Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Tarot priestess

Tarot priestess

What does the "priestess" in tarot stand for? Static negative intuitive wisdom

The significance of priestess card. The author Waite's own explanation is "mystery". Mysticism. The unexposed future. When the questioner is a male, it represents a woman who cares about him. When the questioner is a woman, it represents the questioner herself. In addition, it also represents silence, persistence, wisdom and science. Inversion means "enthusiasm, mental or physical fanaticism, arrogance and superficial knowledge." In short, this card can represent all kinds of mysteries, magical numbers in the East and the West, as well as fate and wisdom that have not been fully revealed. In the text, this card represents a woman.

In the opposite position, it means opposite enthusiasm. * * * and fanaticism. At the same time, he lost his deep wisdom and became as shallow and arrogant as half a bucket of water. In addition, the key word of this card is "static". So, let's look at the mainstream annotation of "priestess". Generally speaking, the priestess's card means "passive", that is, static. Silence brings awareness and wisdom. The moon, Jewish book and water in the priestess card are symbols of wisdom and perception. Therefore, this card has a strong sense of following intuition, and all kinds of occultism, parapsychology and sixth sense are also related to it, which also represents the potential of the parties in this respect. Besides, in this way, the past is an escape from emotions. So this card is often not conducive to the progress of feelings. It is of great benefit to the study of numerology and metaphysics. But don't forget. This card also reminds us to use intuition and listen to intuition. Simply describing the advice it brings is "static is better than moving". In the inversion part, we can not only weaken its positive significance, but also explain it with Waite's own explanation. Because here,

In Byron's eyes, the silence of the priestess is like the yin of two musical instruments. Compared with the magician's yang, it represents the quiet and peaceful side of things. But the ability and wisdom of the priestess card are hidden and not exposed, just like the modest divination in the Book of Changes. Mountain divination is like a person's virtue, wisdom and ability. The obvious ability and intelligence lead to the result of "full recruitment and loss" As for the priestess's meaning of "stopping", it means "divination". Although the general meaning of "stop" is not a fixed stop, it is a "stop" of "moving time and time, moving time without losing, and its path is bright" It's like a priestess's.

What does the high priestess of Tarot stand for? priestess

Card description:

Compared with the magician's pure energy in the last picture, the priestess shows pure negative energy. She sat quietly, wearing a white robe representing purity and a blue robe representing the Virgin. Hanging a cross on the chest symbolizes the balance of yin and yang and the unity with God.

The hat she wears consists of the first quarter moon, the second quarter moon and a full moon, symbolizing all virgins. Holding a scroll bar in her hand symbolizes profound wisdom. The word TORA on it stands for "sacred law", and the scroll bar is rolled up and half covered, suggesting that this law is unknown. A crescent moon hung at her feet and on the corner of her robe, extending out of the painting. The priestess has black and white pillars on both sides, which exist in the temple built by King Solomon in Jerusalem in biblical stories. B and j on the black and white column are abbreviations for Boas and Jachin, respectively. The black column is yin, the white column is yang, and the two columns symbolize duality. The priestess sitting in the middle is impartial and combines the strength of the two. The trumpet shape on the pillar represents the keen sensitivity of the priestess, and the lily pattern on it symbolizes purity and peace. There is a curtain between the two pillars. Pomegranate on the curtain represents "Yin" and palm represents "Yang". Curtains cover the scenery behind, and a closer look reveals the background of water, mountains and blue sky. Water symbolizes emotion and subconscious. There are no waves in this horizontal area, but there are deep secrets hidden under its still surface. The whole picture presents a blue tone symbolizing wisdom, and the images of two columns in the back cards appear repeatedly.

Deduction of brand meaning:

The priestess is a type of "Virgin" and "Virgin", and there are such typical figures in many cultures, such as the Virgin Mary in Catholicism, Isis in Egyptian mythology, themis in Greek mythology, Di Anna in Roman mythology, and others regard her as Bethany in Greek mythology. In China mythology, Chang 'e, the goddess of the moon, does not conform to this image, but is a bit like Guanyin. From a modern point of view, the priestess is similar to the little dragon girl who lived in seclusion in the ancient tomb before Yang Guo in Jin Yong's novels.

The priestess and Queen No.3 belong to the female archetypes in Tarot cards. However, the priestess is a "virgin" and a "virgin", while the queen shows the image of a secular mother. We can observe that the priestess's sitting posture is introverted, and her face and posture belong to the slim appearance of young women, while the queen's posture is generous and plump. It can be seen that the priestess emphasizes the feminine and passive characteristics of women more than the queen. A priestess is a woman who does not need a man. She is very independent, strict with herself and doesn't laugh. Therefore, in emotional divination, the priestess usually represents unrequited love, unrequited love or celibacy.

