Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Idioms in ancient Greek mythology

Idioms in ancient Greek mythology

1, the gods of Olympus

When there is no universe, everything is turbid and invisible. There is no sky, no land, no air, only darkness and chaos. This kind of chaos is called chaos. He and his wife, Knicks, the goddess of the night, rule everything. They gave birth to darkness and named it Eribus. After a long time, Chaos and Alex got tired of the rule, so they called in the dark god, and their son Erebus came to help manage it. Erebus waited for the chance to overthrow his father. He married his mother and gave birth to two beautiful children-Guangming and Daytime. Light is called Phoebe, and day is called Melos.

Light and day also rose up and overthrew Eribus. Erebus came to rule and asked their son eros to help him. Together they created the anus, the ocean and Gaia, the earth. Eros gave the earth grass, trees, flowers and animals. All kinds of swimming fish and shrimp were given to the ocean.

Gaia itself gave birth to the god Uranus. Uranus, a god, combined with his mother Gaia and gave birth to six monsters. The gods are afraid that these monsters will send them to hell. Mother Earth incited her children to revolt. The youngest son cut off the genitals of the gods with a machete given by his mother and threw it from the sky. The blood of the gods dripped into the sea and became Venus, the god of beauty and love. A few drops of blood fell to the ground and became revenge.

Kronos, the youngest son, became the king of heaven. He also sent his brothers and sisters to hell, leaving only his sister Rhea as his wife. When God was overthrown, he cursed kronos and said that he would be overthrown by his son in the future. Kronos ate his children one by one. Rhea secretly gave birth to her sixth son in a cave. This is Zeus. When Zeus grew up, he gave kronos an emetic with the help of the goddess of wisdom, so he saved kronos's brother and sister.

Zeus became the king of the gods. He married his sister Hera. Later, Zeus gave birth to the god of war, the goddess of wisdom, the sun god, etc., and formed a huge Olympus family.

2. Prometheus

Heaven and earth have been created, the sea is running happily, fish are swimming freely in the water, birds are singing in the air, and deer are jumping happily in the Woods. However, there is a lack of life to dominate and manage this bustling world.

At this time, the prophet Prometheus came to the world. He is the child of God Uranus and his mother Gaia. He is alert and full of wisdom. In the struggle of Zeus to usurp the throne, he sided with the young people and defeated kronos. When Zeus carved up the world on Mount Olympus, he didn't want to be a god, so he came to earth. Knowing that the seeds of God were hidden in the soil, he pinched some soil, mixed it with clear spring water, and kneaded it into a man in the image of God. He also took good and evil from the hearts of various animals and sealed them in the chest of people. His good friend Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was very surprised by Prometheus' creation, so she extended a helping hand to him and blew the sacred breath and soul to the created creatures. This is how the first person was born.

The newborn is still weak and living conditions are extremely poor. They live in dark and damp caves and cannot build or use weapons and tools. It is not only attacked by snowstorm, cold and heat, but also hurt by poisonous snakes and beasts. There is not enough food, and it is often threatened by disease and death. Prometheus, the creator and protector of mankind, is very sympathetic to human misfortune and is determined to help mankind get out of trouble. When Apollo's solar car fell from the sky, it was ignited with a banana pole and given to human beings.

When human beings have fire, they have light and warmth, which increases their power to conquer nature and overcome diseases and beasts. Prometheus also taught human cooking and architecture; Navigation, mining, astronomy, arithmetic, medicine, literature and other skills and knowledge. People become smart, have wisdom, and live a happy life. Society is becoming more and more civilized and prosperous.

Prometheus' feat of stealing human kindling angered Zeus, the god, and he wanted to severely punish this god who devoted himself to mankind. He asked Vulcan and blacksmith hephaestus to build the strongest hinges and wedges, and asked powerful gods and violent gods to help craftsmen, tied Prometheus to the precipice of Caucasus Mountain and let him hang straight, neither bending his knees nor sleeping. Zeus ordered a storm to attack him and sent a giant eagle to peck at Prometheus' liver every day. The liver was eaten up during the day and grew back at night for the eagle to peck at the next day. This cycle goes back and forth.

