Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Little Red Book 1 month and a half, Thanksgiving 1000 fans, 5000+ likes, and the account opens an adventurous life.

Little Red Book 1 month and a half, Thanksgiving 1000 fans, 5000+ likes, and the account opens an adventurous life.

On April 2, 20 19, I published my first note-the hand-held family photo of March 2065438+09 in Little Red Book, and started my sharing journey in Little Red Book. On May 7th, 20 19, the number of fans of Little Red Book reached 1000, which I didn't expect. I really appreciate that 1000 fans like my notebook. Although for many bloggers with hundreds of thousands of fans, this 1000 fan is only a fraction, but for me, you are so precious.

At the beginning of many things, you can't predict the outcome, but I just insist on one thing I want to do. As Grandma Moses said, isn't life like this? Just in one moment after another, because you did what you wanted to do in your heart, the trajectory of your life changed incredibly. Yes, to be exact, the hand account opened another life for me. Thanks to the fans who accompanied me at some stage of my life. Why are we new here Maybe we can get to know each other first.

I'm Shuang, and you all like to call me Sister. In August of 20 18, I gave birth to Bauer, which ended my morning sickness in 10. After confinement, I chose to start reviewing tax agents and complete the last subject exam for tax agents. In just one and a half months, I took the baby and reviewed it, and finally got the tax accountant certificate. On March 20 19, I ended maternity leave. Because the children are left unattended, I officially became a full-time mother.

Before I decided to be a full-time mother, I thought about how to arrange my future life. Am I going to gradually become a yellow-faced woman surrounded by a lot of trivial matters? Or do you want to be a hard-working full-time mother? If one day, someone asks my child, "What does your mother do?" What should my child say?

I have seen the most important ranking list about the life of independent women: the first place is: myself; Followed by: partners; The third is: children; Finally: parents. Yes, you must be yourself first. Only by being excellent can we broaden our horizons. ? After some thinking, I decided to spend the rest of my life. I want to make my life more meaningful. I want to be a different housewife and make progress every day.

20 17, met Meng Wei. The treasure girl's hand account is simple and beautiful, which deeply attracts me. I have always believed that the owner behind a simple and beautiful account must also be a person with a simple and beautiful soul, so I added Meng Wei's WeChat to witness how she began to take risks step by step. Meng Wei said that two years ago, many people trusted her privately and paid attention to her. At that time, she just started, and now, she can't catch up with her anymore. Yes, I am one of them. My daughter began to take part in child care when she was two years old. In these two years, I spent most of my time taking care of my children while working. On the way forward, I was too busy to stop and think about what I really wanted.

When my second treasure came to me, she experienced morning sickness for ten months. The days when she didn't eat or vomit and could do nothing but lie in bed suddenly made me feel how precious the days that could have been tossed around were. So I silently told myself that I must cherish every day for the rest of my life, record every day with my hand account, and make every day I experienced memorable. An ordinary notebook can have magical power, can bear the negative emotions of life, and can also be a beacon to sort out thoughts and find the direction of life.

Wendy Wang said in an early documentary: "I hope you will put down your iphone50 in the next 50 years. At dusk, you touch 50 early efficiency manuals with trembling hands, and a picture of your life emerges in your mind. At this time, you take out this year's book and open it, and you will return to today, this moment. " What a beautiful picture this is. Although time has passed and years have changed, we can still touch every notebook when we are old. I can't help feeling that every day of my life is really in my own hands, but in fact life is kind.

Now I am a mother with two lovely children. In the introduction of all shared platforms, I introduced myself like this: a stay-at-home mother who insists on continuous improvement. Perhaps many people say that the introduction should attract attention, at least write a former company leader. As a financial person for more than ten years, the principle of objectivity and prudence has already penetrated into the bone marrow. I don't want to whitewash my past too much, but want to grasp every day more truly.

A person must first become a "real" self, accept himself and recognize himself at different stages of life. The most important thing for me at this stage is to take good care of my children and family, that is, to be a full-time mother. Besides trivial necessities, I still have a little time and space to do what I like, that's all.

Perhaps many people think that the arrival of the baby has made great changes in life. But I think this is also the best time for self-growth. Sometimes, just because you become a mother, you have a strong desire to keep getting better, which makes your life more possible.

Many people I know are like this because their children have met a better self. Meng Wei, an expert in hand accounts, chose to start reading and writing hand accounts because she wanted to be a role model for children, and then started her own adventure life. Chen Feng, the author of "Thank you for being my child", began to write hard because of his son's sentence "My mother cleans at home", and finally became a writer and started her own writing training camp. At every stage of life, we should not stop growing. This is especially true for me who wants to be a growing mother.

