Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What are the world-famous naval battles?

What are the world-famous naval battles?

Judging from the oldest war record of mankind, warships and naval battles occupy the most important position. Naval warfare is an extension of land warfare, but it is not just an extension of land warfare.

For some sea power countries, from the earliest Athens to the later Britain, it can be said that land power is only an extension of sea power. Whoever can control the ocean can control the land, which has been repeatedly proved by the historical facts of the past two thousand years. The following are the ten most important naval battles in human history.

Issue 10: Jutland naval battle

Jutland naval battle is the second largest naval battle in human history (the first is Wright Bay) and the largest battleship battle in history. British troops dispatched 28 battleships and 9 battle cruiser. The Germans also dispatched 16 battleships and 5 battle cruiser. However, it is not scale that makes jutland one of the most important naval battles in history.

In this World War I, although the British army lost three battle cruiser ships, it actually succeeded in "hanging" the German ocean fleet. The main battleship, with the reconnaissance support of the avant-garde troops in battle cruiser, twice scared the Germans to turn around and escape at 1.80 degrees, and even had to use battle cruiser to force the Germans to launch a suicide charge in order to escape.

As we all know, World War I was a war of attrition, and Germany on the European continent could not be self-sufficient. 19 14 after the quick defeat, the Germans were blocked at sea. The Jutland naval battle was the only time that the Germans made up their minds to mobilize the entire navy and tried to break through the blockade.

Then it was completely defeated by the powerful British fleet. From then on, until 19 18 surrendered, the whole army was escorted to Britain for safekeeping, and the German navy never dared to leave Hong Kong again (except submarines). It can be said that the Jutland naval battle broke the last glimmer of hope for the Germans to win World War I.

9th place: Battle of Akron (3 1 year BC)

In 3 1 year BC, the Roman Republic was on the threshold of changing from a * * * system to a monarchy. Caesar, Pompeii, Cato Jr., Scipio and other giants are all dead. Octavian and his successor Anthony competed for the throne of Rome. Both sides assembled 300 warships, and finally Octavian defeated the joint forces of Antony and Cleopatra and won the rule of Rome.

Ten famous naval battles that changed world history

This war, although it seems to be just a civil war. But it has a greater impact on world history. Octavian's capital is in Rome, but Anthony's is in Egypt. If Wu Dawei wins, Rome will become a closed empire with the nationality of the Romans as the core.

If Anthony wins, Rome will become an open empire that inherits Alexander's open thought, continues to expand eastward and pursues national integration. Facts have proved that under Octavian's leadership, although Rome won long-term peace, it gradually lost its vitality and fighting spirit, and was eventually invaded and destroyed by barbarians.

8th place: Battle of Midway Island (1942)

1June, 942, the Japanese empire was in full swing. However, in the Midway naval battle, the mighty Nanyun mobile unit was ambushed by the US Pacific Fleet, losing four aircraft carriers and 1 heavy cruiser. The Americans only lost one aircraft carrier and one destroyer. This is also the first defeat suffered by the Japanese navy since its establishment at the end of 19.

Of course, the significance of this naval battle goes far beyond this. As we all know, it was the Pacific War that decided Japan's fate in World War II. Here, the Japanese navy initially formulated a set of "fortress+mobile reserve" defense strategy. Build an airport on the Pacific islands, set up defensive positions, and arrange long-range combat aircraft on the islands as aviation defense lines.

If Americans attack an island, they will send a mobile reserve consisting of aircraft carriers near the island to attack the American fleet. In the Battle of Midway, four aircraft carriers were lost and the Japanese mobile reserve was destroyed, so that they could not concentrate enough troops to resist the US attack in the following three years of island war, and they lost one after another and never won any battle.

It can be said that although the Japanese face the incomparable United States, they have no chance of winning. But it was the battle of midway that destroyed his chances of drawing with the United States, or at least delayed the war. The rapid liberation of the people in East Asia is also one of the indirect consequences of the naval battle on Midway Island.

