Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What the hell is Altman?

What the hell is Altman?

Altman's Creative History and His Fathers in Past Dynasties

Showa Department Ultraman 1 Bomb

The theme of Otq is that human beings solve all kinds of strange events by their own strength and destroy the enemies who invade the earth. Therefore, there is no great hero in this work, and it is entirely human beings who are playing the leading role.

After the release of OTQ, it achieved a great sensation and unprecedented success in Japan. Based on this, Yuangu Company decided to make persistent efforts to shoot the second work.

When planning, Hideki Yuangu decided to change the content of the story and join the heroes outside the earth who had never seen in Otq. It is based on this idea that Yuangu Company tried its best to design a great hero different from human beings. After many studies, the name of the new hero was finally determined as "Altman". Thus, the first generation of Altman that we are familiar with was born.

Eiji Tsuburaya put a lot of effort into this work, because it is the first work in which a non-human hero appears and plays the leading role. Therefore, Eiji Tsuburaya personally supervised this work. In this way, the first generation of Altman series was born, and the first sentence was broadcast on TBS TV in Japan on July 1966.

Due to the serious shortage of funds at that time, Yuangu Company used disposable props. In desperation, the director designed the plot that Altman could only survive on the earth because of injury and could only fight for three minutes after transformation. And this classic story has been used to this day.

After the release of Altman, it caused a great sensation again, even surpassing the previous work Altq. Because the plot of "Maneuvering Altman VS Monster" in this work belongs to children's favorite, the ratings have also reached record highs, and the 37th sentence even reached 42.8%.

When filming The First Generation of Altman, Eiji Tsuburaya didn't expect that this work would start a classic movement that echoed for decades and spanned two centuries. Because the concept of "Otto Brothers" in the future was not considered at that time, and Altman was a series, Eiji Tsuburaya adopted a completely different worldview from the original Altman when planning his second work "Severn Altman".

1967, after the release of the first generation of Altman, Hideyoshi Yuangu decided to shoot his third work with the help of this unprecedented climax. In the initial setting, Eiji Tsuburaya did not intend to classify this work into the Altman series, but took it as a new feature and designed the plot of the protagonist's mother coming from the earth. But in the end, Eiji Tsuburaya decided to simplify the story and put it into the Altman series, so this classic spanning two centuries came into being.

In the setting of the protagonist, the biggest difference between Saiwen Altman and the first generation Altman is that Saiwen did not integrate into the earth, but took a brave young man as the prototype and directly changed from ontology to human appearance, and there was no limit to the fighting time after the transformation, so there was no energy indicator light before the bra competition.

The time limit of three minutes is 1966, which can be said to be helpless. I have to do it because of a serious shortage of funds. By 1967, when filming "Saiwen Altman", Yuangu already had abundant funds, so when designing the image of Saiwen, he abandoned the energy index. However, with the continuous broadcast of the series, there are letters from the audience, strongly demanding that the three-minute energy limit be added back, thinking that this is exciting enough. However, because the episode 10 had already been broadcast, the image of Saiwen could not be changed. In desperation, the director had to change the lighting on Saiwen's head into an energy indicator.

Compared with his predecessor, The Generation of Altman, the story of Severn Altman has undergone great changes. Its content is no longer the simple plot of "Altman vs. Monster" in The Generation of Altman, but more embodies various contradictions between human beings and aggressors. In this work, although human beings are sometimes violated by the enemy, at the same time, human beings themselves are guilty.

This will put Severn in a dilemma. Of course, the fundamental clue of this work is, after all, the contest between good and evil between human beings and aggressors. Moreover, due to the completely different worldviews adopted by Severn Altman and The Original Altman, Severn Altman is the only hero in Severn Altman from beginning to end, and the original Altman, the protagonist of the previous work, has never appeared once.

Eiji Tsuburaya put much more effort into this work than his previous work "The First Generation Altman", but the Japanese audience did not seem to appreciate it, and the ratings fluctuated around 20%. Even fell below 15% at the lowest. Because for children, the story of "Saiwen Altman" is much more profound than "A Generation of Altman", and children can't and can't understand it in detail. In addition, there are fewer fighting scenes in Severn Altman than in Altman Generation. In this case, it is not surprising that Severn Altman's ratings are so low.

