Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What are the scientific and technological achievements of human aviation? Please list a few. . Used to write a composition!

What are the scientific and technological achievements of human aviation? Please list a few. . Used to write a composition!

Mars is the fourth closest to the sun and the seventh closest in the solar system.

Big planet. Orbit: 227,940,000 kilometers (65,438+0.52 astronomical units) from the sun. One of the eight planets in the solar system, it is the fourth planet in the order from near to far from the sun, smaller than the earth, with a period of revolution of about 687 days and a rotation period of about 24 hours and 37 minutes. Period of revolution: 686.98 days rotation period: 24 hours, 37 minutes and 22 seconds. Planet diameter: 6794 km. Mass: 641965438+20 billion tons, very heavy. Equatorial surface gravity acceleration: 3.72 m/sec2 Equatorial escape velocity: 5.02 km/sec The atmospheric density of Mars is only 1% of that of the Earth, which is very dry and has a low temperature. The average surface temperature is -63℃, water and carbon dioxide are easy to freeze, and advanced life cannot survive. Mars is called the god of war, perhaps because of its bright red color, so Mars is sometimes called the "red planet". (Before the Greeks, the ancient Egyptians once worshipped Mars as a god of agriculture. Later, the ancient Greeks regarded Mars as Ares, while the ancient Romans inherited the Greek myth and called it Mars myth. In Norse mythology, Mars is Tyr, the god of war. In China's mythology, Mars is a monster that indicates national subjugation and disaster (see Seeking God), and the name of March also comes from Mars. Edit the distance from Mars to Earth in this section.

The nearest distance is about 55 million kilometers, and the farthest distance is over 400 million kilometers. Close contact between them occurs about once every 15 years. In 1988, the distance between Mars and the earth once reached about 58.8 million kilometers, but in 20 18, the distance between them will reach 57.6 million kilometers. But on August 27th, 20 1 1, the distance between Mars and the Earth will be only about 55.76 million kilometers, the latest time in 60,000 years. However, according to astronomers' calculations, during the 800 years from 1600 to 2400, the closest distance between Mars and the Earth this year can only rank third. According to the calculation results, by September 2, 2366, the distance between them was about 557 10000 km. By August 28, 2287, the two will be closer, with a distance of about 55.69 million kilometers. Generally speaking, the year when Mars is close to the Earth is the best time to land on Mars and observe it on the ground.

Edit this observation history

The fiery red of Mars has attracted people since ancient times, and Greece is called the God of War. At this time, people observed Mars, just like other celestial bodies, mostly for astrology, but after17th century, it was mainly for scientific purposes. For example, when Kepler explored the laws of planetary motion, he relied on a large number of precise observation data accumulated by Tycho. A map of Mars drawn by Giovanni Caparelli. After the invention of the telescope, people can make further observation on Mars. Galileo, the first person to observe the starry sky through a telescope, saw that Mars was just an orange dot. However, with the development of telescopes, observers began to distinguish some light and dark features. Huygens measured that the rotation period of Mars was about 24.6 hours, and he was also the first person to record the Antarctic crown of Mars. At first, due to personal observation, opinions were not consistent and place names were not unified (for example, named after painters). Later, Giovanni Schiaparelli drew a more credible map by synthesizing various opinions. Place names are derived from the names of the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Bible, while the rest are based on the old concept: dark areas are considered as water bodies such as lakes (mare). Such as Solis Lacus-Lake of the Sun, Mare Sirenum-Sea of Sai Ren, and the most obvious dark triangle-Syrtis Major; Bright areas are land, such as Amazon. This naming system has continued. launch

At that time, Scarparelli, like the observers at the same time, observed that there seemed to be some thin lines extending from the dark areas on the surface of Mars, because the dark areas were the tradition of water bodies, and these thin lines were named canali. Later, it was observed that dark areas would shrink in winter and expand in summer. Some people suggest that the dark area is covered by plants, and the expansion and contraction of the dark area are caused by growth and decline, which changes the previous view that the dark area is water. Percival Lowell also observed and declared that those "waterways" were actually artificially dug "canals" to irrigate plants, because the waterways should be too thin to be seen, and the thin lines should be large-scale irrigated plants. The popular Martian science fiction "Martians" originated from this. However, most of these thin lines have been proved to be non-existent, and some of them are dark sand extending behind canyons or craters. The color of the surface of Mars changes because the sand is blown away by the wind, or there is a sandstorm on Mars.

