Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What is the special significance of the appearance of five-star renju?

What is the special significance of the appearance of five-star renju?

Five-star renju: This kind of sight can only be seen once every 40 years at least. In the next four weeks, people in most parts of the earth can see with the naked eye that these five stars seem to line up in the night sky shortly after sunset. These five planets seem to be very close. If you stretch out your arms and open your palms, one palm should be able to cover these five stars. Planets in the solar system are not in the same line with them in the sky, because planets are not necessarily on the horizon of the earth when they are in a line, and planets are not necessarily on the horizon of the earth at the same time. However, when people see these planets in the next few weeks, they seem to be in a line. Planets revolve around the sun at different times. They are roughly in the same orbital plane, and these orbital planes are inclined to each other at a small angle, which is why we feel that they are on the same line. Cross star: the result of planetary rotation. In fact, it is not a real cross, but people have to look for this meaningless coincidence. The starry sky is magical and wonderful. The sun, the moon and the stars, rising in the east and setting in the west, bring people endless reverie. In the clear night sky, the stars twinkle, and from time to time a meteor drags by, while a comet drags its long tail slowly across the sky. Faced with this vast cosmic space and mysterious astronomical phenomena, ancient people can only worship and derive countless myths and legends, but because they don't understand the laws of nature, they often associate the unpredictable astronomical phenomena with natural disasters on the ground and human fortunes, and astrology came into being. With the progress of the times and the prosperity of science, many ancient superstitions based on ancient myths have long been absurd. However, irrational thoughts have never retired, and contemporary "myths" that have undergone a makeover are still emerging one after another. Using (in essence, abusing) modern scientific language and high-tech means to "package" astrology and confuse people who don't know much about astronomy is the most commonly used method of contemporary pseudoscience. The recent rumors of 1999' s "Star Cross" and the so-called "human catastrophe" are another example of contemporary mythology. The prediction of human catastrophe at the end of the 20th century mainly came from the advocacy of Mishima Mian and others in Japan, and its deeper source came from Nostradamus, a French doctor more than 400 years ago. /kloc-The French in the 6th century wrote a book with 1200 quatrains. This book uses many suggestive sentences to predict world events in the hundreds of years from then to 2000. The book has been widely circulated, especially in Europe, and people are constantly interested in using it as a kind of "textual research" of speculation. Some historical events correspond to some obscure prophetic poems in the book to explain its so-called "petty criticism". What's more, I think there is a poem in the tenth volume of the book that predicts that mankind will face an unprecedented disaster in 1999. The poem describes: "1July, 1999, the Lord of terror descended from the sky and the Mongolian king reappeared. During this period, the god of war ruled the world in the name of happiness ... ". If it's just Nostradamus' idiot family remarks, people might as well laugh it off. However, in the 1970s, Mishima Mian of Japan wrote < 1999 human catastrophe-Nostradamus's horror prediction >: the book claimed that it was found by computer calculation that on the day of August 1999, the nine planets in the sun, moon and sky would form a "cross" shape, claiming that this was "the most ominous sign". At that time, floods, earthquakes, plagues, famines, world wars and even alien invasions will make it difficult for mankind to cross the 20th century. This statement is a bit shocking, which makes many people who don't know the truth feel worried and panic. To put it simply, Mishima "discovered" that on the day of1August, 999 18, the spatial positions of the nine planets, the sun and the moon in the solar system would be arranged in a big cross, and the earth was located in the center of the big cross. On the "big cross" diagram drawn by five planes, if the clock face is used for analogy, the earth is located on the rotation axis of the pointer, and Mercury, Venus and the sun are in the direction of "12", that is, in Leo; Uranus and Neptune are in the direction of "6", which is in Aquarius; One of two straight lines in which celestial bodies in these two directions form a cross. On another straight line perpendicular to this, there are Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus in "3" direction, and Mars, Pluto and the moon in Scorpio in "9" direction. Takeshima believes that it is extremely dangerous for celestial bodies in the solar system to form a cross in the sky. At that time, the constellations in which these celestial bodies were located symbolized the lion, scorpion, flood and Horri-bull respectively, which indicated all kinds of disasters that would happen on the earth. We should see that the five bizarre "predictions" about the future of mankind and the fate of the earth are not based on rational analysis and logical reasoning, but just nonsense, distorting the truth for their own use, and arbitrarily giving anthropomorphic "characteristics" to natural celestial bodies many light years away, completely falling into the quagmire of absurdity and primitive superstition. So what is the truth of the so-called planetary cross? First of all, "Heaven rewards diligence". The movements of the sun, the moon and the planets in space are all normal natural phenomena under the control of gravity. They change their relative positions at any time along a basically fixed orbit and according to some almost stable period. Because their orbits are different in size and speed, they sometimes form a special relative position arrangement, which is also in line with the laws of nature. China noticed the convergence of big planets in the sky very early in ancient times. For example, in ancient China, the "five-star renju" (that is, the five planets of gold, wood, water, fire and earth run in the same direction) was regarded as auspicious and paid great attention to observation. According to the laws of modern celestial mechanics, we can trace back