Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What is the character of a chicken?

What is the character of a chicken?

"Chicken" represents a Tang-style figure who is "full of fantasy and brave in chivalry" in the zodiac, and belongs to a chicken man who thinks he is a "fearless" hero to save the world. Practically speaking, the characteristic of "chicken" is that it looks radical and pretentious on the outside, but it is very old-fashioned and rigid in tradition on the inside. There are two basic duties of a chicken man. One kind of people like to chat, always have a lot of gossip and have a hot temper. Another kind of people have strong insight and are good at observing faces and colors. People of both personalities are difficult to get along with. If the rooster is born at dawn or dusk, which is dominated by tigers, he will have the characteristics of nagging. People who are chickens talk endlessly and have no leisure time at all. To make matters worse, people who are chickens often talk big, but they have nothing to say and no meaningful and serious topics. Cocks born at night are just the opposite. Rooster is too strict, conservative, unsociable, cold to people, like a bookworm, even eccentric and unpredictable.

People born in the Year of the Rooster are good-looking, especially men, handsome and straight. Roosters are always proud of their looks and love to show themselves. People can't see that people who are chickens are lazy. People who are chickens will always hold their heads high and be dignified and noble. Even the most shy person born in this year still looks smart and witty in front of people, showing his personality temperament. If people who are chickens are sometimes extravagant, then the money will only be spent on themselves. People who are chickens are very picky about the choice of clothes and like to attract attention. People who are chickens sometimes decorate their homes and offices too flashy. Chickens themselves love to dress up. People who are chickens also attach great importance to titles and medals. People who are chickens will strive for at least one chance to win medals or professional titles. Even in war, people who are chickens will fight for a medal. The rooster's money is not only spent on his own small home, but also used to pursue love or please colleagues. There is only one thing that others can get from a chicken for free, and that is-advice.

People who are chickens have many good qualities to make up for their shortcomings. Chicken people are smart and capable, have strong organizational skills, are rigorous and serious, treat people directly, and are decisive when things go wrong. Chicken people dare to point out the cruelty and criticize it severely. All chickens are too picky about things and pursue perfection. People who are chickens are very sensitive to theoretical topics, and they must follow the established articles of association when dealing with any topic. People who don't obey the rules don't understand them. People who are chickens still have many advantages. People who are chickens will try their best to help others within their own power. It's just that the vitality of the rooster encourages the rooster to express himself too much. People who are chickens are very concerned about their families and protect their own little world. People who are chickens also want to have a big family, so that more people can encourage themselves to do things well. The rooster will take an unfriendly attitude towards the person who occupies the rooster's position. No matter how much things change, it doesn't matter to people who are chickens. Because chicken people don't know how tired they are, they like to overcome difficulties in various things and find their own way out. People who are chickens are well prepared and know that things are not always satisfactory. People who are chickens are bold, brave, imaginative and ambitious, and are bound to achieve something in their daily work. On the other hand, we should also see that these chickens, which are dominated by a strong sense of inner competition, will kill people once they get angry.

At the same time, these advantages of being a chicken also bring disadvantages, that is, they love to quarrel with others, always want to show their knowledge and never care about others' feelings. However, once the battle fails, the rooster will not be depressed. The way to be a rooster is to tell everyone your own views and make people believe that they belong to the rooster and stand on the side of the rooster. When the rooster is in a negative state, the rooster will do everything possible to stick to his opinion. The rooster believes that he is right, and only admits his own advantages and does not admit any shortcomings. But if you analyze the chicken's heart, you will find that the chicken just wants to confirm its own value and comfort itself, and it is not necessarily imposed on others. But because roosters love to bluff, they can't really be familiar with themselves, and they can't be familiar with the disadvantages brought by showing off and exaggerating.