Prometheus' torture shocked the daughters of Hai, who sobbed and comforted Prometheus at the foot of Caucasus Mountain. Poseidon also came in a carriage, urging Prometheus to apologize to Zeus and make peace with him. Prometheus refused, saying, "No, never make peace with Zeus."

In this way, Prometheus was locked in the Caucasus alone and endured all kinds of torture from Zeus. It was not until one day, 30,000 years later, that the great hero Herakles came to Caucasus Mountain and saw the descendants of this god trapped on the cliff. The giant eagle is kneeling, tearing at his bleeding liver, and can't help feeling sorry for the poor victim. He bent his bow and arrow and shot the giant eagle; He broke the chain and saved Prometheus. Prometheus, the province of great heroes, the noblest saints and martyrs, will never stop suffering from mankind.

Myths of various countries 1

1, the gods of Olympus

When there is no universe, everything is turbid and invisible. There is no sky, no land, no air, only darkness and chaos. This kind of chaos is called chaos. He and his wife, Knicks, the goddess of the night, rule everything. They gave birth to darkness and named it Eribus. After a long time, Chaos and Alex got tired of the rule, so they called in the dark god, and their son Erebus came to help manage it. Erebus waited for the chance to overthrow his father. He married his mother and gave birth to two beautiful children-Guangming and Daytime. Light is called Phoebe, and day is called Melos.

Light and day also rose up and overthrew Eribus. Erebus came to rule and asked their son eros to help him. Together they created the anus, the ocean and Gaia, the earth. Eros gave the earth grass, trees, flowers and animals. All kinds of swimming fish and shrimp were given to the ocean.

Gaia itself gave birth to the god Uranus. Uranus, a god, combined with his mother Gaia and gave birth to six monsters. The gods are afraid that these monsters will send them to hell. Mother Earth incited her children to revolt. The youngest son cut off the genitals of the gods with a machete given by his mother and threw it from the sky. The blood of the gods dripped into the sea and became Venus, the god of beauty and love. A few drops of blood fell to the ground and became revenge.

Kronos, the youngest son, became the king of heaven. He also sent his brothers and sisters to hell, leaving only his sister Rhea as his wife. When God was overthrown, he cursed kronos and said that he would be overthrown by his son in the future. Kronos ate his children one by one. Rhea secretly gave birth to her sixth son in a cave. This is Zeus. When Zeus grew up, he gave kronos an emetic with the help of the goddess of wisdom, so he saved kronos's brother and sister.

Zeus became the king of the gods. He married his sister Hera. Later, Zeus gave birth to the god of war, the goddess of wisdom, the sun god, etc., and formed a huge Olympus family.

2. Prometheus

Heaven and earth have been created, the sea is running happily, fish are swimming freely in the water, birds are singing in the air, and deer are jumping happily in the Woods. However, there is a lack of life to dominate and manage this bustling world.

At this time, the prophet Prometheus came to the world. He is the child of God Uranus and his mother Gaia. He is alert and full of wisdom. In the struggle of Zeus to usurp the throne, he sided with the young people and defeated kronos. When Zeus carved up the world on Mount Olympus, he didn't want to be a god, so he came to earth. Knowing that the seeds of God were hidden in the soil, he pinched some soil, mixed it with clear spring water, and kneaded it into a man in the image of God. He also took good and evil from the hearts of various animals and sealed them in the chest of people. His good friend Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was very surprised by Prometheus' creation, so she extended a helping hand to him and blew the sacred breath and soul to the created creatures. This is how the first person was born.

The newborn is still weak and living conditions are extremely poor. They live in dark and damp caves and cannot build or use weapons and tools. It is not only attacked by snowstorm, cold and heat, but also hurt by poisonous snakes and beasts. There is not enough food, and it is often threatened by disease and death. Prometheus, the creator and protector of mankind, is very sympathetic to human misfortune and is determined to help mankind get out of trouble. When Apollo's solar car fell from the sky, it was ignited with a banana pole and given to human beings.

When human beings have fire, they have light and warmth, which increases their power to conquer nature and overcome diseases and beasts. Prometheus also taught human cooking and architecture; Navigation, mining, astronomy, arithmetic, medicine, literature and other skills and knowledge. People become smart, have wisdom, and live a happy life. Society is becoming more and more civilized and prosperous.

