Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Notes on Robinson Crusoe

Notes on Robinson Crusoe

After reading a book, you must have a lot to share. It's time to settle down and write reading notes. So how should I write my reading notes? The following are my notes on reading Robinson Crusoe. Welcome to read the collection.

Reading Notes on Robinson Crusoe 1 Robinson Crusoe is a novel written from a realistic perspective. Robinson, the hero, wants to be free and won't let his parents choose a career for him. He went to sea alone. After a fierce battle with pirates, he was stranded alone on a desert island due to the storm.

He didn't panic too much on the island, but calmed himself down and faced everything bravely and wisely. He knows a lot about life and has read many books. He knows how to protect himself, how to build his own fortress, how to hunt carefully, and how to reflect on his shortcomings through the Bible. He made a detailed plan for himself, so he lived a full day on the island. He found Spanish gold and silver coins on the missing ship, as well as bread, barley cakes, biscuits, wine and countless other foods and drinks, such as gambin wine and coconut wine.

Besides himself, there are animals on the island with him. He keeps parrots, puppies, kittens and a group of goats. Because of the different environment on the island, he also learned to make clothes and found several sets of sailor suits from the ship. He also recorded his experiences on the island in detail in the form of a diary. Later, the work stopped because there was no ink. Life on the island is helpless. I don't think all this is a gift from God, but Robinson's resourcefulness, courage, imagination, diligence, introspection and innovation created everything. In the confrontation with cannibals in the Caribbean, he fought bravely and played well, defeating primitive people with gun technology. Brought it back from prison on Friday. A loyal servant and received good treatment. They took in Friday's father and some Spaniards. Finally, Robinson was rescued from the predicament by the captain's big ship and became a famous rich man and a large-scale industry.

After reading Robinson Crusoe, I understand a truth. When faced with difficulties, I should face them calmly. With my common sense, wisdom, diligence and knowledge, if I wait for a good opportunity, I will be saved.

Robinson Crusoe Reading Notes 2 Gorky said: "Reading is the ladder of human progress." Reading can broaden our horizons, from small books to the world. We should form the good habit of reading happily from childhood, love reading, read good books and be able to read. In reading, the feeling of reading after reading is essential. Today, let's see what I have written!

I have read a lot of books this term. Among them, what impressed me the most was Robinson Crusoe. At this moment, the scene in the book reappears in my mind. Robinson lives on an isolated island, strives for self-reliance and lives happily with small animals. Every time he meets difficulties, he never loses heart, never flinches, and faces them positively. From these angles, we can see how friendly, clever and brave Robinson is!

In another scene, Robinson leads people to build an isolated island into a "happy island". Since then, people have lived and worked in peace and contentment, handed down from generation to generation. It seems that Robinson is still a resourceful great man!

After reading this book, I understand: learn to be self-reliant without help. When encountering difficulties, we should face them positively and bravely.

I remember there was a jungle climbing project in a research project. At first, I was scared and nervous. Then I thought of Robinson, so I volunteered and got up the courage to go up. My heart is bulging, like a little white rabbit, and my little heart is pounding. Every step is so wobbly, and every step is so nervous. However, my classmates are still cheering for me and making me regain my confidence. Every board has left my firm footprint. Finally overcame many difficulties and returned to the ground. The big stone in my heart finally fell to the ground. All the horrors have passed, like a wisp of smoke floating away, only the confident clouds are floating slowly in my heart.

"Everything is long, and reading is big." As Cao Wenxuan said, you must pick up a good book and keep reading. On the way to growth, we must be full of colorful flowers. Because reading is talking to a great soul and deciding what kind of person you become. Students, let's study hard together!

Robinson Crusoe Reading Notes 3 I also want to be a person like Robinson.

I don't want to practice long-distance running, but I can't escape the teacher's eyes every time ... Look, there are furtive figures looming next to the pillar. Haha, I am exploring the' enemy'! ! ! ! Oh, that was close. I was almost found ... I leaned out my little head and looked around. Ah, it's occupied. Three, two, 1, go! ! But fate is not as good as heart! ! Like the roaring voice of the Yellow River, "Yao Xinyu!" I can't help shivering. I turned my head slowly and saw an angry face. I have to bow my head and give up ... I have to admit that Mr. Huang's eyes are wide open! ! ! ! Well, I can't disobey his orders, so I have to obey them respectfully. Six laps. Oh, Mamma Mia! ! The fourth lap, I can't stand it. I stopped and gasped. I really can't run. Look at that mouth-watering delicious bread. Hey, the duck in my mouth flew away, unwilling! ! Forget it, I'd better run for my life first! ! Look at me, this is the best way! ! Goodbye! !

