Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - What is the scope of application of the law of universal gravitation? Especially the distance between two objects.

What is the scope of application of the law of universal gravitation? Especially the distance between two objects.

This attraction exists between any two objects. This kind of gravity between objects is common in all things in the universe, and this kind of gravity is called gravity.

computing formula

Gravity is the interaction between objects due to mass. Its size is related to the mass of the object and the distance between two objects. The greater the mass of objects, the greater the attraction between them; The farther away objects are, the less attractive they are.

The gravitational force between two objects that can be regarded as particles can be calculated by the following formula: f = GMM/R2, that is, the gravitational force is equal to the product of the gravitational constant multiplied by the mass of two objects divided by the square of their distance. Where g represents the gravitational constant, and its value is about 6.67× 1 1 power unit n m2/kg2. It was measured by British scientist cavendish through the torsion balance experiment.

The gravitational force between two ordinary objects is too small for us to detect and can be ignored. For example, two people with a mass of 60 kilograms are 0.5 meters apart, and the gravity between them is less than one millionth Newton. The force of an ant dragging a thin grass stem is 1000 times of this gravity! But in the celestial system, gravity plays a decisive role because of the mass and size of celestial bodies. The earth has a small mass in celestial bodies, but it has a great influence on the gravity of other objects. It binds human beings, the atmosphere and all ground objects to the earth, and makes the moon and artificial earth satellites revolve around the earth and never give up.

Gravity is produced because objects close to the ground are attracted by the gravity of the earth.

The attractive force between any two objects or particles is related to the product of their masses. The most common force in nature. Referred to as gravity, sometimes called gravity. It is called gravitational interaction and four basic interactions in particle physics: strong force, weak force and electromagnetic force. Gravity is the weakest one. The attraction between two protons is only11035 of the electromagnetic force between them, and protons are only110 of the electromagnetic force in the weak electric field. Therefore, when studying the interaction between particles or the motion of particles in electron microscope and accelerator, the influence of gravity is not considered. The general gravity between objects is also very small. For example, two iron balls with a diameter of 1 m are close together, and the gravity is only 2.83× 10-4 Newton, which is equivalent to the weight of 0.03 gram of water droplets. But the mass of the earth is very large, and these two iron balls are respectively subjected to the gravity of 4× 104 Newton. Therefore, when studying the motion of objects in the earth's gravitational field, the gravity of other objects around them is usually not considered. Celestial bodies, such as the sun and the earth, have great mass and greater product. Great gravity can make behemoths revolve around the sun. Gravity has become the only force that dominates the motion of celestial bodies. The formation of stars is not dispersed at high temperature, but gradually shrinks, and finally collapses into white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes, all due to the role of gravity, so gravity is also an important factor to promote the evolution of celestial bodies.

The discovery process of gravity

When talking about the discovery of gravity, we should also explain the development of astronomy and mechanics at that time to understand the scientific background at that time and how it influenced and stimulated Newton's discovery of gravity.

The Simple Meaning of Newton's Gravity

Newton didn't find gravity. He found that gravity is "everything" Every object attracts other objects, and the magnitude of this attraction is only related to the mass of the objects and the distance between them. Newton's law of universal gravitation shows that every object will attract every other object, and the gravitation between two objects is directly proportional to their mass, and the mass will decrease with the square of the center distance between two objects. Newton developed calculus in order to prove that only a sphere can concentrate the total mass of the ball on the center of mass of the ball to represent the total effect of gravity of the whole ball. However, no matter how far away from the earth, the gravity of the earth will never become zero. Even if you are taken to the edge of the universe, the gravity of the earth will still act on you. Although the influence of the earth's gravity may be masked by the massive objects near you, it still exists. No matter how small or far away, every object will be affected by gravity and spread all over the space, just like what we call "everything".

Interpretation of quantum mechanics

We know that from the point of view that photons are the basic particles of matter, the composition of matter itself is meaningless. If matter can't interact with other photon information in the environment, it can't express its energy, existing form and properties. It exists in the form of pure dark matter. Although its life span is infinite, it is meaningless to the environment and itself. Only by constantly interacting with other photon information in the environment can it show its energy and quality. That is to say, any matter, as long as it exists, will constantly interact with other photon information in the environment, so that the existence of matter and all kinds of forces are actually completed through the photon information field around it.

As shown in the figure, the existence of substance A is the photon information energy that substance A constantly interacts with the environment, showing its own quality. When substance B exists, because B also constantly interacts with the photon information of the environment, this B affects the photon information content around A to varying degrees. From a macro point of view, it is B that blocks the photon information from around A and changes the photon information field around A. From a macro point of view, the photon information from the left has more energy and the photon information from the right of A has less energy. Macroscopically, B has a force on A, which is possessed by all substances and is called gravity.

In other words, because of the existence of B, the shape of the photon information field around A has changed, and the shape of this field has also changed. When there is no B, object A is in equilibrium. With B, the photon information field has changed, and the force of object A has become unbalanced. People will naturally say that this is the result of the existence of object B and the force of object B on A.

Explanation of relativity

Actually, gravity doesn't exist. Or gravity is just an explanation for this phenomenon. It is different from other forces.

"Gravity" is actually a manifestation of the distortion of time and space. Take a two-dimensional example: a stretched rubber band net.

1. Put two balls with different masses and the same volume, and the net will be distorted.

2. On the basis of 1, let a ball move in a straight line at a uniform speed on the rubber band net. The closer the straight line is to the ball, the larger the curve area of the trajectory.