Prometheus' feat of stealing human kindling angered Zeus, the god, and he wanted to severely punish this god who devoted himself to mankind. He asked Vulcan and blacksmith hephaestus to build the strongest hinges and wedges, and asked powerful gods and violent gods to help craftsmen, tied Prometheus to the precipice of Caucasus Mountain and let him hang straight, neither bending his knees nor sleeping. Zeus ordered a storm to attack him and sent a giant eagle to peck at Prometheus' liver every day. The liver was eaten up during the day and grew back at night for the eagle to peck at the next day. This cycle goes back and forth.

Prometheus' torture shocked the daughters of Hai, who sobbed and comforted Prometheus at the foot of Caucasus Mountain. Poseidon also came in a carriage, urging Prometheus to apologize to Zeus and make peace with him. Prometheus refused, saying, "No, never make peace with Zeus."

In this way, Prometheus was locked in the Caucasus alone and endured all kinds of torture from Zeus. It was not until one day, 30,000 years later, that the great hero Herakles came to Caucasus Mountain and saw the descendants of this god trapped on the cliff. The giant eagle is kneeling, tearing at his bleeding liver, and can't help feeling sorry for the poor victim. He bent his bow and arrow and shot the giant eagle; He broke the chain and saved Prometheus. Prometheus, the province of great heroes, the noblest saints and martyrs, will never stop suffering from mankind.

3. Knead the soil to make people.

After Pangu's death, a great goddess named Nuguo appeared on the earth. With a beautiful face and slim snake body, it can be changed more than 70 times a day. "Hey, walk and watch in the vast world. In the beautiful sky, the sun, the moon and the stars complement each other, and white clouds wander in the blue sky; On the vast land, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, flowers bloom and insects and birds contend. The gentle wind blows her long hair, and the drizzle moistens her jade cheeks. The mother snail feels extremely gratified and happy. But gradually, she felt dissatisfied. She always feels that something is missing on this earth, which makes her feel lonely and lonely. We should add something to the world and make the whole world full of vitality and prosperity.

But what should I add? Nu Wa thought while walking, but when she came to the river, she felt a little tired and sat down by the river. While looking at her reflection in the river, she picked up a handful of loess and pinched it. Suddenly, she had a brainwave. There are all kinds of creatures in the world, but there is no creature like her, which makes her feel so lonely and lonely. So, why not create something as alive as yourself? Thinking about seeing it, she made a doll-like little thing out of the loess in her hand, imitating her own appearance. She put this little thing on the ground. Strangely, when it touched the ground, it walked upright. When it can talk, the first thing he said was to call Nu Wa "Mom". The mother snail looked at this beautiful and clever little creature and heard his "mother" cry. This is really a surprise and joy. She quickly picked up the dirt and kept making it up. Soon, a group of cute little dolls appeared around her. The dolls jumped around the mother snail happily, jumping and laughing, and kept calling "Mom, Mom". The mother snail laughed with joy. She never felt lonely and lonely again.

Nu Wa named these smart and beautiful calves "Man", which means that man can walk upright. Nu Wa decided to let "people" who are full of wisdom, can talk and walk upright be the masters of the world and manage everything in the world.

In order to make people fill the earth, the female spell keeps rubbing. But the world is too big, and when the people she created are scattered on the vast land, there are still few, but she feels exhausted.

At this moment, she came up with a brilliant idea. She tore off a wild vine from the cliff, put it in the Yellow River, stirred up the yellow mud, then picked it up and threw it on the ground. Suddenly, countless small mud spots splashed on the ground became happy people. Creating people in this way is fast and easy. With a wave of his walking stick, a large crowd appeared. Soon, the earth will be covered with traces of human beings.

The earth is full of human beings, but they are all dead. How can we let mankind continue to develop? Nu Wa is thinking again. Finally, she came up with a way: divide human beings into men and women, let men and women get married and have children, and let them shoulder the responsibility of creating offspring themselves.

Since then, human beings have been handed down from generation to generation, and there are more and more people.

4. Refine the stone to make up the sky

After Nu Wa created human beings, it was quiet for many years, and human beings worked and lived freely on the earth.