If the chicken's life goal is too far away and the possibility of achieving it is very small, the chicken will be listless. One weakness of the chicken is that it is blocked on the way forward and can't even deal with small problems, resulting in nothing along the way. This kind of performance is really useless for a chicken. Chickens should learn not to delve into dead ends and seek various ways to develop. In a word, these people are brave knights, fighting for their ideals, and at the same time they are utopian "heroes" whose ideals have not been realized. People who belong to the chicken like to be flaunted, flaunted and selfish. Chicken people are unwilling to admit their mistakes and are very sensitive to criticism. On the contrary, he always discredits his opponent in all aspects.

Rooster is an excellent performer. Rooster is often the center of the activity place, always so radiant. A chicken's personality is very impressive, and every move is concerned by the public. Chicken people's cheerful mood, witty personality and behavior often make chicken people not give up any opportunity to show off their adventures and achievements. A rooster has the gift of publishing papers and writing ability, and he is ready to discuss any topic at any time. If others want to argue with a chicken on a certain topic, others will surely end in failure.

Chicken man is a good housekeeper and likes to solve and deal with difficult problems and work. However, don't expect the rooster to do innovative work. Roosters can do the things assigned to roosters well, but they lack creativity. It is difficult for a chicken to undertake those reform tasks. People who are chickens have changeable moods, high and low. The positive and sensitive psychological characteristics of roosters dominate the emotional ups and downs of roosters. Chicken people pay attention to the connection between things, draw conclusions from not only one side, and always look for a lot of factual basis to prove it. As an excellent investigator, he has the gift of "Sherlock Holmes".

Employees who are chickens have a good reputation, and people who are chickens know how to win the trust of supervisors with their intelligence and efficiency. However, although the rooster is full of energy, works fast and has a high success rate, he won't do what he doesn't want to do. People who are chickens will have honor and dedication in ordinary posts, but they will not have a particularly bright future. Therefore, any kind of chicken person will find his important value when doing these ordinary jobs. However, the rooster must be careful to make the rooster's plan go on smoothly for a long time. The cock's ability to do things and his talent for doing difficult things made him start his own career at a young age and made achievements in the early stage of his life. What a rooster needs most is to restrain his active personality in a rigorous and temperate way. He must clearly realize that people who are easily excited can't easily get involved in quarrels, and should be good at listening to others' opinions. In short, people born in the Year of the Rooster will certainly achieve something if they can handle affairs calmly.

All the people who belong to the chicken will manage their money at home, and those who belong to the chicken will be careful and try to make ends meet. Chicken people are very strict with the cash box, all the things to be handled are calculated carefully, and they also cherish the time of chicken people. Children who are chickens can also be "property keepers", and chickens keep a penny to expand their "small banks". Even when the child who is indifferent to the chicken pays back the money borrowed from the chicken, he still wants to extract interest.

If someone is extravagant, he can deposit other people's money with the chicken owner, and the chicken owner will help others make strict budget plans, limit other people's expenses to the necessary range, and don't ask for a penny more. Other people's problems will gradually get rid of. It seems that the rooster is also willing to restrict others from using their own money, and others will not feel unhappy because of it, and will thank the rooster for his sincere help to others. Under the management of shrewd economic experts, the money thrown away by others will be used rationally, and the income of others can be accumulated to let others see the future of life. The economic director who belongs to the chicken guards others, and those creditors will not disturb others at night. Others must know that without others, their economic saviors, others will be in the worst situation. I know that on this topic, others may have the idea that people who are chickens are too strict in controlling other people's economic income and expenditure, and even refuse to let go of a little mistake. However, we must know that when other people's economic base is still relatively rich, it is not necessarily chaotic. When others encounter a little loss, remember not to get angry, and should calmly discuss with other people's economic managers and obey the strict guidance of the chickens.

Let's extend this topic and think about it. Whenever someone is rescued by a rooster, the rooster's responsibility to others is this: "Do you want to be a good person or indulge yourself?" This sentence can encourage others to reflect on themselves. With the help of the rooster, the situation of others is getting better and better, so the rooster will work for others. Although others don't live with roosters, they can't live without them. People who are chickens will never be disappointed.