Edit this paragraph. Seven strange caves were found on the surface of Mars.

Recently, there have been many good news about Mars exploration. "Mars Exploration Orbiter" and "Opportunity" found water on the surface of Mars respectively, and there are seven strange caves on the surface of Mars.

There may be clues to groundwater. A few days ago, with the help of Odyssey, American scientists discovered strange caves on Mars. Edit this history of human exploration of Mars.

196010/October 14: 27: 49 Soviet Mars 1A (Mars 1960A) failed1960/kloc-. 960B) Fault/KOOC-0/962/KOOC-0/0/October 24th/KOOC-0/7: 55: 04 Satellite 22 (Mars/KOOC-0/962a) Fault/KOOC-0/962/KOOC-. 8+065438+/KOOC-0/October 4th/KOOC-0/5: 35/KOOC-0/5s Soviet satellite 24 (Mars/KOOC-0/962b) failed/KOOC-0/964/KOOC-0/65438+/KLOC. At 22: 0 1 sec, American mariner 4 was a complete success, 1964,113: 001October 30th, 12: 00: 00: 00 Soviet probe 2. China Mariner 6 arrived on Mars on July 3 1 and was successfully launched on March 27, 0969. American Mariner 7 arrived on Mars on August 5th and successfully completed it. 1969 Soviet Mars 2A (Mars 1969a) failed. 1April 2, 969 10: 33: 00 Soviet Union. +0969B) Failure1971May 9 01minute 02 seconds American Mariner 8 failed to launch1971May 30 22: 23: 04 seconds American Mariner 9 was a complete success. 6: 58: 42 Soviet Universe 4/KOOC-0/9 failed/KOOC-0/97/KOOC-0/9 June/KOOC-0/6: 22: 44 Soviet Mars 2 failed/KOOC-0/97/KOOC-0/May. Day/KOOC-0/9: 30: 59 Soviet Mars 4 failed/KOOC-0/973 July 25th/KOOC-0/8: 55: 48 Soviet Mars 5 failed/KOOC-0/973 August 5th/KOOC-0/7: 45: 48 Soviet Mars 6 failed/KOOC. No.7 failed 1 August 20th, 975, 2 1: 22: 00, American thief1success1September 9th, 975 18: 39: 00, American thief No.2 succeeded1. 8+0, Phobos1)1988 July12 June 5438+07: 0 1: 43 Soviet Phobos failed (Phobos, Phobos) 65438+1998. American Mars observers lost contact with the Earth before reaching Mars orbit 65438+/KOOC-0/996/KOOC-0/October 7/KOOC-0/65448 Russian Mars 96 failed to launch/KOOC-0/997 American Mars Pathfinder landed on Mars/KOOC-0/July 3, 998/KOOC-0/. Launch Failure 1998 US Mars Climate Probe failed to launch199965438+120: 00 on October 3rd. The American Mars Polar Lander crashed before reaching Mars 1999 65438+2 1 min10s1October 3rd, American Deep Space 2 failed 2006 5438+April 7th, 2006 15: 02: 22 American Mars Odyssey. June, 2003 10, 17: 58: 47, American spirit rover succeeded on July 8, 2003, 03: 18: 15, American opportunity rover succeeded on August 4, 2007, at 09: 00. After losing contact, in June 5438+in October 2009 10, the Russian Phobos-Soil was launched together with China Firefly-1. For some reasons, it was postponed to June 3, 20 1 year. On June 3rd, 20 10, Russia began the world's first simulated Mars travel experiment in Moscow. Six volunteers from Russia, China, France and other countries will live in a small simulated airtight cabin. 36866.6866868666 1

Edit this "space trip" plan to Mars.

