Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What constellation does the male Gemini best match?

What constellation does the male Gemini best match?

What constellation does the male Gemini best match?

What constellation is the most suitable for male Gemini? Gemini boys are usually very casual and bold, making decisions casually and impulsively, just like a child who will never grow up. So what constellation is the most suitable for male Gemini? Let's take a look at what constellation the male Gemini best matches.

What constellation is the best match for a male Gemini 1 First place: Aquarius female.

Gemini boys hate seeing tears. Gemini can accept the criticism and nagging of lovers, but only their anger and tears will make Gemini unbearable. People often blame them for this, but only Aquarius can understand them, see the worries behind their smiles, and know how afraid they are of all the negative things in life. Because Gemini boys are children who don't grow up, they often see the bright side of anyone and everything, so when Gemini boys fall in love with Aquarius, they will accept the woman's persistence and frankness very calmly.

Second place: Libra girl

Gemini boys are bold at will, make decisions at will, do things without regret, anxiety, unwillingness to wait, love to think and do as soon as they want. Libra women are quite different. They always look at the two ends of the scale for fear of making any mistakes. Nevertheless, in the eyes of Gemini boys, the charm of Libra girls is irresistible. Libra is delicate, fragile and docile. Faced with such a Libra, Gemini boys will willingly give up their freedom, throw themselves into the net woven by Libra girls, choose to get married and find a stable job to support their families, just like most men in the world.

Third place: Lion Girl

Bohemian and freedom-loving Gemini boys regard any woman as an obstacle to their free flight in love. Their love experience led them to the conclusion that a woman who loves them will want to change them. Therefore, they never want to invest too much in their feelings, and they don't want to get stuck in their feelings. But when Gemini meets Leo girls, they can always convince the novelty-loving Gemini that she is different from other women, thus arousing Gemini's interest in them.

What constellation is the most suitable for male Gemini? Gemini boys are best matched with constellations. First place: Libra girl.

In the eyes of Gemini men, the charm of Libra women is irresistible. Women are delicate, fragile and docile, and trust and rely on men so much. So this man willingly gave up his freedom, plunged into the web woven by women, got married, found a stable job and supported his family, just like most men in the world. Libra women are typical orientals-everyone knows that orientals are gentle and modest, but which oriental nation can assimilate? Even if aliens can occupy an oriental nation for centuries, they can't assimilate it. Therefore, no matter how obedient a Libra woman is, she will never give in to her own man, and she will definitely do what she wants. When they are unhappy because of a little conflict, both sides will think much of each other's benefits and apologize to each other. Generally speaking, however, it is often the man who apologizes, because he carries it out as soon as he thinks, while the woman has to recall it from beginning to end, analyze it twice, and spend a few days judging who has more advantages and disadvantages.

Gemini boys best match the second place in the constellation: Aquarius girls.

Two people can notice each other even in a group of people for a day, although they may never meet. They can feel that they can understand each other. The man is confident that the other woman will believe that his dream can come true and will not laugh at their absurdity. The woman believes that the man will not regard her behavior as crazy. They don't have to talk to each other, but they can perceive each other by looking at each other. They can hear a faint but clear music, which is the harmony of the strings of their hearts. So they came together. They pay more attention to emotional harmony. If something goes wrong, they will be very depressed. Maybe they deeply feel how precious this love is and are afraid of losing it. Even if the couple can't be a genus, they won't be enemies. They will continue to care about each other like close friends. They even think that friendship is more complete than love, which gives them a sense of security. There is no hatred, only misunderstanding. If all lovers in the world are like them, love will not have any bitterness.

Gemini boys best match the third place in the constellation: Gemini girls.

The couple's life will certainly not be monotonous. Think about it, this is actually four people together. The man who combines spirit and flesh is led by four wings, one to the east, the other to the west, the other to the south and the other to the north. This kind of constant travel makes it impossible to stay in one place for too long, and it is impossible to get tired of a certain scenery. They are always looking for their dreams, and nothing can frustrate their vitality and imagination. Their sex is like a storm, they all feel trembling and comfortable, and sometimes they can be more peaceful and gentle like the wind. They will try whimsically, such as making love under a waterfall or making out in a helicopter. When one party makes such a proposal, the other party will strongly oppose it at first, but in the end it will be more active than the other party. For this pair of people, it is not so much the unity of spirit and flesh of two people as the unity of spirit and flesh of four people. Remember, every Gemini is two people, without exception Therefore, their happiness is twice that of the average person, 100% or more!