Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - The origin of the constellation?

The origin of the constellation?

& lt the origin of Capricorn >

Paine is the patron saint of livestock, shepherds and hunters, and also the god of mountains. He looks very strange. He has a beard and horns on his head and goat's fur, hooves and feet on his lower body. Before dawn, Paine and the elves strolled in the valley. During the day, it's time for him to go to bed. At night, he always plays the flute.

Paine's love often fails because of ugliness. But his achievements in music are loved by the gods, so he is often invited to attend banquets. Once, when he was invited to attend and play for the gods, he worked very hard to make the wonderful flute sound reverberate between heaven and earth. But I didn't expect this flute to disturb the monster Taifeng.

The Thai wind rushed into the banquet, and wherever he went, it was a mess, and the fairy fled. Paine also turned into a fish and jumped into the Nile in a hurry. Unexpectedly, because I was so nervous, only my lower body turned into a fishtail, while my upper body was still like a goat. This is the origin of the myth of Capricorn sheep head fish.

& lt the origin of Aquarius >

Hob, the goddess of youth, served as a sommelier at the banquet of the gods of Olympus, responsible for serving and pouring wine. Later, because Herb married Hercules, the position of sommelier has been vacant ever since.

Later, Zeus took a fancy to the handsome young prince of Troy, Ganymede. He has blond hair, snow-white skin, red lips and white teeth, and is called a handsome man on earth. The gods all agreed that he should be a sommelier, so Zeus sent an envoy to invite him, but Ganymede refused.

Zeus flew into a rage when he knew it, turned into an eagle, and personally caught Ganymede up the mountain and made him a sommelier. From then on, Ganymede became the eternal sommelier of Olympus. Aquarius is a form of pouring wine in a pot for teenagers, and the water in Aquarius is the source of wisdom for the gods.

& lt The Origin of Pisces >

Just like the story of Capricorn, when the monster Tai Feng appeared in a big feast, all the gods turned and fled. Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and her son Cupid immediately turned into fish and jumped into the river to escape.

Afraid of Cupid's accident, Aphrodite tore off a piece of clothes and tied it to Cupid's feet as a ribbon, and tied the other end to herself, turning into two fish tied together. This is the origin of the myth of Pisces.

& lt the origin of Aries >:

According to legend, King Arthur Mas of Tessali and Queen Nefeller gave birth to a son named fleek Soth. Later, Arthur Mas made another love, and married the princess Ina of Thebes, but the cruel Ina wanted to murder Prince fleek Soth and let his son inherit the throne. Ina's deadly trick is to gather all the grain seeds in China, then secretly cook them and distribute them to the people. The result, of course, is that the grain can't grow, leading to famine in the whole country.

Then he communicated with the priests of the temple and pretended that the gods had lowered their anger. Only by offering the sacrifice of Prince Flicksby to the gods could the famine be quelled. The king finally listened to her trick, but when the prince was sent to the altar, a ram with golden wool fell from the sky and took him away from the altar. It is said that this golden sheep was sent by Hermes, the messenger of the gods, to save the prince, because he heard Nifila's prayer. The Golden Sheep carried the prince across the Da Daniil Strait and landed successfully in Kerkas, a country on the Black Sea.

Fleek Sotheby's killed the Golden Goat in gratitude for his salvation, and gave the mutton to Zeus, the Lord God, and golden fleece gave it to King Keltsch. The golden sheep in the story is Aries.

& lt the origin of Taurus >

King Phoenicia had a beautiful princess Europa. Zeus turned into a tame bull to approach her because he liked her very much. Europa was curious. When riding on this huge bull, the bull jumped up wildly and ran into the sea. Europa was extremely afraid, but at this time there were countless water sprite and strange birds and animals flying around the bull. Zeus showed his true colors and poured out his love to Europa. The frightened Europa knew the identity of the bull and accepted Zeus' love. Zeus took Europa to Crete, his birthplace, and held a grand wedding. According to legend, the European continent is named after Europa.

& lt The Origin of Gemini >

Rita, the princess of the Spartan king, is very beautiful. Zeus turned into a swan to approach Rita because he coveted her beauty. Rita thus gave birth to twins for Zeus. The man's name is Polled Case and the woman's name is Helen, that is, the super beauty who fell in love with this country and later triggered the Trojan War.

