Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Who are the actors of the Ultimate Three Kingdoms?

Who are the actors of the Ultimate Three Kingdoms?

Name: shumetheny English name: shu Metheny (abbreviated as shu) Nickname: Head of Xiu Orchestra & & Guitar (guitarist) Gender: Male student: 1982.7. 15 Blood type: Type A Height: 176cm Weight: 50. Drama. Students' interests: playing guitar ... performing in an orchestra ... recording life ... Favorite opposite sex: clean ... white ... naturally humble ... purposeful ... smart ... temperament specialty: inadvertently dancing tone ... What do you have: 5 guitars ... an electric piano ... a recording device ... health insurance card ... Likes: 7-ELEVEN's chocolate pie, zero-fat milk, bacon rice, curry, corn soup, bacon and egg toast (trimmed), pasta, French fries, pizza ... dislikes: mushrooms, eggplant, burdock, cauliflower, bitter gourd, visceral food ... Introduce these six friends: Jay-my brother, A very good guitarist ... likes dogs, cats and fish ... Now he is a guitar teacher ... He is a man with goals for the future ... Ming-a talented drummer ... but I hope he can eat more and sing well ... He calls himself Xindian Taojiji ... a- bass player, high school classmate and music partner. The music I've listened to has been turned over ... My skin is super white, but because it's too white ... taking pictures and turning on the flash will be overexposed ... like a spiritual body ... junior high school friend, good guitarist ... very good at photography ... British rock fans ... began to play guitar together. Dong-a high school friend, a "self-proclaimed" man with rock blood ... He plays the guitar very well ... He likes to write lyrics, and he is also a partner in composing music together ... Chords-a young Puli boy ... dressed in high profile, this guy who loves music, composes music and is skillful in writing lyrics compares six friends with colors: Jay-Nigger-Deep Coffee stirrup. Attitude towards life: serious, don't waste time, try your best, have a sense of responsibility, and want to keep yourself happy, positive, modest and clear-headed. I also had a wild childhood ... the place I want to go most: what kind of person I want to be in a place that is not polluted by human beings: an excellent actor, a simple musician ... a great guitarist. If you do one more thing, what is it? Have another crazy high school year with my friends. What should I do if I have the chance to do it again? I don't need to do anything special .. I just want to go back to that crazy, childish, impulsive and stupid time. If the person you like works far away for a long time before coming back, what will you do? Do what you have to do. Do you prefer college or high school? High school.