Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Which of the twelve constellations does not exist? What's the name of constellation 88?

Which of the twelve constellations does not exist? What's the name of constellation 88?

Which of the twelve constellations does not exist? Both exist.

What's the name of constellation 88?

Latin comparison table of astronomical constellations between China and Japan

Latin abbreviation of asterisk in Chinese name area

Andromeda and Andromeda 722 100

Antlia Ant pump base 239 20

Tian 206 20

Water bottle Aqr water bottle 980 90

Aquila Aql Eagle 652 70

Ara Ara Temple of Heaven 237 30

Aries Ari Aries 44 1 50

Aura auriga 657 90

Bumuff, Boetes 907 90

Caelum Cae sculpture block 125 10

Camel cam deer leopard 757 50

Cancer numerical control cancer 506 60

Rattan 465 30

Large tank CMa tank 380 80

Miniature dog CMi dog 183 20

Capricorn Capricorn 4 14 50

Carina car chassis 494 1 10

Cassiopeia Cas Cassiopeia 598 90

Centauri Sagittarius1060150

Cepheus 588 60

Cetus cetcetcetacus1231100

Chamaeleon Cha weir dragonfly seat 132 20

Cirinus cir compass seat 93 20

Copagassos, Columba 270 40

Back seat of Coma berenice com 386 50

Coronation of the southern crown carat 128 25

Northern crown CrB crown 179 20

Corvus Crv crow block 184 15

Crater Garden 282 20

Crossroads South Crossroads 68 30

Cygnus 804 150

Delfinasdale Dolphin Seat 189 30

Swordfish constellation 179 20

Draco Draco 1083 80

Ma 72 10

Bojiangzuo 1 138 100

Dome for cupola support 398 35

Geminis Geminis 5 14 70

Grugru crane constellation 366 30

Heracles Heracles 1225 140

Clocks and watches 249 20

Hydra Ophiuchus 143 20

Hydrus Hyi Aquarius 243 20

India Industrial Building, Block 294-20

Lake La Seta Scorpion 20 1 35

Leo Leo Leo 947 70

Leo minor LMi little lion 232 20

Lepus Lep rabbit seat 290 40

Libra Lib Libra 538 50

Jackal lupus 334 70

Lynx Lyn Tmall 545 60

Lyra Lyra 286 15

Mensamenshan Block 153 15

Microscopic opium microscope stand 2 10 20

Kirin court blocks 482 and 85

Musca Mus flies 138 30

Norma Nor square foot 165 20

Octans Oct south pole block 29 1 35

Oph Ophiuchus 948 100

Orion Orion 594 120

Paavo Paavo Peacock 378 45

Pegasus Pegasus1121100

Poerxiusi per Poerxiusi 6 15 90

Phoenix Phe phoenix 469 40

Pictor Pic easel 247 30

Pisces Psc Pisces 889 75

Pisces 245 25

Puppy tail 673 140

Pyxis Pyx compass 22 1 25

Ret mesh block 1 14 15

Sagittarius 80 20

Sagittarius Sgr Sagittarius 867 1 15

Scorpio Sco Scorpio 497 100

SCL Emerald Palace Sculpture 475 30

Sct Shield 109 20

Serpenser snake 637 60

Sextant seat 3 14 25

Taurus Taurus 797 125

Telescopium telephone telescope base 252 30

Triangle triangle 132 15

Triangle Australia Tra South Triangle 1 10 20

Rhododendron 295 25

Ursa Ursa Ursa 1280 125

Ursa minor 256 20

Vela Vel Vela 500 1 10

Virgo virgo 1294 95

Volans Vol Flying Fish 14 1 20

Fox 268 45