In the face of Severn Altman's irreparable fiasco, Eiji Tsuburaya was heartbroken and even pessimistically thought that this was the last series of Altman's works. However, in the spirit of professionalism, Eiji Tsuburaya still wants to draw a satisfactory conclusion for Severn Altman. So he put aside his other work, devoted all his energy and enthusiasm, and wrote the script "The Last Words" for Severn Altman. Today, the finale of "Severn Altman" is still the best in the eyes of audiences who love Altman in Europe, America, Southeast Asia and even the whole world. Kohji Moritsugu, the star of this work, became popular in Japan's special photography circle, which was probably unexpected by Yuangu and Senji himself at that time.

After the broadcast of Severn Altman, Eiji Tsuburaya went to shoot other types of feature films, and the Altman series was completely deserted for three years.

1On October 25th, Eiji Tsuburaya died of illness at the age of 69. A superstar in Japanese special photography has fallen.

Showa Department Ultraman's second bomb

197 1 year, in order to commemorate the first anniversary of Eiji Tsuburaya's death, Yuangu Company decided to issue a new work as a commemoration. Because the first Altman series filmed by Eiji Tsuburaya was the early Altman, the new work was named "Returning Altman". Even the protagonist of this work is modeled after the early Altman, and the images of the two heroes are almost identical.

1971April 2, the first sentence of "the return of Altman" was broadcast by Japanese TBS TV station.

The birth of this new work broke the silence of the Altman series for three years and once again brought great joy to Japanese children! Moreover, since that day, the Altman series has been broadcast for four consecutive years, which can be said to be the longest continuous broadcast.

Since the new work is named Return to Altman, it must be related to First Altman. Therefore, in the first half of the work, the same worldview as the original Altman was adopted, and the setting of the new protagonist became a new hero who returned to the earth after the original Altman left the earth for many years. 18 sentence adds the setting of Sai Wen's appearance, which links the three works together. Severn Altman's worldview has also been completely independent from the beginning and integrated into the worldview related to the first Altman and the returning Altman. Later, in order to save the ratings, the first wear and the text appeared in the 38 th sentence. Sai Wen's two appearances in this work fully illustrate his world outlook, which has been completely related to the first Altman and the returning Altman, and is no longer the original completely independent setting. As a result, Severn Altman became more and more famous and appeared in every subsequent work. In the last sentence of Return to Altman, the word "Otto Brothers" was mentioned for the first time! It can be said that at the end of Return to Altman, the concept of Otto Brothers has already taken shape! The first generation of Altman, Saiwen Altman, returned to Altman and was called Showa Trilogy!

Note: Yuangu Company didn't name the first generation of Altman, and The Returning Altman is a commemorative work of the first generation of Altman, so the protagonist of this work has no official name for more than 20 years after the release of The Returning Altman. During this long time, he was affectionately called "New Altman" by the audience. It was not until the end of 1980s, more than 20 years later, that Yuangu Company officially named Altman, the protagonist of Returning Altman, as Ultraman Jack.

1972 After the release of "Returning Altman", Yuangu Company never imagined that the response of the national audience was getting stronger and stronger, and the voice of making a sequel was getting higher and higher. So Yuangu Company decided to use the concept of "Otto Brothers" already formed in Return to Altman to continue filming new works. In this way, Aesop Altman, the first work after the concept of "Otto Brothers" was officially launched, was born!

The birth of Aesop Altman is of great significance. In this work, the concept of "Otto Brothers" was formally introduced, which completely linked this work with the previous three works, thus forming the world outlook of "Otto Brothers". Since the beginning of this work, the Otto brothers have appeared many times, which is in sharp contrast to the style in which the protagonist has been fighting alone in the first three works. Moreover, in this work, a new character-Otto's father was born for the first time.

1973 coincides with the 10th anniversary of Yuangu Company. Therefore, Yuangu Company decided to shoot a new commemorative work. Thus, Ultranman Taro, the representative work of Altman series in Showa period, was born.

