Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Constellation Microan _ Constellation vr

Constellation Microan _ Constellation vr

12 constellation's exclusive snacks and favorite snacks

Aries: Wangwang Xianbei

Aries is a nostalgic baby, and Wangwang Xianbei can be said to be the existence of the closet. I know that the powder on Xianbei is the soul of Xianbei, and every time I eat it, I expect and overlap the taste in my memory. Well, this king is really a baby.

Taurus: seaweed

Taurus is a persistent person who loves one thing for a long time and can stand by for a long time. The smell of seaweed makes people want to stop, and Taurus, who can't stop, will choose to open another pack.

Gemini: Cream Crab Cube

Gemini preference is definitely not the usual way. Don't underestimate the greatness of Mr Bao and Shen Dacheng in their hearts. In their eyes, cakes headed by diced cream crabs are the perfect existence for watching dramas and chatting at home.

Cancer: Nuts

Cancer is a person who always talks about health care. They eat very selectively. Everything is based on health. The obedient little cancer is convinced that nuts can supplement various trace elements for the human body and can be eaten with peace of mind under the banner of health every day.

Leo: Jelly.

Leo is a good baby who eats delicious food. They also come online for snacks. Smooth and pleasant jelly is their favorite. What they want is this sweet but not greasy taste, so be sure to bring pulp!

Virgo: Meat muffin

Virgo has always been a person who thinks she is unique. His favorite snacks may not be mainstream, but they must be the best. With the attitude that everyone is drunk and I wake up alone, the crispy and salty taste of meat muffins is the core monument of Virgo's life.