Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - 12 constellation who is stingy with himself?

12 constellation who is stingy with himself?

Of the twelve constellations, Taurus is the most stingy one. There is no doubt about it. Everyone knows that Taurus is notoriously stingy. If you want to borrow money from Taurus's pocket, he won't lend you a dime unless you are his best friend or closest relationship. This is the least angry place in Taurus. In their world view, his own money is his own life, although sometimes Taurus will not put his life in other people's position.

The second place is Virgo. Virgo people always give people the impression of haggling over every ounce in their lives and maintain a perfectionist attitude towards everything, which leads Virgo people to control their money perfectly. Generally, people who go out to eat with Virgos rarely take the initiative to pay the bill. If two people eat, either he invites them or two people AA, he won't invite them to eat. Virgo will often earn a little money and go out with friends.

The third place is Libra. They always feel that AA is the most comfortable way to get along with each other, so it gives people the illusion that they don't like lending money or inviting others to dinner. Libra will always treat anyone with an attitude that they have to pay for themselves, so he will not lend money to others easily and will not spend a penny indiscriminately. This is limited to those who he thinks are not worth it. Libra is quite generous if he has a good friend or partner around him.

No matter which constellation you are, it is also a very valuable quality not to spend money indiscriminately. As long as he regards you as a very close person, he won't be stingy with you. Even the most stingy Taurus is generous to his friends, and the stingy is completely divided.