Taylor, the hero of Ultranman Taro, is the first hero with biological parents in history. The previous four protagonists, Altman, Saiwen Altman, Returning Altman and Aesop Altman, are orphans with unknown parents. Therefore, Ultranman Taro, who has biological parents, has a relaxed and humorous style. Of course, there are also some cruel plots. For example, Barton, a strange volcanic bird, appears in the words 17, 18 and 19, which is a typical example. The plot of the Otto brothers' many appearances reached its peak in this work, and a new character-Otto's mother was born after Otto's father.

1974, after the release of Ultranman Taro, the film "The Sinking of Japan" was broadcast all over Japan, and the story in the film was extremely sad. Under the influence of this atmosphere, after Seville Altman, Leo Altman, the second series of Altman's works with great innovation, was born in Yuangu Company.

Contrary to Ultranman Taro's relaxed and humorous style, Leo Altman's style is tragic and desolate, which is influenced by the sinking of Japan. The plot of the sentence 1 and 2 is a true portrayal of Japan's sinking. Unlike Taylor's biological parents in the previous work Ultranman Taro, Leo's biological parents were killed at the beginning in Leo Altman, and his hometown was destroyed by magma people, which made Leo an orphan. The two works are in sharp contrast. In order to contrast the sadness of Leo, his birthplace was changed from Otto in M78 nebula to L77 nebula, which no longer exists. Moreover, Sai Wen, the protagonist of Sai Wen Altman, was mutilated by monsters in this work and lost his ability to transform. He can only fight as the star cluster, the protagonist of Severn Altman. The combat team MAC Cosmic Reconnaissance Team in this film is the only combat team with its headquarters outside the atmosphere, and unlike the previous combat teams, the MAC team is the only one in the world, with no headquarters in Paris/new york. The difference between the Otto brothers' appearances in Aesop Altman and Ultranman Taro is that the Otto brothers are almost absent in Leo Altman, and the only appearance is in the 38th and 39th sentences.

Note: Leo Altman's main purpose is to improve his combat effectiveness step by step through Leo's unremitting efforts and eventually grow into a powerful Otto warrior. Therefore, this work has the plot of the protagonist's special training, which is not available in previous works. Therefore, it is very important to choose a good captain for this film. In this regard, Yuangu specially invited Kohji Moritsugu, the protagonist of Severn Altman, the star of Stars, to play this role. Although Mr. Senji agreed, he also made a request, that is, to change the original MAC captain's name "Tetsutaro on the River" to "Cluster", because the cluster played by Mr. Senji has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has a high position in the eyes of the audience, and Mr. Senji vowed in his early years that in the Altman series, he only played the role of cluster, and other roles were not considered. Round valley agreed to Mr. Senji's request without hesitation, because with Mr. Senji, Leo Altman added a bright spot. In this way, Captain Mike's name changed from the original river Tetsutaro to a cluster that used to work in the Otto Guard. In this way, Saiwen Altman, who once joined the Otto Guard and made outstanding contributions to defending the earth, once again shouldered the heavy responsibility of defending the earth, lived on the earth for the second time and was promoted to Captain Mike! But because the protagonist is Leo, it is doomed that Saiwen can't transform in this film.

Not only that, but the beginning of the film is also unique:

The long Dao tyrant Magma Star led the Gemini monster to destroy the L77 nebula of Leo, and the Leo family was killed. Only Leo can escape from the entire L77 nebula. In order to get rid of the pursuit of lava stars, Leo came to the earth and became a young man named Gen Ohtori, who lived in seclusion in Japan. However, in order to root out the root cause, the vicious magma man even led the Gemini monster to the earth and commanded the Gemini monster to wreak havoc in Tokyo Bay in an attempt to sink the Japanese archipelago to the bottom of the sea. In order to save the crisis of the earth, Zhu Xingduan, who has been promoted to captain of MAC, immediately went into battle, but was defeated by the absolute disadvantage of 1 3, and his right leg was broken, so he could not continue fighting. At the critical moment, Leo sensed the change of Tokyo Bay, turned it into a red ball of light, arrived in time, saved Severn who was in a desperate situation, and temporarily drove away the lava man and the Gemini monster. Leo changed back to Gen Ohtori and rescued the stars who were unconscious because of a serious injury to his right leg. Told Duan about his life experience, and Duan immediately asked to join the MAC team. Gen Ohtori was puzzled and thought that Severn's strength was enough. Captain Duan told me that Saiwen no longer exists. It turned out that Saiwen lost his ability to transform because of a serious injury to his right leg. Seeing Duan's predicament, he finally agreed to join the MAC team. In this way, the story of Leo Altman began. ...

