Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What is the state of each bodhisattva from one place to ten places?

What is the state of each bodhisattva from one place to ten places?

The Enlightenment Realm of Bodhisattva from the Beginning to the Arrival

The Bodhisattva of Chu lives in joy.

As mentioned earlier, the bodhisattva in Chu has seven signs: (1) can endure, can do difficult things and never give up. (2) it is not easy to go to court. (3) Soft body and mind and a sense of security. (4) I feel happy when I say it. (5) Have pure confidence in Buddhism. (6) Caring for all sentient beings and giving assistance. (7) Without resentment, the heart will always be happy and kind.

If a mortal proves the bodhisattva's fruit position at the first time, everything will change qualitatively. He can instantly produce 100 incarnations and go to 100 pure lands to see 100 Buddha statues. When you know that it is necessary to live in the world with magical powers, you will bless your life with your own merits, so that you can live a long life after hundreds of robberies, and your body is still not bad, and it is widely used as a cause for the benefit of all beings; It can also prove that there are hundreds of robberies before and after, that is, the wisdom of the bodhisattva can see everything that can be robbed before and after; You can enter a hundred samadhi in an instant; A moment can shake the world; A flash of light can shine the whole world; Instantly enlighten maturity with magical power; You can swim to the baifo brake soil in an instant; With the wisdom of winning a wonderful moment, we can think and choose hundreds of mysterious methods, which are not based on the similar wisdom of listening and thinking, but on the wisdom of cultivating enlightenment and feeling the true taste of Buddhism; With magical power, it can show hundreds of different body shapes in an instant; Around each incarnation, hundreds of disciples came to solemnly surround themselves and become their families. These are all kinds of Haihui Bodhisattvas that are not his now, but his own.

It is necessary to know that Bodhisattva's cultivation realm in one place and another is doing the work of clearing the heart and opening up wisdom. In order to realize the bright realm of the mind, Bodhisattva practitioners use various methods of practice and the will of all beings as the prerequisite for developing perfect wisdom and light. The purpose of practice is to make good use of various intellectual journeys to soften and silence the restless heart of practitioners. The ideal of compassion is also the narrow mind of ordinary people before Bodhisattva practitioners bring softness, sublimation and generosity with compassion. If a yogi's heart becomes softer, more humble, more obedient, less turbid, purer, kinder, wetter, quieter, more immobile, broader, more solid, more prosperous, more pure, more equal and more impersonal in the process of gradual practice, his wisdom will be more transcendent, deeper, broader and more boundless. That is, the Diamond Sutra says: "All sages are different because of inaction. 」

Bodhisattvas in the two places are self-serving and altruistic.

At the beginning, when the Bodhisattva's bright heart was baptized with great compassion, great wish, great happiness and great compassion, it gradually emerged, gradually broke away from the dust of the desire world, achieved pure and ascetic Sanskrit, and entered the practice field of Bodhisattva in both places.

According to the scripture, all Buddhism is based on ten good deeds. If a yogi learns Buddhism through ten good deeds, he will gradually purify his body and mind. First of all, he will go beyond the realm of desire and want to enter a realm of practice, which is full of enthusiasm, loneliness, bodhisattvas and saints. In order to strengthen the bodhisattva's aspiration to seek Buddhism and reject all sentient beings, the bodhisattvas of the two places continue to be self-serving and altruistic with ten good deeds, making the original pure and bright heart more upright, soft, pure, kind, undoped, gentle, silent and broad. I also know that heinous crimes make all beings degenerate and miserable. Therefore, for the poor sentient beings caught in the sea of life and death, I once again sent out a heart of interest, peace of mind, compassion, compassion, acceptance, protection and education ...: I sincerely hope that with my own achievements, I will teach all sentient beings to cultivate ten good deeds, eliminate ten evil deeds, and educate all sentient beings to worship good deeds and truly benefit.

