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What does fire inverse constellation _ constellation fire inverse mean?

What should constellation 12 pay attention to when it encounters Mars retrograde?

The retrograde movement of Mars is one of the celestial movements. The retrograde movement of planets from east to west, or the rotation or revolution of celestial bodies, is clockwise when viewed from the north of the solar system. Generally speaking, the farther the planet is from the earth, the higher the frequency of retrograde. When the earth passes an outer planet, the outer planet will temporarily change its direction of crossing the sky. The retrogression of Mars does not mean that Mars is really retrogressive, but because Mars orbits the sun like the earth, so when the orbit direction of Mars is different from that of the earth, it will produce the visual effect that Mars is retrogressive from the earth.

The retrogression of the planet will always have a certain impact on people, perhaps a good impact, perhaps a bad impact. In order to reduce the impact of being retrograde by planets, people will have a lot to pay attention to, and there will also be ways to spend it safely. Whether Mars is retrograde or Mercury is retrograde, everyone should pay attention to themselves. Only when your own affairs are solved can you help others solve other people's affairs and have the spare capacity to care about others. Therefore, it is very important to know what impact Mars retrograde will have on yourself and what needs attention.

Paging: What should Aries pay attention to when encountering Mars retrograde?

Mars will retrograde from June 26th to August 27th.

During the retrograde period of Mars, since Mars is the planet ruled by Aries, you are not suitable for any adventure games or activities.

If you have something you want to do, finish it in early June, or wait until after September.

In addition to retrograde, you may encounter various difficulties, setbacks or challenges, because the angle between Mars and Uranus is not very good.

In the meantime, it is best not to start any new work, but to think and reflect on the previous work items or things, and constantly improve them.

Paging: What should Taurus pay attention to when it encounters Mars retrograde?

Since Mars will retrograde from June 27th to August 27th, it is not recommended that you promote any new products or start any new work during this period.

If you stick to it, you will encounter many difficulties and setbacks, and you will make many mistakes.

You can use this retrograde time of Mars to review your previous work projects or reflect on what you have done before.

In addition, it is not recommended that you start a new relationship during this period. If you want to build a new relationship, you'd better finish your goal in early June.

If you have a problem in love, you should solve it before Mars goes retrograde, otherwise it will drag on for a long time.

Paging: What should Gemini pay attention to when it encounters Mars retrograde?

Mars is retrograde from June 27th to August 27th, and is not suitable for launching new products or services.

Because Mars is the planet that helps you win in all aspects, when you go retrograde, you will feel that things are very bad and you are hit by a wall everywhere, which is not suitable for moving forward.

I suggest you spend more time checking and reflecting on what you have done before, and you can also rectify what you have done before.

Besides, Mars will stay in Aquarius in the first three weeks of June and throughout September, so you may have a chance to travel.

Pagination: What should Cancer pay attention to when it encounters Mars retrograde?

Since Mars will retrograde from June 27th to August 27th, it is not recommended that you start anything new or take on new risks or challenges during this period. All the emphasis should be on improving or checking the previous work.

Emotionally, your partner may help you through the difficulties, so be sure to listen to each other.

If you insist on starting a new project, you will find that the progress of this project will be stagnant and slow.

If you need surgery, try to avoid this period, except for emergency surgery.

Besides, Mars and Uranus are at a right angle of 90 degrees, which means that you will face many challenges and need strong courage to face them.

If you are invited to an activity, you'd better decline, because it may cost a lot of money.

Paging: What should Leo pay attention to when he encounters Mars retrograde?

Mars will retrograde from June 27th to August 27th, and Mars will stay in Aquarius for several months, so you will pay more attention to your lover than before.

Because Mars retrograde is not suitable for any new work projects or new products, it is very suitable for improving previous work projects or other things.

Besides, you can also modify the work items you are doing now, and at the same time try to improve the interpersonal relationship or love relationship that you are most concerned about now. If you are willing to improve, you will be rewarded.