Moreover, Leo is very different from Altman in the past. He seldom uses lightness skill in combat, and almost always uses his fists to solve the enemy. As a result, the ratings plummeted, because compared with the previous works, Leo Altman's change was too big and sudden, which was unacceptable to many viewers in a short time. In order to save the decline in ratings, Yuangu Company has racked its brains. First, they created two new characters-Astra, Leo's brother, and King Otter, a legendary hero. Then they arranged Susumu Kurobe, the protagonist in the first generation of Altman, Sakurai Hiroko, an actor in Fuji Qiu Zi, and Yuriko Hishimi, an actor in Juliano in Severn Altman. Guimu Meijia, the actor of Autumn Yuriko, made a guest appearance, and then wrote a thrilling story of "Otto Brothers vs Leo Brothers" in the 38th and 39th sentences to save the ratings. But it turns out that all this is just in vain!

And the series of "disc creatures" starting from the 40th sentence has failed to the extreme! Fortieth sentence, the story that the headquarters of the Mainland Affairs Council was completely destroyed and the life and death of the stars were unknown was a great failure. Because this is the only time in the Showa edition.

In the face of Leo Altman's extreme failure, Yuangu Company has no choice but to make a decision to deny this work. However, things are human beings and stars are human beings. Now, Leo Altman has finally been rehabilitated and recognized by Yuangu Company again.

1975, after the release of Leo Altman, the Altman series once again entered a silent period. During this period, the Japanese special photo market was monopolized by the mask team and mask superman of Dongying Company.

Showa Department Ultraman's third bullet.

1980, five years after the broadcast of "Leo Altman", Yuangu Company finally threw out the last trump card, which was also the last TV version during the Showa period-Eddie Altman. Influenced by the film and television works about teachers at that time, Eddie Altman's hero was set as a middle school teacher and quoted many plots in his life. And there are more teenagers in Eddie Altman than ever before. Are students of the leading role. But from the sentence 13, these teenagers disappeared, and the middle school where the protagonist was located also disappeared from the audience's sight. Because it was already in the 1980s, Eddie Altman's special effects had made great progress compared with previous films. In the last few sentences of this work, after Otto's mother, there appeared a second woman, Altman, Princess Julian of Otto. She became human and fought the hero to the end. Finally, Eddie and Julian left the earth with peace of mind under the gaze of their comrades.

1981March 25th, the last speech of "Eddie Altman" ended. After that, the Altman series entered the silent period for the third time, and this time it took longer, from three years for the first time to five years for the second time, and the third time actually reached fifteen years. The TV version of Altman series in Showa period ended successfully.

Here, let us remember the late Eiji Tsuburaya, the father of Altman. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Heisei's Early Overseas Works

After the launch, the new president is his younger brother Yuan. This president is the most "selling" president in Yuan Gu's history. Altman was sold many times in Yuangu, and China saw Altman at 1993. In other countries, Altman is also very popular. As a result, Japan reached the Heisei era, and Altman began to sprout again. Yuan authorized foreign companies to produce genuine Altman overseas. These are also works that have been well received by fans. 1990, Altman was made in Australia, 1995, and a new work was released in the United States, with the protagonist coming from the M78 nebula again, but the world outlook is still different from that of Showa. This book is called Biography of Altman.

Heisei trilogy-Altman regression

Yuangu rarely shoots Altman, but has introduced Altman's series to foreign countries many times. 1993 We saw Altman in China, and 1995 established Shanghai Yuangu Production Company.

1996 is the 30th anniversary of Altman series. After filming Zayas Altman, Round Valley tried to shoot a new series of Altman TV. However, few TV stations are willing to broadcast Altman, but Mr. Kazuo Tsuburaya insisted on it and sent a new project "Altman Teaga" to MBS. As a result, Altman once again returned to the public eye! MBS TV station also broadcast five "Motorized Altman" in succession.