Because of the purity and abstinence of the Bodhisattvas in the two places, the mind of the Bodhisattvas here is moving towards the road of liberation from life and death. As the eulogy in the Buddhist scriptures says: "The quality is straight and soft, quiet and pure, and the broad meaning of life and death is quickly expressed, so that ten hearts enter two places. 」

Because the bodhisattva's will, mind, wisdom and wealth ... gradually, under the adjustment of pure precepts and ten good deeds, it becomes more pure and quiet, thus purifying the practice of meditation power and developing the vast divine power. With its profound magical power, it has attracted countless sentient beings to believe in Buddhism and smell the Dharma. As the eulogy in the Buddhist scriptures says, "All kinds of magical powers can be revealed here. I hope that my actions can be repeated and I can live freely. 」

Bodhisattvas from the three places entered deep and wide meditation.

If you want to step into the right path of deep meditation, you must take the enlightenment of Buddhism as the basis and gather the blessings of all beings, so that you can go straight to formal meditation without obstacles. Bodhisattvas in the three places are called the land of light, which shows that practitioners here have done a thorough job in listening to the Dharma, the meaning of ideas, realizing the truth, forgetting themselves for the Dharma, practicing according to law, extensively practicing good news and benefiting all beings. Only in the process of introspection, can we deeply understand that in order to cure the troubles of all sentient beings, we must first save our own troubles, put our body and mind outside the shackles of life and death in the world, and concentrate on pursuing Buddhism and Taoism wisdom, so as to treat the infinite troubles of all sentient beings thoroughly with our vast compassion and wisdom. Therefore, the bodhisattva here, with infinite compassion for all sentient beings all the time, gathers body and mind, thinks about Buddhism and practices according to teaching in a quiet and unmanned place ... So with infinite endurance, endurance and perseverance, it gathers into a concentrated spiritual force, transcending the dispersed boundaries of all sentient beings in the world of desire, and enters the meditation realm of the color world, even becoming more and more obvious in the achievements of being born. As the scripture says, "The Bodhisattva lives in this luminous place, separated from desire, evil and evil law, and lived in the early Zen. Put out the concept of consciousness, be pure and single-minded, be unconscious and have no view, settle the joy of the Lord and live in the second Zen. Leave happiness, live in a house, have thoughts, just like, feel happiness, just like the sage said, you can live in the third Zen without thoughts and happiness. Break the music first, be happy and worry about it, be unhappy and not bitter, give up the concept of purity and live in the fourth Zen. Transcend all thoughts, extinguish all thoughts, forget all thoughts, and enter the boundless void; Live in the boundless void, transcend all the boundless void and enter the boundless knowledge. Live in boundless knowledge, transcend all knowledge and enter everything. There is no place to live, no place to live above everything else, no place to think. But keep the law and act without joy.

"This bodhisattva, with good heart, boundless, no complaints, no troubles. It is everywhere, leaving the legal world empty, traveling all over the world, living in sorrow and joy, and so on.

"This bodhisattva is so powerful that it can move the earth. Take one body as multi-body, multi-body as one body, hidden or obvious, stone walls and mountains block, and there is no obstacle to go ....., the sky is dry and the things are clean, and it is too human to smell. Only with his mind can we really understand his mind. Know the infinite difference of fate. The Eye of Heaven is pure, too much for human eyes. It can be seen by all living things. When they are born, they will die ... Among all the days, the Eye of Bodhisattva is truly known. This bodhisattva, at the bottom of Samadha and Samadha, can enter and exit, but is not influenced by it, but comes into being with its will when it is full of Bodhi.

The bodhisattva here, abiding by all laws, is immortal and immortal, because there is a cause and a bond, it must be destroyed first. Everything is bound by desire, color and ignorance, and it is meager. 」

According to the above scripture, under the guidance of compassion and wisdom, the bodhisattvas in the three places have been able to enter the deep sea of Buddhist meditation and will not be greedy for Buddhist meditation. Because the heart is not obsessed with samadhi, the heart will be at ease. In the case of free mind, you can freely enter and leave the meditation realm, live freely according to your own mind and will, and are not bound by divine power.