According to the Global Times published on October 29th, 65438/KLOC-0, Pavel Molgunov, press secretary of the Russian Academy of Medical Biology, who was in charge of the Mars 500 Ad Astra experiment, revealed on the 27th that there may be 1 China citizen among the participants in the upcoming simulated Mars landing experiment. Three representatives from China Space Training Center will arrive in Russia for inspection in the near future. Molgunov was quoted by RIA Novosti on 27th as saying that China people are very interested in participating in this pilot project, and relevant negotiations are currently under way. There is no accurate information as to whether China people can take part in this experiment. If so, the number of participants will not exceed 1. Molgunov said that in the next 1 to 2 weeks, scientists will strictly screen all candidates. At present, Russian participants have confirmed 1 in early June and European participants will confirm it in the near future. It is reported that volunteers applying for this program must have a university degree, be between 25 and 50 years old, and be fluent in Russian and English. Doctors, biologists and engineers are preferred. The experiment is the final stage of the simulated Mars experiment plan, which will be fully launched in March this year at the Russian Institute of Medical Biology for 520 days. Participants will spend 250 days simulating "flying" to Mars, and then spend the next 30 days "moving on the surface of Mars", and "returning to Earth" will take 240 days. According to the Russian News Network reported on the 27th, this experimental project is jointly carried out by the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the European Space Agency, and it is estimated to cost 654.38+05 million US dollars, most of which comes from the Russian space department. In addition to the European Space Agency, the organizers of this project also welcome the participation of other national space agencies and are actively looking for other investors. (Special correspondent of this newspaper in Russia Candy Special correspondent of this newspaper Liu Our reporter Lu)

Edit the area of this section.

The surface area of Mars is only a quarter of that of the Earth, which is exactly 28% of that of the Earth (the surface area of the Earth is about 5 10. 10934 square kilometers). Mars is 6786 kilometers in diameter and rotates once every 24.62 hours.

Edit this life

"Spirit" Mars probe photographed "Martians"? In 2000, the United States discovered a Martian meteorite in Antarctica, numbered ALH8400 1. NASA claims to have found some similar micro-fossil structures on this meteorite. Some people think that this may be evidence of life on Mars, but others think that this is only a naturally occurring mineral crystal. But until 2004, neither side of the debate gained the upper hand. The Viking probe has done some experiments to detect microorganisms that may exist in Martian soil. The experiment was limited to the landing site of the Pirate and gave a positive result, but it was later denied by many scientists. This is an ongoing argument. Existing biological activities are also one of the explanations for the existence of trace methane in the Martian atmosphere, but people usually agree with other explanations that have nothing to do with life. In the future, if humans colonize aliens, because of the friendly conditions of Mars (compared with other planets, Mars is most like the Earth), it is likely to be our first choice. It has been proved that there was water on Mars and there may have been life (see CCTV 10 related programs, which can be searched online). The Mars probe captured this scene.

Edit this satellite

Mars has two small near-earth satellites. Phobos 900011.08e16 Hall 1877: 1. Physical properties of Phobos: Phobos and Phobos may be composed of carbon-rich rocks like C-type asteroids. But they can't be made of pure rock because their density is too low. They are probably composed of a mixture of rocks and ice, and they all have deep crustal pits. The former Soviet probe Phobos detected a weak but persistent gas escaping from Phobos. Unfortunately, Phobos can't work until the composition of this gas is detected. Water is probably the most likely ingredient. Phobos also brought back some photos. The most striking topographical feature on Phobos is a crater called stickney, which is the name of Hall's wife mentioned earlier. Like Herschel, Titan Crater. Stickney must have destroyed Phobos. Now some big grooves and grain-like textures on Phobos' surface are probably caused by Stickney's influence. 2. Orbital characteristics of Phobos: Phobos' orbital radius is smaller than that of synchronous orbit, so it runs at a high speed, generally rising west and setting east twice a day. Because it is too close to the surface of Mars, it can't be seen on the horizon at any angle on the surface of Mars. It is inferred that its orbit is smaller than that of synchronous operation, and the tidal force is constantly making its orbit smaller and smaller (recent statistics show that it is decreasing at the rate of 1.8m per century). Therefore, it is estimated that after about 50 million years, Phobos will either hit Mars or break into rings. This is similar to the reaction of the moon's lift. 3. The naming and discovery of Phobos: In Greek mythology, Phobos was the son of Ares (Mars) and Aphrodite (Venus). "Phobos" means "fear" in Greek (a word-forming component of "phobia"-fear). Phobos was discovered by Hall in 1877, first photographed by Mariner 9 in 197 1 and observed by Viking 1 and Phobos in 1977. Phobos 23000 6 1.80 E 15 Hall 1877: 1. Semi-major axis of orbit data: 23460km, eccentricity of orbit: 0.0002, orbital period: 1.26244 d, average revolution speed: 1.35 km/s, inclination of orbit: 0.93 (to the equator of Mars) 1.793 (to the local la place plane). 27.58 (to the ecliptic) 2 .. Physical characteristic size:15.0×12×10.4km Average radius: 6.3 km Mass: 2.244×10/5kg (3.755 kg Equatorial surface gravity: 0.0039 m/s? (3.9 mm/s? )0.00040 g (400? G) cosmic speed: 0.0069 km/s (6.9 m/s) rotation period: synchronous rotation albedo: 0.07 temperature: ≈233 K Phobos and Phobos are composed of carbon-rich rocks like C-type asteroids, and both of them have deep pits. 3. The naming of Phobos In Greek mythology, Phobos is another son of Ares (Mars) and Aphrodite (Venus). "deimos" means "panic" in Greek. 4. Discovery of Phobos Phobos was discovered by asaph Hall of the US Naval Observatory on August 1877, and its photos were first taken by Viking 1 August 1977.

