Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Venus in Capricorn rules emotions in Sagittarius. What is it like?

Venus in Capricorn rules emotions in Sagittarius. What is it like?

Venus is in Sagittarius.

Venus in Sagittarius represents an idealized and abstract emotional tendency. You are quite friendly, lively and sociable, and Sagittarius Venus will directly express your inner feelings.

Venus in Scorpio will show strong feelings and possessiveness, and Venus in Sagittarius will leave a bitter taste. Therefore, you will express your emotions and behaviors in an objective and socially acceptable way, which is stipulated by life and ethics. As for interpersonal relationships, traditional morality makes you feel more secure in emotional behavior. I hope I can be more honest and open to my feelings, and more open to my relatives or related objects.

You usually make your partner accept your own principles in order to achieve consistent behavior. You usually marry people with the same religion or ideas, and you are not afraid of unusual relationships.

Since Jupiter rules Sagittarius, your taste in art and decoration tends to be wasteful, and you prefer gorgeous colors and forms. If you can afford it, the aesthetic environment at home presents a royal atmosphere. You also like the beauty of classical forms, such as Greek architecture and symphony. Art forms that favor religious or philosophical themes, religious concerts deeply impress you, and ceremonies and grand events also attract you.

This position will get emotional satisfaction through outdoor games and sports. The most typical examples are those who ride horses or ski. This kind of activity also attracts them. Venusians like to travel far. You often marry foreigners or people of foreign origin and other races, and people with hobbies, higher education and institutions of higher learning.

Women will seek men with heroic spirit and romantic charm, and the characteristics of exaggeration and drama will particularly attract them.

If Venus is out of phase, it may act rashly, offend others' feelings, have unrealistic idealistic tendencies in love relationships, and easily impose religious and moral standards on others.