Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What are the untouchable emotional minefields in 12 constellation?

What are the untouchable emotional minefields in 12 constellation?

Aries love taboo: don't throw cold water on him, don't delay, don't nag, don't get bored.

Emotional mines: don't challenge authority.

There is no more respectable constellation than Aries. If you hurt his self-esteem, be careful that he or she will turn against others and make you regret it. Aries people are outspoken, impatient and bickering, which has nothing to do with being a man. Even if you have a temper, generally don't make things out of control. But don't criticize others in a roundabout way, and don't ask them to "reflect", because in the dictionary of Aries lovers, there are no words like "admit mistakes" and "reflect". You can't be honest with each other Be careful of him or her. She will stop your love train. Taurus love taboo: can't be impatient, can't be flashy, can't ignore him (her), can't be extravagant.

Emotional mine: you can't talk about money with him or her.

If you are too impatient and impatient, Niu Niu will think that you have other plans and it is not worth waiting for. What fantasy, what future ... all unrealistic things will be for them! In addition, they are possessive and unwilling to share their favorite people with others, even friends, so don't be too ambiguous with the opposite sex. In addition, Taurus lovers are insecure people without money (maybe they won't admit it). No matter how good their feelings are, don't read the word money in front of him (her), which will attract their disgust. Gemini love taboo: you can't stand still, you can't be independent, you can't be a boring gourd, and you can't test your patience.

Emotional mines: don't pry into privacy.

I like the ever-changing Gemini, but I don't like doing the same thing every day. If there is no creativity and passion in a plain life, they can't hold their hearts. Moreover, Gemini people are impatient. Compared with them, you will always suffer. Although Gemini is usually humorous and generous, they should have their own private space, which is free, sacred and inviolable. Once you spy on things that Gemini lovers don't want to say, they will find you annoying. Being with Gemini lovers may make you feel a little tired. Cancer love taboo: don't be indifferent, don't be eager for quick success, don't be too outgoing, don't be entangled.

Emotional mines: don't hurt your family.

Cancer people's moods are changeable, so you should deal with ever-changing things with constant care. He (she) likes caring and considerate language, so you should treat them gently and never yell at them. Traditional cancer likes to stay at home and enjoy family life. An extroverted personality can attract them, but love won't last long. They hate quarreling and don't like confrontation. Don't keep pestering them when something goes wrong. They need to be quiet. For them, family and friends are the most important. You can say he is wrong, but don't criticize his family and friends. Leo love taboo: don't throw cold water on him, don't dig at him, don't teach him a lesson, and don't interrupt at will.

Emotional mines: not unfair.

Leo people are big brothers and big sisters. You can turn a blind eye to what they are doing, but don't speak Spanish in the East. Saying something unpleasant will damage their "king's dignity". Telling them more truth will only make them dislike you. If you keep interrupting her, you're finished! When you fall in love with a Leo, everything should be fair and follow the principles. You are unreasonable, reneging on your word, and you are deliberately giving them a hard time. For them, it is reasonable to love life, and it is hard to move if it is unreasonable. Virgo love taboo: don't be unreasonable, don't be outspoken, don't just talk empty talk, and don't break up easily.

Emotional mines: don't violate principles.

For Virgo, love always ranks second. If you push them mercilessly, they will ignore you. Nonsense, reckless people will stay away from them. It's best to honor their promises and don't show off what they can't do, because for them, bad checks are really destructive. If you break up casually, they really believe you. In fact, not every Virgo lover is born with cleanliness. The point is that they are quite principled. Libra love taboo: Don't criticize too much, don't force him to make a decision, don't interfere too much, and don't get angry.

Emotional mines: you can't be stubborn.

Beauty or ugliness, everyone in Libra is good at narcissism. They are so narcissistic that they cannot be denied and doubted by the outside world. Therefore, for their suggestions and advice, the more circuitous and tactful the better, otherwise the sensitive and fragile hearts of Libra lovers will be hard to bear. They don't like to be tied down, forcing him will only make them want to escape. You can't stop their love and promiscuity, and they will run further if they quarrel with him. Learning to be low-key and tolerant, expanding your circle of friends and making Libra lovers jealous will be a better way. Scorpio love taboo: don't be suspicious like him, don't lose your mind, don't perfunctory, don't take part in accidental amusement.

Emotional mines: You can't hide betrayal.

The fear of betrayal and infidelity is the lingering love fear of Scorpio men and women, so at the beginning of their relationship, they are cautious and step by step. If you spy all the way like him, you will only die for a few years. It's best to face his doubts rationally, or it won't help to cry till the sky falls apart. Their feelings are very strong, and their jealousy is first-class. If they don't answer the question directly, they will be jealous, but it is difficult to clean up the mess. Scorpio can do anything if it is out of control. If you are smart, you'd better behave yourself. Sagittarius love taboo: don't frown, don't bother him all day, don't speak ill of others, and don't cry.

Emotional mines: you can't follow the trend.

Sagittarius is naturally optimistic, and he doesn't have to worry about anything, so he will get bored if you worry about it every day. If you keep talking, he may not escape. In addition, I respect my friend's shooter very much, and I like to hear bad things about my friends. For them, people who say bad things are petty! Sagittarius lovers are very strange. They hate not having free space, but if you ignore them, they will stick to you. But when you care about everything about him, his feelings for you will fade. The tighter you chase, the faster he runs! Capricorn love taboo: don't be self-righteous, don't be glib, don't be unrealistic, and don't act too fast.

Emotional mines: you can't be mysterious.

Serious Capricorn hates people who are self-righteous and empty-headed. Without a certain connotation, they will never look at you again. People who are eloquent are typical of their fears. Down-to-earth, step-by-step character, let them refuse fantasy, hope that every step is within their expectations, and don't like the so-called surprise or turmoil. They are careful, of course, the clearer the better, so as to save trouble. The most unbearable thing for Capricorn lovers is that they like to pretend to be mysterious and don't know how to pretend. Even if you are handsome and beautiful, you can't attract them. Learn quickly. Aquarius love taboo: don't rely too much, don't be rigid, don't play big cards, and don't play cards according to the rules.

Emotional mines: you can't follow the rules.

Sometimes, their hearts and behaviors are like a naughty child's water bottle. They never know how to write the word responsibility, but only love those girls who are capable and independent, so that they will not have a burden. I don't like being like others, so I'd better change more and surprise them often to get their attention. They hate to cry irrationally, and they hate others to pretend to be mixed up. Anyway, don't treat their ignorance as cute. Aquarius lovers hate standardized communication mode, and fixed process planning will only make them untenable, and soon they will definitely switch to other ships. Pisces love taboo: not romantic enough, unreasonable, don't put pressure on him, don't laugh at his dreams.

Emotional mines: you can't entangle, you can't fight.

Pisces likes all poetic things. If you don't meet the standard, you are out! Hard and fast rules are so rigid that they hate them. Pisces people never like pressure, especially emotional bondage, so if you force them with feelings, they will never buy it! In addition, dreaming is a common problem for Pisces lovers. Throw cold water on them, or they will throw you into the Pacific Ocean. In addition, Pisces' three noes policy will give you a headache. If you don't refuse, take responsibility and take the initiative, then you will pay the price for falling in love with them. If you cling to it, you will ensure that the small fish will disappear.