Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What are the twelve tasks of Hermes?

What are the twelve tasks of Hermes?

Hercules (η ρ α κ λ? , hüraklüs, Heracles), one of the most famous heroes in Greek mythology. The son of Zeus and alcmene, hated by Zeus' wife Hera because of his birth. Later, he completed the great achievement of 12, which was called "impossible". Besides, he rescued Prometheus who was bound, joined Jason's heroic adventure team under cover, and helped him win the golden fleece. After his death, his soul ascended to heaven, and the gods agreed with his great achievements after deliberation. Like his father, he was recruited as a god and became a constellation. In the forest of Nemea, the first task given by the lion king to Hercules was that Hercules had to skin the lion in Nemea for him. This behemoth lives in the great forest between the Peloponnesus, Nemea and Krevor in Argolis. The lion is so fierce that human weapons can't hurt it at all. Some people say that the lion is the son of Di Feng, a giant, and the mole, a female monster who is half man and half snake. Others say it fell from the moon to the ground. Hercules began to hunt lions. Finally killed it. It cut the skin with its claws and finally skinned the lion. Later, he sewed an armor with this strange lion skin and made a new helmet. Now, he packed his lion skins and weapons, put the lion skins of Nemea on his shoulders and set off for Tallinn. Xu Dela Xu Dela, hydra, is a snake with nine heads. It haunts the grass and harms all directions. What's more frightening is that the biggest one on its head can't be killed. If it is cut off, two new heads will be born. Heracles and his friend Iolaus came to kill it. Xu Dela is much cleverer than a lion. He held his head high, waiting for Heracles's attack. Hercules stepped forward and cut off the biggest snakehead. To his great surprise, two new heads immediately appeared on the snake's neck, and ten heads were wobbly and creepy. While Hercules was thinking hard about the countermeasures, a big crab and Xu Dela were in cahoots and crept up quietly, biting Hercules' foot tightly with two big claws. Hercules turned around and smashed the cancer with a sudden blow from a big tree. When he killed cancer, he called on his colleague Olaus to help him. Olaus insisted on the torch, set a fire in the nearby Woods, and then burned the newly-grown snake head with burning branches to prevent it from growing up. At this time, Hercules took the opportunity to cut off Xu Dela's immortal head, buried it by the road, and put a heavy stone on it. Then, he divided the snake in two and soaked the arrow in the poisonous snake blood. Since then, the enemy who was shot by his arrow has no cure. The third task of the red stag on Mount Cleonia is to capture the roe on Mount Cleonia alive. This is a beautiful animal, Jinjiao Tonhoffs, who lives freely on the hillside of Agadia. This is one of the five female deer captured by the goddess themis in the first hunting, but she was put back into the forest, because the goddess of fate stipulated that Hercules would chase her exhausted one day. Hercules chased her for a whole year until she reached the place where the pure people in the Arctic lived, the birthplace of the Esther River. It is said that the sun here only comes out once a year. Hercules finally caught up with the roe on the Laton River near Mount Taimis and near the city of Anger. In order to force her to stop, he had to shoot an arrow and hit her in the leg. Then grab the injured deer and walk back on his shoulder. On the way, he met the goddess themis and her brother Apollo. She asked him why he hurt her deer and even tried to take her prey. Hercules explained: "Great Goddess, this is not my joke," Hercules argued. "I was forced, too. Otherwise, how can I complete the task given to me by Eurystheus?" The wild boar in the dense forest of Mount Hermantos captured the wild boar of Erumontos alive, brought it back to McKinney intact and gave it to the king of Eurystheus. This wild boar is a sacred object to the goddess themis, but it has destroyed the crops around Elrau Mantos, which is very harmful. Hercules, on his way to Urlaw Mantos, came to the home of Foros, the son of Cirinos. Foros is a centaur from Ken Taulos. He warmly served a pot of barbecue to the guests and ate it raw. Hercules hopes to match delicious food with wine. Foros smiled and said, "Dear guest, there is a barrel of wine in my basement, which belongs to all of us in Taulos. I dare not open it, because I know that we half-horse KenTallas people are not generous. " "Open it," said Heracles. "I promise to protect you from their attacks. I am really thirsty now! " It turned out that this barrel of wine was given by