Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Ask the Chinese names of all the characters in Oriental Fantasy Town ... I need these materials ... Please send them to, thank you.

Ask the Chinese names of all the characters in Oriental Fantasy Town ... I need these materials ... Please send them to, thank you.

It's troublesome to find a Chinese name, but it's beyond the level ... so let's see if I have time. Looking for the names of all the characters in the East and BGM.

Are you still there? If I were here, I would look for it carefully.

Komeiji Satori, the temple of the spirit of the earth.

There are 20 yuan. Because Komeiji Satori is a mind reader, she can also copy the enemy's thoughts and spell cards. Her spell card changes according to the role selected by the player's own machine and auxiliary machine.

Think of "テリブルスーヴニール" and recall "terrible souvenirs" (terrible memories).

(Souvenir: "memory" in French; The pronunciation here is not English, so it is not a souvenir of English)

Think of "horror hypnosis" and recall "horror hypnosis"

Hypnosis: a spell that produces magical effects by using hints and other methods to put subjects into hypnosis. )

Think of "Double Black Dead Butterfly" and recall "Double Black Dead Butterfly"

(The first time I dreamed from the Oriental Demon, colorful SC)

(Black Dead Butterfly: The killing of the black dead butterfly in Jintian's youth story book is considered as an unlucky omen. )

Think of "throwing a mountain at the door" and recall "throwing a hidden mountain at the door"

(The dream of rising from the East, Ibuki Suika SC)

(Huyin Mountain: located in the northern part of Nagano Prefecture, Japan, at an altitude of 1904m, there is a Huyin Mountain on the mountain, which has been a famous mountain of faith since ancient times. According to legend, in the era of Shen Zhi, Zhao Tian hid in Gaotianyuan Cave, and Tianshou opened the cave door and invited Zhao Tian to bring back light for the world. The cave door was thrown by the heavenly hand and fell down to form this hidden mountain.

Remember "Leaves of the Wind Shenmu" and "Leaves of the Wind Shenmu are hidden"

(Oriental Fengshen recorded SC for the first time in Syameimaru Aya)

Think of "Spring in Kyoto" and recall "Spring in Kyoto"

(SC of Alice Margot troy, the first one who came out of the Oriental Demon Dream)

Alice has nine figures-Holland, France, Orleans, Lucia, London, Tibet, Beijing, Shanghai and Penglai.

Remember "マーキュリポィズン" and "mercury poisoning".

(SC is in Patchouli Knowledge, the magical town of Dongfanghong)

Think of "のびーるァームムムムムムムムムムムムムムムムム ム

(Oriental Fengshen recorded SC for the first time in Kawashiro Nitori)

A riverside boy can shorten one arm and lengthen the other.

Think of "flying insects" and recall "flying insect nests"

When I first came out from the East, I missed SC in the sky. )

Think of "Night of a Million Ghosts" and recall "Night of a Million Ghosts"

(Ibuki Suika SC, the first dream of the East)

Ghost Night Parade: A monster parade in Japanese folklore that appeared on a summer night is also a series of monster paintings by the famous monster painter Niaoshanyan. The popularity of this word is due to the series of novels "Yin Yang Shi" by Japanese fantasy writer Baku Yumemakura and the comic book "Ghost Night Copy" by Japanese cartoonist Imako. )

Think of "Tiangou のマクロバースト" and recall "Tiangou Outbreak"

I miss the sky when I first came out of the East, and SC is in Syameimaru Aya.

(Macroburst: a kind of downburst, which is a local downward flow. When the airflow reaches the ground, it will produce a straight wind direction similar to the destructive power of a tornado and spread in all directions; A microburst is defined as one that affects Fiona Fang for 4 kilometers or less, and a giant storm is defined as one that affects Fiona Fang for more than 4 kilometers).

Think of ストロードールカミカゼ, and recall the Straw Dolls Kamikaze Team.

Komeiji Satori (Alice Magtroy's senior barrister, the first flower post in the East)

(Kamikaze: Kamikaze: Kamikaze Special Forces of Japan during World War II)

Think of "プリンセスンディネ" and recall "Princess Undine" (Princess Undine).