Bodhisattvas in the four places are full of wisdom.

The name of the Bodhisattva in the four places is Yan Huidi, which shows that practitioners here constantly and diligently guide compassion and wisdom into meditation, making the wisdom of the original bright interests more radiant. How did the Bodhisattvas in the four places acquire this brilliant wisdom through intensive practice? The scripture says: "The Bodhisattva has cleared the three realms, and the secondary audience lives in the dharma realm, the empty realm and the three realms. When they know that they can enjoy themselves, they will rise to the throne of power in the flame and never retreat when they get home. He also said: "I regard myself as the first sixty-two. I have taken all my infinite species, boundaries and so on. Everything in these four places is separated." " 」

Bodhisattvas in the four places made thirty-seven offerings and increased their practice (the definition of thirty-seven offerings is explained in thirty-six wishes). Under the great compassion of saving all beings without giving up the solemn pure land, they are more diligent in cutting off the subtle thoughts and greed of the eighteen realms of body view, my view, meaning, boundary and place in meditation, making the wisdom in meditation brighter and sharper. ...

Bodhisattvas in five places have been proved to be profound, equal and pure.

Bodhisattvas in the five places have been able to abstain from morality, caution, conduct, bodhi sorrow, measure other people's manpower, know Buddhism, see the world ... and become deep, equal and clean light, that is, they have gained ten kinds of equal and clean hearts. Because the Bodhisattva's Zen paramita here is superior, the convenience and wisdom gained in deep meditation are even more rare than those in the four places, so the name of the Bodhisattva here is very difficult for the resort. Although we have a deep understanding of all the secondary practice methods of Bodhisattva and the principles of wisdom and light practice of Buddhas, the practitioners here have not yet gained liberation wisdom, and they still understand Buddhism with the deep wisdom of faith and understanding. In other words, the scripture says, "goodness is better than righteousness as the truth in the world, and the difference between the two truths establishes truth." The truth of the matter has been exhausted, and even the Tathagata does not hinder the truth. If the observation of truth is subtle, it will not hinder victory and liberation, so it will produce great merits, which is beyond the wisdom of the world. 」

Six Bodhisattvas deeply understand the truth that all laws are equal, and now they are free from the door.

The six Bodhisattvas are called the places before the present, which means that the door before the empty liberation, the door before the non-phase liberation, and the door before the unwilling liberation. When the three solutions appear, that is, before Prajna paramita appears, the meaning of barrier-free bright intelligence achievement is achieved. And how can we cultivate three solutions-Prajna paramita? According to the scriptures, the Bodhisattva here collected the convenient wisdom of equality and purity in the first five places, and observed deeply the thought that "all dharma circles are equal, because there is no phase, equality, because there is no body, equality, because there is no life, equality, because there is no extinction, equality, because there is no play, equality, because there is no choice, equality, because there is silence and equality, because there is a dream like a shadow like water, and the moon is like a flame in a mirror. When Bodhisattva practitioners observe the equality of all laws with equality, purity, convenience and wisdom in practicing dharma, they enter the sixth place and gain the wisdom of Ming Rui in practicing dharma-they can observe and follow the reality of equality of all laws without violating them, but they still can't bear the law. That is to say, according to the Buddhist scriptures, "the Bodhisattva is complete in five realms, the Buddhism is asexual, and there is no birth, no extinction, no choice, no drama and no illusion. And they are all inseparable. If you follow Buddhism, you will enter six places. " That is to say, the bodhisattvas in the six places have "realized the truth that karma is born, nothing is achieved, nothing is suffered, nothing is true, it is like a dream, like light and shadow". When the Bodhisattva here deeply understands that the three realms all originate from illusion, the origin of illusion is revealed by idealism, and the origin of illusion and the twelve causes are based on one heart, then the current behavior enters the door of emptiness and can finally settle down. Although the physical evidence is empty, I still don't give up my great compassion and want to save all beings. At the same time, the bodhisattva here proves the true meaning of emptiness, and the wisdom of three solutions and barrier-free is just like before it was realized. That is to say, according to the eulogy in the Buddhist scriptures: "If you start with behavior, you will do nothing, suffer nothing, and have nothing to be true;" "Like a dream, like light and shadow ... if you observe in the air, you can't know your fate. Apart from vanity, he only cares about all beings. There are hundreds of empty samadhi doors, and there is no wish for each other. Prajna, obedience and forbearance all increase, and wisdom is now equal. 」

Seven bodhisattvas enter and die.