Seventh place: against Malaysia (1905)

If you want to choose the most one-sided naval battle in the history of the world, the naval battle against Ma will definitely be among the best. From 1904, Japan and Russia launched the Russo-Japanese War for the control of Northeast China. At this time, Japan's prestige of defeating the Qing Empire was booming 10 years ago, while decadent Russia still had great strength, but it became a faulty machine.

Ten famous naval battles that changed world history

In order to support the Pacific fleet that has been blocked by the Japanese army in Lushun since the war. The Russian navy mobilized the most advanced, newest and most powerful battleships from the Baltic Sea to form the Second Pacific Fleet, and later added the Third Pacific Fleet composed of honest battleships. The entire fleet has as many as eight battleships.

In contrast, the Japanese army that lost two battleships due to lightning strikes only had four battleships. But even so, when the Russians crossed the ocean and sailed 18000 nautical miles to the Sea of Japan. The Japanese navy, which has been saving its strength for several months, intercepted Ma Haixia and completely destroyed it with precise firepower and superb and bold tactical maneuvers, becoming a textbook-style classic naval battle.

The significance of the horse naval battle lies in. At that time, the land battlefield of the Russo-Japanese War was deadlocked. Although Russia lost in the early stage, it has assembled hundreds of thousands of troops to prepare for a counterattack. As a small country, Japan has actually exhausted its national strength.

Ten famous naval battles that changed world history

However, the news of the defeat in the naval battle against Ma gave Russia a beating. Suddenly, morale was completely lost, the momentum of domestic uprising began to surface, and the army had no intention of fighting, which led to the tsar having to make peace with the Japanese monkey he despised.

After the naval battle against Malaysia, the Japanese became the hegemon of East Asia in the name of defeating the white forces. Russia, on the other hand, is caught in a whirlpool of turmoil and domestic contradictions. Finally, Japan became one of the world powers before World War II, but Russia was completely overthrown.

6th place: Lvliang naval battle (1598)

1598, Japan's invasion of Korea was a spent force, and they could only hold a few port fortresses on the south coast. At this time, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who ruled Japan, had just died of illness, and no one in the Japanese army wanted to stay in North Korea for one more day.

Konishi Yukinaga, the first Japanese army, was surrounded by the Ming army and could not move. Shimadzu Ryohiro had to lead the fleet to the rescue. However, they were attacked by the joint fleet of Deng Zilong, the general of Ming army, and Li Shunchen, the general of North Korea, and were almost wiped out. The joint navy of China and North Korea surrounded 500 Japanese warships with 800 warships in the exposed waters, almost all of them were wiped out, and thousands of Japanese soldiers died.

Ten famous naval battles that changed world history

After World War I, the Japanese did not dare to invade the Asian continent until the end of 19. In addition, the Ming dynasty has always refused to establish diplomatic relations with Japan, and then Japan's closed-door policy. As a result, Japan dared not set foot on the Asian continent for nearly three centuries and shut itself up.

Fifth place: Trafalgar War (1805)

Do you really think Napoleon really lost in Moscow, Leipzig and Waterloo? No! All wet! The fate of this great emperor was laid as early as 1805. A great and shrewd strategist like Napoleon knew a long time ago that he had only one real enemy, and that was Britain.

Ten famous naval battles that changed world history

The most effective way to defeat Britain is to land in the British Isles. But why not land first? The British bribed Prussia, Austria and Russia to threaten France from land. The second is to defeat the French fleet from the sea.

On June 265438+1October 2 1, 1805, the two fleets met in the waters near Trafalgar, Spain, and a decisive battle was inevitable. The fighting lasted for five hours. Because the British army was superior in command, tactics and training, the French joint fleet suffered a decisive blow. The commander Villeneuve was captured and 2 1 warship was captured.