or predict the spatial position of celestial bodies in the solar system very accurately. Their location is changing all the time, and it is easy to find out from the data published regularly. On the day of1August, 999 18, the positions of several major planets relative to the constellation were not consistent with Mishima's prediction. It is incorrect that the sun, moon and planets are all concentrated in the four constellations of lion, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus. Mishima is right about only two of them, that is, the sun and Venus are in Leo and Pluto is in Scorpio. The so-called planetary cross is irregular in shape, which is far from what Mishima Mian showed. If someone can watch outside the solar system by spaceship, they can see that the sun, the moon and the planets are not strictly in two vertical straight lines, and the spatial positions of celestial bodies on both sides of the earth are very asymmetric. From the scale of the whole solar system, the sun, the moon and near-earth planets (namely, Mercury, Venus and Mars) are almost crowded together. As for the actual astronomical phenomena on the night of August 1999, Mercury and Venus are just in the same direction as the sun, so they can't be seen, while Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are too far away to be seen. In fact, the naked eye can only see Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, and only two planets at the same time, because the time is different. In short, the celestial cross is not an intuitive astronomical phenomenon, and there is no standard for the shape of the so-called cross. Takeshima claims that the phenomenon of "planetary crossing" comes from the calculation of high-speed computers, but the celestial images arranged by him are not the objective expression of scientific calculation results, but his own arbitrary play, which is far-fetched with religious symbols and is called "the most ominous" and misleading. In fact, there is no scientific basis to predict that this "big cross" arrangement will cause natural disasters on earth. Anyone with a little knowledge of astronomy knows that more than 99.8% of the matter in the solar system is concentrated in the sun itself, and the remaining 0. 1% is mostly distributed in Saturn and Jupiter. Therefore, no matter how the planets are arranged in the solar system, the center of gravity of the solar system will not change greatly, nor will it cause any chaos in the orbits of the planets, nor will it cause any great disaster to the earth. Take the tides on the earth as an example. The gravity that causes tides comes almost entirely from the moon and the sun. Because the moon is very close to the earth, the tidal force generated is much greater than that of the sun, and the tidal force generated by the eight planets on the earth is less than six ten thousandths of that of the moon. /kloc-In August of 0/8, the sun and the moon formed a right angle, which was a small tide, just when tidal force had the least impact on the earth. As for how the relative position of the planet changes, as long as it does not "break away" from its specific orbit and hit the earth, it will hardly have any impact on the earth. Some people also worry that the "Great Cross" will produce strong electromagnetic radiation particles, which will cause a large-scale volcanic eruption on the earth. This is also a hypothesis that can't stand the scrutiny of facts. Because the electromagnetic radiation of the planet is very small even if it exists, only the radiation of the sun can affect the earth. Sunspots, flares and charged particle bursts on the sun all have a period of about 1 1 year. The enhancement of solar activity will indeed increase the disaster weather on the earth to a certain extent, endanger short-wave communication, and may even affect the prevalence of some infectious diseases and the frequency of traffic accidents. But this is a normal phenomenon once every 1 1 year, and it will not cause volcanic eruption. The activity of the sun has nothing to do with the arrangement of planets. Because of the different orbits and running speeds of the major celestial bodies in the solar system, it is normal to form a cross shape under similar circumstances. Although the probability is small, it is not unique in history. According to the calculation, the last "cross-linked star" of the solar system appeared in 1 10 BC, and there is no historical data to show that there was a huge natural disaster in the world at that time. It is expected that this arrangement will appear more than 2000 years later. It still won't have a disastrous impact on the earth. As for the Five Faces, it is nonsense to say that planets have their own symbols and constellations represent scourges, which will lead to human disasters. Constellation itself is not an entity, and the stars that make up the constellation have nothing to do with the creatures in reality and mythology. They are often thousands of light-years apart in space. Due to the projection effect we see from the earth, some stars are arranged in a certain shape in the sky. A planet cruising on the background of stars in the sky will enter a constellation from time to time, which is just an apparent phenomenon seen from the earth. The names of constellations were artificially created by ancient people according to their own imagination. If you want to associate them with the characteristics or personality of a creature, you can only use the word absurd to comment on them. Mishima used a lot of astronomical terms in the book, relying on a "great horror prediction" more than 400 years ago to "package" the results of computer calculations. It seems that the end of the world is really coming. However, all this is ridiculous under the disproof of scientific theory and rational analysis. When people don't know much about the laws of nature, they will inevitably use various conjectures to connect the astronomical phenomena with the fortunes of the world. The so-called "worrying about the sky" is the result that scientific ideas have not yet been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In this sense, it is particularly important to get rid of superstition, publicize scientific and rational ideas and popularize scientific knowledge. For thousands of years, human civilization has got rid of the dark and ignorant era. At the dawn of the new millennium, human eyes have pointed to the depths of the Milky Way. Under the guidance of rationality and science, people in the global village will surely usher in a better future.

Hope to adopt