Unexpectedly, one year, terrible changes took place in heaven and earth, and a disaster suddenly came to the world. The Tianzhu, which supported the sky, was destroyed, causing the sky to fall. Day, revealing a big hole, can no longer cover the earth; Kyushu:-The ground in Jizhou, Zhou Ke, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, Jingzhou, Yuzhou, Liangzhou, Yongzhou and other places is fractured and collapsed into deep ravines. Floods gushed from the center of the earth, and rivers, lakes and seas set off huge waves and rushed to the earth. Floods and huge waves swallowed up countless houses and people and animals. There is also a raging fire in the forest, which keeps spreading and burning all living things.

Poisonous snakes and beasts also ran out to harm human beings. Fierce big birds descend from the sky from time to time, taking away old people and children. A ferocious black dragon also appeared in Jizhou, taking the opportunity to make waves, destroying ridges, overturning houses and devouring people and animals.

The world is a terrible and desolate scene. Humans can no longer survive. Nu Wa was very sad to see that the human beings she created suffered so much. She is determined to mend the sky and land, stop water and put out the fire, punish fierce birds and beasts, and save mankind from despair.

Nu Wa stood in the middle of the earth, looking around, thinking about how to start this huge and hard work. She picked up countless colored stones from mountains and rivers, piled them together, and melted them into mud with the burning fire in the forest. Then, with boiling slurry in her hand, she jumped up and filled the holes in the sky one by one. With this colorful stone slurry, although the sky is not as smooth as before, it is more beautiful and colorful than before.

Nu Wa was afraid that the mended sky would fall again, so she killed a big aojiang, cut off its four feet and propped up the column that day. From then on, the sky sat firmly in the top four Tianzhu, and there was no collapse accident.

After mending the sky, the mother snail arrived in Jizhou again, killing the evil black dragon and driving away the fierce birds and beasts that eat people, so that human beings will no longer be hurt by animals.

It's time to control the raging flood. The mother snail traveled all over the land of China, collected all the reeds and burned them into ashes, piled them up, stopped the terrible flood and filled up the gullies and gullies washed away by the flood. The flood stopped and the earth returned to its original appearance.

In order to enrich human life, the mother snail created a musical instrument shaped like a phoenix-Sheng Spring. Sheng spring is made of gourd with thirteen tubes inserted, which makes melodious music when playing. She gave this instrument to human beings and taught them how to play it. With this musical instrument as a companion, human beings really live a happier life than before.

5. Ama (Mali myth)

The world was created by Amar, the most high god. Amar was very dissatisfied when he saw that the world was empty and dark. He grabbed the clay ball at hand, rubbed it into a big ball and a small ball, and rubbed many small balls. He burned these clay balls in the fire for three years and six months. When the ball was burned to a white-hot state, Amar surrounded the largest ball with eight red lines and put it in the sky, which became a shining and radiant sun. Amar surrounded the smaller ball with eight white lines and put it in the sky, turning it into a white and beautiful moon. He threw many balls into the sky, and they became countless twinkling stars.

Ama continues to create the world. He kneaded a piece of clay into the shape of a woman, then squashed it and threw it into the air. This is the terrain.

Despite the sun, the moon shell, the stars and the earth, Amar still feels lonely. The moon is an inanimate creature in the world, with no sound. The whole world is still dead. He decided to take the earth as his wife, create pairs of creatures, and then let them reproduce.

However, when he married his wife, an ant nest stood in his way. Grandma was so angry that she took out a knife and chopped the ant nest into pieces. This time, the wife of the earth failed to give birth to a pair of creatures, only gave birth to an elephant like a jackal.

6. Tiandi.

At the time of chaos, Gan Kun was undecided, but there were elves in it. One is a monster called Asura; One is the evil dragon Fredo. Asura and Fredo are at loggerheads, fighting with each other, often fighting, and there will never be peace. They need a powerful god to restrain them.

Prizwei, the goddess of the earth, gave birth to a golden child with her ribs-the stone of heaven and earth. When Emperor Shi was born, he hid in the dark underworld, and a vulture offered him sumo wine to drink. Sumo wine is a kind of fairy wine, which contains infinite power. After the Emperor of Heaven drank sumo, his body suddenly increased and he was extremely strong. When Er Shen saw heaven and earth, he was frightened to disgrace and fled from side to side.

The separation between heaven and earth has never been consistent. Since then, the three realms have been established, the dry Kun has been determined, and heaven and earth have been divided.

