Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Aries wants to sleep, but you put up with it.

Aries wants to sleep, but you put up with it.

Aries wants to sleep, but you put up with it.

Aries wants to sleep, but you have to put up with it. The horoscope is divided into twelve positions according to numerology characteristics. According to a person's date of birth, different constellations have different personalities, and different offensives should be taken in the face of different constellations. Share it as follows: Aries man wants to sleep, you can bear it.

Aries man wants to sleep, but you endure 1. The more Aries men like it, the more they want to sleep with you.

The word "sleepy" is not in the dictionary of Aries men. They all talk about it in their sleep. As long as you want, Aries man can do it in minutes.

Aries has always been the most frank and straightforward character among the twelve constellations, and likes to be straightforward in everything. They never like to express their ideas with euphemistic words and attitudes, whether it is love or friendship. Although sometimes it hurts people to do this, it is sometimes a good thing to be frank.

In love, once the Aries boys meet the girls they like, they will make a straightforward confession, and before that, they will make some good performances. They are brave and fearless. But if they don't have enough enthusiasm for each other and just play, their attitude will always be in an uncertain state, always giving people an ambiguous feeling.

He has a direct and impulsive sexual desire like a runaway wild horse, and he is as headstrong as ever. His hormones are always at the red warning line, and it is his characteristic to get out of control at the touch. Aries male: Cut to the chase, no matter whether he is 37 years old or 2 1 year old, Aries male is very self-satisfied and often has new ideas, no matter where he is! Often regardless of women's blind impulses, the speed is super fast. Often, women fall asleep immediately afterwards, just like a child-really, I absolutely like sports!

Aries likes novelty. Don't always pose, buy something to pretend. If you have nothing to change, you can find the movies on his computer, see what he likes and praise him more. Aries needs praise.

Aries loves you more, and the more you like it, the more you want to do it.

The more you love, the more you want to bully.

Aries male is a relatively direct person. They like a person who won't hide it, but will take immediate action. If they have tasted the sweetness of two people, the more they want to experience this ambiguity. And they will only feel that they love you more, so the more they love you, the more they want to bully you and let you follow.

Release body and mind

Aries men are lewd, but they will only come with people they like, not casually. If they are finished with you, they will only feel that they have given each other their bodies and minds, so they have already regarded each other as their own. At this time, they can't wait to stick to their lover every day and want to taste this beauty.

Very emotional.

Aries male is an enjoyable personality. If they experience it when they smack their lips, then they will feel very satisfied and think that you are the most suitable person for them, because their bodies are completely fit, which makes them feel very much. Therefore, after the fight, they will only beautify you, regard you as their only object, and only love you more.

Want to be responsible for you

Aries respects and cares about his girlfriend, so he will take care of you and cherish you after obtaining your consent. Because they know that slapping has a greater influence on girls than boys, they are willing to take their own responsibilities. Because they not only enjoy this process, but also are very moved by your efforts, Aries men will only love you more after the collapse.

Love you and want to sleep with your constellation man!

Aries constellation

Aries is a man with strong desire. It is difficult for him to control his only spiritual love after falling in love. It is completely impossible for Aries. The word abstinence has nothing to do with Aries For him, only the perfect combination of spirit and flesh is the best love. Of course, the attraction and tacit understanding of the latter are more important.

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN

Capricorn male looks serious and calm, but his heart is full of passion. On the surface, he seems to have nothing to want, but his heart has been waiting for a long time. He feels that it is necessary for two people to fall in love and further develop their feelings to a certain extent. He hopes that they can get rid of superficial things as soon as possible and get to know each other better. Of course, he has secretly studied these himself, so don't worry about technical problems.


Scorpio is domineering and persistent. When he falls in love with someone, he wants to possess her and have everything she has. When the relationship develops further, the feelings of the two people get deeper and deeper, and Scorpio is more possessive of her. He wants the other person to be his own, including his own body. In his view, it's natural, natural. However, this also includes the burning of Scorpio man.


Sagittarius male with you, will not hide his love, of course, also won't hide his desire, he wants to deep this is his instinct, but he won't importune, also won't be too straightforward, just Doby you from time to time, hope to let nature take its course. He thinks that since he likes a person, he should enjoy his time alone, including clapping for love.

