Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - How to awaken intuition and paranormal ability?

How to awaken intuition and paranormal ability?

In Kathy's Prediction of 2 1 century, the author Mark Tuston lists the themes of Kathy's futurism. The validity of the forecast can be obtained by comparison: what seemed impossible in the1940s is compared with the fact that it has become ironclad today. Although we can't come to the inevitable conclusion that all his predictions will come true, it may be interesting to give him our future predictions. Here are ten, let's see if it will be realized in our lifetime: 1, a new medical method will appear-conversion therapy based on spirituality and body energy system; 2. The continuation of life is accepted by the public as a fact; 3. Science and psychology stop arguing with each other; 4. A social balance accepted by the whole world; 5. Great changes in landforms, including significant changes in climate; 6. The international center of gravity moves eastward, and the inland of China occupies an important position; 7. Archaeological discoveries about ancient civilizations will gradually change people's understanding of human history; 8. Intuition and paranormal ability are widely used, and many individuals will be able to directly contact the spiritual world and apply it in daily life; 9. The principle of one has become the parameter of all human affairs: the concept of one God has become the guidance of religion, the energy of one will guide all sciences, and the overall concept of one human has become the core of political affairs; 10, the second coming of Christ. Casey is called a "sleeping prophet", and his predictions are related to individuals, groups, countries, geographical changes, world development and the future of mankind. He "saw" people getting married, divorced and having children; Point out that someone will become a lawyer, writer, doctor, decorator and textile expert. Prophecy is often given by their families when they are still in infancy or adolescence. In the follow-up investigation of Casey Foundation, there is a law with surprisingly high accuracy. However, except for those individuals who seek to interpret life, other predictions, especially predictions about the world situation, are mostly scattered in numerous interpretations. In 1925, it was interpreted that a person would have a lot of money, but in the year of 1929, the situation was reversed and the money would be taken away from "this person". This man is modu chanyu. 193 1 At the worst of the Great Depression, Resources predicted that the spring of 1933 would definitely be a period of improvement. Sometimes in the process of reading, he will directly see the great events happening somewhere in the world. 192565438+1October 24th, at the end of the dream interpretation for modu chanyu, Kathy spontaneously described what happened in China: "China was in an extraordinary period, and in Manchuria, the Lotus Plague ……". On July 30, 2007, another interpretation of China came as expected: "Some extraordinary events are happening to the Japanese, and they are also happening to the Japanese. Some forces that have entered are making progress ... ". About the prediction of the future world, the interpretation of 65438+ 10/9 in 34 years has to be mentioned. This explanation is unusual in many ways. This translation was made at the request of Mitchell Hastings, a member of ARE in new york. Hastings is high flyers of Harvard University, the inventor and founder of FM broadcasting technology. The interpretation of his life proves that he is the builder and maintainer of "Flint", the energy center of Atlantis continent, and he has extremely high potential special abilities. This interpretation is the first time to successfully record the interpretation content with a tape recorder instead of taking shorthand by hand. Edison, the great inventor, tried to record the explanation with a recording device, but failed. The narrator is Lin Xiu, Kathy's son. During the introduction, he asked Kathy to stop every fifteen minutes so that they could update the recording equipment. Surprisingly, Kathy stopped talking strictly every fifteen minutes, even in the middle of a sentence. Interpretation first points out that the information of this interpretation is given by many spiritual bodies with the help. And one of them, St. John, is about to join the WTO, and his name will be John. His arrival marks the beginning of the awakening of the spiritual power of the world. Interpretation points out that changes in the material world should be regarded as "signs" or "signals". "The western United States will break down; Most parts of Japan are not allowed to go to sea; The first half of Europe will change in the blink of an eye; The land on the east coast of the United States will rise; The drastic changes in the Antarctic and the Arctic Circle will lead to tropical volcanic eruptions, and the earth's axis will rotate ... "Angel halali El used" I "instead of" we "commonly used by Cathy to partially interpret:" People in trouble "will have" material suffering ". A young king soon ascended the throne. In the following questions, we know that the country is "Germany" and the king is "Hitler". And the "idea" of American President Roosevelt is worth considering. Pray for him to fulfill the will of the Lord and let his danger pass; " If it fails, he will be cleared. The interpretation of "19351010.7 foresees that" different groups, countries or governments form different camps. Austria and Germany, and then Japan became a part of this influence. ... this will bring rising hatred. "You know, when reading it, Japan is showing people its love for the United States. 