Bodhisattvas in the seven places have gained ten incredible kinds of convenient wisdom in the vast deep air. With these ten extraordinary conveniences and wisdom, we can enter the boundless universe, the boundless world network and the boundless Buddhist land. Moreover, when walking, living, sitting and lying down, and even sleeping, they all maintain a bright light without any troubles and delusions. Because the Bodhisattva here is very diligent in practice, she has gained the most extraordinary convenience and wisdom. She can often have ten paramita, four photography methods (giving alms, loving words, benefiting deeds and colleagues), four co-holding methods (holding dharma, upholding righteousness, holding spells and enduring), thirty-seven auxiliary methods, three liberation methods and even all Bodhi points.

The scripture also emphasizes that in the process of practicing in various places, the Bodhisattva "has a miscellaneous line and a clean line, and it is rare between the two. Only the Bodhisattva has great wishes, convenience and wisdom, and it is won. " Bodhisattvas in the seven places have achieved great wishes and convenient wisdom, so they can enter the eighth place from the seventh place with convenient wisdom and all useful things. The top seven, known as the end of the ultra-worry line; But if you enter seven places, you will not be named as a person with troubles, nor will you be named as a person without troubles. Why do you say that? Because all troubles are not current, they are not called troubled people. Because the pursuit of Tathagata's intelligence has not been completed, it is not called a carefree person. Because the Bodhisattva here has gained the most extraordinary ability of freedom and convenience from the profound and vast emptiness, with this incredible freedom and convenience, she can enter the extinction of thought and rise from the extinction of thought. Although practical, the heart is silent, but because of the great will, it does not prove. Being able to settle in and out naturally cleans up the defiled industry that has not been cut since ancient times, so that the body and mind can be integrated into the simple and clean practice, and any defiled troubles can be stopped. So, I personally proved that there is no way to just endure.

The scriptures also praise the Bodhisattva here, saying, "The Bodhisattva here, in the 3,000-year-old world, can be the guiding teacher of the bright wisdom of all beings with the convenience of practicing the certificate. Except for the Buddha and more than eight bodhisattvas, none of the other bodhisattvas can compare with him in their deep hearts and extraordinary achievements. " "The liberation of the vast meditation magical powers practiced by the Bodhisattva here, although it is unbearable for the current thoughts, is achieved by self-nature and functional behavior, but it is not like eight places entering the useless work and achieving more. 」

Bodhisattvas in eight places have been proved to have no patience, and continue to study the dharma, body and wisdom of the buddhas.

The scripture says, "All the Bodhisattvas in the seven places, who think with all their minds and consciousness, take nothing, just as vanity enters all dharma, such as vanity, so famous, so they can't hold back." Bodhisattva achieved this forbearance and immediately entered the eight motionless places, which is a deep bodhisattva. " "When the Bodhisattva lives in a fixed place, she is interested in her body and mouth, and her thoughts are static. Before she died, she got rid of her intellectual achievements, gave up everything useful and meaningful, and completely entered the proof of inaction. The method of reporting the results without omission has achieved complete success. At this time, due to the Bodhisattva's wish, the Buddhas appeared in front of him personally, and he was impressed by the wisdom of the Buddhas, enabling him to continue to study the dharma, body and wisdom of the Buddhas, update his wisdom, and guide him forward, saying, "... although you have been freed from silence now, countless ordinary people are still rolling in the sea of life and death. You should remember that you gave great sorrow to all beings in the past to enter the door of incredible wisdom liberation. "Moreover, there is no difference in this silent method, and all saints can also get a license. Buddhas are called Tathagata not because they can prove this method, but because they have ten fearless powers, eighteen without * * *, boundless clean body, boundless wisdom, boundless convenience, boundless light, boundless quiet sound ... You just need to prove that this method is bright-the so-called all methods have no life and no difference. The Buddha's profound reality that there is no obstacle to wisdom and the law of light is infinite, infinite work and infinite rotation ... you have not witnessed it with your own eyes, so you should wisely observe that there are various differences between infinite land, infinite existence and infinite law, which is beyond your current wisdom consciousness. 」