The return after 16 is extremely touching for fans. Compared with Showa Altman, the screen production is almost perfect, and the newly set world background also makes people find the touch brought by the original Altman. In Japan, many fans compare Diga to a great work beyond Altman's original works and Saiwen, which shows its position in the whole series. Takami Yoshimoto, Susumu Kurobe's daughter, starring the ancestor Altman, once became a topic.

1997, Altman tiga was released, and brand-new Dai appeared in front of fans!

The story of Montana took place in Dijia 10 years later. Bird Xin, a member of Super Courage, met a monster in the universe. Just when he fought bravely, he was in a desperate situation because of lack of strength. A miracle happened. He became Dana Altman in a flash of light!

Dana can be regarded as a sequel to Diga. Due to the progress of science and technology, Dana's stage is bigger than Diga's. Later theatrical version of Diga Altman &; Dana Altman-Soldier of the Star of Light connects the two works. The PS host also communicates with &; Altman Diga &; Altman Dana's ACT game-two flashes of light, which is a rare way for Altman in recent years.

1998, Yuangu throws the finale of the Heisei trilogy "Ultraman Gaia"!

As the finale, the biggest change in Ultraman Gaia lies in the appearance of two hostile "human Altman", "Gaia" and "Agulu". Of course, their fighting scenes are unheard of. At the same time, the opposing views of the two run through the whole drama, so the work is set as a series, not a separate drama. This is also a big step forward in the series. Gaia and Agulu were at odds, and later jointly defended the earth and mankind against disillusionment. This is the best work in the heisei trilogy.

Thanks to Heisei Trilogy, it has brought new vitality to Altman!

Heisei New Century Altman

During this period, Yuangu's capital operation failed and fell into a very big dilemma, so Altman seems to have come to an end. ...

First, introduce Gauss Altman.

Gauss Altman, the latest work of Altman series after two years' interval between three works.

Gauss Altman not only appeared at 200 1 on the 35th anniversary of Altman's birth, but also was broadcast on the same day of the 65438+000th anniversary of Otani Hideyoshi's birth! And Gauss's theatrical version1-"First Contact" was released two weeks after it was broadcast on TV! ***62 words, there are 3 movies.

Some people say that the TV version of Gauss Altman has 62 words, but correctly speaking, the TV version only broadcasts 60 words, two of which are compiled for two special editions. But in fact, the TV version was originally scheduled to be 65 words. ....

After 49 words were broadcast at that time, Gauss Altman played it temporarily for a while (the broadcast date of 49 words was June 8, and there were 16 words left). After that, a two-sentence special was broadcast, and it was not broadcast again until July 20. Some adjustments have also been made when playing it again: the remaining 16 words in the previously released playlist will be shortened to 1 1 words, of which 5 words will not be played, which is why the TV version only plays 60 words. My personal guess is that Gauss Altman cut five episodes because the broadcast cycle was too long, but when Gauss broadcast in Hong Kong, even the five words dropped by CHT were broadcast.

After Gauss's 49 words, due to the arrest of Shanpu, the broadcast was once stopped after Gauss's 49 words, and a few stars after the stop, a "special collection" with Shanpu scenes deleted was launched. The main reason for launching the "special collection" is not only to calm the dissatisfaction of the audience, but also includes some other purposes. ...

1. Once Shanpu is sued, these two episodes will be the end of the TV version.

2. Because of the name of "Special Collection", once the TV version is replayed, the story can be broadcast in 49 words.

But the good news is that Shanpu was not prosecuted in the end, so the TV version was broadcast again. ........

When Gauss Altman stopped broadcasting, the club decided to shoot a new Altman, and OVA Leo Altman aired it in 2000. But after only a few words, Shanpu was released on bail, and Gauss played it again. So I took 12 words and regarded them as OVA. But I still want to say that Naios is the hero of the first M78 nebula in Heisei Altman's original series. (OVA means to release a CD directly without playing it on TV) During this period, the funds of Yuangu shares were also very stable, but after the replay of Gauss Altman, the contradiction of funds continued to intensify.