3. On the basis of 2, let a ball move in a straight line at a uniform speed on the rubber band net to approach two balls with different masses, and the distance from the straight line to the two balls is equal. After passing through the ball with large mass, the trajectory bending area is large.

The phenomena explained by 2 and 3 are similar to gravity. The greater the mass, the smaller the distance and the greater the gravity.

Because of inertia, an object moves in a straight line, but it moves in a twisted space, which shows that it is affected by gravity.

In fact, gravity distorts four-dimensional space-time.

There is another example: when light passes through a massive celestial body, it will be distorted, but gravity cannot act on light, so the explanation is that light travels along a straight line, and when it is distorted, the air movement will also be distorted. But light still travels in a straight line.

In fact, gravity is not a real force, such as Newton's gravity, which is the abbreviation of gravity. There is conclusive evidence that gravity is a function of electric field force. The gravitational force between two balls measured by cavendish torsion balance is "intermolecular force". The interaction between stars in the universe is electrostatic attraction or repulsion, and the circular motion lies in the Lorentz force of a charged star in the magnetic field of another star.

law of universal gravitation

A law of interaction between objects, which was discovered by Newton in 1687. There is mutual attraction between any objects, and the force is directly proportional to the mass of each object and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. If m 1 and m2 represent the mass of two objects and r represents the distance between two objects, the mutual attraction between objects is F=(Gm 1m2)/r2, and g is called the gravitational constant.

The law of universal gravitation was first put forward by Newton in the book Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy published in 1687. Newton not only explained the law of planetary motion with the law of universal gravitation, but also pointed out that the moons of Jupiter and Saturn also have the same law of planetary motion. He believes that the moon is not only attracted by the gravity of the earth, but also by the gravity of the sun, thus explaining the two-average difference and business travel that have long been discovered in the movement of the moon. In addition, he also explained the orbit of comets and tidal phenomena on the earth. Neptune was successfully predicted and discovered according to the law of universal gravitation. After the appearance of the law of universal gravitation, the study of celestial motion was formally based on the mechanical theory, thus creating celestial mechanics. Simply put, the greater the mass, the greater the gravity, and the gravity generated by the mass of the earth is enough to accommodate everything on the earth.

Cartoon and animation


Author: Murakami Maki

Publisher: Dongli


Yuki Eiri (real name-Shangshan Mars) ..................................................................................................................................................................

The new church sadness no.1 ............................................................................................................................................................................

Hanano ... Koyasu Takehito.

k……okia Yu ryou tarou。

Koji Nakano, Matsumoto Yasunori, ...................

Tohma Seguchi ... Ai Orikasa.

Go to the fir tree ... Ishikawa Hideo.

Ryuichi Sakuma ... Jiaping Yamaguchi.

Shun ................ Fujiko Takamoto

Xiangzelong ................. Miki Shinichiro

Ikezawa Haruna/Owa-Yuri Amano, ...............


The heroine "Aunt Tang Xin" is a high school student who loves music and believes in her musical talent. One day, Xin Tangyou came home from work and met a person who changed his life in the middle of the night. While walking, I read my lyrics, and suddenly a gust of wind (what a coincidence) blew my lyrics in front of a stranger! Just when he was in a hurry to ask the stranger for his lyrics, he was completely attracted by the stranger! I thought that the man was a foreigner, and the beautiful face, hair color and eyes of the stranger attracted me, and I almost fell in love with him at that moment! However, when Sad Yi was about to get back the lyrics from a stranger, she suddenly heard a stranger say something that made Sad Yi unacceptable and unbelievable. He laughed at Sadness Yi's inability to write lyrics and told him to die! I couldn't stand such a blow and ran away crying.

That mysterious stranger is our hero, novelist Yuki Eiri. Although attractive in appearance, he has a poor personality, so I dare not compliment ............. for his bad mouth and personality. However, I never forget him, and I didn't give up because of it, but also expressed my feelings frankly. Intense pursuit is expensive. Will Yugui accept Sadness One? What about a thin, small and stupid high school boy? How will the emotional road of sadness and harmony develop? Please wait for me ~ ~



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Date of birth: 16 April Age: 19 years old.

Constellation: Aries blood type: a.

Place of birth: Tokyo Height: 165CM

Weight: 5 1KG

Favorite food: strawberry bagel

The protagonist loves to eat, laugh and cry, much like a wayward pupil.

It is his basic character to dare to say loudly that his future dream is to be king.

My favorite singer is Ryuichi Sakuma, who is the lead singer and songwriter of Bad Luck. She fell in love with the American novelist Yuki Eiri at first sight.

Yuki Eiri

Eiri Yuki

Real name: Shangshan Yingli blood type: AB type.

Birthday: February 23rd Age: 22 years old

Place of birth: Kyoto Height: 186cm

Weight: 74kg constellation: Aquarius

Favorite food: strawberry cake

The famous American novelist once killed someone at the age of 16, and his personality was cold ... but since he met with sadness, his personality has also been affected and changed slowly.

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Hiroshi Nakano

Birthday: August 4th Age: 19 years old.

Birthplace: Hokkaido Blood type: B type.

Height: 178cm Weight: 62kg

Constellation: Leo

A good friend who is easy to be sad and sad are easy to form bad luck. Being a guitarist there is very affectionate. At present, his favorite person is Usami Jia Ling.