Edit Mars in this astrology.

Mars is the star of men and masculinity, representing ambition, courage, strength, construction, work, struggle, competition and death. Its essence is yang, dryness and heat. Its nature is bisexual, both dry and humid. Express action, aggression, motivation. In terms of characters, it represents men and young people. The totem symbols of Mars compete for the shield and spear of Mars. The circular shield and the arrow-shaped protrusion are the spear of Mars. The closest thing to the earth is Mars, which guards Aries and Scorpio. Capricorn prospers, Libra Taurus declines, and Cancer falls. The formula that belongs to Mars is "power". Its influence includes: it is related to human beast, desire and sexual energy, and it is also the driving force of the universe. Affect a person's consciousness, willingness to complete, energy that leads to disaster, etc. Powerful Mars dominates human energy, animal consciousness, high mood, protector and idealist. Mars in the astrolabe is a place where you can go all out. Mars also has relatively sensitive parts to the body, such as muscle tissue, external genitalia, head and face, red blood cells, bladder, accessory kidney and motor nerves. The diseases represented are inflammation and acute fever, infection, surgery, muscle and reproductive problems, bleeding, blood diseases and infectious diseases. The positive features of Mars are: courage, motivation, majesty, enterprising, expert, energetic, measured, highly spiritual and independent. Negative characteristics are destructive, belligerent, irritable, willful, vulgar, ironic, abnormal, cruel, superficial and quarrelsome. Mars: action, aggression, decisiveness, enthusiasm, anger, positivity, vitality, physical strength, athletic ability, antagonism, radicalism, belligerence, fierceness, outspoken, direct, cruel, impatient, reckless, rude, grumpy, irritable, violent, panic, fear related body parts: adrenal gland, general. Other related things: athletes, sports industry, sports coaches, troops, soldiers and police, law enforcement officials, sports equipment manufacturers, arms and weapons manufacturers and the entire military defense industry.

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Mars discovers mysterious long and narrow craters or is hit by asteroids [Introduction] Recently, the European Space Agency recently announced a mysterious terrain on Mars. This crater is irregular and round, like a long and narrow "scar". At present, scientists are quite concerned about the formation of craters. Orcus crater is about 380 kilometers long and 140 kilometers wide.

To confuse people. According to the Daily Mail, the European Space Agency (ESA) recently released the latest photos of Orcus Patera near the equator of Mars, which looks like a "scar" on the surface of Mars. Orcus crater is located between the Elysium and Mount Olympus in the eastern hemisphere of Mars. Scientists believe that the best explanation for the formation of this crater is that the area suffered an asteroid oblique collision, and an asteroid passed through the surface of Mars at a very small angle. This crater is about 380 kilometers long and 140 kilometers wide, and the height of the edge of the crater is more than 1600 meters higher than the surrounding plain. The bottom of the crater is about 800 meters lower than the surrounding plain. "patera" is usually used to describe Mars craters with deep tunnels, complex or irregular shapes. Although Orcus crater is named after it, scientists don't know its real origin. Or Orcus crater was originally a large circular collision crater, which was deformed with the change of geological structure and years of extrusion; Or this crater was caused by a series of different asteroid collisions. The evidence of the existence of geological tectonic force in Orkus crater comes from a large number of "grabens", and there are structures similar to canyon cracks on the edge of the crater. The maximum width of these "grabens" is 2.5 kilometers, and the direction is east-west, which only exists at the edge and periphery of the crater. The shadow near the center of the bottom of the crater is concave, which may be formed in the process of wind, and the dark matter splashed by some small collision events is redistributed in the concave by the wind.