When buddhas guide bodhisattvas with dharma bodies, the bodhisattvas in eight places first set out in one body, diligently studied the dharma bodies and wisdom of buddhas, and proved that buddhas are unpredictable, infinite in sound and infinite in wisdom. Also, with the extraordinary wisdom of the collected works, I can go back and forth to collect soil from the infinite world, purify the infinite Buddha country, educate the infinite beings, support the infinite buddhas, obtain the infinite Buddha dharma, and have the infinite magical power ... And with the great convenience and ingenuity of the collected works, I can truly know that the world is infinitely bad, the earth, fire, wind and wind are infinitely different, the world is infinitely different, and all beings are infinitely different in color. In the world of 13 thousand, I understand the differences with all beings; And with incredible wisdom and light, it is widely used in all Buddhist gatherings to show all aspects of coping with the situation.

When the Bodhisattva achieves the above-mentioned incredible wisdom and coordination, she can be single-minded, single-minded and single-minded, with her body still, and even gather in the Buddhist temple, with her body and mind still. So we have achieved ten freedoms: first, freedom of life, second, freedom of thought, third, freedom of money, fourth, freedom of occupation, fifth, freedom of life, sixth, freedom of will, seventh, freedom of solution, eighth, freedom of thought, ninth, freedom of thought and tenth, freedom of law. When you get these ten freedoms, you can treat all beings as yourself, your country as yourself, your karma as yourself, and you can treat yourself as all beings. When you are at home, you can enter the field of Buddhism. Before the Buddha's realm, you were often cared for by the Buddhas ... This shows that you are infinitely different. You have great power in one body, and you can get the magical power at home ... and show the practice of Bodhisattva in the boundless land; There is no obstacle to entering the Mahayana Buddhism, so as to enlarge the light and change all beings, and we should be enlightened by the opportunity.

Because the bodhisattva here will not retreat to the dharma body after being certified, it is called the fairy land. In this way, without retreating from the deep samadhi power of Buddhism, you can often see countless Buddhas and provide for them at any time. And with the great wisdom, light and magic proved by the unchangeable dharma body, all the troubles and darkness of all beings are swept away, and the infinite wisdom treasure of all beings is opened. In addition, the Dharma Body shines with Samadhi light, illuminating millions of unspeakable dust in the world, so that all sentient beings who are destined to see the Samadhi light of Bodhisattva can inspire Su Hui's good roots, extinguish the flames of troubles, and gain great wisdom. ...

Bodhisattvas in the Nine Places have gained endless wisdom from the Buddhas.

According to the scripture, when the bodhisattvas in the eight places "go deep into the secret realm of the Tathagata", they can often be at ease in Samadha, gain great magical powers and enter the temples, and have boundless wisdom. They can enter the nine places with the Buddha's dharma wheel and benefit all sentient beings at the expense of their great compassion. "Nine Bodhisattvas have infinite wisdom, and can truthfully know what is right and wrong, what is not recorded, what is missing and what is wrong, what is the world, what is incredible ..., and with infinite wisdom, they can truthfully know the differences in the hearts of all beings, the phase in their hearts, the phase of their troubles, the phase of their karma, the root of all beings, the middle and lower phases, and their understanding. Because of infinite wisdom, following the different behaviors of all beings in the boundless world, the Bodhisattva here is called the land of good wisdom.

