Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Analysis of the Characters in Twilight

Analysis of the Characters in Twilight

Bella is a Virgo, and she only feels that her views on things are very complicated and her mood is very tangled. It's like becoming a vampire. At first, she was desperate, just like marrying Edward and becoming a vampire, because she was afraid of getting old day by day. New Moon and Eclipse were also written along this line. Among them, the description of her desire and the resentment that her desire cannot be realized are clearly described. However, Edward doesn't know why he acts like a dissatisfied housewife. He didn't follow at first, but then he followed slowly and enjoyed it. Hey. . . Gross! On the issue of rival Jacob, he repeatedly forgave Bella and indulged her feelings for Jacob, instead of launching a direct attack to stop the development of this matter, which showed his timidity and weakness in front of the people he loved. This is in line with the characteristics of Cancer Man, a villain with a mask of resentment. Absolutely obey what your lover says, even if you have resentment, you can mediate. What's more, Bella is pregnant with Dawn's wife, but asks Jacob for help, hoping Jacob can have sex with Bella and kill the evil seeds in her body (this paragraph is very complicated, please read it carefully to understand the pervert).

Besides, Bella, at the beginning, she was very cautious about everything, felt inferior, and was persistent in what she insisted on, regardless of other people's opposition, which was admirable. However, the tangled thing happened in the book Dawn. After she finally married Edward, she suddenly changed her mind and didn't want to be a vampire. Seeing this paragraph, I really want to tear up the book! You've been around for a long time, and you don't want to change. What the hell? It can be seen that although the surface is persistent and clear, the heart is confused and confused, and the characteristics of Virgo are also revealed. In addition, there are two places in the book that Bella is an actress and her birthday is in September. It can be seen that she must be a tangled Virgo and has not run away!

As for Edward, this book never gives a clear explanation. In view of his personality, tangled resentment and sometimes violent personality, I think he may be the combination of cancer and lion.

Jacob, this kid has always been wild. His shyness at the beginning of the film masked his inner wildness. As can be seen from the book, as he grew up, he changed more and more frequently, became more and more mature, and became more and more irritable. If he is not irritable, how can he become Edward's enemy? Besides, before fighting with Victoria in Eclipse, he used his life to force Bella to confess to him, which shows his arrogance, impulsiveness and selfishness. Although Bella has repeatedly stated that she has made a lifelong commitment with Edward, Jacob has always believed that she is Bella's true love, and then threatened to kill Edward at Bella's wedding, which shows her violent personality. Grumpy, impulsive and confident, all of which can show his Leo character. Moreover, in the book Dawn, it is mentioned that he rebelled against Sam's orders and showed his leadership style with his black blood as the pillar, which also shows his lion's desire for leadership.

Carlisle, a typical air signs, I think he is inclined to Aquarius. Or even if he is not an Aquarius, he may be born in winter. He is calm, knowledgeable and peace-loving. In order to cure mankind, I overcame my thirst for human blood. Because of his love and sympathy, he expanded and formed a powerful Karen family. The great wealth of the Cullen family may also be due to his years of management. On the contract between werewolves and vampires, Carlisle has always taken peace as the first purpose, and has never harmed humans or even werewolves for any reason. As for Victoria's attack, he can form an alliance with the werewolf to protect Bella, which fully shows his firm belief in defending peace and persisting in fighting evil forces. From these points of view, nine times out of ten Carlyle is Aquarius.

Billy, as a descendant of the Wolf chieftain, is physically disabled and strong-willed, and can always be called the secret spiritual guardian. He is decisive, clear in judgment and clear-headed. Maybe Capricorn. Although Billy is not mentioned systematically in the book, from his defensive attitude towards the Cullens at the beginning, his support for the alliance between vampires and wolves, and his gentle and polite attitude at Bella and Edward's wedding, he is a reasonable person who can make the right decision according to his own judgment.