Bacchus himself to a centaur, that is, a Taulos man, and told him not to open it in advance after the fourth centaur and before Hercules arrived. So Foros went to the basement. As soon as he opened the barrel, the horses smelled the fragrant wine, swarmed in and surrounded Foros's basement with stones or sticks in their hands. Hercules beat back the first batch of KenTaulos people with fire sticks, and pursued the rest with archery until he reached the Mahle River in the southeast corner of the Peloponnesian Peninsula, where Heracles's old friend Kay Long Xing lived. Ken Taulos has defected to Kai Long Xing. Hercules shot an arrow at them. The arrow grazed a Ken Taulos's arm and hit Kay Long Xing's knee. Only then did he realize that he had shot and killed his childhood friend. He pulled an arrow from his friend's knee and applied it to the wound with the ointment prepared by Kay Long Xing, who is proficient in medicine. But because the arrow was soaked in Xu Dela's poisonous blood, the wound could not be cured. Kay Long Xing asked his brothers to carry him back to the cave, hoping to die in his friend's arms. Unfortunately, this wish is also futile, because he forgets that he is immortal and his pain will be endured forever. Heracles said goodbye to Kay Long Xing with tears in his eyes, and promised that no matter how much he paid, he would ask death to satisfy his old friend's wish and let him get rid of his pain. We know that he has fulfilled his promise. Hercules returned to Foros, and he saw that his friend was dead. It turned out that he pulled out an arrow from a dead man in Ken Taulos, and he couldn't help marveling that this short arrow was so powerful that it could kill a life. He threw the arrow on the ground, but it cut his own foot and he was killed at once. Hercules was very sad. He buried his friend at the foot of a mountain, which was later called Luo Fu Mountain. Hercules continued to look for wild boar. He roared loudly, drove the boar out of the jungle, pursued it, drove it to the snow, and finally caught the exhausted boar with a slipknot. He followed the orders of King Eurystheus, captured the wild boar alive in Mount Tus, ullman, and sent it to McKinney alive. Cleaning the cowshed in Augeas seems to be something that a hero disdains to do, that is, let him clean the cowshed in Augeas in one day. Augeas, the king of Elis, has a large number of cows. His cows are all kept in the cowshed in front of the palace according to ancient customs, and there are more than 3 thousand cows in it. This place has been full of cow dung for many years. Hercules doesn't know how to get rid of cow dung in a short day. Hercules came to King Augeas and offered to clean the cowshed for him, but he didn't say that this was the task given to him by Eurystheus. Augeas looked at the burly man in a lion's skin and couldn't help laughing at the thought that such a noble soldier was willing to work as a servant. But he thought, selfish desires are tempting. Maybe this warrior is greedy for profits, so he deserves my reward. If he can really clean the cowshed in one day, I can give him a big reward, but how can he clean so much cow dung in one day? It is impossible for anyone to do it. The king thought of this and said confidently, "Listen, stranger, if you can really clean the cowshed in front of the palace in one day, I will give you one tenth of the cows." Hercules accepted this condition. The king thought he would start cleaning soon, but Hercules called Augeas's son Philo Yus and asked him to be a witness. Then he dug a ditch on one side of the cowshed, introduced water from Alphonse River and Shrimp River, flowed through the cowshed and washed away a lot of cow dung inside. As a result, he finished the task without getting his hands dirty. Augeas then heard that Hercules was ordered by Eurystheus to do it, so he wanted to breach the contract, denying that he had made a promise and didn't give Hercules any reward. He also said that if Hercules refused to accept it, they could take it to court. When the judge heard the case, Augeas's son Philoyus testified in court, claiming that it was true, and his father promised to reward Hercules. Augeas was so angry that he ordered his son and strangers to leave his kingdom immediately, waiting for the verdict. Hercules completed the task and happily returned to the Kingdom of Eurystheus, but the king announced that the task could not be counted, because Hercules demanded remuneration. He sent Hercules to complete the sixth mission. The strange bird on the lake of Sting fallows is a huge raptor with iron wings, iron mouth and iron claws. It is very powerful. They live in Lake Sting fallows in arcadia. The feathers they shake off are like flying arrows, and iron