Bodhisattva is here because her intelligence is superior to other places. She can always use her incredible intelligence to sit with all kinds of troubles and habits, become an exorcist with infinite beings, and have the perfect virtue of a mage. He can also uphold and protect all the dharma collections proposed by the Buddhas, and eloquently publicize the dharma collections of the Buddhas without hindrance in the words of the Bodhisattva. It also proves that the infinite Rananimen speaks infinite Buddhism for all beings with endless clever sounds and eloquence. And with great magical power, I went to the Infinite Buddha Hall and listened to the Infinite Great Laminemon Buddhism I practiced before the Buddha, never forgetting it, and then explained it to all beings with infinite differences.

When the Bodhisattva here meets the Buddha for the first time, it is convenient to supplement the wisdom and light of the Buddha and get unlimited practice when worshipping the Buddha. If the bodhisattva here wants to speak for the public with her voice, all living beings can understand Buddhism. You should speak for all sentient beings with various voices, and all sentient beings can gain enlightenment. If you want to enlarge the light and talk about Buddhism, you can enlarge the light in real time with the bodhisattva's heart and talk about various Buddhism in the light. If you want to talk about Buddhism in the dust of all the dust gathered by the unspeakable world of fire, water and wind, that is, what the Bodhisattva wishes, express it for all beings with your heart. It can also go deep into the desires of all beings in one thought-it is undeniable that in the world, according to its roots and needs, it can solve doubts and enlighten all beings. Although the blessing and wisdom of the Bodhisattva here are close to perfection, they are still practicing day and night-"Only when you enter the realm of Buddhism, get close to the Tathagata, get rid of the bodhisattva deeply, stay in Samadha, see the Buddhas constantly, and never leave ...". In the robbery, when you see the boundless Buddha, you can respect and support it. I put it in front of the Buddhas and asked them all kinds of questions to get the Dalagni Gate. I will never forget every word the Buddhas said.

Bodhisattvas in ten places proved that the buddhas finally entered supreme meditation and shone brightly.

Ten Bodhisattvas entered the deep realm of the Buddhas and had enough strength among them, which proved that the Buddhas were ultimately supreme samadhi and were called Bodhisattvas. Before this Samadhi appeared, there was a big lotus, which was born suddenly and finally appeared by the birth of good roots. From the beginning, this great treasure lotus has been infinitely pure, which has been achieved by all walks of life, constantly illuminating the legal world and benefiting all beings. When the Ten Bodhisattvas sat on the throne of lotus ..., the whole world shook at once. Bodhisattva radiates infinite wisdom from two feet, two knee chakras, umbilical chakras, left and right joints, hands, two shoulders, nape of neck, another door, eyebrows and head, becoming a blazing net, illuminating all the world in ten directions, and the breadth is destined by all beings.

With their supreme wisdom, the Bodhisattvas, the younger brother, can truly understand all the subtle wisdom, hidden secrets, all the robbed wisdom, all the dust wisdom and even all the infinite wisdom of all the Buddhas, and all the Bodhisattvas here can realize it. There are infinite doors of incredible liberation, infinite doors of Samadha, infinite doors of Dalagni and infinite doors of Avatar, all of which are realized here. Buddhas are like the sun, which shines on all beings, such as the bright Buddhism that moistens all things with rain and dew. Except for the tenth Bodhisattva, the other nine Bodhisattvas and all sentient beings who hear and feel alone can't know, photograph and hold it. Because the ten bodhisattvas can receive all the dharma, dharma photos and dharma rain of the buddhas in an instant; The difference between one thought and another can spread to ten parties for countless generations, preaching the Dharma, exposing the rain with the joy of all beings, and extinguishing the dust flame of all beings, so the Bodhisattva is named Fayun Land. Bodhisattvas, the younger brothers, can make the world interactive and unpredictable with their clever and free magical powers ... and they can show all the incredible and solemn things of the Buddhist realm and the Buddhist land in a pore according to their own wishes. His wisdom and understanding are the same as that of the Tathagata, and his body, language and meaning are the same, and he does not give up Samadha.

(Learn Buddhism. com)