Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Who can help me know more about Lyra? Thanks in advance.

Who can help me know more about Lyra? Thanks in advance.

Lyra is one of the most splendid constellations in the northern galaxy, named after its appearance resembling the ancient Greek harp. It is one of the 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy, an ancient Greek astronomer, and one of the 88 modern constellations designated by the International Astronomical Union. Lyra is small, but it is not difficult to recognize it, because its main star Vega is one of the vertices of the "Summer Triangle". Seen clockwise from the north, Lyra is surrounded by Draco, Hercules, Fox and Cygnus. Center position: right ascension 18: 50, declination 36. There are 53 stars in the constellation with visual magnitude greater than 6, and 8 of them have visual magnitude greater than 4.

Observation characteristics

Lyra is located on the west bank of the Milky Way and is triangular in summer.

Vega in Lyra, Altair in Aquila and Tianjin in Cygnus are arranged in a right triangle in the summer sky, which is called the Summer Triangle. The vertex at the right angle is Vega, the Altair on the longer side of the triangle, and the other four stars in Tianjin. In the northern hemisphere and tropical regions, the impressive Lyra has disappeared from the view of mid-south latitude: Vega can only appear on the horizon at 50 south latitude. The midnight peak of Lyra is in early July. [ 1]

Appearance characteristics

Lyra looks like an ancient Greek harp.

[2] Lyra is shaped like a harp, but the stars on the seat are not arranged in the shape of a harp. Lyra is very small and consists of seven stars, the brightest of which is the well-known Vega. People believe that these seven stars are harps used by ancient Greek musicians.

Edit this study history.

Lyra was depicted as a vulture in ancient star maps.

In the old star map, the modern Lyra was depicted as Lyra. Together with Cygnus and Aquila, it represents the bird of hades killed by Hercules, a hero in ancient Greek mythology, in the sixth mission. For Arabs, Lyra is a half-winged bird, which is said to have originated from astrology in ancient India. [1] The brightest star in Lyra is Lyra A-"vega", which is what we often call Vega, and its English name is Vega, which comes from Arabic "swooping vulture".

Edit this deep space object

Lyra's deep space object is Lyra.

[3] M56: A rather loose globular cluster, about 32,900 light-years away from the solar system and about 85 light-years in diameter. Its apparent magnitude is 8.3. M57: Also called "Ring Nebula", one of the most famous planetary nebulae (8.8, etc. Ranging in age from 6000 to 8000).

Edit the main star of this paragraph.

The main star of the constellation

Notes on Bayer nomenclature, China star official sight, etc.

Alpha Vega Lyra -0.03 is the second brightest in the northern sky; The fifth brightest star in the whole day; The first star to appear in the photo.

The name of the eclipse Lyra β-Fade II 3.45 is used to name the same kind of variable star-Fadeii variable star.

Lyra gamma gradient III 3.24 spectrum B9 III

Lyra Delta Binary System.

Lyra ε, a famous quadruple star, is also called "double star".

Lyra zeta binary star; The RR variable star in Lyra is named after it.

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Edit this constellation myth

Myth 1

Legend has it that there was a congenial wife named Eurydice in orpheus. Lyra map

She is lively by nature and likes to play with fairies in Shan Ye. One day, she was running on the Yuan Ye. Unexpectedly, she stepped on a poisonous snake. The poisonous snake gave her an unexpected and violent bite. She just sighed and fell on the grass. When her companion came to the rescue, she was killed by poison gas. After hearing the bad news, orpheus took out his golden harp, played a song, and even the stubborn stone cried. In order to see his wife again, he risked his life and went to hell Hell is a miserable and terrible state, where it is dark and cold, sad and painful. Orpheus doesn't care much, he is bent on getting his wife back! His piano music touched the ferryman on the Styx, tamed three evil dogs guarding the gate of Ming soil, and even touched the revenge of Devines. Finally, he came to Hades and the Queen and asked Hades to return his wife to him, saying that otherwise he would rather die here than go back alone! Seeing this scene in the afterlife, Hades felt pity and agreed to his request, but on one condition: he must never look back at her before he leads his wife out of the underworld, otherwise his wife will never return to the world. Orpheus thanked Hades with joy, and then led his beloved wife on the road to return to the world. Eurydice's snake bite wound hasn't healed yet. He groaned painfully at every step, but orpheus didn't even look at her. They walked silently in tandem, out of the dead mountain pass, across the valley and across the dead river, all the way gloomy. Finally, they saw the light of the world, and they are about to leave the dark hell and return to the bright heaven! At this time, Eurydice couldn't stand her husband's cold reception any longer, and his mouth rang unhappily. Poor orpheus heard his wife's complaint and forgot Pluto's Lyra.

After telling him, he turned to hug his wife. Suddenly, everything disappeared like a dream, and the long arm of death once again pulled his wife back to the country, leaving him only two strings of crystal tears. Orpheus went through hardships but failed. He wanted to go to hell with his wife, but the boatman on the stagnant water river refused to cross the river for him, so he had to return to the world alone. From then on, orpheus lost interest in everything and lived alone in a cave in Thrace. Later, because he didn't respect Dionysus, he was killed by a crazy girl in Dionysus, and his body was torn to pieces and thrown into the wilderness. His head floated with the sea to Lesbos Island, which later became the hometown of lyric poetry. Orpheus's mother took great pains to collect her son's body and buried it at the foot of Olympus, so the nightingale there sang better than any other bird. Apollo also missed his son very much, so he asked Zeus, the biggest god in the sky. Zeus pitied orpheus's tragic death, so he hung the lyre given to him by his father Apollo high in the air and dotted the vast sky. This is the origin of Lyra.

Myth 2

With his musical genius, orpheus has made outstanding achievements among heroes. When Jason took golden fleece, it was orpheus's piano that subdued the dragon guarding the wool. But on the way home, they met something more thrilling. The most dangerous time is to cross the territory of the siren. The siren The siren is a banshee with three heads and a bird. They live on an isolated island and sing "charming" songs all day. Passers-by are all ecstatic and willing to leave their wives and children and sing on the island. As a result, they were all killed by banshees, and the island was full of bones. Banshees sat in the bushes, showing only the girl's face. They sang euphemistically, and beautiful melodies and flowers floated to the boat. At that time, the breeze Xu Lai, water ripples, even the white clouds and Sha Ou seems to be listening. Heroes have also been infected, the oars are shaking more and more slowly, Argo is drifting in the wind, their ambitions are gone, their ambitions are gone, what hometown, relatives, motherland, goodbye, just want to spend the rest of my life here. Everyone was puzzled by the siren. It's too dangerous to go on like this So orpheus sat tight, the piano sounded steep, and a heroic hymn pierced the sky. Soon, the debauchery of banshees was suppressed. The heroes recovered their old spirits, and everyone stretched out their arms and paddled hard. Argo left Alcatraz like an arrow. [4]

Edit this meteor shower

Lyra meteor shower

Like Leo, Lyra has a famous meteor shower. It appears from April 19 to 23rd every year, especially on 22nd. The earliest record of it in the world appeared in China's ancient book Spring and Autumn Annals, which vividly recorded the eruption of Lyra meteor shower in 687 BC: "At night, the stars fall like rain." In late April, at four or five o'clock in the morning, Laila rose to the zenith. If you want to see the meteor shower more clearly, you have to get up early again. Lyra meteor is very fast. Meteors hit the earth's atmosphere at the speed of 10.9 million miles per hour, giving off very bright light.