Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What are the bad temper of 12 constellation?

What are the bad temper of 12 constellation?

What are the bad temper of 12 constellation?

Lead: Have you ever seen a stubborn Taurus or a shameless lion? Sneaking Scorpio or Playboy Shooter? Do these negative personalities sound familiar? Every constellation has a bright side and a dark side. We can learn and grow from bad character, especially when someone annoys us in the wrong way. Understanding this innate trait makes it easier for us to understand and empathize. Now, let's take a look at the unattractive features of these constellations!

What are the smelly Aries in 12 constellation?

In the zodiac, Aries is the most selfish one. Rams are independent and don't bark at others ... then why do they say they are selfish? According to their style, they will have some self. Usually they feel that they are born to be leaders, but others may think that they are arbitrary at best.

Aries is a school of its own, and they are notoriously impatient-just ask the nearest victim around Aries. Maybe Aries exploded just because we had to wait in line at the post office door. Well, to be fair, everyone may be a little upset about this situation, but the difference is that Aries is always a guy who creates contradictions or anger, especially when something goes wrong. How can anyone keep himself waiting!

Aries is naturally competitive, even trying to please her seriously ill grandmother in order to be the first. They insisted on winning at all costs. Aries is smart and comprehensive. If someone points out that they are wrong, they will always argue on that point unless they are bored. This has happened many times. Even if they don't really bite, they won't take things to heart.

Aries is a fast-moving faction that loves and divides. Therefore, people with the reputation of "ungrateful people" are usually enthusiastic at first, and then start the next journey before the sun rises. They get bored easily, and nothing can make them concentrate. I'm not good at carrying things through to the end, and I'm not interested in the ordinary route. Indeed, this is an independent constellation, also called "player". Some people may call it brave, but others call it foolhardy. Some people say this is frank, others think it is reckless. To sum up, Aries is a presumptuous constellation!

Taurus constellation

Niu Niu is the most stubborn of the twelve constellations. Once they have made a decision on something, it is impossible to make them turn around, criticize them or urge them-even make them move a little. They will continue to advance slowly and heavily until they reach their destination. God forbid anyone to stand in their way, because these people will be trampled by pure willpower. Stubbornness is their outstanding character.

Taurus is in charge of money and property, and they like the feeling of owning both in large quantities. There is nothing wrong with this-unless they send grandma to a nursing home just to earn a penny. They are self-indulgent, snobbish and conceited, always thinking about a better life-they are satisfied only by choosing the best, and there can be no cheap imitations-they may give away some, but they will never use them themselves.

Niu Niu likes to call herself a gourmet and often goes to five-star restaurants to eat and drink-because many of them can really afford it. They like to step by step, and they will be particularly upset if there are sudden changes in their daily lives. Comfort and stability are their motives. They are the ultimate pretenders (or snobs) and look down on those who have different standards from them.

Sometimes, this constellation will be boring and especially dislike parties. They stick to the rules, but it feels good to them. Besides, who wants to take the time to have a party when you can stay at home and count money, check assets and look through brand-name clothes-nothing else matters!

For Taurus, the greatest enjoyment is to lie on silky satin and ring the bell to tell the housekeeper to choose the best champagne and chocolate strawberries. Then arrange luxury massage and bubble bath, and of course the housekeeper runs it.


Gemini is the most gossipy of the twelve constellations. They are as nosy as Mrs kravitz in Fairy Descent. You can't keep their secrets. They call themselves know-it-all, but if someone really delves into it, they will find that they are just repeating the latest Twitter news. They do know everything, but they are not good at anything.

Their constellations are twins, because they can show people talking nonsense when needed. They are very good at exaggerating facts. They are excellent manipulators, and within the scope permitted by law, they can evade almost all responsibilities. They like their own voices, and they can talk endlessly about things that are actually completely nutritious. Gemini does have this nagging ability.

Gemini is actually very smart. They can be very eloquent and knowledgeable, even if they have dropped out of school, have lifelong student loans to repay and have no job prospects at present. Party is their behavior pattern, but they prefer to call it "socializing". They think they are flexible, but others may say they are unreliable. They have a bad reputation of taking advantage of others and will be hot and cold to everyone in their social circle.