mouths can even peck through bronze shields, hurting countless people and animals there. Hercules set off for Lake Sting fallows and soon came to the lake surrounded by dense forests. A group of strange birds flew around in the forest in horror, as if afraid of being eaten by wolves. Hercules watched the birds fly in the air, but he couldn't subdue them. Suddenly, he felt someone patted him on the shoulder. Looking back, it was Athena. She gave him two big brass cymbals, which hephaestus made for her. She taught Hercules how to drive away strange birds with brass cymbals. With that, she suddenly disappeared. So Hercules climbed up a hill by the lake and knocked on the brass cymbals to intimidate these strange birds. They couldn't stand the harsh sound and flew out of the Woods in a hurry. Hercules took this opportunity to bend his bow and take an arrow and shoot several arrows in succession. Several strange birds fell to the ground, and the rest flew away in a hurry. They flew across the ocean to Area and never came back. Minos, Horri-bull of Crete, promised Poseidon that he would dedicate the first animal that appeared in the sea to him, because Minos thought that there was no animal in his territory worth dedicating to this great god. Poseidon was very moved and deliberately let a strong bull emerge from the waves. Minos saw the bull and liked it very much. He was reluctant to give it to Poseidon, so he quietly hid in his own herd and sacrificed with another bull. Poseidon was very angry. He drove the bulls at sea crazy and wreaked havoc in Crete. The seventh task Heracles got was to tame the bull on Crete and bring it back to the king of Eurystheus. Hercules came to Crete and met the king Minos. Minos was very happy. He has broken his brain for this bull, and he hopes someone will get rid of this scourge for him. The king even personally helped Hercules catch this crazy bull. Hercules has extraordinary power. He subdued the furious bull and rode on its back, just like sailing in a boat, and returned to the Peloponnesus from here. King Eurystheus was very satisfied with his work, but when he saw the bull, he let it go. Once the bull was out of Hercules' control, it went crazy again. It traveled all over Lagonia and laguardia, then crossed the isthmus, reached the marathon in Tyche, and did evil everywhere, just as it did in Crete. It was not until much later that he was conquered by the Greek hero theseus. Diomedes, a cannibal, was the son of Ares, the god of war, and the militant king of pistons. He keeps a group of fierce and wild mares, which must be chained in iron mangers. The mare's feed is not the oats of ordinary horses, but the unfortunate stranger who strays into the castle by mistake. When Hercules came here, the first thing he did was to subdue the guards in charge of the stables, and then throw the ruthless king into the manger. These horses became tame as soon as they ate the king. They honestly obeyed Hercules' orders and were driven to the seaside. Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him. It turns out that the piston is chasing with all weapons. Hercules quickly prepared for battle. He left the horse in the care of his companion Appel Ross. Appel Ross is the messenger of the gods and the son of Hermes. After Hercules left, the mares became crazy again. When Hercules came back from beating off the piston, he found that his companion had been eaten by the horse, leaving only bones. Hercules was very sad. He built a city of Patra nearby in memory of his friends. Finally, he subdued the mares and gave them to Eurystheus. Eurystheus presented these horses to Hera, the queen of heaven. Later, these mares gave birth to foals and bred for a long time. It is said that the horse that King Alexander of Macedonia rode is their descendant. Hippolyta Eurystheus, the leader of Amazon women, has a daughter named Artemita. Eurystheus ordered Hercules to seize the belt of hippolyte, the queen of Amazon, and present it to Artemita. Amazonians live on both sides of the East River in Telmo, which is a country of women. They buy and sell men to have children, keep the girls they gave birth to and raise them. This nation has been belligerent since ancient times. Their queen, Hippolyta, wore a belt given to her by the God of War himself. This is a symbol of the queen's power. Hercules gathered a group of people who volunteered to take part in the war and took risks by boat. After many twists and turns, they entered the Black Sea, and finally came to the mouth of the East River in Telmo, and then sailed downstream into the port of Temisila in the Amazon River. They met the Amazon Queen here. She saw Herakras handsome and burly, and she liked and respected him very much. When she heard