In 2004, the release of the TV version of Nexus Altman aggravated the crisis of Yuangu Co., Ltd., which was the first time Yuangu cooperated with CBC TV. Although many people "avenge" this work and praise it as an excellent work, Japanese children don't buy it. Because this story is dark and adult, children can't understand it. The original 50-word work was halved to 37 words. In fact, before the ending, Round Valley decided on the contraction plan, and had already started shooting the new work "Ultraman Max", which was announced in the last sentence of NEXUS. In the end, Nexters shrank, many fans watched the ending of the work with hatred, and the ratings of the ending were not satisfactory.

Only one week after the release of Nexus Altman, Round Valley released Ultraman Max in CBC. Because this work is naive and adopts the retro route of Showa Department, the ratings are finally satisfactory. So the broadcast ended with 39 words, and there was a special article "Otto's Future".

2006 is the 40th anniversary of Altman's birth. In the case of serious shortage of funds, the club gritted its teeth and filmed the commemorative work Monbius Altman. The work returned to the Showa worldview, and the Altman brothers and monsters appeared frequently during the Showa period, completely implementing Max's retro route, but Yuan Gu did not expect that the ratings of this work fell into a trough again. Later, the ratings began to pick up, and Yuangu Co., Ltd. insisted on taking 50 words before letting go. It is speculated that Altman may not broadcast it again, but Yuangu does not.

In 2007, the 40th anniversary of Ultra Seven's birth, "Severn Altman X" began to broadcast, and seven words have been broadcast so far. Round valley found the original partner TBS TV station to play. In addition, Super Galactic Monsters Battle and the new movie Guild Wars! And news of the super Otto 8 brothers.

Yuangu became a TYO branch

Due to the serious financial problems of the club, it was finally acquired by the animation consortium TYO for 80 million yen, and Yuangu became a branch of TYO. I believe TYO can fund Yuangu to shoot Altman.

Award winning situation of Yuangu

In 2006, Yuangu won the award of "Japan Film Academy Awards Ceremony 2006", which is known as the Japan Film Academy Award, and won a prize of 654.38+10,000 yen.

Dream Beyonce Altman Hikali won the Digital Content Award.

Interestingly, Hugo Award, a famous science fiction achievement award, was held in Yokohama, Japan in 2007. The trophy was made by Altman, who is still active on the stage.

Altman was introduced to China.

1993, Chinese mainland introduced the first generation of Altman from Yuangu Co., Ltd. Since then, Altman in Chinese mainland has become the most fashionable brand in the children's circle and has been introduced to Eddie Altman since then. However, Ultra Seven was not introduced at that time, and Shanghai Yuangu has not been introduced until now.

In 2004, Altman tiga was finally introduced to Shanghai Huachuang. Finally, Chinese mainland's Altman series set off a "Diga fever". Because of its perfect picture and wonderful story, this work deeply attracted children in the 1990s and China Olympic fans. Altman is getting hotter and hotter. Huachuang has bought out the Heisei trilogy at present!

The introduction of Dana Altman has been completed, and it is estimated that it is now being made. In China, there are more and more Dana Altman exhibitions, reality shows and conferences. We can look forward to the glory of Severn Altman X and Dana Altman!

Yuangu Co., Ltd. and Cai Yao's lawsuit in Thailand.

CHAIYO Company in Thailand is said to be authorized by Showa Altman. Its boss, Simbert, was once a close friend of director Eiji Tsuburaya. He made three ultraman films in Thailand, and began to shoot "Mobile Ultraman Plan" in China. Yuan Gu protested because they thought that Cai Yao was not authorized and the lawsuit went to China. This is also an event that was widely circulated in the field of special photography some time ago. In the end, the court found that Mr. Yuan's signature was forged, and Thailand's self-made Ultraman was found illegal, but Chai Yue still enjoyed the copyright of the six Otto brothers.

Other special photos of Yuangu

Not all of them are special photos, but I am really surprised that Yuan Gu can get so many works when shooting Altman!

Jack Almighty/Monster Fighting/Witchcraft Wu Yuntie/Judo Straight Line/チビラくん/Altman Battle Theater/Mirror Superman/Red Superman/Triple Warrior/Emergency Command10-4.10-65433 Altman, admitted by China website)/Electro-optic Superman/Three Gunmen of the Millennium Kingdom/Fast Beast.