Rita originally had a son named Caster, Caster and Poldekes with the Spartan king, and they had a very good relationship since childhood. Later, the two brothers fell in love with a woman who was engaged to someone else and robbed the bride. Caster was killed by the woman's fiance, and Polled Keith killed each other to avenge his brother.

Polled Keith made a wish to Zeus, willing to exchange his life for his brother's life. Zeus pitied Porid Keith's brotherhood and gave him half his life, letting them live in hell for half a year and the other half in Olympus. From then on, they were inseparable.

& lt the origin of cancer >

When Hercules, the great Greek hero, killed his wife by mistake, he completed twelve almost impossible ascetic tasks for atonement. The second task is to kill hydra hidura.

When Hildura's head is cut off, it will immediately regenerate a head. When Hercules and Hildura were fighting, Sheila secretly sent a big crab to help nine monsters. Cancer tightly clamps Hercules' foot with pliers, making it unable to move; But Hercules finally killed the cancer with a stick and completed the impossible task. Cancer was lifted to the sky by hope because it hurt Hercules' foot and became cancer.

& lt The Origin of Leo >

There is a mighty and invincible lion Nimia at the foot of Olympus, and all the gods are very worried about it. Among the twelve tasks of Hercules, the greatest hero of Greece, the first task was to kill Nimia. Nimia the lion is thick and invulnerable. Hercules struggled with it for a long time, and finally strangled it with his divine power. Hercules cut off the lion's paw, peeled off the lion's skin with the lion's paw to make a shirt, made the lion's head into a helmet, and carried it on his shoulder to complete the task gloriously. In order to praise Hercules' achievements, Zeus promoted Nimia to heaven and became a Leo.

& lt The Origin of Virgo >

Timmy, the goddess of harvest, has an only daughter, Xifeng, the goddess of spring. Mother and daughter live together, bringing rich agricultural harvest to mankind. Hades, who was in charge of hell, took a fancy to the beautiful Pearl Xifeng, drove her away by force in four black chariots drawn by black horses, and took her to the underworld to become the afterlife. After discovering that her daughter was missing, Timite wandered around anxiously, visiting her whereabouts, and couldn't bear to farm any more.

Finally, Apollo told Demeter the whole thing. After learning the truth, Timmy was very sad. Since then, he left all his jobs behind, causing all the crops to die and the earth to face an unprecedented famine disaster. Seeing the seriousness of the situation, Zeus stepped in and sent an envoy Hermes to ask Heidi to release Pearl Xifeng.

But Pluto designed Pearl and Xifeng to eat Pluto's pomegranate, forcing her to stay in Pluto. But Heidi promised Timmy that Pearl Xifeng could go back to Timmy for nine months every year. When Pearl Xifeng returned to Timmy, Timmy revived the earth. But every year when Pearl Xifeng returns to Heidi for three months, Timmy misses her daughter and the land becomes barren again. This is the origin of winter. Virgo is the symbol of Timmy, the goddess of agriculture.

& lt the origin of Libra >

Timmy, the goddess of harvest, is also the goddess of justice representing justice. She uses scales to judge the good and evil of human beings and reward them. Libra is the Libra she uses, so Libra is always beside Virgo (Timmy).

& lt the origin of Scorpio >

The hunter Olivan, the son of Poseidon, is tall, handsome and very brave. Because he boasted that he would kill all the wild animals in the world, he angered Gaia, the mother of the earth, so he sent a poisonous scorpion to hide in the dark and attack Olivain when he was not looking. Olivain was stung by a scorpion and fell to the ground, but he killed the scorpion with his last breath and died together. So Scorpio and Orion will never appear in the sky at the same time. One always falls in the west, and the other rises in the east.

& lt the origin of Sagittarius >

Sagittarius, also known as Sagittarius, is a member of Centauri. It is said that he is immortal because he has the blood of Zeus. Qi Lun is an expert in boxing, wrestling, sword, archery, driving, equestrian, music, literature and art, astronomy, geography, medicine and even prophecy. He is a great sage in the mountains.

Therefore, many gods and kings have brought their children to Qilun to learn art. As long as they learn his skills, they can be independent. In the battle with Hercules, Qilun was accidentally injured by Hercules with a poisonous arrow soaked in the blood of Xu Dela, a hydra. This poison can't be cured, but he can't die because he is immortal. When Zeus saw that Qilun was poisoned, he took away his immortal body and elevated him to the sky to become Sagittarius.