Alice can be said to be a model of Gemini. She foresees the future and has a gift. She likes beautiful things. In her eyes, she is determined to make all the things that are not beautiful and feels obligated to make them beautiful. Sharp-tongued and emotional. Her appearance gives people a new feeling. As light as an elf. In the book, she is a naughty and lovely woman with extraordinary understanding, enjoying life. She is the only one who can't vent Edward's anger. Becoming close friends with Bella shows that Gemini and Virgo can't have love, but it's still a suitable couple to be friends. In addition, this feature of Gemini is also vividly displayed in Bella's mother, Renee. Renee impulsively married and had children for the man she loved. After that, she suddenly felt that life was boring, so she divorced and abandoned her plain husband. Charlie's boredom almost suffocated her. As a woman, he bravely began to pursue his own interests and insisted on leaving dull Charlie and rainy fox. And as a mother, she can talk about sex and marriage with Bella in a teasing tone. This is very different from Charlie. When it comes to sex, the staid Charlie acts like China's parents. He is too shy to speak. He is deeply ashamed that as a father, he can't help his daughter grow up, and what makes her even more ashamed is to say the word' sex'. So I think Charlie should also be Capricorn. As a policeman, he is serious and responsible for his work. Fox has never committed a crime during his supervision. Besides, Billy is also his good friend. If two boring people can get along well, it must be a constellation.

Let's talk about the rest of the Cullens. The first thing to say is Rosalie. This woman is charming, sexy, jealous and willing to do anything for her dreams. Born in a middle-class family, she always had a sense of superiority to herself. Later, she was humiliated to death by her fiance for climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix. Under Carlisle's care, she relied on her own strength to retaliate against her fiance and everyone involved in her death. This constellation can show her revenge in Scorpio. After that, the indifference to Bella may be explained by jealousy of her' person'. It is mentioned in the book that Rosalie's desire to be a human being cannot be satisfied, while Bella is willing to give up her right to be a human being and throw away her life like garbage. This undoubtedly caused Rosalie's anger. After that, she helped Bella give birth, perhaps because she wanted to use Bella's experience as a woman to fulfill one of her wishes. In a word, this woman is lethal, sexy, jealous, heartless and selfish. It can be said that it should be Scorpio!

Let's talk about Rosalie's partner, emmett. No matter in books or movies, he shows a careless and cynical silly big brother image. The big guy makes him strong and scary. He is very explosive, and it is easy for people to think that he is the right person in Aries. But he also has a gentle side. Her love for Rosalie, care for Bella, and no deep hostility to anyone around her, even werewolves, all reflect his kind character. Her feelings for Edward and her naughty concern for Bella are a bit romantic. In fact, big men can be considerate. The book doesn't describe emmett's position and influence in Karen's family in detail, and I don't know why he was attacked by a bear or for other women. But generally speaking, I think he may be a Pisces man.

Alice was mentioned in advance, so let's talk about her partner Caspar here. Caspar's background is very special. His ability is also very special. In front of impetuous people, he can calm them down. Moreover, Caspar described in the book is like a melancholy movie star most of the time, with a beautiful and calm face, but he is a very inner show. When dealing with Victoria, he led the Cullen family to exercise and fight, which showed his leadership and military talent. Besides, his meeting with Alice was very strange. They hit it off and soon fell in love. What kind of man can make two children fall in love at first sight? That's a Libra man ~ Caspar is shy and quiet in the crowd, but without him, Karen's family is a little less dignified and peaceful. Moreover, in dealing with Bella's attacks against werewolves and Victoria, he weighed the weight and fairly shared his many years of war experience with werewolves. People who stand firmly in a just position and are not selfish are not Libra people.

I write too much. Finally, let's talk about Carlisle's wife Esme. Her appearance was actually Carlisle's own choice. She committed suicide by jumping off a cliff and was saved by Carlisle, thus becoming his wife. In the battle, she is not a good soldier and has no lethality. As a member of the Cullen family, she has never shown her face like Caspar or Edward Rosalie. She is gentle with everyone at any time, and she is an easy-going and family-oriented person. This can be seen from her gentle attitude towards Bella and her harmonious relationship with Bella's mother before the wedding. Moreover, in the decoration and management of Esme Island (Carlisle Island where Edward and Bella spent their honeymoon), she can also be called a' good housekeeper', and she really achieved the standard of being a man outside and a woman inside! So it seems that Carlisle made the right choice for Karen's mother. As a' good housewife' of a vampire family, she should also be a cancer, and it is likely to be Cancer III or Cancer II. In short, it is typical!

There are a bunch of characters behind, such as Volturi and Tanya family ... too many, which are not described in detail in the book. Please comment after reading the last one.