(SC is in Patchouli Knowledge, the magical town of Dongfanghong)

(Undine: refers to the legendary water sprite among the four gods (fire, water, wind and earth), which symbolizes the power of rebirth, abundance and purification of life. )

Think of "The River Boy" and "The Polo Rocca of the River Boy" (River Boy's Estuary Wave)

(Oriental Fengshen recorded SC for the first time in Kawashiro Nitori)

(Polo Roca: refers to the huge waves as high as 12 ft. at the mouth of the river, which can last for more than half an hour every February and March due to the Atlantic tide. )

Think of "the field of waves and particles" and recall "the field of waves and particles"

(SC just appeared in the oriental language)

(quantum mechanics related issues, wave-particle duality means that matter has both wave characteristics and particle characteristics.

The particle nature of matter is characterized by energy e and momentum p, while the characteristics of wave are represented by electromagnetic wave frequency ν and its wavelength λ. The scaling factors of these two groups of physical quantities are related by Planck constant h (h = 6.626 * 10-34J s). E=hv, E = MC 2, in two forms at the same time, we get: M = HV/C 2. P=mc, then p=hv/c)

Think of "misty fog" and recall "misty fog"

(Ibuki Suika SC, Oriental First Flower Post)

Think about "the wind in torii" and "the whirlwind in torii"

When I first came out from the east, I missed SC in Syameimaru Aya very much.

(つむじ wind: whirlwind)

Think of "リターンィナニトメス" and recall the "animal return" (return to nothingness).

(When I first appeared in the East, I copied Alice Margot Lloyd's Night SC)

Think of the "sage's stone" and recall the "sage's stone"

(SC is in Patchouli Knowledge, the magical town of Dongfanghong)

Sage Stone: It is said that medieval alchemists used it as a mysterious medium to turn humble metals into gold.

Think of "Underwater Glow" and "Underwater Trauma"

(Oriental Fengshen recorded SC for the first time in Kawashiro Nitori)

(trauma: psychological trauma refers to the indelible haze left on the psychological level due to major psychological changes)

DS Wenhua tie

ブレィンフィンガープリント (brain fingerprint).

(brain finger, brain fingerprint. Brain fingerprints seem to be regarded as a method of criminal search abroad)

Heart flower "カメラシャィローズ" (heart flower "camera shy rose").

Think of "ぅろぉぼぇの Jingu Temple" (think of "Jingu Temple in a hazy memory")

Komeiji Koishi, the temple of the spirit of the earth.

Total *** 10, compared with China and Japan.

The expression of "dream pillow, ancestors stand up" and the expression of "ancestors hold dreams"

(dream pillow: what you see in your dream, hold your dream. Li Li: Everybody stand up. I saw all my ancestors standing on pillows in my dream. According to a local legend in Japan, when ancestors have something to warn their descendants, they will appear in dreams and stand in line at the pillow.

The appearance of "screen" is "screen paranoid".

(Paranoia: paranoia, also known as paranoia; It is a way of thinking with extreme anxiety and fear, often irrational and delusional. From Greek, π α ρ ν ο α means madness. The word "past" is also used to indicate various delusional states. The difference between paranoia and phobia is that phobia is an irrational and permanent fear of all kinds of things, usually irrational. Paranoia is usually fear of others' purposeful behavior)

Instinct "ィドの liberation" Instinct "Id liberation"

(Id: Id, an idea in a potential ideology, is in Latin and is the Es in the original German. Id stands for the primitive program of thought, the most primitive human desires, such as hunger, anger, sexual desire and so on. This word was coined by Freud based on the works of Georg Grodike. The ID is innate and the foundation of personality structure, and the future ego and superego will develop on the basis of the ID. The purpose of the id is to follow the hedonic principle, pursue the individual's physiological needs such as food satiety and sexual desire satisfaction, and avoid pain. )

Suppress "スーパーェゴ" and suppress "superego"

(superego: superego is the controller in the personality structure, governed by the principle of perfection, and belongs to the moral part of the personality structure. In Freud's theory, superego is the symbolic internalization of father image and cultural norms. Because of the conflict with the object, the superego tends to stand in the opposite position of the original desire of the id, but it is aggressive to the ego. The superego operates in the form of moral heart, maintaining individual moral sense and avoiding taboos. The formation of superego occurs in the process of the disintegration of Oedipus complex, which is an internalized recognition of the father image. Because the little boy can't successfully regard his mother as the object of his love, he has castration anxiety about his father's possible castration revenge or punishment, and then turns to identify with his father. )

