Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Is there really extraterrestrial life?

Is there really extraterrestrial life?

Discovery of alien civilization in solar system

Where did the "UFO" that has plagued mankind for half a century come from? Some people think that as far as the solar system is concerned, they are likely to come from the moon, Mars or Venus. Although intelligent life has not been found on these planets, this statement is not unreasonable. Since the 1960s, human beings have begun to explore the planets in the solar system by searching for people by stars, and have always regarded the above-mentioned Samsung as the focus of exploration. From 1959, the former Soviet Union launched more than 20 probes numbered "Moon" to the moon. Launch 17 probe and 1 probe spacecraft to Mars; 18 detectors were launched to Venus. Since 196 1, the United States has launched seven rovers, five surveyors, 10 Gemini manned training spacecraft and 17 Apollo manned or unmanned spacecraft to the moon, of which six manned missions to the moon have been successful. Launched 12 detectors and 2 spacecraft to Mars; 17 detectors were launched to Venus. The cost exceeds tens of billions, of which only 24 billion dollars was spent on building Apollo series manned spacecraft to the moon. However, the official detection data released by the two countries are very general, and there seems to be nothing except general information such as topography, water and water, temperature and atmospheric composition. Even Apollo's six manned landings on the moon are just an understatement: "I saw the scenery of the moon, left a commemorative card and brought back 400 kilograms of lunar soil." Is that really all? Of course not. Later, it was proved that many important discoveries were confidential, but they were later disclosed due to confidentiality omissions, academic exchanges, media disclosure, or the constraints of the two countries. It is these important discoveries that are kept secret and disclosed afterwards that confirm the existence of alien civilization.

UFO bases and cities found on the back of the moon

Although humans have landed on the moon six times, no "moon man" has been found. From the 597 strange phenomena recorded by scientists before NASA landed on the moon, there are still many puzzling phenomena, such as sudden luminescence, magnetic field changes, strange shadows, UFO activities, the appearance and disappearance of geometric figures, and the astronauts' own eyes after landing on the moon.

1. Discover the Moon Pyramid. On June 20th, Americans launched Lunar Orbital Circulator II, 1966+065438, and found some pyramid-like buildings on the surface of the moon, which is also a bit like the Washington Monument. Their architectural angle obviously uses geometric principles. This arrangement is exactly the same as the vertices of the three great pyramids in Egypt.

The moon has been artificially modified. From some photos of craters on the surface of the moon taken by Apollo astronauts, it is found that there are obvious traces of artificial transformation on craters. For example, in Geckeler Niu Crater, you can see a right angle, each side is 25 kilometers long, and there are obvious signs of transformation on the ground and the ring wall. More unique is another crater, with smooth edges and too complete. The ring is geometric, and the bisector seems to be drawn. In the geometric center of the circle, there are walls and their projections. There is an inclined slope outside the mountain, which is shaped like a complete square. There is a cross inside the square, which divides the square into symmetrical parts.

3. UFO bases and cities were found on the back of the moon. 1968 65438+On February 25th, when the "apollo 8" spacecraft was carrying the commander Flach. When Bowman and two assistants went into the back of the moon to explore with the naked eye, they found the UFO landing and took photos. Later, because of "confidentiality", it was not made public for a long time. It was not until the 1980s that it was made public due to negligence. The photo was taken with a telescope at the back of the moon 100 km from the ground. It can be clearly seen from the photo that a huge flying saucer is landing at the lower left of the moon, and the porthole of the flying saucer is clearly visible (some western scientists say that flying saucers have flown out from the back of the moon more than ten times in recent years). On the moon where the UFO is about to land, there is a boom erected like a crane. Under the boom stands a row of spindle-shaped objects with the same height and equidistant arrangement, similar to the sign towers on both sides of the airport runway. There is a "bridge" about 3 kilometers long and 1500 meters high. There are two things, such as flags and statues. There are three huge parallel pipes leading to the crater. There are many round or square buildings standing on the ground. The publication of this photo not only proves that there is a UFO landing base on the back of the moon, but also confirms that there is a city on the back of the moon. It fully proves the authenticity and reliability of the report in Swedish Science magazine, that is, the "Moon" 9 spacecraft launched by the Soviet Union as early as 1964 has photographed "a UFO base and a city composed of strange tall buildings" on the back of the moon. A man named Ivan. Soviet scientists in Santosen believe: "Some buildings similar to the airport runway sign tower in the photo are signs that guide the spacecraft to take off and land or guide the alien spacecraft into the interior of the moon." Dr. Willis, editor of Su Cosmos, said: "The Soviet government decided not to publish this amazing discovery because it didn't want other countries to know the information it had."

Fresh human red footprints were found on the moon. According to Hong Kong & gt and>, when the American Apollo 1 1 spacecraft landed on the moon for the first time in 1969, the astronauts found 23 human red footprints on the surface of the moon, so they took them with a camera. For the past 27 years, the American authorities have kept this secret. Only recently, at the request of a group of UFO researchers, the secret was uncovered. American astrophysicist Kang Pang told the American news media: "Obviously, the discovery of human red footprints on the moon is surprising, indicating that someone has landed on the moon before the United States and did not wear a spacesuit." Kang Pang also said: "According to the astronauts who landed on the moon, these footprints undoubtedly belong to human beings, and they were not left long ago." Common sense tells us that people on earth can't land on the moon barefoot, and they can't fly to the moon by themselves without vehicles. The astronauts of Apollo 1 1 in the United States always wore spacesuits and landing boots, so only people outside the earth left these footprints.

