Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - How to simply calculate 3000 divided by 125?

How to simply calculate 3000 divided by 125?

3000÷ 125 The simple calculation and solution process is as follows:

3000÷ 125

=3000÷ 125÷8 x8

= 3000 x8( 125 x8)x8

=3000÷ 1000x8



Law of division:

When an integer A is divided by an integer b (b≠0), the quotient is exactly an integer with no remainder. We say that A is divisible by B (that is, B is divisible by A). When the quotient is an integer or a finite decimal and the remainder is 0, we say that A is divisible by B (that is, B is divisible by A). Here, a and b can be natural numbers.

1, the unit is the divisible number of 2: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.

2. The characteristics of numbers that can be divisible by 5: 0 or 5 in a unit.

3. The feature that a number can be divisible by 3: the sum of the numbers on each digit of a number can be divisible by 3, and this number can also be divisible by 3.