Robinson is so strong,' Lu Qiang' I take you as an example! !

Robinson Crusoe Reading Notes 4 The story took place in England in the18th century. A young man named Robinson didn't listen to his parents' advice and went out to sea alone, during which he also earned some gold coins. His swollen heart made him complacent, so he continued to take risks at sea, among which pirates arrested him, but fortunately he escaped.

After returning to England, Robinson began to be a captain himself and continued to take risks at sea. But I didn't expect the ship to run aground on a desert island. After landing, Robinson collected some necessities from his cabin and began to explore the island, waiting for the passing ships to find themselves and take themselves away from the island.

Waiting day after day, disappointment again and again, without the passage of ships, food will soon run out. In order to survive, Robinson began to build his own house and hunt in the forest. Captured sheep will be kept in captivity and some edible plant seeds will be added. Ensure that you have sufficient food sources to solve the immediate food crisis.

One Friday morning, he went hunting in the forest as usual, but today, he found human footprints. He was so excited that he thought he could leave the island with their help. But contrary to expectations, when he searched in the direction of footprints, he saw several savages trying to eat another savage, so he fired a warning shot and scared off those savages. When those savages were still in shock, he first saved the savage who was about to be eaten and named him Friday.

Day after day, Robinson and Friday repeated his previous work on the island. I don't know how long it took, but suddenly a boat passed by, so Robinson shouted while waving rags on the shore, but the boat sailed away. Just when he was disappointed, a boat rowed to the island and the flame of hope was rekindled. It was also at this time that he finally embarked on a journey home.

Robinson is a tough, resourceful, brave and optimistic person. Facing the harsh environment, Robinson's spiritual quality inspires me.

Robinson Crusoe Notes 5 Life is a boat that ripples in the long river of life. It will experience countless ups and downs and enjoy countless sunny days in Wan Li.

A person's life will experience many waves, and the waves are always surging, which makes you fearful and full of gains and losses. But ... it really depends on you whether the boat is overturned by the waves or passed smoothly! You can let it out of the storm, you can let it be knocked down by the waves and fall into the whirlpool of the long river. It all depends on you. Reading Robinson Crusoe today, I feel that this book just confirms this truth.

Robinson is a lonely and tenacious adventurer; Robinson is a man who can give up his comfortable life and fight for his dreams. Robinson is a truly brave man. He can live independently on a desert island for 28 years ... Everything shows that Robinson is an adventurous and indomitable person.

Isn't that what life is all about? Countless revolutionary students have experienced countless wars without smoke in order to climb the peak of science; Countless entrepreneurs, in order to break out of their own world and realize their lofty ideals, have struggled in the business world for many years, suffered a lot, shed a lot of tears and sweat ... They are our role models, but why don't we want to practice hard for our own lives?

Compared with his first visit to this island, Robinson has greatly improved his living conditions. Not only do you live comfortably, but you also feel at ease. It is because he learned spiritual nourishment from the Bible, established his religious belief, gradually calmed down his mentality, and treated the current situation with relief and gratitude.

The enlightenment to us is: people should know how to cherish what they have in front of them, and don't always be busy pursuing things far away from themselves, ignoring people or things around them. Maybe what you have is exactly what you are looking for. If you want to pursue your dreams, you still have to think about what you have, what you want, how to grasp what you have and pursue your dreams. We need to think deeply.

Have you read Robinson Crusoe? If not, just listen to me!

Robinson grew up in a respectable family in York. He lives a carefree life, full of the idea of traveling around the world. His father opposed his son's desire to sail, but the temptation of sailing made him board a ship bound for London regardless of the consequences. A sudden storm left the captain and sailors helpless. They were rescued a quarter of an hour before the ship sank. After being rescued, Robinson forgot the storm he was afraid of, boarded a cargo ship again, learned mathematics and navigation knowledge, and earned 300 pounds. These two experiences at sea made him more enthusiastic about sailing, but the third voyage made him a slave to the pirate captain. Fortunately, Robinson escaped by his own cleverness and bought a manor in Brazil, which brought him wealth and a better life. Robinson did not covet an easy life and set foot on his voyage again. His boat hit a rock in the storm, and the lonely Robinson drifted to an island after being separated from his companions. God was still kind to him and sent the ship to the island. Robinson survived on the island by using the limited food and tools on board. He grows food, domesticates goats, makes his own labor tools, and saves a lot of food to feed himself. Robinson also made canoes out of big trees, ready to leave the island. Robinson saved the savage "Friday" and taught him to speak, dress and grow crops. Twenty-seven years after Robinson left home, he saved the captain who was controlled by sailors and returned to England with Friday, ending his 27-year wandering life.

