Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Susan Miller 202 1 April constellation Leo.

Susan Miller 202 1 April constellation Leo.

Translator: Green Cicada

This past weekend, The New York Times published an article entitled "A Year Without Travel". If, like me, you haven't been anywhere in the past year, you may feel similar pain as I experienced. Travel can make people relax and rejuvenate. Even if you are doing business or just showing your face like me, it will be exciting in a new environment. Unfortunately, there is still no way to travel abroad, because epidemics continue to ravage all over the world and new varieties continue to appear. No wonder we were warned to stay at home.

Nevertheless, the full moon on March 28th at the end of last month is still perfectly integrated with your Libra at 8 degrees, which may make you have a quick and pleasant stay near your home. This is one of the most inspiring full moons of the year, full of opportunities. If you do travel for a few days, you already know that you will feel more energetic when you go home.

The gorgeous full moon on March 28th last month (plus four days before and after) formed a golden "three-pointed star" in the night sky, connecting the full moon in Libra, the third house of travel, Saturn in Aquarius, the fifth house of partnership, and Mars in Gemini (your house of friendship, hope and blessing). If you go out alone, you may meet friends at your destination. Your lover or spouse may accompany you, if not, he or she will help you keep your home smooth. If you don't travel, there is no doubt that you will be busy with a lot of emails, phone calls and text messages. You like being busy, so you don't mind. Besides, you may have negotiated a deal and signed a contract at the end of March.

All Leo people are favored by the full moon, although Leo whose birthday falls within four days of July 29th will be twice as happy.

Now, when you enter April, you will pay more attention to travel, thanks to April 1 1, the 22nd new moon in Aries, the ninth house of your chart, which provides you with many opportunities.

You will have other special opportunities, including broadcasting and publishing fields and digital art. If you like writing, or have ideas about TV programs, podcasts, applications or other high technologies, the new moon in Aries (April 1 1) will be the time to start working. You will also have the opportunity to receive higher education, so if you are considering going back to university or graduate school, this field will shine for you.

This is why this new moon is so special: Jupiter in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini, the eleventh house of friendship, hope and wishes, will support it perfectly. Because of the position of Mars, friends will play a more important role in your life than usual in the first three weeks of April. If you have a love or career partner, this person seems to be the strength of stability and comfort in your life these days. This person may be your spouse or steady boyfriend or girlfriend, or it may be a business partner/collaborator, agent, manager, lawyer, accountant, or other people who work with you one-on-one. For example, if you are an agent, the person you represent may become a bright force in your life now.

When the fire sign new moon appears in Aries, all Leo will find something to cheer about. If your birthday is in August 14, five days before and after, this new moon will speak directly to you, so use at least one of all the benefits it provides!

One of the most powerful moments of this month is related to the new moon, but it will reach its peak in April 15- 16. Mars will contact Jupiter, which is currently in your seventh house of marriage and commitment, so as I said above, your partner in life is a gem, which will prove it to you in many ways.

Saturn faces the sun this year. If you are a Leo born in July, this is a difficult stage, because it gives people a feeling of isolation and lack of cooperation. Saturn does this for a purpose, so that you can find your inner strength. However, you also have lucky Jupiter in your seventh house of marriage and intimate partnership. This shows that you may struggle with one partner in your life, but you can get comfort and endless support from another different partner.

For example, you may feel that your business partner gives you too much pressure, but your marriage partner is the best part of your life-and vice versa. Or you may experience tension and warmth from your marriage partner or serious long-term lover. There are many possibilities, because 202 1, you will have a great emotional contrast. It may just be that you are about to take a big step, such as getting married or buying a house. If so, this is a perfect Saturn, which requires you to take on more responsibilities and make plans for the long road ahead.

The best two days of this month are April 15 and 16. On April 15, Jupiter, as the giver of things and luck, will send a decisive and friendly beam to your main star, the sun, showing a sextile. When it happens, the two celestial bodies are at 60 degrees, which means opportunity. Arrange an important professional action on this beautiful day, tailored for you. Your career will be very smooth, because both the boss and customers will favor you. Your love or business partner will also support you and may even affect your luck.

On April 16, Mars will touch Jupiter in Gemini, which is a typical aspect, indicating that the action may bring profits. I like this aspect. Mars rules foreigners and places in the ninth house, importing and exporting goods, services or ideas, as well as legal affairs, publishing and broadcasting. The ninth house is also in charge of your efforts to get an education in a university or graduate school. April 16 is a special day. You can use it to do anything, such as holding an important meeting or signing an important document. If you focus on one of the areas listed by me, you will get another layer of good luck, but I do want to say that it will be a great day, just like April 15 will be a dazzling day.

Mercury will retrograde from May 29th to June 22nd next month, so try to accomplish as many things as possible this month. You should set aside time a few days before Mercury retrograde (May 29th), because you will start to feel that things are progressing slowly and get into chaos 10 days before Mercury retrograde. If you need a new computer, smart phone, car or kitchen appliance, such as some electronic products that you might consider buying, buy it now, not later.

There is another reason for you to complete all the most important decisions and start at the beginning of the month. April 26th is the most unpredictable and possibly the most difficult full moon in a year. This full moon will have an impact from April 24 to April 30, and will set at 7 degrees in Scorpio in your family and family house.