Aries wants to sleep, so you have to bear it. What happens when Aries just wants to sleep with you?

Don't say I like you.

As we all know, Aries is straightforward, no matter who he is, he is particularly generous and will not be coy. It's the same to like someone. I hope people all over the world know that I am not stingy with the words "I like you" to my other half at all. I wish I could nag my lover every day.

But if you get along with Aries and he flirts with you from time to time, but never tells you this, then you should be on your guard. Explain that the other person just wants to have an affair with you, and has no intention of spending the rest of his life with you. Everything he is doing now is just to get you as soon as possible.

Never kid you.

Aries is not as gentle and honest as cancer, and sometimes it shows a domineering side, just like a child who doesn't grow up. Aries has a strong self-esteem and face is very important in their eyes. But in the face of people who care, their previous principles have long been forgotten and they will change themselves for you. If you have a conflict, no matter whose fault it is, in order not to make you angry and your loved ones unhappy, they will immediately bow their heads and admit their mistakes and let you coax you.

But if Aries is not sincere to you, just to get you, even if there is a quarrel between you, he will not put himself in your shoes, no matter how angry you are, they don't care.

Tell you what to do.

Aries, with a straightforward personality, will not hide anything in her heart, but will say it directly. But at the same time, Aries has a strong sense of empathy. No matter how ugly it is, it is not aimed at someone, but their thoughts on one thing. In front of the person you care about, everything you say will take into account the feelings of the other person. The more you cherish a person, the more you will take care of him.

If he doesn't care about you, he is always bossing you around. If you make a phone call, you will immediately appear in front of him, indicating that you are not important to him. Maybe I will take care of you with snacks at the moment when I fool you, but as soon as I get you, my attitude towards you will change immediately. Because he only regards you as an ambiguous object, not as a treasure of his life.

Don't let you into his life

Aries is very tolerant of the person you like, even if it is a small thing, I hope to share it with my lover at the first time. When I encounter some small problems, I can't wait to tell my lover immediately, hoping to get comfort from my lover. No matter what I do, I just want the other person to come into my life, so that he can't escape from his "clutches".

But if Aries just wants to sleep with you, he won't care so much about this relationship between you and won't let you into his life, because this relationship will end sooner or later, and I don't want you to affect him.

Aries man wants to sleep, but you endure it. 3. abstinence constellation men who want to sleep, but will endure.

First place: Scorpio man

Scorpio men want to have physical contact with each other when they are interested in the person they love or fall in love with a certain opposite sex. In the love life of Scorpio man, this desire exists forever. Sexual impulse is not just an act, they also know what they have done in their hearts. In their eyes, falling in love with someone is not so easy.

If Scorpio just wants to have an affair with you instead of being responsible for you, then his attitude is obvious and easy to see. They don't intentionally hurt girls they don't love, and they don't sleep with others casually.

Second place: Taurus male

Taurus is the most practical of the twelve constellations. Taurus men love a person and want to sleep with her, but their sex has his tenderness and emotions in it. Taurus loves a person, and he treats you as a baby, like a baby, full of affection, sometimes very loving, and sometimes very fierce to conquer.

They know how to take care of girls' feelings, and if girls refuse, they will also exercise restraint for the people they love. Taurus men are very devoted and can control themselves in the face of temptation. For Taurus, family is greater than marriage, and love equals sex.

Third place: virgin male

When a virgin man falls in love with a person, it will give a girl a very cordial feeling. Being with him will make people feel very comfortable and can trust and rely on him completely. When a virgin falls in love with you, he regards you as a close family member, even closer than family members. In this intimacy, you will feel a warm feeling. They will love you without reservation. Virgo's thoughts are also more traditional. If they can't give you happiness, they won't ask for sex with you. If it happens, they will try their best to fulfill their responsibilities.

Fourth place: Gemini man

Gemini men don't have sex for sex. They can't make themselves think that way about women they don't love. Ambiguity can exist, promiscuity can exist, but you will never indulge yourself. Their love and sex are inseparable.

Although Gemini is a person who likes to play with ambiguity, although he is good at talking, he says he can only talk and won't really do it. They are usually as naive as children, but their beliefs are still very firm. If they love someone, they will always give, be immersed in the joy of giving and be happy.