Reaction to "Monster" and "Monster Lie Detector"

(polygraph: a polygraph is a machine that measures and records physiological responses caused by sympathetic nerves, such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration and skin electrical responses, to judge whether the subjects who are answering questions are lying; Because this physiological reaction is involuntary, the change of this physiological reaction caused by lying is considered to reveal whether the subject is lying)

Unconscious "ぞのロールシャッハ" subconscious "Rorschach of barrage" (ink test of barrage)

(Ink test: Rorschach ink test, or translated as Rorschach ink projection test, is one of the projection techniques of personality test, which was first compiled by Swiss psychiatrist Rorschach in 192 1. The test consists of 10 cards with ink, of which 5 cards are black ink on white background, 2 cards are black or red ink on white background, and 3 cards are color. Subjects will be asked to answer what they thought the card looked like at first and what they thought the card looked like later. Psychologists then judge the personality of the subjects according to their answers and statistical data. )

Rekindle "Love Buries Fire" Rekindle "Love Buries Fire"

(Burying fire: Bury charcoal fire in ashes to conserve heat energy, and smoldering charcoal fire can be rekindled later. The moral here is that Lian is very interested in Reimu and Morisa, hoping to open a closed third eye to read their inner world. )

Deep "unconscious heritage" and deep "subconscious gene"

(Gene: Japanese writing gene, that is, English gene, comes from Greek and means "life". Refers to the DNA sequence that carries genetic information and is the basic genetic unit that controls traits. Genes express their own genetic information by guiding the synthesis of protein, thus controlling the performance of biological individuals. Humans have about 20 thousand to 25 thousand genes. )

"Those who hate it", "philosophy of the hated" (philosophy of the hated)

(Philosophy: Philosophy comes from the Greek word φ ι λ ο σ ο φ α, which means to love wisdom; This paper mainly discusses how to survive in the world (ethics), what things exist and the essence of such things (metaphysics), what is true knowledge (epistemology) and what is the correct reasoning principle (logic). Love closes its third eye because it has the ability to be hated.

"サブタレィニァンローズズ" underground rose

Dongfang Wenhua tie DS

Spiritual symbol "without my love" (spiritual symbol "without my love")

Memory "DNA defect" (memory "DNA defect")

"fetal dream" ("fetal dream")

Hell (Hell of Roses)

Kaenbyou Rin, the temple of the spirit of the earth.

Total *** 10 (Japanese and Chinese)

Cat symbol "キャッツォーク" Cat symbol "Cat step"

The symbol of the cat "hates the disorder of the cat" and the symbol of the cat "hates the disorder of the civet cat"

Ghost: a personified soul that died with hatred.

ゾンビフェァリー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー 12

Zombie: An immortal who borrows a corpse from the dead through witchcraft. It usually lacks arms and legs, so it moves slowly, but it has strong anti-strike ability.

I hate スプリーィーターーターーーーーーーーー.

The corpse "eats people" and the corpse spirit "eats people"

Make atonement for the "mountain of needles in the old hell" and atone for the "mountain of needles in the old hell"

Needle Mountain: In Buddhism, the underworld of the six divisions in the wheel of karma is full of blood pools of needles, mountains, fire and sea. )

Make atonement for "the needle of the past, the pain of the past, the resentment of the past", and make atonement for "the needle of the past, the bitterness of the past"

"resurgence" and "resurgence"

(Source: Biography of Historical Records Han Chang Ru: "The prison official Tian Jia humiliated Anguo. An Guo said,' Will the revival of independence not be revived?' ")

Small resurrection, small resurrection of evil spirits

Monster "steam wheel" monster "steam wheel"

(A P's race is a train, that is, a cat monster carrying a dead body)

Wenhua tie DS

The dead character "ゴーストタン" (the dead character "ghost town").

"Dead bodies everywhere" ("Dead bodies everywhere")

🈉ャットランダムォーク (Random Walk of Cats).

Holes in the Lingling Hall in Lu Wu.

It's always * * * ... I'm dizzy, I can't crash, I can't perform calculations.

