Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - /kloc-is the person born in June 0/7 terrible? Is it terrible?

/kloc-is the person born in June 0/7 terrible? Is it terrible?

Some people believe in divination, palm reading and astrology, and the date of birth is often involved in the calculation of these things. Then after hearing all kinds of unreliable news, they will feel that people born in this world in June 17 are terrible. /kloc-Are people born in June 0/7 really terrible?

The "terrible" here is understood by the author as vicious and cunning, and will make terrible behaviors that endanger others and even society.

Objectively speaking, personality has nothing to do with whether you were born in June of 17. People born in June of 17 are really terrible. It is unfounded and one-sided to think that others are terrible just because they were born in June of 17.

Congenital genes and acquired environment play a decisive role in people's personality.

Congenital genetic gene

Inherent genetic genes are complex and diverse chemical substances, which determine the genetic characteristics of generations of organisms. They can store our genetic information and copy it to our descendants, also known as genetic factors.

Scientists have found that some genes are related to people's personality. For example, the D4DR gene (novelty-seeking gene) exists on the eleventh chromosome of human body, and the length of its structure affects people's desire to pursue danger and seek new excitement. People with longer D4DR gene (novelty-seeking gene) need more powerful nerve stimulation, such as various difficult extreme sports, to be satisfied and happy. 5-HTTLPR gene, also known as happiness gene, is influenced by different combinations of gene lengths, and people with long variation are more inclined to see the bright side of things. MAOA gene (violent gene), if this gene mutates in boys, the low expression of MAOA gene will obviously increase their violent tendency.

Acquired environment

The acquired environment includes family background, school education and life experience.

Special emphasis is placed on the influence of family background. As the saying goes, a child's first teacher is his parents, and whether the family is happy or not has a particularly prominent influence on the child's personality. Born in a bad family, it is easy for children to become stubborn, selfish, cowardly, unconfident and weak in expression. So if you have children, please ask them to provide a good family environment, not only materially, but also spiritually, give them more care and encouragement, set an example of positive sunshine, and guide them to establish a correct and complete outlook on life.

Aside from the extremes of endangering others and society, there is no difference between good and bad personality. People who are in a hurry generally don't dawdle. People who are alive and kicking don't have to worry about embarrassment, and heartless people don't care too much. Therefore, all personalities have their own characteristics, and these characteristics will become advantages in some cases. As an adult, the past has passed, and it is difficult to make a big change in personality, but you can further learn and improve the way of dealing with people.

As for the statement that people born in June 17 are terrible, I suggest you don't care.

On June 17, many celebrities were born that deserve our praise and praise. Here are some examples:

1888- German general and founder of Blitzkrieg heinz wilhelm guderian was born.

1882- Russian musician, composer and conductor Stravinsky was born.

1723-Adam Smith, a British economist and philosopher, was born and wrote The Wealth of Nations, which is the first masterpiece of political economy and supports free trade and laissez-faire economic policies.

1936-ken roach, British actor.

1920-Setsuko Hara, Japanese actor.

1942- Mohamed ElBaradei, the fourth director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

1772 ── German priest and librarian Martin Schrettinger was born.

1913-a model of teaching, which touched the birth of Bai, one of the figures in China (on the 13th day of the fifth lunar month,191June 03, 17).