Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Lin Satya Seminar on Gender Intimacy (Guangzhou)

Lin Satya Seminar on Gender Intimacy (Guangzhou)

Why does the success of our career make us have a comfortable life, but our happiness has not increased accordingly?

China has two fastest growth rates in the world: economic growth rate and divorce rate (39% in Beijing, 38% in Shanghai, 36.2% in Shenzhen and 35% in Guangzhou). This is absolutely against our wishes!

Why do I still feel unhappy with a car, a house and a carefree life?

Why is it so difficult for me to get only a little thoughtfulness and tenderness from him?

Why can't he satisfy my little wish for a birthday cake on my birthday?

why ...

Many people think that this type of husband and wife should not be combined because they don't know each other at all and can't understand each other. They are not each other's perfect partners.

Perfect partner?

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, so that people on these two planets can find each other's perfect partners? Almost impossible.

Maybe you will refute: but there are still many happy families in this world! Have a perfect marriage!

Yes, the most perfect marriage exists. Because: the best person+the best person ≠ the perfect partner.

But: right person+right person+right method = best partner = perfect marriage.

Where is the password for a happy marriage? If there was a set of knowledge about marriage, what would it be? That must be Satya!

What is the Satya model?

Virginia satir is an influential chief therapist in the United States, and is praised as "everyone's family therapist" by the well-known American magazine Human Behavior. She devoted all her life to exploring various problems between human nature, and her ideas and methods in family therapy were highly respected and valued by professionals. She has developed many vivid and innovative techniques to explore family relationships, which are widely used by therapists.

Why should we learn the Satya model?

Ms. Satya believes that people are shaped by the family and are the "products" of the family!

If you are very satisfied with your "product", congratulations! In Satya's class, you can learn a set of methods to make people around you happy!

If you are not satisfied with your product, don't blame yourself. As long as you are willing to walk into Satya's classroom, the Satya model can reshape a happy and happy you!

If you want to reshape your family and your life;

If you want to sort out your past inner entanglements;

If you don't want to repeat your parents' marriage pattern;

If you want to have a harmonious and happy family relationship;

If you want to have a real interpersonal relationship that makes you feel happy and comfortable inside;

If you want your child to have a healthy spiritual world;

If you want to see clearly how birth affects your destiny;

If you want to end the current family chaos, start a home of poetry and etiquette. ...

What is family background?

Satya model holds that many problems in adulthood are not caused by the living environment of adults, but are traced back to the influence of childhood in the family. In the process of getting along with your parents in your childhood, the main survival posture (please, blame, interrupt, super-rational, body and mind consistent) is your family background posture.

If you are accusatory and your wife is flattering, your newly formed family model is that your wife obeys you, and everything is up to you, and your temper is not very good-but flattery doesn't mean that you always obey flattery, it's just her family posture, you don't understand, and she never got her expectations, so flatterers can easily become accusers.

You can't figure out why a gentle wife suddenly gets angry and why a gentle husband suddenly becomes unreasonable. Look at the family background in TA! You can:

Learn how to learn more about family of origin's influence on personal growth and the interaction between family members through "family of origin Map";

Through the wheel of influence, we can explore the important factors in life and further integrate our own resources (acceptance, appreciation, excavation and transformation of negative resources).

How important is the iceberg model?

You may not know yourself as well as you think.

Okay, forget it, okay, okay. Your accommodating language not only makes you uncomfortable, but also makes the other person feel uncomfortable. In fact, your physical and mental disharmony is easy to find. Similarly, if you automatically ignore your partner's physical and mental inconsistency, your communication mode will also fall into a huge whirlpool without results.