The Emperor of Heaven is placed between heaven and earth, majestic and tall. The gods and Asura fell at his feet and begged him to be their leader. Although Tiandi Stone is still young, he is very ambitious. He is not satisfied with being the head of the gods and demons, but wants them to hold him as the king of the three realms, ruling heaven, earth and air. The gods and Asura were awed by his divine power, so they agreed to his request and made him king of the Three Realms. The most capable craftsman in heaven, Dostoevsky, made a powerful weapon for him-the diamond pestle, which is like lightning, so it is also called "the arrow of thunder". With this powerful weapon, no one dares to confront him.

7. Origin

"Chaos is not open, when Gan Kun is undecided, there is no sky, no land, only dark chaos, a piece of Wang Yang. Wang Yang boundless, take in everything in a glance, roaring. There is a water monster named Apsu in Wang Yang; In the abyss of the ocean, there is a female monster with a lion's head and a dragon's body named Tiamat. They make waves in the water all day, messing around, without a moment of peace, no rules, and the scene is extremely chaotic.

After a long time, Tiamat gave birth to two gods, the male god named Lu Kemu and the goddess named Rackham. They gave birth to Ansar, the male god, and Kishar, the goddess. Ansar and Chisar also gave birth to the Anu God and the water god Ia. Anu gave birth to many children, of which Eya was the most outstanding, surpassing his father and grandfather. He led his brother to play with God, which aroused the anger and panic of the older generation of elves.

Upsu decided to kill these restless young gods. However, Eya had a clever plan, which first made Upsu unconscious, then killed him, built a house on him, and gave birth to two most beautiful sons-Marduk, that is, "the son of the sun". The young god surpassed all his predecessors, including his father.

After Apsu was killed, Tiamat flew into a rage and gnashed her teeth, vowing to kill the rebellious young generation and avenge her husband. Elves of the older generation also actively supported Tiamah's suppression of them. Tiamat, the lion-headed dragon monster, specially made numerous sharp weapons; They also created a group of fierce snakes with sharp teeth and full of venom, fierce poisonous dragons, vicious dogs, vicious scorpions, weird fishermen, and storms, forming a fierce and vicious conquest team. In this team, Tiamat promoted her lover Ke Yingu to the commander-in-chief of the whole army, and gave him the "card of fate", giving him the power to decide the fate of the gods.

After hearing the news of the war, several generations of young gods headed by Ansar were shocked. Ansar is utterly confused and at a loss. He first sent God Ia to persuade Tiamat not to provoke for no reason. The Ministry of Internal Affairs was ordered not to disobey. When he approached Tiamat, he saw her ferocity, and she was too scared to say a word to go back. He didn't dare to go to Ansar himself, so he asked Marduk to see Ansar. Ansar saw Marduk handsome and vigorous, full of heroic spirit, and loved him very much. But I'm worried about the coming attack of the demon army. Marduk stepped forward at this moment, willing to lead the troops against the water monster to solve the danger of the gods. But he put forward a condition that he must be appointed as the commander-in-chief of God and be given full command before withdrawing troops.

Ansar was very happy and immediately agreed to his request. He sent messengers to invite the gods to meet again, publicly declared Marmaduke as the highest god, and gave him all the rights in the world. He gave the order, and no one could disobey him. The gods are United and willing to obey Marduk. They took out a robe and gave it to Marduk to test his strength on the spot. Marduk publicly announced today that the robe immediately broke into pieces; He gave the order again, and his robe was as good as ever. The gods cheered and cheered in unison.

Marduk created seven divine winds and seven divine rains to kill the enemy. God Anna gave him a tight encirclement and hung it in all directions to catch the enemy. After the arrangement, Marduk got into a four-horse carriage with a spear in his hand and an arrow hanging around his waist. Lightning and flames were blazing, dazzling, and he opened the way forward. It's stormy! Demon armies heading straight for Tiamat.