about the hero's purpose from a distance, she promised to give the belt to Hercules. But Hera hates Hercules. Dressed as an Amazon woman, she spread rumors among the crowd that a foreigner wanted to kidnap their queen. Hearing the news, the Amazon immediately got on horseback and attacked Hercules, who lived in a tent outside the city. So, there was a fierce battle; Brave Amazonian women rebelled against Heracles's followers, and another group of battle-hardened women rushed to Heracles. Ella, the first woman to fight Hercules, is called the whirlwind girl because she runs like the wind. But Hercules runs faster than her. When she was defeated and fled, Hercules caught up with her and killed her. The second woman was knocked down as soon as she hit her. At this moment, a third woman came along, named Pelot. She won seven times in the individual competition, but she was also killed this time. After her, eight women came up, three of them were warriors chosen in Artemis' hunting, and their spears were very accurate. However, in this battle, they lost their prestige and could not shoot at the target. Hercules beat them all. Archibald, who vowed never to get married, also fell on the battlefield. Finally, even Hercules, the leader of Amazon women, was captured alive. Amazon women suddenly dispersed and fled. Queen Hippolyta gave her a belt, which she promised to give her before the battle. Hercules took off his belt and put it back at the same time. Heracles, a mad cow on Teia Island, presented Queen Hippolyta's belt at the feet of King Eurystheus. Eurystheus didn't let him have a rest, and then sent him to bring back the cow of Groweng. Gloon is a giant. He lives on Eliza Island in the Gulf of Catalonia. He has a herd of red and brown cows, and he is looked after by another giant and a two-headed hound. He is as tall as a mountain, with three heads and six arms, three bodies and six legs. No one in the world dares to fight him. Hercules knew that it would take careful preparation to accomplish this arduous task, because Groweng's father was a world-famous rich man. His nickname is "Jin Jian" and he is the king of all Italy. Iberia was later divided into Spain and Portugal. In addition to Gaffan, he has three tall and brave sons, each of whom commands a mighty and skillful army. Because of this, King Eurystheus gave Hercules such a task. He hoped that Hercules would be killed there when he conquered this country and never come back. But Hercules is not afraid of this task. He formed an army as before, assembled his troops rescued from wild animals in Crete, and then landed in Libya by boat. Here, he fought the giant Antaeus. Antaeus is the son of Poseidon and Gaia, the mother of the earth. Anyone passing through Libya must fight with him. However, in battle, Antaeus can draw strength from Mother Earth, as long as she doesn't leave the earth. Hercules knocked him down three times and finally discovered the secret of his recovery. So he lifted Antaeus into the air with strong arms and hanged him. He also wiped out the fierce animals in Libya. After a long journey in the desert, he finally came to a rich river network area. Here, he built a huge city and named it He Katom Pyros, which means hundreds of gates. Finally, he came to the Atlantic Ocean, where he erected two stone pillars, which are the famous Hercules stone pillars. The sun is blazing here, and the heat is unbearable. Hercules looked up at the sky and threatened to shoot down the sun god. Sun God marveled at his fearless spirit and lent him a golden bowl. This is his treasure for night walking. Hercules sailed across the sea in a golden bowl to Iberia. His warship sailed closely beside him with its canopy open. There, Chrysaor's three sons led three armies, ready to meet the enemy. Hercules bravely rushed ashore. Instead of confronting the army, he knocked down their leaders one by one, killed them and occupied their land. Later, he came to the island of Erica, where Geelong and the cattle were located. The two-headed dog on the island found Hercules and barked and jumped up. Hercules waved a stick and killed the dog. The giant guarding the cattle saw the dog being killed and wanted to help, but he was also killed with a stick. Hercules left there with the cattle. However, Groweng caught up with him, and then there was a fierce battle. Hera came to help the giant transform Weng. Hercules shot an arrow rudely and hit her in the chest. Hera was surprised and ran away quickly. Besides, although the giant had three bodies, he was killed by a fatal arrow in the abdomen where the three bodies were connected, and fell to the ground and died. On the way to triumph, Hercules drove the cattle through Iberia and Italy, and he created many heroic achievements