The life of a stay-at-home mother is really trivial. She has almost no time for herself, but this cannot be a reason to stop growing. At present, what I share on various platforms is mainly my notebook and my daily study notes. The sharing speed is not fast, because I have to take good care of my children and myself first, and I can't choose to stay up late to overdraw my body because I want to buy more time. I can only do my own thing within the allowed time, even if I want to turn 24 hours into 48 hours.

Many people choose to enroll in some courses on the road of diligence and absorb the essence of successful people in order to make themselves walk faster. But I didn't sign up for any classes, but chose to listen to the classes I signed up for before giving birth and take notes carefully. Meng Wei's calligraphy course has been held for two periods. Every time he saw the course, he was very excited, but he never signed up. Maybe it has a lot to do with my personality. I like to explore by myself first, sort out the blind spots in the practice process, and then apply for classes more pertinently.

Of course, this also made me miss the recruitment opportunity to join the Wei Meng Teachers' Hand in Hand Alliance, because it was only for the first and second students holding hands. Although I am a little frustrated, I will not give up my efforts. Only by working hard enough can we shorten the distance from idols and be qualified to realize our wishes. Sometimes I ask myself, will there really be no regrets if I take my time? Later, I realized that only by slowing myself down, even if I move forward like a snail, it is better than standing still. Haste makes waste. Sometimes only by slowing down your heart can you make your heart more firm and practical.

Perhaps in the future, my personal file will be constantly refreshed because of my own efforts, but my initial intention of choosing to start will never change. I will continue to share what I have learned, hoping to influence more people while changing myself.

I hope to become more professional in the future. In the era of knowledge economy, more and more people become knowledge sharers. Perhaps it is the influence of more than ten years of financial work. I am well aware of the responsibility of knowledge sharers. I want to share my effective things with you, not write them down on paper. Maybe some fans will think that I am stingy, and answering my questions is perfunctory. Actually, I'm just telling the truth. Just like a fan asked me why the photos were so beautiful, how did I do it? My answer is: I also take photos at will by feeling. I haven't learned any photography skills, and I won't pretend to know how to tell a bunch of unrealistic things to others. But I will write it down in my notebook and find time to study systematically. When I know, I will definitely tell you.

Peng Xiaoliu once shared a small coup of his own. How to achieve personal improvement is to read the theme and share it with others. Training is generally expensive, so Peng Xiaoliu found all the books in this field that can be found in the market, and then concentrated on reading and studying for a period of time, so that he had a systematic understanding of this knowledge, and then began to write articles to share. Slowly, he became a small expert in this field.

Just like I have been sharing my study notes recently, many fans privately believe how I take notes. I keep it in mind and read the theme of my notes. With a systematic understanding, I will definitely write an article to share.

I also hope to become stronger in the future, and everyone I meet will become stronger than in the past. Only when you have a strong heart can you move forward bravely on your own life path. No matter the wind and rain, stay calm and persist, and believe that life will have the best results.

Einstein once said: "success is the process of constantly discovering and solving problems, and at the same time, you have enough patience to do it, so the secret of success is to do simple things repeatedly." . Yes, it is not difficult to do things in the world, but it is difficult to persevere. No matter how difficult it is, only by doing a little bit every day and making a little progress will we get closer and closer to our dreams. It is not difficult to give up, but it must be cool to insist. The compound interest of time is amazing. Will give you unexpected surprises. Just like a notebook, a small notebook can bring unpredictable life.

I will persist in lifelong learning, growth and sharing in the future. Yes, it's as simple as that.

On the road of life, perhaps because of a small choice, you did something you wanted to do, and then insisted on not giving up. Since then, the trajectory of life has changed incredibly, so please believe in yourself, there are many possibilities in life.

It is not easy for a person to meet something he likes and have the opportunity to do it. And I found it, and it is also on the way to the beginning, so I will always keep a diary and notes and write my life by hand. Apart from the triviality of daily necessities, I am obsessed with my own persistence.

Lin Qingxuan once wrote: "It is not too much to write a few pages of notes a day, nor is it too little to write a speech a day. Deep life and thinking are so mature. If we can't leave something for the fast-moving daily life, life will be like floating on the sea, fragmented and eventually disappear.

Maybe one day in the future, you will open your handwritten account and feel the temperature of life. It feels so warm! It turns out that time has not disappeared, and everything is in my own hands.

Finally, thank you for meeting you, and I hope to follow you all the way and grow up all the way!