After reading Robinson Crusoe, I think Robinson is great. He is brave, smart, hardworking, witty and strong. In order to survive, he can endure the torture of illness and the loneliness of life, and finally he becomes a powerful man.

Robinson Crusoe Reading Notes 6 has a kind of power, which has been promoting people's innovation; There is a force that has been pushing people's discovery; There is a force that has been pushing people's survival! This kind of power is powerful and difficult for people to control and possess, but such a tenacious, brave and intelligent person has mastered it and used it properly. This man is Robinson from a famous writer!

Robinson Crusoe mainly tells the story of a man named Robinson Croso who took a boat to do business. Unexpectedly, the boat hit a rock and sank, and everyone sank to the bottom of the sea and never came back. Robinson survived alone. He wandered to an island and lived alone for 28 years. During these 28 years, he gradually learned to grow rice and make bread, and even more surprisingly, he built a house. Learned to hunt; Saved a cannibal's child and named it "Friday". Finally, after a long journey, he was saved by a ship bound for Europe. After returning to his hometown, he worked hard and became a famous overseas millionaire!

I was deeply moved by Robinson's story. I still remember clearly that it was dusk and I got a bad report card for the mid-term exam. After school, I came home with a lot of pain. Through vague tears and dim light, I saw Robinson Crusoe on the shelf. I picked it up and reread it. The indomitable fighting spirit of the protagonist Robinson Crusoe flashed in my mind again, and a huge force instantly injected into my body. The same man will be devastated when he encounters such a small setback? I opened the paper again, carefully analyzed the reasons for my mistakes and made a study plan for my future. And secretly warned: "I must be a strong man in life like Robinson!" " "Finally, in the final exam, I won the championship in one fell swoop!

Robinson is an explorer and inventor. His fearless and innovative spirit lives in our hearts like the sun!

Robinson Crusoe Reading Notes 7 Every hot-blooded teenager should have had such a beautiful dream: traveling around the world alone, overcoming many difficulties and finally succeeding. When I grow up, I will always laugh it off when I talk about this dream. But have you ever thought that in reality, this kind of story really happened?

Robinson Crusoe describes such a story. In order to realize his dream of sailing, Robinson gave up a stable and comfortable life despite his parents' dissuasion, and finally embarked on a "journey" of sailing and lived on an isolated island for 28 years.

Daniel defoe tells us in the novel that after Robinson survived from the beach, he lived on the materials on the boat at first, then set up tents, fenced the castle, made utensils and planted food. As the ancients in ..................................................................................................................... said, no pains, no gains. If he doesn't work, how can he have food?

Every time I finish reading Robinson Crusoe, I always think: What would happen if I were Robinson alone on an island? Am I just waiting for death, or am I self-reliant like Robinson? Will I be brave and strong like him, challenging death and nature?

This novel describes the touching scene of Robinson living on a desert island, not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, plowing and hunting alone, and fighting against the harsh environment, praising people's wisdom and hard work. Although I won't be stranded on a desert island like him, I insist on learning his spirit of loving labor and not being afraid of difficulties, and applying it to real life, I will certainly gain a different wonderful life!

Robinson Crusoe Reading Notes 8 Robinson Crusoe is a masterpiece that appeals to both refined and popular tastes, and it is a literary feast worthy of our careful taste. Many famous literati spoke highly of this work, and the Chinese teacher also recommended us to have a good look at this book this semester.

Open it, and you will see how a person becomes his own "king" in a desperate situation, and how a desert island changes from a barren land to a miniature civilized society. In the past 28 years, a man named Robinson has created an incredible legend with his enterprising spirit and hard work.

It was an ocean voyage, and during the voyage, they unfortunately encountered a storm. Everyone on board was killed except him. He drifted to an uninhabited island, filled with helplessness and loneliness, and didn't know how to survive on this island in the future. However, he did not despair and did not give up. With his wisdom and courage, he overcame countless difficulties, not only survived on a desert island, but also opened up a world of his own.