along the way. When he reached Lechionum in southern Italy, a bull escaped and crossed the strait to Sicily. Hercules immediately drove the rest of the bulls into the water. He grabbed a cow by the horns and swam to Sicily, where he made many achievements. He finally passed through Italy, Illyria and trask, and finally arrived in Greece. Golden apples in the sacred garden of Hesperides Long ago, when Zeus married Hera, all the gods gave them gifts. Gaia, the goddess of the earth, is no exception She brought a leafy tree from the west coast, which was covered with golden apples. The four daughters of Night God, named Hesperides, were assigned to guard the sacred garden where the tree was planted. Help them guard Ladon, the father of all monsters and the daughter of the earth, Ceto, the son of Bailong, who never sleeps. When it walks, it always makes a deafening sound along the way, because its 100 mouths make a hundred different sounds. According to Eurystheus's orders, Hercules must pick Hesperides's golden apples from the dragon. Hercules embarked on a long and dangerous journey. He walked aimlessly. Wherever he went, it all depended on luck and opportunity, because he didn't know where Hesperides lived. He first came to Thessaly, where the giant Telmolos lived. He has a hard head, and when he meets a passing passenger, he will catch up and kill it. But this time his head was smashed when he hit Hercules on the head. Hercules went on and came to the Duross River, where he met a monster, that is, the son of Ares and Bonne, Kugnos. Hercules didn't know his background, so he asked him where the sacred garden in Hesperides was. He didn't answer and challenged Hercules, who killed him on the spot. At this time, Ares, the god of war, hurried to avenge his dead son. Hercules must fight. But Zeus didn't want to see one of them bleed, because they were all his sons. He separated them with a flash of lightning. Hercules went on, crossed Illyria, crossed the Elie Danus River, and came to a mountain god. They are the daughters of Zeus and themis, and they live on both sides of the EliDanos River. Hercules asked them the way. "You go to nereus, the old river god." Divines replied, "He is a prophet and knows everything. You should attack him in his sleep, tie him up, and then he will tell you the truth. " Although the river god can change into various shapes, Hercules subdued the river god according to the goddess' suggestion. Hercules didn't let him go until he found out that I could find the golden apple in Hesperides. Later, he passed through Libya and Egypt. The king who ruled there was Poseidon, the son of Poseidon and Lucy Anasa. After nine consecutive years of drought, a prophet in Cyprus announced a cruel Oracle: only by sacrificing a foreigner to Zeus every year will the land become fertile. To thank his Oracle, the king of Persia killed him as the first sacrifice. Later, the savage king was so interested in this annual cruel sacrifice that all foreigners who came to Egypt were killed. Hercules was also arrested, tied up and sent to the altar of Zeus. Hercules broke free from the bound rope and killed the king of Persia, his son and the priests. Hercules went on, encountering many dangers along the way. He released Prometheus, who was bound on the Caucasus Mountain, and followed the direction indicated by the liberated Titan to the place where Atlas carried the blue sky. Nearby is Hesperides's sacred garden that guards the golden apples. Prometheus advised Hercules not to pick the golden apples by himself, but to send Atlas to finish the task. Hercules was right, so he promised to bear the sky himself when Atlas was away. Atlas handed the burden of the sky to Hercules, and then walked to the pilgrimage park. He tried to lure the dragon to sleep (he first picked a few colorful stars from the sky and threw them into the air, hitting each other and playing wonderful music. One hundred dragons got tired, closed their eyes and fell asleep in turn. ), and killed it with a knife, but also fooled the guard fairy, picked three golden apples, and happily returned to Hercules. "But," he said to Hercules, "my shoulders have tasted enough of bearing the sky, and I feel relaxed without a heavy burden. I don't want to bear it anymore. " Say that finish, he threw the golden apple on the grass in front of Hercules' feet and let him stand there with a heavy blue sky on his back. Hercules came up with a plan to get rid of the burden on his shoulders. "Hey, I want to find a cushion to put on my head," he said to Atlas. "Otherwise, this baggage will blow my head off." Atlas thought it was a reasonable request, so he agreed to carry it for him for a while. He accepted the burden. If he has to wait for Hercules to