




Meow, meow.


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