1939-Three weeks after Hitler invaded Poland, Resources answered people about Hitler's future: "A dead end". Through all these prophetic explanations, "Resources" always holds the hope that if individuals, groups and countries pray together and practice their prayers, future events can be avoided. Kathy gave the end time before the start of World War II. Four months before Pearl Harbor, a young man wanted to know how long the war would last. Kathy replied, "At least 1945". 194 1 August, a businessman came to ask about his business. Casey said that the civil business will be interrupted, but "through this person's efforts, the business will make progress in 45 to 46 years-when it returns to earth peacefully. "We know that in 1945, world peace is in sight. Predictions are scattered in many interpretations. " Resources not only points out the deaths of two incumbent presidents in the United States, but also points out the racial riots in the United States decades later. Of course, there are also many people who have benefited from Kathy's death. The northern Virginia coast will develop greatly, Norfolk Port will become the port with the largest throughput on the east coast, and the southern Virginia coast will develop greatly in the 1960s. These predictions have all come true. From the interpretation, we can also get a glimpse of some future development of the world. 1926 An interpretation in June said: "American spirituality will become the key to the world. At the table of peace (the Treaty of Versailles of 19 19 ended World War I), the mentor was among Americans, and all brothers were accepted by the world, ending the war; If it is lost, the end of the world will come again, and the power of Christ will move westward again. "The earth is the earth of people all over the world, and the world political structure is established by the ideals and consciousness of the people on the earth. The occurrence of world wars and conflicts concerns all countries. It is interpreted as Germany being "painted to dominate its brothers and becoming a vampire of the world." " ; " Italy-betrayed himself for a bowl of broth "; It is pointed out that Japan invaded Manchuria in 193 1 and became a "dominant force". Britain's problem is that it has "a little better idea than other countries"; France's sin is "the desire to enlarge the body"; India's sin is that "the cradle of knowledge does not practice except exploring the inner self"; And "forgetting the principle that God is with us ... becomes an American crime!" "The predictions about Russia and China are the most controversial. "Russia will bring hope to the world. Never call it * * * productism or Porsche Vic! But freedom! Freedom! Is that everyone lives for others! This principle has been born, and it will take many years to become clear, but from Russia, the world has hope. By who? Make friends with countries with coins printed with' We believe in God'. " "China's sin? Yes ... save yourself by growing up slowly. ... one day she woke up and cut off her braid! Start thinking and practicing! " Interpretation announced: "One day (China) will become the cradle of Christianity and be applied to people's lives. Yes, it's far away for people, but it's only one day in God's heart-China will wake up tomorrow! " The cradle of Christianity? Christianity referred to by "resources" should not be a rigid doctrine popular in the church at present, should it? What time is it now? Interpretation was done in the 1940s, and it has been nearly 70 years. Is it far from us? Then we will sort out and explain the predictions about geographical changes. The west coast and southeast coast of the United States will be swallowed up by seawater; Within 90 days after the eruption of Mount Pere and Mount Vesuvius, strong earthquakes will make parts of western Salt Lake City sink into the water. Los Angeles, San Francisco and new york were destroyed one after another; New york will be rebuilt on the west side of the original site before AD 2 158; The Great Lakes will be diverted into the Gulf of Mexico; The geographical changes in Europe will be very fast; The earth axis will move, and 2 1 will be noticed at the beginning of the century; Climate change is obvious, and the cold zone is getting warmer; Most of Japan sank to the bottom of the sea; Volcanic activity near the equator increased; The world is short of food, and the central United States, Argentina and Africa have become the granaries of the world; Washington has always been the center of world power ... "From a material point of view, these fantasy changes have no effect on the soul. As long as you do well today, there will be tomorrow. " It is interpreted that the adjustment period began after the end of "more than one hour and a half": "Righteousness will remain in the world forever." "The big spoon constellation is changing slowly. When this change reaches a considerable level-it can be calculated from the pyramid-human beings will begin to have racial changes. There will be a great influence from the souls of Atlantis, Lemuria, La, Ur or Tatmadaw civilizations. " Kathy said that the wave of science and technology that began in the last century was a masterpiece of the reincarnation of a large number of prehistoric civilizations. The adjustment of geography is a form of washing. A new race and a fifth race are being born.