take his place, I don't know how long, because Hercules has picked up the golden apples from the grass and walked away quickly. Hercules took the golden apples to the king of Eurystheus. To the king's regret, Hercules came back alive this time. He had hoped that he would die while picking golden apples. In fact, he didn't like golden apples, so he gave them to Hercules. He put it on the altar of Athena. The goddess sent these sacred fruits back to their original places and asked Hesperides to continue to take care of them. Burroughs Eurystheus, the three dogs of hades, never got rid of his hated competitors, but he helped him win more honors. Many people are grateful to Hercules, because he has spared people a lot of pain. Now, the cunning king has come up with one last adventure, which can't be played by any heroic force, that is, fighting the evil dog in hell and bringing it back to Cerberus, the watchdog of hades. This dog has three heads, with poisonous saliva dripping in its mouth, a dragon tail in its lower body, and coiled snakes on its head and back. In order to prepare for this terrible adventure, Hercules came to the city of Erucci in Attica, where the priests were proficient in the secret passages of Yin and Yang. He first washed away the sin of killing Ken Taulos in this sacred place, and then was taught the secret passage by Father Oyumopos. Hercules gained mysterious power and was no longer afraid of the terrible hell. At the southern tip of the Peloponnesian Peninsula, it is said that there is an entrance to hell. He came here, led by Hermes, the god of death, and went down to the abyss to Pluto, the capital of Pluto. There are many sad ghosts wandering in front of the city gate. When they see people with flesh and blood, they will immediately flee in fear. Only the spirits of Medusa and Meleg dare to face the creatures. When Hercules wielded a sword to kill Goethe, Hermes quickly grabbed his arm and told him that the soul of the deceased was an empty shadow that would not be cut off by the sword. Hermes also had a friendly conversation with Meleger's soul and promised to extend cordial greetings to his sister Daniela when he returned to the place of death. When Hercules approached the gate of hades, he saw his friends theseus and Piritos. Piritos accompanied theseus to the underworld to woo Persephone. Because of this arrogant idea, the two of them were locked by Brutto on the stone where they sat down to rest. When they saw their old friend Hercules passing by, they gave him a helping hand. They hope to return to the dead through the power of Hercules. Hercules seized theseus's hand and freed him from the shackles. When he tried to save Rita again, he failed because the earth began to shake violently under his feet. Further on, Hercules recognized Escala Foss again. He once accused Persephone of stealing Hades' red pomegranate, so Persephone's mother Demeter turned him into an owl. Demeter was angry at her daughter's injury and put a big stone on Escala Fox. Hercules moved the stone for him. Hercules killed a cow in Pluto in order to make the thirsty ghost drink a mouthful of cow blood, but this offended Menotius, the cattle herder. He challenged Hercules to wrestle with him. Hercules jumped on him and broke his ribs. After the ghost left, Persephone hurried out to plead, and he let Menotius go. Hades, the guardian of the underworld, stood at the gate of the dead city and prevented Hercules from entering. Hercules shot an arrow and hit Hades on the shoulder. He jumped and screamed like a miserable man. After he suffered, when Hercules asked him to hand over burroughs, the evil dog of hell, he didn't refuse, only put forward one condition: no weapons. Hercules agreed. He only wore a breastplate and lion skin to catch bad dogs. At Minghekou, he saw three dogs. It held its head up three times, barking and echoing like thunder. He grabbed three dog heads with his legs and grabbed the dog's neck with his arms to prevent it from escaping, but the dog's tail was a living dragon, and he wanted to hit him and bite him. Hercules still grabbed the dog by the neck tightly and finally subdued the evil dog. He lifted the dog, left the underworld with it, and returned to the dead side from another exit near Algoristercen. When burroughs, a vicious dog in hell, saw the sunshine, he was so scared that he spit poison saliva and fell to the ground, so poisonous aconite grass grew on the ground. Hercules chained plug burroughs, took it to Tirens and gave it to Eurystheus. Eurystheus was so surprised that she could hardly believe her eyes. Now he believes he can't get rid of this son of Zeus. He had to resign himself to his fate and let Hercules send the Cerberus back to hell and give it to its owner.