British Commander-in-Chief horatio nelson vice admiral was also killed in the battle. After this battle, the elite of the French navy was lost, and Napoleon was forced to give up his plan to attack the British mainland. Britain's position as a maritime hegemon was consolidated.

Ten famous naval battles that changed world history

Trafalgar naval battle is the largest naval battle between wooden sailboats equipped with solid shells. The war freed Britain from the threat of Napoleon's invasion. Someone said, "A Trafalgar and a Moscow ousted the powerful Napoleon."

Fourth place: Battle of Baijiangkou (663)

In 663 AD, the Japanese army (with more than 400 warships) and Tang Jun (with 120 warships) launched a fierce naval battle in Baijiangkou, North Korea. Liu Tang Gui Ren command fleet change formation, divided into two teams, surrounded the Japanese. Their ships collided with each other and couldn't turn around. The soldiers were in chaos. In the end, all Japanese warships were burned, and tens of thousands of Japanese troops were killed or drowned.

Smashed Japan's ambition to invade the Korean peninsula, and Japan did not dare to use force against North Korea for the next thousand years. And obediently sent envoys to study in the Tang Dynasty for nearly 1000 years. Then he wanted to be a grandfather, and Liang Luhai was beaten again and went back to be a grandson for 300 years!

Third place: Defeat the Spanish Armada (1588)

16th century, just after the Middle Ages in Europe. Spain expelled the Arabs from the Iberian Peninsula and established a big country in Europe. At that time, Britain was still a less powerful island country. However, in the battle of Gravorin, the British navy used surprise attack tactics to completely defeat the Spanish armada that ruled this sea area and almost completely destroyed it.

Ten famous naval battles that changed world history

How did Britain become the greatest ocean empire in human history that informed the world about the ocean for 300 years? This is the battle of Gravorin! From then on, the Spanish Empire, which colonized America, went downhill. Britain won the Atlantic Ocean and finally pushed the country into a period of rapid development.

Second place: Battle of Leibanto (157 1)

Modern western countries are all Christian countries, but Christianity is in a precarious situation more than once. On the ground, Leo, the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, and Charlie the Hammer, the king of the Franks, respectively controlled the two ends of the Christian world. But at sea, until16th century, the Ottoman Empire, which believed in Islam, continued to expand its sea power in the Mediterranean.

Ten famous naval battles that changed world history

Until 157 1, almost the whole Christian world, led by Spain, joined hands to form a joint fleet, fought the Turks in the battle of Leibanto and finally defeated the latter. The Battle of Leibanto was not only the last great naval battle in the rowing era. It also demarcates the boundaries between the Christian world and the Islamic world, until today.

No. 1: Battle of Salamis (480 BC)

In 480 BC, King Xue Xisi of Persia, who occupied four-fifths of the world territory (except China), led hundreds of thousands of troops to invade Greece. The whole western world is in jeopardy and is about to fall under the iron hoof of Asia. After the Hot Spring Pass, Xue Xisi went all the way to Athens, turning this center of Greek civilization into ruins.

All Athenian citizens moved to Salamis Island. And here, unite all the Greeks who resisted the Persian invasion and fight to the death with the Persians in the Salamis Strait. Using the narrow terrain of the Strait, only 300 warships defeated 600 Persian warships. After the First World War, Xue Xisi felt that his authority had been shaken, because he was worried about the rebellion of the newly conquered peoples in the rear and left Greece.

In the second year, the Greek army defeated the Persian army and recovered Athens. Although this naval battle was not a great victory militarily. But as historians know. The battle of Salamis is undoubtedly the pillar of western civilization.

Without this naval battle, the Greeks would never be able to resist the Persian land and sea attack. If Greece is destroyed, Greek culture will also be destroyed. It is the fruit and influence of Greek culture that created the whole western world today. Therefore, the Salamis naval battle, as a single naval battle, has the greatest influence on the world.

Refer to China Military Network.