Nuclear heat "ニュークリフュージョン" Nuclear heat "nuclear fusion" [easy, normal]

(Nuclear fusion: Nuclear fusion reaction is a form of nuclear reaction in which atoms with small mass, mainly deuterium or tritium, polymerize with each other under certain conditions (such as ultra-high temperature and high pressure) to generate new nuclei with heavy mass, accompanied by huge energy release. Is the source of light and heat from the sun)

Nuclear fever "ニュークリァェクスカーションンシン"

(Nuclear Excursion: sudden increase of nuclear power, which is a technically elegant term for "deviation of nuclear reactor working conditions", that is, a rapidly rising chain reaction. It is also called an inadvertent nuclear emergency, or a euphemistic power surge. )

Nuclear fever "nuclear countermeasures against failure" nuclear fever "nuclear reaction out of control" [madman]

Explosive symbol "プチフレ" Explosive symbol "small flare" [simple]

(Petit: in French, it means small. Flare: Flare; A solar activity in which radiation suddenly increases in the region of the sun's chromosphere-corona transition layer. The plasma on the sun is heated to10 million degrees, and electrons, protons and some heavy ions are accelerated to near the speed of light. The electromagnetic waves emitted by these ions range from long-wave microwaves to gamma rays with the shortest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum. Most flares occur near the solar active area, such as sunspots, that is, the part of the sun's surface where magnetic lines of force are exposed from the corona. The energy of flare mainly comes from the magnetic energy suddenly released by corona. After the flare appears, it can be observed that the brightness suddenly increases, the flow of radio waves, ultraviolet rays and X-rays will also increase sharply, and sometimes high-energy gamma rays and high-energy charged particles will be emitted. X-rays and ultraviolet rays emitted by flares can affect the ionosphere in the earth's atmosphere and destroy human electromagnetic communication. )

Explosion symbol "メガフレ" Explosion symbol "Giant Flare" [Normal]

(Mega: the prefix of the international system of units, trillion, that is, millions, 10 to the sixth power)

Explosive symbol "ギガフレ" Explosive symbol "Giga flare" [hard]

(Ji: the prefix of the international system of units, Ji, that is, the ninth power of one billion, 10)

Explosive symbol "ぺタフレ" Explosive symbol "Giga flare" [Moon]

(Peta: prefix of the international system of units, beat [it], that is, gigabit 15 power, 10).

Star "フィクストスター" flame star "fixed star" [easy, normal]

(Star: Like the sun, a star that emits light and heat is called a star because its relative position in the sky seems to remain the same. )

⋴プラネタリーレボリュションンンンンンンンンンンン 125

Revolution: the rotation of one celestial body around another, as opposed to rotation.

Star "Ten Bad Stars" Flame Star "Ten Bad Stars" [Crazy]

Ten evil stars: ten celestial bodies in astrology, including the sun, moon, mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Because the top ten celestial bodies symbolize different fields, they may all be harmful stars when facing different directions or constellations.

Another way of saying it is that the ten evil stars refer to the ten scorching sun in the sky shot down by Hou Yi in ancient China mythology.


(meltdown: refers to nuclear meltdown, also known as nuclear energy leakage; It is the most serious sequela of nuclear reactor failure. Although the nuclear radiation released by nuclear leakage is far less than the power and scope of nuclear weapons, it can cause some biological casualties. )

ヘルズトカマク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク ク 12

(Tokamak: It is an annular container that uses magnetic confinement to realize controlled nuclear fusion. Its name comes from ring, kamera, magnetism and kotushka. It was originally invented by Azimovich and others of Kurchatov Institute in Moscow, Soviet Union in 1950s. )

"Artificial Sun in Hell" and "Artificial Sun in Hell" [easy, normal]


(Nuclear fusion is called the sun on the earth, and the two symbols are just the opposite. )

I have to think about heaven.