Gemini is very easy to be bored and annoying day after day, and will impulsively replace the person he loves with a new one. They are open-minded, and what others (or partners) regard as serious flirting will only be defined as harmless jokes in their eyes. They tend to find all aspects of a situation, which sometimes gets them into trouble. Some people may unfairly misunderstand it as an untrustworthy person or fraud expert in the Pan-American region.

Cancer constellation

Cancer is the most irritable of the twelve constellations and is famous for its emotionality. Their emotions can last for days, weeks or even months or years. They have resentments all their lives, always have great memories and always live in the past. Some cancers even fall into long-gone emotions and memories, reliving those feelings over and over again.

They are usually mothers' children or fathers' daughters. Family is the most important thing. They always control others by making them feel guilty, but they always choose the person closest to them as the control object. Born as a mother-in-law, she rejects and protects "one of her own".

They are also very close to their grandparents' generation and attached to their deceased relatives. Favorite entertainment is cooking and eating, especially traditional family dinners. If what they do is not praised, they will be angry, even if their families eat enough of their inferior dishes year after year.

As parents, they are "suffocating mothers" or "helicopter parents"-they will never let their children get the freedom they seek, which explains why cancer children like to choose universities far from home. Cancer is also a hoarder, and their things are not allowed to be thrown away, because their things always carry stories and feelings.

Cancer is also the most tenacious of the twelve constellations. Beneath the tearful appearance, there is a shell as hard as iron. Tears come when you say it, but you can't say it if you don't say it. They are very frugal. No, it should be said that they are very stingy. They are savers, not spenders. No matter how much money they have, they will cut coupons everywhere and look for bargains.

Le Signe du Lion

Leo is the most overbearing person in 12 constellation. When they are noticed, they are confident and condescending, but once they are not paid enough attention, they will lose their temper. Leo craves the spotlight and is extremely vain. They are born to show off and never miss any opportunity to brag to their fans.

Leo is the noblest constellation in 12 constellation. They are so arrogant that they really think they are kings or queens, and others are their own servants, so they should always provide thoughtful services. They are very snobbish and extremely arrogant. "Cut off her head!" Grandma doesn't prepare delicious food, so they think so.

Money can't buy aesthetics. Leo is famous for buying exotic clothes and top jewelry, which can help them attract eager attention. Their motto is the famous public relations slogan: "There is no such thing as negative reporting." As long as people are still talking about themselves, they are very popular.

Leo is constantly looking for attention, and people who don't care are the best. They need someone who can always obey their orders, someone who can make all the decisions and take all the credit for themselves.

It is difficult for them to overcome their inner insecurity. They are also quite autocratic, power-hungry and selfish. They take other people's ideas for themselves. They are very eager for success to satisfy their expensive lifestyle and thirst for power. This is a group of people with weak appearance. Deep down, they are just a kitten looking for cream and spots in the sun.


Virgo is the most cautious and critical constellation in 12 constellation. They are the epitome of picky and experts in error inquiry. Virgo will be sensitive to things that others think are unimportant or even boring.

Virgo is a service masochist. They bosse around, urge others to work, and keep complaining-others can't understand them. In fact, complaining is their favorite, and only when they are critical of the people they love will they feel loved. They are quite trivial and like to look for perfectionism that doesn't exist at all. It's probably God's blessing that their other half can tolerate them-how does their other half get along with Virgo? Maybe because Virgo has done a lot of work for them.

Virgo is a symbol of purity, but it is also too serious. They give people the impression that they are saints, but once the sacred aura disappears, they are like demons in holy garments. Many people don't know that the dark side of this constellation is cheap, casual and lazy. When you realize this, others will get along with this picky constellation more easily.

Virgo is always worried. In order to keep their balance, they will take drugs to calm down or become frequent visitors to doctors. Virgo can easily become hypochondriac and always worry about her health. To cover this up, they will take their grandmothers, elderly neighbors or sick pets to see a doctor, and then get the medicine they need to treat their diseases.