To sum up, there are many doubts. If there is no life on the moon, who built the pyramids? Who left red footprints? Who did the artificial transformation of the mountain rock wall? How did the old American bombers come to the moon in World War II? Was the ground building on the back of the moon left by the original inhabitants of the moon, or was it built by an alien UFO? All these mysteries remain to be further studied and explored by human beings.

Mars found the Sphinx, pyramids and cities.

Are there creatures on Mars, or have there ever been intelligent advanced creatures? There are also important new discoveries in the exploration.

1. Found a giant sphinx. 1In August, 983, an independent organization named "Mission-Mars" in the United States issued a sensational statement to the press: "Mars once had or once had a civilization." Members of the organization said that the information sent back by the Viking probe from Mars showed that there was a huge chiseled object on Mars, which looked like a human face, much like the famous Sphinx in Egypt. It looked up at the sky and smiled mysteriously. It is a giant stone carving relic of ancient Martians and a proof of the existence of life and civilization on Mars. However, the scientists of NASA think that "this is a coincidence of light and shadow", and the members of the organization also put forward a newer statement, that is, not far from the "face", there are three big walls connected at angles of 40 degrees, 60 degrees and 80 degrees, and their appearance is very similar to a "pyramid". The dry climate and strong winds on Mars will never create "faces" and "pyramids", they can only be created by higher creatures.

According to the < < Liberation Daily > > report1April, 1997 16, after that, NASA scientists searched for photos of Mars with stone statues taken at different times and angles, and processed them by computer. Surprisingly, the nostrils and necklaces, which were originally thought by most scientists to be caused by optical interference, still exist, and the eyes that only show the eyeball and the teeth in the half-opened mouth are also exposed. There is no doubt that the objectivity of the stone statue is beyond doubt. At the same time, scientists have calculated that the size of the Sphinx on Mars is 1.5km from the hair to the chin and 1.3km wide, which is several thousand times larger than the Sphinx on Earth.

2. Discover pyramids and cities. 1987, the former Soviet scientist Arvinsky found 1 1 pyramid-shaped buildings around the large stone statues on Mars, with 4 large and 7 small. After re-processing the photos by computer, American scientists not only kept the original 1 1 pyramid, but also separated 19 buildings and complex roads, as well as a circular square with a diameter of 1 km, which is equivalent to a big city. It proves that the theory of "Mars City" is true. Judging from the photos, the history of this road and building will not exceed 10 thousand years. Because it takes too long, the dust on Mars will smooth it out. People have long speculated that there are people living on Mars. The ruins of huge cities show that there were advanced intelligent creatures on Mars at least a few years ago. Whether these advanced intelligent creatures still exist on Mars remains to be further explored.

Venus discovered 20,000 cities.

Whether there is life on Venus is still inconclusive. However, the cases of people on earth encountering Venusians have appeared again and again. 1952165438+1On October 20th, adamski, an American, saw a beautiful stranger in the desert of California. He had long blond hair and wore a brown jumpsuit and red high-heeled shoes. He took the initiative to talk to Adams with gestures, indicating that he was "from Venus" ... 1954. In June this year, an American named Rick Rand claimed that he had met two strangers in Los Angeles three times. They were all white faces, black hair, big eyes and big feet, and introduced themselves as "from Venus" in English. On the evening of August 3 1, I knocked on his door and invited him aboard. Of course, these are unverifiable self-reports and can only be heard. According to the analysis of the detected data, the carbon dioxide content in Venus' atmosphere is 97%, and the oxygen seems to have been exhausted long ago. If people live on the earth, life can't survive. However, the conditions for life are diverse, and there are creatures on the earth that can survive without oxygen, not to mention aliens.

1989, Russian scientist Nikolai. Dr. Li Yunjie Gao publicly announced an amazing news at a scientific research seminar held in Brussels, Belgium: A batch of photos taken by an unmanned spacecraft sent by the Soviet Union when it crossed the atmosphere of Venus in 1988 showed that there were about 20,000 ancient city sites on Venus. The layout of those cities is like a wheel, radiating in all directions. The center of the wheel is a metropolis, and every light leads to a city. Ray is the highway. From the photos, some cities have been destroyed. At least from the ground, there is no living thing moving there. But in ancient times, there was life on Venus. Some scholars even speculate that the ancestors of Maya in ancient America came from Venus.

In ancient times, Venus had excellent conditions for nurturing life and intelligent life, and life could last for more than one billion years. Later, due to the development of Venus civilization, the destruction of the natural environment intensified, the greenhouse effect intensified with the increase of the sun's temperature, and the ocean and water disappeared. Today, Venusians may rely on their own independent biosphere in intelligent buildings to live underground. Venus probes in the United States and the Soviet Union have found that Venus has lightning and radio static electricity, which may be caused by the production or scientific and technological activities of underground Venusians.