Pagination: What should Virgo pay attention to when encountering Mars retrograde?

Since Mars will retrograde from June 27th to August 27th, which will lead to extremely slow progress, it is not recommended that you start new work projects or launch new products or do other risky activities during this period.

Since Mars is in Aquarius and stays for several months, you may have a lot of work to finish.

Besides, you may need to adjust your plan in the next few weeks.

If you have something important to do, you'd better advance the time to early June or postpone it to September, otherwise it will easily lead to difficulties due to slow progress.

Pagination: What should Libra pay attention to when it encounters Mars retrograde?

From June 27th to August 27th, Mars is in a retrograde state. In the meantime, it is not recommended that you start a new relationship, but it is recommended that you repair an existing relationship, such as a misunderstanding that leads to a bad relationship with someone. This period is the best time to clear up misunderstandings.

Don't put pressure on yourself during Mars retrograde. If you want to be a test-tube baby, you'd better wait until September.

In addition, don't carry out any new work projects or launch new products during this period. It's best to wait until Mars retrograde is over. Because of any action taken during the retrograde period of Mars, the progress will become very slow.

Paging: What should Scorpio pay attention to when it encounters Mars retrograde?

Since Mars will retrograde from June 27th to August 27th, this is not the time to launch any new products or start new work projects. It's best to advance things to early or mid-June, so that things will go smoothly instead of being full of obstacles.

If you want to buy a house, you can sign the contract on June 19, which is the most suitable day.

Because Mars is retrograde, you may be hesitant about family-related plans, so don't make any decisions for the time being and try to observe for a while.

Besides, if you don't have time to take action at the beginning or the middle of the month, you can wait until September.

Pagination: What should Sagittarius pay attention to when it encounters Mars retrograde?

From June 27th to August 27th, Mars will retrograde during this period.

You will be busy, have a lot of work to deal with, and have a lot of emails to reply as soon as possible. You are always confused. Although there are many tasks, we should be careful in doing them.

In the next few weeks, you may hear about your brothers and sisters, or you and your brothers and sisters want to plan a trip.

During the retrograde period of Mars, your work progress will become slow, so it is best to finish your work in early and middle June, or at least finish something important.

Emotionally, if you are not sure whether to continue this relationship, don't make a decision for the time being, and observe first.

Pagination: What should Capricorn pay attention to when it encounters Mars retrograde?

Since Mars is retrograde from June 27th to August 27th, it is not recommended to launch new products or new work items.

If you want to buy real estate or something, you'd better postpone it until September. If you want to find an apartment, you need more patience and more time, because you will encounter many obstacles and difficulties in the process of finding it.

If you want to mend your relationship with someone, then this is the best time. If you want to make a financial plan, you should be prepared in early June to avoid the retrograde period of Mars.

Emotionally, if you are still single, your peach blossom will be better next month.

Pagination: What should Aquarius pay attention to when it encounters Mars retrograde?

From June 27th to August 27th, it is the retrograde period of Mars. During this period, it is not recommended to launch any new work items or launch new products.

Moreover, Mars will stay in Aquarius for six months, so it will not change its current state immediately after going straight, and it will take 10 to make things smoother, so you should finish what you want to do before Mars goes retrograde.

When Mars goes retrograde, it means that what you do will become very slow.

If you want to launch a new product, it is best to choose early or mid-June, and things will go smoothly.

Pagination: What should Pisces pay attention to when encountering Mars retrograde?

Since Mars will retrograde from June 27th to August 27th, it is not recommended to launch any new products or launch new work projects during this period.

Moreover, Mars will stay in Aquarius for several months. If something important happens, it is best to take action in early or mid-June.

You should reconsider your plan and try to avoid the retrograde period of Mars. On the financial side, you may find that your money is late.

Emotionally, it is suitable for repairing a certain relationship that you want to repair. This is the most suitable time, but it is not suitable for starting a new relationship.