Virgo is stingy. They always seem to be counting money in their pockets, writing budgets and cleaning up lists. Very picky, but actually very boring. For this reason, they are keen on tidying the house, cleaning the floor, ironing clothes, etc ... They never have to worry about trivial things, they just like them.


This constellation is the best liar in the 12 constellation-no offense, but seriously, they just do it to take care of other people's feelings or make themselves look good. They don't like confrontation, but they exaggerate the facts when necessary. In order to achieve a certain goal, they will also deliberately flatter others. Some people call this kind of behavior flattery, but they call it "diplomacy" and "tact".

They are undoubtedly spendthrifts-even if they don't have enough money to pay the bills. For them, the more expensive things mean the better. A little credit card overdraft will do them no harm, and there is no plan to install any big money. Some people may think that they are superficial, but they think that every penny spent is worth it, and they can't explain why they have a soft spot for branded goods.

They are the kind of people who only make friends with people who can help themselves. They have many social connections and will not hesitate to use them when necessary. They hate loneliness. Many of them will associate with people with lower social status and help others when they are in trouble, even if it is only a small help. They are extremely dependent on others and afraid of boredom, so they often make phone calls.

They are so indecisive that it is difficult to make a decision-especially those who are not mature enough. Faced with many choices and possibilities, they find it difficult to choose only one of them. They also like to argue with others, perhaps because they think it is interesting. For them, the kind of debate that can show their intelligence can bring them endless excitement and excitement. However, they argue with others without any malice, even those closest to them are never sure what they will do next.


Scorpion is undoubtedly the most despised of the twelve constellations. Scorpio is representative. If they don't sleep with their best friend's lover, they must be planning their next sexual conquest. If you are a scorpion with a partner, you will be extremely loyal to your other half, which means strong possessiveness and strong jealousy, and always pay attention to your partner.

The innate compulsion makes the scorpion never stop until it reaches its goal, which of course includes tracking all the traces of its predecessor. Despite this ban, scorpions will be as paranoid as paranoia. To put it mildly, it's called revenge. In fact, anyone who annoys scorpions will get the same result. He will stab you to death with that poisonous tail, or an anonymous phone call you receive is enough to scare you out of breath.

Scorpions are very nervous, so they are often misunderstood. Deep and thoughtful scorpions, they always convey a very deep emotion, not just a bad one. Why do people always take the scorpion's sense of humor as a mockery? They also point out the facts and pray for the weak. But as long as they smell the attack, they will never give up, forever and ever.

Scorpions are extremists, so there is no middle ground. Everything they see is either black or white, right or wrong. Scorpions are as small and arrogant as chihuahuas in dogs, and they are especially stubborn. Once what they believe, even if the result is tragedy, they will not change or bow their heads. Someone once said, "Scorpions in love are always in pain". Why? Who knows, maybe only scorpions can understand it.


This constellation is the drinker in the twelve constellations, and their reputation of drinking and reveling is the script of urban legend. It's all happy times ... and stages. No shooter will avoid social gatherings. Even in the most boring business meetings, work meetings or family gatherings, they know how to enliven the atmosphere. When enjoying themselves, they have no restrictions or morals.

Their attitude towards spending money is like a doomsday carnival. They are willing to take part in large-scale gambling and take high risks-so high that their grandmother will jump out of the grave. They may think that the large legacy she left should be squandered as soon as possible, instead of storing it for a rainy day.

Always talk about your dogmatic, self-righteous and fanatical ideals on the temporary podium. Sagittarius focuses on the overall situation, but lacks specific details to put into action. They had no self-discipline and were punished for their improper words. Just blurt out what comes to mind without hesitation. In their books, no matter how painful the reality is, they should keep talking.

Shooters are free at all costs, and there may be as many people on their black list as on their white list. They are conceited and impulsive, just like their Sagittarius idols. The mythical Sagittarius likes to run around, has the nature of sports, and is restless and active.

They may also be clumsy, impatient and grumpy, although they can quickly change this grumpy. They almost wear their hearts on their sleeves, so the closest people always know where they are. They have big mouths, so don't tell them the secret.