Metaphor of Personal Iceberg Theory in Satya Model;

1. Behavior coping mode

2. Feeling-joy, excitement, fascination, anger, pain, fear and sadness.

3. Views-beliefs, assumptions, subjective reality, thinking, ideas and values

4. Expectations-expectations for yourself, others and others.

5. Desire-love, acceptance, belonging, creation, connection, freedom and so on.

6. Self-spirituality, soul, life energy, essence, core and existence

According to the iceberg principle, you can:

Understanding the basic triangle relationship of family (parents and themselves) is the most basic element in the family system. Dr. Lin will demonstrate the interaction of the basic triangle of family in detail, and reveal how to use the basic triangle of family, perceive feelings and integrate resources through the communication attitude of family members and the iceberg (the metaphor of Satya model for people), so as to help students better move towards consistency by adjusting their coping styles;

Through human iceberg metaphor, we can better perceive ourselves and others;

Icebergs are metaphors of people in Satya's model. Above the water surface is an externally visible behavior, but below the water surface is a hidden iceberg. Dr. Lin will explain the various parts of the iceberg in detail, and learn personal icebergs through a large number of experiential activities to help students better perceive themselves and visitors.

Workshop function

Highly experiential learning process, with vivid sculptures to show family motivation, internal resources and various feelings. Through this magical and practical course, many past experiences will be transformed into growth gains, energy will be released, the shackles of the past will be liberated, and people will embark on the road of development and become more harmonious, healthy, intimate and beautiful people.

For the public.

People who are eager for personal spiritual growth or improvement of interpersonal relationships.

Couples eager to improve the quality of marriage

Professional helpers (consultants, trainers or educators) who want to "make better use of themselves"

Two reasons why you want to register for this course now.

1. Tutor: Dr. Lin is a highly recommended tutor by the famous master Dr. Satya and has 25 years of psychological counseling experience.

2. Happiness is the only criterion to measure life and the ultimate goal of all goals.

course content

1, the concept and purpose of marriage

2. The respective responsibilities of husband and wife

3. Great differences between men and women

4. The crisis of marriage

5. Good communication in marriage

6. The art of speaking and listening

7. Build mutual trust.

8. Dissolution and integration of marital conflicts

9. Family education and children's marriage

10, * * * Shaping a better future

Tutor profile

Dr. Lin is highly recommended by the famous Zen master Dr.

American doctor of psychological counseling, American doctor of clinical counseling.

Satya is a famous clinical supervisor and course tutor, and the chief tutor of Satya Center in Malaysia. He has been engaged in psychological counseling for 25 years and served as the host of radio psychological counseling program 15 years.

At present, he is teaching and tutoring in Malaysia, China and other places. Because he studied the Satya model on the basis of American psychology doctor, he is a rare Satya tutor who pays equal attention to theoretical framework and case handling. Learning from Dr. Lin can not only get treatment and spiritual growth, but more importantly, you can also master the Satya model and apply it to your work and life.

Course information

(1) Date and time of class:

Venue: Guangzhou Zengcheng Phoenix Hotel. Hotel Tel: 020-82808888

Time: 2065438+June 26-28, 2008

Tuition: 6800 yuan (5800 yuan for a group of three people)

Tel: 166029 17824 (Teacher Zhao)

Note: The specific arrangement shall be subject to the arrangement on the day of commencement. Lunch and dinner time is subject to the arrangement on the day of the course.

(2) Course dress suggestion: loose and comfortable, air-conditioned environment, please prepare your coat.

(3) Registration: Students will register at 8: 30am on June 26th, 20 18 (hotel lobby).

(4) Training place: Guangzhou Xintang Phoenix Hotel

(5) Accommodation arrangement:

The course does not provide accommodation. If you need accommodation, please call the hotel in advance to make a reservation. If you need to fight for a room, please state that you need to fight for a room when you make a reservation so that the hotel can handle it. You need to be responsible for the round-trip transportation between the hotel and the off-court venue. Please have your ID card ready.

Course Location Hotel: Guangzhou Phoenix Hotel (Platinum Five-Star): Tel: 020-82808888 to Reservation Department.

Conference agreement price (name of smart bank company): standard room 468 yuan/room (including breakfast), big bed room 508 yuan/room (including breakfast).

(6) Bus route: Our company will have a shuttle bus (depending on the number of people booked, the shuttle bus will be cancelled) to Phoenix Hotel (cost 15 yuan/person).

Pick-up date and time: June 26th, 2065438+08 at 7: 50 am, opposite the east gate of Tianhe North Sports Center in Guangzhou (in front of Guangzhou Restaurant), the subway 1 line leaves at the exit B of Sports Center Station on time.