Spell the card as slave (followed by the number of cards consumed)

"Hell's Artificial Sun" and "Hell's Artificial Sun" [consumes all the cards at present, and the power depends on the number of cards you have when you start]

Control "self-tokamak" (automatic tokamak device) against "セルフトカマク”[cost 2]]

(Tokamak: Tokamak device, see above for details)

Shielding "nuclear heat" Shielding "nuclear heat goggles" (nuclear heat shield) [fee 2]

(Sun visor: shield)

Explosion symbol "メガフレ" Explosion symbol "Mega flare" (million flare) [cost 3]

(Mega: the prefix of the international system of units, trillion, that is, millions, 10 to the sixth power)

Star "フィクストスター" Flame Star "Fixed Star" [Fee 3]

(Fixed star: Star, see the above picture for details)

The nuclear symbol "クリーピングサンンンサンンンンンンンンンンンンン125

(crawling: moving slowly)

Photothermal "ハィテンションブレード" Photothermal "high tension blade" [cost 3]

(High voltage: high voltage, and high voltage here refers to higher voltage. A power supply with an industrial voltage of 3000- 1 1000 volts is called high voltage electricity; Usually, a power supply with a voltage above 250 volts is called high voltage electricity. )

Geothermal core; geothermal core flame geyser.

(Blaze: flame. Geyser: Fountain, geyser)

Star Ten Rotten Stars, Flame Star Ten Rotten Stars [Cost 4]


The crow symbolizes "Eight Wu Zhi" and the crow symbolizes "Eight Wu Zhi Diving" (Eight Wu Zhi Diving) [Cost 4].

) Wu Zhi: In Japanese mythology, the angel of the sun god, the light in the sky, dash one of the symbols of the sun, is a giant crow with three legs. Legend has it that Emperor Jimmu marched eastward to Xiongye and was besieged by the enemy in Xiongye Mountain. The gods sent eight birds to guide the emperor and completed the eastward expedition to establish the country. Later, eight wise birds became the tattoo of Kumano Miyamoto Society, symbolizing the spirit of "loyalty, honesty and fearlessness". The legend of eight Japanese birds combines many mythological images, such as the sun in China and Goluda in India. )

Nuclear countermeasures against "nuclear fever" can't resist "nuclear fever" nuclear reaction out of control dive "(nuclear reaction out of control dash)[ cost 4]

Explosive symbol "ギガフレ" Explosive symbol "gigaflare" [cost 5]

(Ji: the prefix of the international system of units, Ji, that is, the ninth power of one billion, 10)


(abyss: abyss Nova): Nova is a kind of cataclysmic variable star, which is a phenomenon that hydrogen accumulated on the surface of white dwarfs leads to violent nuclear explosions. This kind of star is usually very dark and difficult to find. When it broke out, it suddenly brightened and was considered a new star, hence its name. )

Story mode as a spell card for enemy aircraft

The popular symbol "ブレィクプロミネンスス" is the popular symbol "break prominence".

Prominence: Prominence is a total solar eclipse, in which the sun is surrounded by a red ring and a bright red flame jumps on the ring. This flame-like object is called a prominence. Prominences are hot air ejected from the surface of the sun. It is a very strong solar activity on the chromosphere of the Sun, and it is one of the signs of solar activity. It is the result of the violent activity of the solar magnetic field, and it is also the evidence to prove the existence of the solar magnetic field.

Nuclear fever "nuclear countermeasures can't prevent it from" nuclear fever "and" nuclear reaction out of control "

"ホットジュピターモデル" hot Jupiter descent model.

(Hot Jupiter: Hot Jupiter, also known as ovenroasters, epistellarjovians, pegasids or pegaseanplanets, is a kind of exoplanet, and its mass is close to or more than 1.9 × 10kg of Jupiter, but unlike the solar system, Jupiter's orbital radius is 5 astronomical units, and one astronomical unit is about equal to/kloc-0. The orbit of a planet that becomes a hot Jupiter and its parent star can be within 0.05 astronomical unit, which is only about one-eighth of the distance of Mercury in the solar system. )

Nuclear heat "artificial sunspot" nuclear heat "artificial sunspot"

Sunspot is a kind of solar activity that occurs on the photosphere of the sun, and it is the most basic and obvious phenomenon in solar activity. It is generally believed that sunspots are actually a huge hot gas vortex on the surface of the sun, with a temperature of about 4500℃. Because it is lower than the surface temperature of the solar photosphere 1000 to 2000℃, it looks like some dark spots. )

DS Wenhua tie

Melting white is a melting solution.

Superstar "レッドジャィァント" (red giant).

Star symbol "superstar fall" (star symbol "superstar fall")

Seven stars "セプテントリォン" (Seven Tion)