The priestess corresponds to the moon in astrology. There are always four moons in the picture. The moon is negative, representing stillness, passivity and passivity, which points out the theme of priestess. The priestess has always held the attitude of "changing with constancy". Compared with the magician's aboveboard and active creation, the priestess tends to be reserved and silent. Although she has no movement in appearance, she actually goes to her heart, listens to her intuition and gains inner wisdom. In fact, everyone has great wisdom in his heart, but few people know how to listen. The priestess knows that instead of forcibly changing the outside world, it is better to listen to the inner voice and naturally reverse Gan Kun. Who says negativity has no power? The scroll bar in her hand implies that she has supreme wisdom. On the other hand, priestesses sometimes represent people who have strong intuition but seldom put them into action, and may also be too rigid and cold. In fact, almost every card has both positive and negative meanings, which depends on the other cards in a deck and the intuition when solving cards.

Another meaning of the moon is mystery, so the priestess also represents anything related to mysticism or secrets. The priestess also has a wealth of knowledge, but her knowledge is not obtained through school education like Pope Card, but is biased towards occult knowledge and everyone's intuition and even psychic ability. The appearance of priestess may mean that things are delayed and there is no progress, and drastic actions usually can't solve the problem. The priestess reminds us to follow inaction, calm down and think, and listen to your inner voice, and you will marvel at your wisdom.

The priestess is a very negative card, and the repeated appearance of the moon also implies the physiological cycle of women. Therefore, in health divination, priestesses often represent women's diseases or menstrual troubles.

Reverse analysis:

The priestess is in the opposite position, ... >>

The soul tarot is a priestess, and the personality tarot is justice. . Ask the master to explain the meaning. . Ⅱ priestess

Representative constellation: the moon

Representative element: water element

It represents the control ability of men and the meticulous thinking and hidden intelligence of women, so it is stronger.

ⅹ Ⅰ Justice

Representative constellation: Libra

Representative element: wind element

The goddess of justice is the embodiment of wisdom, erudition and connotation, and controls the "balance" of the world. What it represents is that adhering to ideals and the rules that should be followed cannot be separated from intellectuality and sensibility.

What does the position of priestess in tarot cards mean in emotional prediction? What the priestess means is that this is a time for inward exploration, meditation or inaction.

In the analysis of gender relations, the priestess may represent a Pisces person;

It may also mean that you need to ask yourself before you can receive what this relationship gives you.

Acceptability, passivity and internal development are the meanings of this card.

Sometimes women's sacrifice implies a highly developed spiritual or spiritual relationship. You two can study together, grow together and develop together.

What do you mean by asking Tarot how we will get along in the future? It seems that there can be a platonic relationship, which is beautiful. .............

That's almost what it means.

What does it mean that the newly bought tarot card was drawn on the belt of the priestess after the first reshuffle? French priestess's serious attitude towards love will make men flinch. If the iceberg beauty doesn't open the closed heart door, where will the flower of love bloom?

2, priestess keywords:

Spiritual, dreamy, calm, reserved, thoughtful, rational thinking, female wisdom, rich in heart, rigid and absolute.

Positive position:

Naive, intuitive, revealing the truth, using the power of the subconscious, mastering knowledge, judging correctly, rational thinking, unrequited love, spiritual love, being harsh on love, avoiding love, is helpful to the school.

Reverse position:

Ruthless, unable to think correctly, wrong direction, superstition, irrationality, emotional disorder, lack of foresight, and serious rejection of love.

Tarot cards ask each other if they like me. How to interpret the priestess card may mean that you need to ask yourself before you can receive everything that this relationship has given you. Acceptability, passivity and internal development are the meanings of this card. Sometimes it implies a highly developed spiritual or spiritual relationship, and you two can learn, grow and develop together.

What's the explanation of the high priestess Tarot? Hello, let me talk to you briefly. If you disagree, please ignore me.

Priestess usually represents inner wisdom. When you stand on your head, you may not see yourself clearly. You don't know what you are thinking and what to do. Obviously, when you are in contradiction with yourself, you should meditate and think hard.

In the shadow of the external environment, advising others may not really help you solve these problems, but may be just some comfort and encouragement. The real problem lies in your own mind. You need to go back to the previous period and think clearly about your inner world before you can continue to develop. At the same time, she also tells you that you should meet new friends and get in touch with new environments. If no one around you can really help you and you can't understand yourself, then you may find something new by going out for a walk.

Personally, I am encouraged by you.

Tarot card four-element divination career, priestess in the right place, magician in the right place, queen in the right place, strength in the opposite place, priestess+:independent and rational without losing femininity.

Magician+:imaginative, creative, calm but not boring.

Empress+:strong feminine, well-cultivated, occupying high positions or important positions, but not engaging in intense manual labor.

Strength-:Fear of losing control requires strength, but it requires obedience and dependence.

The content of the question is not specific enough and there is no background, so there is no way to analyze it in detail. I feel that you are worried that you may lose your power and become a vase (don't get me wrong). . .