Tiamat was advancing his army to meet them, and the head coach Ke Yingu took the lead. He was a little timid when he saw that Marduk had a strong command and a strong army in Ma Zhuang. Marduk saw that the demon soldiers were cruel, vicious and alert. They blamed each other and denounced each other's crimes in the battle. Tiamat was very angry. She waved her weapon and called on Marduk. Marduk greeted him with a spear. Tiamat became a giant and opened his mouth to swallow Marduk in one gulp. Marduk took the opportunity to blow a divine wind into her mouth, filling her stomach, making her breathless and losing her strength. Marduk raised his arrow and shot her to death. When the monsters saw that the leader was killed, they dared not fight again and fled everywhere. Marduk lifted the encirclement and covered them all in the net. None of them can escape. The gods stepped forward and killed him one by one. Marduk caught the demon army commander Ke Yingu, took his "card of fate", put it in his arms, and stabbed Ke Yingu with another gun. From then on, the power to decide fate was in his hands.

After destroying the demon army, Marduk began the great project of creating the world. He divided Tiamat's body into two parts, the upper part is heaven and the lower part is the earth. He ordered a Lei Xia to be a guard on the earth to prevent the sea from flooding and flooding the earth. He divided the 600 gods into 300 gods in the upper bound and 300 gods in the lower bound, so that they could each find their place. After the gods returned to their places, Marduk went on to create the sun, the moon and the stars, which shone brilliantly and shone all over the world. There are also three constellations, divided into years and months, and there is time from now on;

There is heaven and earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, but the earth is bare and there is nothing, a lonely and desolate scene. So Marduk designed and created human beings. He pulled up a handful of reeds, tied them up, put them on the water, grabbed a pinch of soil and retreated to the side. The goddess aruru was there to help him. After they created human beings in this way, they also created animals such as cattle, sheep, tigers and leopards and plants such as forests.

Two big rivers, one called Euphrates River and the other called Tigris River, are used for irrigation and water supply. From then on, on the earth, with all kinds of creatures, the world began to prosper.

8. Pandora's box

Zeus severely punished Prometheus, but his anger finally disappeared. Now he takes revenge on mankind. However, since people have mastered fire, they can't get it back from people. He is determined to create a new disaster for mankind.

In A Chinese Odyssey, Zeus ordered hephaestus, a craftsman, to create a beautiful woman carefully, and called the gods to ask each god to give her a gift. God let Hermes give her a glib tongue; Themis, the god of hunting, gave her strength and flexibility; Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty, gave her charming coquetry; Hera endowed her with the elegance of a lady;

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, dressed her in the brightest and most gorgeous clothes. Zeus named her Pandora, which means "everyone's gift", and gave her a delicate and beautiful little box. Then he ordered Hermes to send her to earth.

Hermes took Pandora to the home of Prometheus' younger brother Epimetheus and proposed to him. Epimetheus is a man without wisdom, although Prometheus warned him repeatedly: "Don't accept any gifts from heaven, because Zeus, the god in heaven, has never been kind to mankind." But when Motos saw Dora, he was fascinated by her charm, accepted her without hesitation, and forgot what his brother Prometheus told him.

After elmo Toth and Pandora got married, they lived in harmony, loved each other and lived a very happy life. One day, Pandora was alone at home, and her eyes inadvertently fell on the exquisite box that Zeus gave her.

"What's in it?" Pandora thought, "Let me open it and have a look on the reef. This may be the most precious gift. " She thought while moving the lock, ah! It turns out that the lock has been opened, only a little bit hung. She took off the lock and gently lifted the lid of the box. Suddenly, countless terrible monsters flew out of the box: hunger, disease, greed, jealousy, resentment and revenge ... They circled around Pandora like a dark cloud, around the whole house, flying out of doors and windows and all over the earth.

Pandora was shocked and quickly covered the box, but it was too late, and all the disasters and misfortunes that were unfavorable to human beings ran out. There is only one thing that has not been used up, and that is "hope".

Zeus's gift to mankind soon blossomed and bore fruit. Now, disasters and misfortunes are all over the world. Humans are devastated by various diseases; Suffer all kinds of disasters; The invasion of all kinds of bad ideas makes human beings hate each other; Death has also accelerated its pace in the world, busy. However, there is still "hope" in the world, which hides in people's hearts and soothes people's sadness and pain. Literature supports the indomitable struggle of mankind against various diseases and disasters, and gives people the courage and strength to overcome them.

So, up to now, no matter how rampant the evil is and how deep the disaster is, as long as there is "hope" and no matter how bad the luck is, it can't destroy mankind.

(Borrowed, incomplete, with some stories left)