If others want to better understand the people who are chickens, they must put up with the hobby of arguing with others. Arguing with others is a rooster's nature, almost independent of the rooster's personal will. Therefore, no matter how unacceptable it is to others, others should control themselves and not get angry, otherwise, a "battle" will definitely break out when it hits the explosive "gun barrel" of a rooster. However, no matter how knowledgeable he is, his inner world is quiet and abstinence. If the rooster knows that people can support his suggestions, he will put forward some new ideas and make achievements in his work. In a word, a cocky cock will leave a deep impression on others. Being a chicken either makes others feel good or makes others dislike it.

Women who are chickens wear simple clothes and love simplicity and nature, and they also rely on this character to do solid work. This style is often praised by people. Open the girls' handbags and others will discover their personalities. There are records of all kinds of things of the chicken girl, as well as a table of clothes and hats, all of which belong to the family. Chickens like to organize and manage their own affairs. Chicken is not only a transactional manager who opens the door in the morning and closes the door after the customer leaves, but also a manager who defends his responsibilities and is willing to be recognized. Chickens will not tolerate being ordered to do this and that. In addition, chickens and girls are also very strict about the transmission of diseases.

A woman who is a chicken is more popular than a man who is a chicken, and a chicken woman can perform well in any social work. If the chick is assigned to a factory or subordinate unit to be an ordinary worker, the chick will not feel ashamed and uneasy, and the sense of responsibility urges the chick to take her work seriously. A rooster is as capable as a rooster and can undertake arduous tasks. What's more gratifying is that chickens are not easy to get angry. Chickens are confident, loyal and not stubborn. So chicks are easy to do detailed work, such as proofreading, long-term research and so on. Chickens and girls can be good teachers, wives and mothers because of their patience and meticulous characteristics. Chickens carefully remind that the next step of work is out of their enthusiastic concern for people and don't disturb others. Chickens can't tolerate the mistakes of the people they help. The chicken keeps reminding those who don't know the direction and helping the chicken to be familiar with his mistakes. In short, chickens care about people and pay attention to perfect results. When the feelings of chickens and women are hurt, they will not refute and fight back with fierce words. Once the little penguin takes an understanding attitude, it will never be uneasy again.

Women who are chickens are often more practical and don't show off their achievements. Chickens are very capable and deal with problems simply and smoothly. When people work with chickens, they can rely on the encouragement of chickens to maintain more vigorous energy and complete their careers. Therefore, people are eager to find women like chickens to help them work (except pigs). Although the chicken girl always seems to obey the overall arrangement on the surface, in fact, she is willing to solve the busy and chaotic problems in order to give full play to her talents.

People belonging to the same family can live in harmony. People belonging to the same family need to make up for their smart and smooth personality, while people belonging to the same family need to be assisted by people with strong ability to do things and also need to be inspired by their clear and fearless outlook on life. Cattle people also welcome chickens to add color to their ordinary lives. Dragon people can learn from the courage of chicken people and establish ambitious ideas and plans. People who belong to tigers, sheep, monkeys and pigs can also be good companions of chickens. But when two cocks meet, there will be a fight. The struggle between chicken and mouse is also fierce. Chicken people lack intimacy with others, so rabbit people who are kind to others will not be happy in getting along. Rabbits are sensitive, take an evasive and non-quarrelsome attitude towards their opponents, and do not actively stimulate or irritate their opponents. However, the rooster is good at provocation and struggle, and is good at using the rooster's words to lead people to their own attempts. This kind of behavior makes rabbits disgusted and even unbearable. The relationship between dog people and chicken people is uncertain, sometimes close, sometimes as cold as ice, depending on whether the views of chicken people are coordinated. They will cooperate with each other when they need each other, but they are doomed not to have a happy marriage ending.