Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Crossing the Gods and the Rise of Fenice: Graphic Flow Introduction, Full Story Collection and Skill Introduction

Crossing the Gods and the Rise of Fenice: Graphic Flow Introduction, Full Story Collection and Skill Introduction

Pantheon, Interface, Keys

Introduction of putting away the Pantheon, interface and keystroke skills (1) Introduction of skills (2) Mystery of divine power-Seven Xuanqin puzzles-Moving puzzles-Constellation puzzles-Mural puzzles-Odysseus puzzles-Ghost Nest

Everyone must be happy with the rise of finnis, an interdisciplinary subject. Did you encounter any problems? What I brought to you this time is the graphic flow strategy of the rise of Fenice, and it is also a comprehensive strategy of the whole story collection and skills. I hope I can help you.


Health: the player's health.

Energy value: climbing mountains, swimming, jumping in the second stage and releasing divine power all need energy value, and ordinary attacks can restore energy value.

Divine power: equivalent to active skills.

Potions: Use potions to increase health, energy, attack power and defense.

Damage value: the damage caused by the attack.

Combo: Damage will be interrupted.

BOSS defense slot: heavy attack and divine attack can be superimposed on the defense slot, and the defense slot will be dizzy when it is full of BOSS.

Key operation

keyboard operation

Move: w, s, a, d

Automatic movement: z

Tap: Left mouse button

Punch: Shift+ left mouse button

Free aiming of bow and arrow: right mouse button

A small tool for melee ability: mouse wheel

Parry: Q.

Sprint (hold): shift gears

Lock target: Ctrl

Glide (in the air): r

Call mount: t

Interaction: e

Hyperopia: v

Jump: space

Dodge: Alt

Squat: c

Reagent: 1, 2, 3, 4

Maps: tabs

Photography mode: F3 handle operation

Moving: left rocker

Control visual angle: right rocker

Hyperopia: Press and hold the right joystick.

Interaction: △

Squat: ○

Jump: x

Dodge: □

Attack potion: on the cross key

Health potion: cross key left

Energy potion: cross key right

Defensive potion: under the cross key

Melee ability gadget: L 1

Free aiming of bow and arrow: L2

Light attack: R 1

Punch: R2

Parry: L 1+R 1

Pause menu: touchpad

Pause menu: options


Players need to go to the Pantheon to upgrade their physical strength slots, energy slots and skills, and the rescued gods will also appear in the Pantheon.

Zeus' Fitness Chair: Use Zeus' lightning to increase your maximum energy.

Styx Water Tank: The silver coin of Hafei Ka Rong, which is used to upgrade your skills and strength.

Aphrodite's beauty chair: changing the appearance of the character.

Hermes's Heroic Trial Task Board: Complete the epic task and help the gods unite against Di Feng.

Circe cauldron: making potions from raw materials.

Forging furnace, hephaestus: Use gold fragments to upgrade your equipment and carrying capacity.

Athena's Pottery Cup: Spend an elf to upgrade your maximum health.