Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - After paying off the loan, how long will the credit information return to normal?

After paying off the loan, how long will the credit information return to normal?

1. After paying off the loan, how long will it take for the credit information to return to normal?

If it is overdue, it is necessary to keep the record of repayment on time for five years after paying off the arrears, so as to return to normal.

According to Article 16 of the State Council's Regulations on the Administration of Credit Information Industry, "the retention period of personal bad information by credit information institutions is five years from the date of termination of bad behavior or events, and it will be deleted if it exceeds five years". "Five years from the date of termination" means that five years will be deleted after the arrears are paid off. If overdue records appear again within these five years, they will be recalculated.

In fact, for ordinary people, it is very difficult to maintain a good credit record for five years, and there will be one or two overdue cases caused by carelessness. Therefore, banks will not be so strict when actually investigating credit information, nor does it mean that there are some small bad records that will not give opportunities at all. Moreover, the credit report is not the only content to be approved, and personal income, assets under personal name and bank flow will also affect it. Therefore, many people find that as long as their credit records in the past two years are not overdue, they can still get loans or credit cards, even for one year.

Extended data

How many days is the credit card overdue?

Each bank's credit card has a certain grace period for repayment, during which the repayment will not be recorded in the credit report. Most bank credit card repayment grace period is 3 days, and the application does not need to take effect automatically. However, some banks have special provisions on the grace period for repayment, as follows:

1, Bank of China:

The grace period for repayment of the Platinum Credit Card of China Bank is 9 days, and the grace period for repayment of other credit cards of China Bank is 3 days.

2. Postal Bank:

The grace period for repayment by China Post Bank is 4 days.

3. Guangfa Bank and Citibank:

Both Guangfa Bank and Citibank need to apply for a special grace period for repayment, usually around 3 days.

4. Agricultural Bank:

The grace period for repayment of China Agricultural Bank is 2 days.

5. ICBC:

ICBC's Star Card and Struggle Card can have a grace period of three days, while ICBC's other credit cards have no grace period.

What are the consequences of overdue credit cards?

If the overdue period reaches a very serious state, it will constitute a malicious overdraft and will be convicted of a credit card crime. Sentencing standards will be implemented according to the amount of our malicious overdraft, including less than 5 years, less than 5 years of dissatisfaction with 10 year, or more than 10 year, and a fine of 20,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan, 50,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan or confiscation of property.

If the credit card is overdue for more than 6 times in two years, then you can't apply for a provident fund loan. A short-term careless overdue once or twice may still be possible, but if it is overdue three times in two years, then our provident fund loan will be beyond our reach. Because ordinary banks or provident funds mainly rely on the credit records of lenders in the last two years when handling credit business. Therefore, those cardholders who want to apply for provident fund loans to buy a house must pay back on time when using their credit cards.

If the overdue period is not very serious, then theoretically we can still handle the bank loan business. Many cardholders who want to borrow money to buy a house are overdue and have a bad record of credit investigation. In this case, if you apply for a commercial loan, most banks will raise your benchmark interest rate by 10% because of your credit problems. Obviously, the cost of buying a house will increase greatly. If we are overdue many times and seriously, then you will be directly refused the loan by the bank. Therefore, when using a credit card, considering the plan to buy a house in the future, it must not be overdue.

2. I used the housing provident fund loan, and my personal credit report overdue account 1 time. Can I get a loan? end ...

A small amount of overdue is ok. Now you can not only check the credit information, but also see if there is any overdue in your big data report.

My score here is still moderate, mainly depending on whether you have other small loans before applying for a mortgage.

3. Once the provident fund is overdue, how long will it take to return to normal?

Five years.

Generally speaking, the loans overdue record of provident fund, like other overdue records, will not be eliminated until five years after the loan is settled. Usually, overdue records will be kept in the credit information for 5 years from the date of settlement, and will be automatically deleted by the credit information system after 5 years. Outstanding, has been retained in the personal credit.

Moreover, there is no grace period for repayment of provident fund loans, which is different from commercial mortgages of banks. Once the provident fund is not repaid on time, it is overdue. After the deadline, the records will be uploaded, and employees will have to pay penalty interest. Moreover, the provident fund management center will directly suspend the user's provident fund withdrawal until the user resumes normal repayment of the provident fund loan. If there is a guarantor, it will also affect the guarantor.

4. Did loans overdue collect credit at the first meeting of provident fund? Credit can be restored in this way.

After many people apply for provident fund loans, the company fails to pay the provident fund in time, which is likely to lead to the provident fund in loans overdue. Although it may only be overdue once, it will still have various consequences. Then, in loans overdue, did the provident fund collect credit at the first meeting? Let's have a look.

As we all know, the repayment method of provident fund loans is different from commercial loans. Many people will sign a hedging repayment agreement when handling provident fund loans, entrusting the housing provident fund center to transfer money from the provident fund account to the savings account of the provident fund card every month, and then the bank will deduct the loan. If the company fails to pay the housing provident fund in time according to the above provisions, and the balance of the provident fund account is insufficient to repay the monthly payment, the lender must deposit enough money in the repayment card account, otherwise the bank will not deduct the money on the repayment date, and the provident fund will be loans overdue. Even if it is only overdue once, the bank will report the overdue records to the central bank's credit information system, which will definitely affect the credit information under normal circumstances. However, there are also special circumstances. For example, affected by the epidemic, many enterprises in wholesale and retail, accommodation and catering, logistics and transportation, cultural tourism and other industries have delayed paying the provident fund to their employees because of production and operation difficulties, which is allowed by the policy. In this case, employees can't repay provident fund loans in time, so they can communicate and negotiate with the loan bank and provide relevant supporting materials for unpredictable repayment due to the epidemic. After the bank confirms, it will not submit this overdue loan to the central bank for credit investigation. If it has been submitted, the lender can raise an objection to let the bank modify the credit information, and the bank will restore the credit within 20 days after accepting and verifying it.