About your home, some things are becoming perfect-you may be planning to apply for a mortgage loan from the bank or negotiate with the seller to complete the house you are interested in buying. It is also possible that your parents suddenly need you and you have to drop everything to help. This is why the full moon is so difficult to control.

On April 26th, Uranus, representing rebellion, independence, unpredictability, accident, chaos, division and mutation, will combine with your ruler Sun, making life unstable. At the same time, Uranus in Taurus will be directly opposite the full moon in Scorpio (180 degrees), which is the house that lights up your home and family. When Uranus is involved, you never know what will happen, because it is always something you have never considered possible. Each constellation will feel different about all this, and everyone will be a little nervous because the news will be unexpected.

At the same time, Saturn will form a difficult right angle with the sun and full moon, which will put pressure on your family and work, because you will have very busy work to deal with. Next month, in mid-May, you may have an excellent promotion opportunity. ) You have four planets moving to the tenth house of honor, reward and achievement. This is good news, but at the end of April, there is no doubt that you will feel that you have too much to do.

How to deal with it? First, make your plan easier at the end of the month. Besides, as we all know, Saturn will force us to be realistic. Face what you have to face as unemotionally as possible, and consider doing some research to find out some choices and answers. Saturn will also form a difficult angle with Venus and Mercury. Mercury is going retrograde, and you don't want to sign anything. Venus is still trapped in the tenth house of career, so when you have to deal with trivial matters unrelated to your career, such as family and housework, you may feel angry and tired. It seems that you won't get much sympathy from your boss.

Mars will leave the positions it occupied in the first three weeks of April-Gemini and air signs (this is a very supportive sign, which is integrated with your sign)-and enter Cancer. The twelfth house is responsible for meditation, confinement and secrets. Mars will be the only planet that can help you solve all the important problems by contacting Jupiter, which is a very lucky planet and still in your partner's house.

This means that professionals like doctors and lawyers are also in this house, so maybe you will get good advice from these types of individuals. This is lucky-if your parents are not feeling well, it will be a blessing to have the help of a suitable doctor. Lawyers are always helpful-usually they have many contacts to consult. Their training makes them feel realistic. At the end of the full moon on April 26th, you need to be with objective people. Other experts and collaborators will also enter the seventh house, so if you are really in trouble, consider who you can contact for more information. I always feel that when I face obstacles, it is a good thing to have a variety of choices.


At the beginning of this month, you seemed really eager to travel out of the city. You may have stayed at home for a long time and have an impulse to go to the airport. Even so, be careful. When your occupation and age meet the requirements, you'd better not miss the opportunity of vaccination.

Last month's full moon, March 28th, started a trend of wanting to change the environment, so in April, you may have driven to a remote place to enjoy the fresh air and the upcoming seasonal changes. Mother Nature is preparing to take out a paintbrush and paint the earth with pink, yellow, light green and lavender. Below the equator, she will use brighter colors on the leaves. Anyway, April, May, 65438+ October, 165438+ October are all very nice.

After the new moon 1 1 appears in Aries in April, your desire for new friends and places will be stronger. Aries is controlled by Mars, and Mars forms a good angle with some planets in Aries in the eleventh house of friendship. If the authorities in your city think it is safe to do so, you may meet one or more friends in the days or weeks after the new moon on April 1 1. Of course, avoid hot spots.

After staying at home for so long, even a luxurious dinner in your city will satisfy your need to experience change and enjoy communicating with the people you love. The mutation of the virus is spreading. Wear a mask and keep a social distance-don't let your guard down. Saturn will stay in Aquarius before March 2023, so, alas, whether the epidemic will last until Saturn leaves Aquarius depends on each of us and our self-discipline in staying alert. There is no fate in astrology, only the level of probability.

You can enjoy the new moon on April 1 1 and the next few days, and you don't need to travel. In the next few weeks, you may find yourself having a lot of communication with international customers. The media is also an active part of your astrolabe, so you may be engaged in broadcasting or publishing, or digital media. If so, it will be very interesting. You may also be the target of media reports, and publicity can give you a good start.

You can also consider applying for a new passport, green card or visa, if you think you will need these things when traveling is considered safe again. Due to the epidemic, the court has a huge backlog of work. If necessary, you'd better submit written documents now. All legal affairs will be handled by you, as will any efforts you make to get a university or graduate degree. If you want to choose to study in an institution of higher learning or become a professor in your career, then you have chosen the best year and month to make this decision.

Or, the same part of your chart dominates your family, so your parents or other relatives may need your help when your career is booming. Your boss wants you to concentrate, too. Of course you will help the people you love-the people who are most likely to need you are your mother or father, or the people you think are parents.

You have become a juggler who can cope with complex emergencies, so there is nothing to worry about. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is in your partner's house. If you look for it, it has the ability to bring you good luck. It will appear at the last moment when you need it most. This kind of help may come from your partner, your business partner or other collaborators you hire, or your lawyer, doctor or other professionals.

The key is that you will get help from your spouse or cooperative professional on this full moon, so think about who you can ask for information and advice. Most importantly, be realistic, because Saturn requires you to be realistic and take on extra responsibilities. You will grow in this state, even if you doubt it-Saturn's job is to give you a pleasant light of maturity by increasing your wisdom.