Guangzhou Railway Station-tianhe sports center East Gate Taxi: around 30 yuan.

Guangzhou East Railway Station-tianhe sports center East Xiaomen Taxi: about 10 yuan.

The departure time of the shuttle bus from Guangzhou to Phoenix:

Hongfa Building → Phoenix Transportation Center

Hongfa Building (originating station) → Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences → Olympic Sports Station (Huangcun Transfer Station) → Guangben Station (Maogang intersection) → Phoenix Transportation Center (terminal).

Every 15 minutes/shift from Monday to Sunday;

From transportation center to Phoenix Hotel:

You can take the shuttle bus line (one-way cycle) at the transportation center of Phoenix → Cuihu Club → Transportation Center.

Route and itinerary: Phoenix Transportation Center → Fengquanyuan 33rd Street → Fengquanyuan 20th Street → Fengquanyuan 1 Street → Fengyiyuan 3rd Street 1 Building → Litchi Park Gate → Foreign Home Gate → Phoenix Transportation Center (Note: As there is no bus stop sign in this area, buses must stop at every stop, so please get off at the gate of Litchi Park at Station 5).

If you take a taxi directly from downtown (Tianhe) to Phoenix Hotel, the distance is about 28 kilometers, and the journey without traffic jam is about 40 minutes, which costs about 100 yuan.

Guangzhou South Railway Station: Take the Guangzhou South Railway Station-Zengcheng Guangming Bus Terminal Line (take the station 1) to Guangzhou South Railway Station, and then take a taxi, which takes 5.5 kilometers. The cost is around 20 yuan.

Airport: Guangzhou New Baiyun Airport-Guangzhou Guangyuan East Phoenix Hotel (by taxi: 200 yuan).

Route from Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport to Phoenix: airport express line 8B all-day timetable [7: 10, 7: 50, 8: 35, 9: 20, 10: 05,10/0. 15: 20, 16: 05, 16: 50, 17: 35, 18: 20, 19: 05, 19: 50.

High-speed Railway: Please get off at the South High-speed Railway Station.

Route from South High-speed Railway Station to Fenghuang: Take the Guangzhou South Railway Station-Zengcheng Guangming Bus Terminal Line (stop 1) and get off at Erqi Xintang Bus Terminal, then take a taxi, which is * * * 5.5km and costs about 20 yuan.

Tip: In order to ensure that you get better study results, please ensure that you have enough sleep time. Please choose comfortable casual clothes in terms of dress.


1. Please turn off your mobile phone during the speech.

2. Please give the tutor a break at halftime and don't disturb him.

In March and June, the average temperature in Guangzhou is 25℃ ~ 35℃, with a large temperature difference between morning and evening. Please pay attention to add clothes to keep warm.

? 4、? Children are not allowed to enter the classroom during class. Please make arrangements in advance.

Venue map: See the annex for details.

Remarks: refer to the driving routes from all parts of Guangdong Province to the venue.

Guangzhou and Shenzhen (Dongguan): Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway-Xintang Exit-Country Garden Phoenix City-Phoenix Hotel

Foshan: Guangfo Expressway-Beihuan Expressway-Guangshen Expressway-North Second Ring Road (Panyu direction)-Guangyuan Road Exit-Country Garden Phoenix-Phoenix Hotel

Panyu: Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway-Huangpu Bridge-North Second Ring Road Guangyuan Road Exit-Country Garden Phoenix City-Phoenix Hotel

Qingyuan: Guangqing Expressway-North Second Ring Road Guangyuan Road Exit-Country Garden Phoenix-Phoenix Hotel

Huizhou: Guanghui Expressway-North Second Ring Road Guangyuan Road Exit-Country Garden Phoenix City-Phoenix Hotel

Zhongshan: Guangzhou-Zhuhai East Line-Crossing Huangpu Bridge-Guangyuan Road Exit-Crossing Xintang Exit of Toll Station-Phoenix Second Plate Turn left-Turn left for 200 meters to reach the hotel.

I wish you a happy three-day study and life! Enjoy the wonderful promotion in your life journey, put aside your work and all your troubles for a while, and come to Satya's world wholeheartedly with ease!