Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - I want to ask my friends, how did Yan die in Ten Torture?

I want to ask my friends, how did Yan die in Ten Torture?

Yan died in this year.

I. Introduction

Ten Torture is a costume movie, directed by Jing Wong and bosco, starring Wu Qihua, Ewenki, Xu Jinjiang and King-Tan Yuen. The film was released in Hong Kong on May 1994.

Second, the plot

The tragic death of the butcher Ge Xiaoda (Huang Guangliang) makes his wife Cai Xiao (Ewenki) the biggest suspect. She was accused of having an improper relationship with Yang Naiwu (Wu Qihua). Ge Xiaoda's death was a conspiracy of two people, and Governor Liu Xitong (Lu Xiong) took over this interlocking and complicated case.

On a dark night in a month, a neighbor broke into the butcher Ge Xiaoda's house and found Ge Xiaoda's wife Cai Xiao lying there, covered in blood and unconscious.

Chinese cabbage was summoned by Governor Liu Xitong and accused of adultery with Juren Yang Naiwu and conspiring to hurt her husband. Yang Naiwu argued fiercely that he refused to plead guilty. Because of Liu's juren status, he should not be punished, so he had to be put in prison. So under the torture of Governor Liu, Chinese cabbage revealed the whole process of understanding.

It turned out that Yang Naiwu fell in love with the head of household's daughter, Chinese cabbage, when he was collecting rent from the tenant's house, so he asked the head of household to let Chinese cabbage work for the housekeeper to offset the rent and prepare for concubinage in the future. Chinese cabbage is also interested in Yang Naiwu, so he agreed.

Chinese cabbage wants to enter the palace and two of a kind, but because of the relationship between master and servant and Yang, he dare not cross the line. One day, Chinese cabbage's parents died tragically, and Yang tried every means to comfort them. Although they are very close to each other, they are put on hold, because Dai Xiao, a Chinese cabbage, has vowed to marry Yang Naiwu as soon as possible after the filial period.

Unexpectedly, when Chinese cabbage came out, it broke the affair between Yang and the son of Governor Liu. Yang Zhengshi was afraid that the wind would get out, so he married Chinese cabbage to Ge Xiaoda, the notorious butcher in this county. Chinese cabbage tried to escape, but was caught back, tied up and forced to get married.