Strong and unyielding Robinson first found some tools on the abandoned ship, built a residence in the open space, then planted wheat grains, and finally raised some animals to meet his daily needs. These are easier said than done. Think about it, his two-story walled house took almost a year to build. When he planted barley and millet for the first time, he not only didn't harvest it, but also regretted the food because he didn't sow it in time. In order to dig several cellars to store fresh water, he has to work hard for months; In order to make a pot and bowl that can cook, he racked his brains and tried to use all kinds of mud embryos, which required great patience. ...

On the other hand, think about how comfortable our living environment is. We don't need to worry about everything, just like flowers in a greenhouse. But once you encounter a little setback in your life or study, you will be pessimistic and disappointed, and you will beat a retreat. If we can, like Robinson, work hard and keep making progress in never back down in a difficult situation and in a desperate situation, what are those difficulties in life?

Robinson Crusoe Reading Notes 9 During the winter vacation, I read a book called Robinson Crusoe. This book mainly tells the story of a man named Robinson who lived alone on an isolated island for 35 years. He manages plantations, grows crops, trains animals for domestic animals and saves savages on isolated islands.

In the end, he successfully left the island and started his own life. I benefited a lot from reading this book. In my opinion, we should cultivate the spirit of self-reliance and self-improvement to lay a good foundation for our future life. We should learn from Robinson's species. Excellent qualities, such as: love of labor, not afraid of difficulties, positive, optimistic and confident.

Notes on Robinson Crusoe/introduction to 10/0 books

The book mainly describes that young British Robinson likes sailing since he was a child and has traveled all over South America three times. One day, with the great ambition of traveling around the world, he bid farewell to his relatives and friends and set sail. Later, his ship was unfortunately killed in the Pacific Ocean, and everyone on board was buried at the bottom of the sea. Only he miraculously survived and was abandoned on a desert island. Robinson got the inspiration of life from despair. He lived independently on the island for 28 years with a strong character. He explored the wilderness on the isolated island, raised livestock, produced rice and wheat, and kept company with loneliness year after year, overcoming all kinds of difficulties that ordinary people could not overcome. Later, he saved an aborigine, named him "Friday" and took him as a servant. Until 28 years, an English ship came near this island. Before returning to England, Robinson helped the captain subdue the rebellious sailors. By this time, his parents had died. Later, Robinson recovered all the proceeds from his Brazilian manor and gave some of them to those who helped him.

related data

Robinson Crusoe was written by daniel defoe, a British novelist, the founder of realistic novels in the English Enlightenment period, and was known as the "father of novels". 17 19, Defoe, who was nearly 60 years old, published his first novel Robinson Crusoe, which later became one of the world-famous adventure novels.

good news

Stranded, swallowed, filled with smoke, complacent, jealous, uneasy, spontaneously rising.

Good sentence

1. Ordinary people often have a common problem, that is, they are often dissatisfied with the living environment arranged by God and nature for them. In my opinion, at least half of their pain is caused by this common disease.

Especially in this unfortunate situation, God guided me to know him and prayed for his blessing, which gave me great comfort. This kind of happiness is enough to compensate for all the misfortunes I have suffered and may suffer.

Feelings and feelings

When a person lives independently, it is really rare to have confidence in life like Robinson. In the face of difficulties, Robinson was not intimidated. It is to face the difficulties and dare to challenge yourself. He always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude, which helped him overcome difficulties and finally returned to his hometown, relatives and friends.

Robinson can overcome all kinds of difficulties and succeed on a desert island, but we flowers in the greenhouse just live a happy life, with such superior learning conditions and living environment, hard cultivation by teachers and careful care by parents. Shouldn't we study hard and get excellent grades? But some students are absent-minded in class and don't listen carefully; Some cope with the teacher copying homework; Some people don't obey discipline ... Students, please think about it. Learning is not for teachers and parents, but for yourself! How can this be worthy of cultivating our teachers and caring for our parents? Robinson realized his dream with his tenacious perseverance and never give up. We should not be intimidated by difficulties, but should be masters of overcoming them. To be as self-reliant as Robinson, the more frustrated and brave, then this will be a sunny spring in our life.

reading comprehension

Life itself is a painting, and some people paint the vitality of spring; The shadow of summer; Autumn harvest; Hope in winter. Someone painted the loneliness of spring; Summer anxiety; The desolation of autumn; The sadness of winter. The color of a painting depends entirely on the painter's attitude towards life. We should learn from Robinson's spirit, thoughts, love and expectation of life.

Reading Notes of Robinson Crusoe 1 1 Robinson Crusoe is a very wonderful novel. After reading this book, I think Robinson has an admirable spirit of never giving up and constantly striving for self-improvement.