They love traveling and don't mind expensive, gorgeous or dirty and shabby places. It's an experience for them anyway. They are credulous, and liars who can attract their free nature can easily fool them.

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN

Capricorn is the most boring of the zodiac. When other constellations go out to play, Capricorn is still working overtime, counting every 1 cent of the first 1 billion. There is nothing wrong with hard work and long-term planning, but Capricorn is very stingy, and they will rob grandma for 1 yuan.

They are determined to realize their ambitions and will not stop until they reach their goals. They are afraid of poverty, so they are stingy with money. They also hate people above them in the food chain. They are not very sympathetic to others, and will stick to interpersonal relationships that stem from responsibilities and obligations.

They are deeply influenced by materialism and become greedy and selfish when they own property. They are also naturally suspicious and think that everyone will deal with them. They privately despise themselves and constantly create challenges and obstacles to overcome. They believe that success must come at a price, otherwise they will not be happy in any way.

They are born pessimists and can make people depressed. Have you ever wondered why Capricorn has no friends? They are so frustrating and boring that they are difficult to get along with. They are very conservative and don't like to disturb their daily life. It seems that they were born old.

They are naturally cautious and conservative and will not try new things. They are what people call antiques. Their views on responsibility and self-discipline are the norms of their morality and standards, which the rest of us will never desire or even think of.

Aquarius constellation

This constellation is the strangest of the twelve constellations. Many bottles may think it's a compliment, but they shouldn't. They are cold and heartless, even like robots in matters involving the mind. It's a bit like they really don't have any feelings, all because they are too shy. It's like being brought to earth from another planet. Again, this is not a compliment.

Their rebellion may actually become a great torment-they never know when to stop nagging and threatening the people closest to them. What they find interesting, most people don't. They seem to care more about humans who are far away from themselves-preferably so-called acquaintances. Their lovers need thick skin to cope with their strange behavior. Ask any Aquarius spouse and you will know how many times they have been left to take care of themselves at social parties. Their Aquarius lover has gone to associate with the most interesting people present. Bottles need freedom at all costs.

Many bottles are innovative, and there will be unique and useless innovations. Freshness and science really attract them, and they never stop showing off their talents and creativity.

They are stubborn and will do anything to prove their point of view-when they think they are right, they will not hesitate to force their grandmother to yield to an opinion. They are unstable, and sometimes their behavior will make them agree. They are not materialists and tend to donate money and assets to support humanitarianism. Saving the world is very important for most bottles. Many of them believe that they have the wisdom to save the world. Aquarius is a typical know-it-all.


Pisces is the doormat of the zodiac. They always attract those who are down and out. Anyone with the mark of "loser" makes Pisces irresistible. When experiencing difficulties, they will use any means to help themselves get rid of the secular-drugs, alcohol, religion or food. They try to escape from the cruel real life and prefer to live in a fictional fantasy life.

Pisces people are very romantic. Perhaps more than once, their fragile hearts have been hurt. They usually only see the good side of others, so they are easily deceived and often disappointed. They are particularly emotional. There is no doubt that their friends call them crying babies behind their backs. Even their relatives will feel uneasy and can't stand their endless complaints.

Pisces people are at a loss for practical things and are completely disorganized, which means that their lives are a mess. They can always hear some kind of inner call-maybe they can become psychic wizards ... Hehe, are they still mentally ill? They sacrifice themselves to the point of abuse, and the object can be anyone and anything, as long as it touches their heartstrings, whether you are a tramp who needs a hot bath or an acquaintance who needs to borrow a lot of money urgently. Tragedy always touches them, so they look for tragedy and perform it.

Pisces people are generous and don't care about worldly things, so they are likely to be used by others in terms of money. They are excellent philanthropists who abuse their heritage or holiday bonuses without thinking.

Pisces people can go from heaven to hell in one minute. They are super sensitive and absorb other people's emotions like sponges. Some people may feel that their chameleon characteristics are insincere, but they are really easily influenced by the environment, led by the nose, or mistaken for fools.