Robinson has a wonderful family. He could have lived a leisurely and superior life. However, in order to fulfill his dream of sailing, he set foot on a ship bound for Guinea regardless of his family's dissuasion. The ship sank in the storm, and everyone on board was drowned in the sea except Robinson. Although Robinson survived, he was left alone on a desert island.

There are no tools here, so he tries to make them himself; Without a house, he built it himself; Without food, he tried to grow grain and hunt. He also groped for pottery, tables and chairs and overcame many difficulties and dangers.

After living hard on the island for 27 years, he finally returned to the motherland through his own efforts.

After reading this book, I feel that we should not only face difficulties bravely and optimistically like Robinson, but also learn to think about how to overcome them. If we also encounter such a bad environment as him, we will certainly be able to cope with it calmly.

Robinson Crusoe Reading Notes 12 Robinson Crusoe tells the story that Robinson Crusoe met a beach on a voyage and then came to an island. He builds houses, grows crops, and so on. On the island. Finally, he thought of a way to leave this small island where he lived for 28 years. He also made friends with a savage on the island. He named the savage "Friday", and he taught "Friday" to speak, practical tools, hunt and herd sheep. Finally, they became good friends.

The author of this book is daniel defoe, an English novelist who is called "the father of English and European novels". Robinson Crusoe is a realistic literary work inspired by an English sailor's adventure at sea.

I think the best chapter of this book is the first chapter. At the beginning of the story, the time, place and people are explained by self-narration, which makes readers feel more real. He made his family background clear, even the origin of his name clear, so that readers can better understand the background of the story.

The first chapter is about what happened before Robinson was shipwrecked. First, he talked about his family, where his father came from, how his mother married his mother, what kind of person his mother was, and Robinson's personal contacts. The first chapter tells the basic situation of Robinson, which gives me a basic understanding of Robinson's thoughts and behaviors.

Generally speaking, this book tells me that "as long as you work hard, the iron pestle is ground into a needle", and Robinson's spirit is worth learning. His experience taught me the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and troubles.

If you want to know more stories about Robinson, please read this book.

Reading Notes on Robinson Crusoe 13 The author of this book is British writer daniel defoe. In the book, Robinson wanted to be a navigator since he was a child, but his parents opposed him. He also said that the sea was dangerous, but that didn't stop Robinson from loving sailing, so he went sailing quietly with his friends despite his parents' obstruction.

Once when they went out to sea, they were caught in a tsunami and a storm. The strong wind swallowed up their ship in an instant. Everyone on board was killed by the storm except him. Robinson was washed to a desert island by rough waves. Looking at this deserted place, he was not afraid, but tried to find food and water. On this desert island, he lives with strong perseverance and indomitable spirit.

Through reading this book, I know that I will work hard in the future, insist on doing everything well, and prove myself to be a sensible and self-reliant person with practical actions. (Deng Rui)

Robinson Crusoe Reading Notes 14 Robinson, a familiar name; Robinson Crusoe, a familiar book. Today, I finally had the honor to meet this "friend" and "communicate" with it in detail.

This book tells a very interesting adventure story. An adventurous Englishman, who did not listen to his parents' advice, went overseas to take risks, but unfortunately ran aground on an island, lonely and helpless, struggling to survive. But he didn't give up hope. With extraordinary courage and wisdom, he survived on the island. After his unremitting efforts, using his own knowledge and going through hardships, he finally survived tenaciously. He also rescued the savage "Friday" and became the island owner. After 28 years of waiting, he finally found the right time to return to the motherland. This Englishman is Robinson Crusoe.

In this book, Robinson said a sentence that deeply touched me, that is, "everything in the world is the most precious only if it is useful." Anything that accumulates more should be given to others. What we can enjoy is only what we use. There's no point in more. "Yes, whenever I read this sentence, I think of my grandmother.

In my back garden, there is a vegetable field. Grandma works hard in this field every day, and she can harvest handfuls of vegetables every once in a while. Of course, our family can't eat so many vegetables, so grandma always puts them in bags and gives them to her neighbors and friends so that everyone can enjoy them. At first, I didn't understand why grandma did it. Later, I gradually discovered that my neighbors and friends often care about my grandmother and help her share that burden in daily life. The elevator broke down, so I helped my grandmother climb it step by step ... It turned out that when I gave it to others, I would get something, too.

After reading this sentence, I feel that in my later life, I will give more things I have accumulated to others, and helping others is the happiest.