Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - Constellation three prototypes, twelve constellations three prototypes.

Constellation three prototypes, twelve constellations three prototypes.

Constellation three prototypes, twelve constellations three prototypes.

Constellation three prototypes, twelve constellations three prototypes, it is a good way to know ta around you by using constellations. The division of constellations has a great relationship with the operation law of celestial bodies. Caring about one's own destiny contributes to the smooth life. Everyone is born like a star on the ecliptic. Next, I'll introduce you to the three prototypes, the twelve constellations and the three prototypes.

Constellation Three Prototypes Twelve Constellations Three Prototypes 1 Type 1: Basic Palace (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)

★ Features: conservative, regular, boring and etiquette-oriented.

In my opinion, they are like architects of life. They have plans, blueprints, designs and layouts for everything, and the steps are interlocking. They don't like being unplanned or forced. Because of their lack of security, they need to adjust themselves, make themselves more stable, boring and calm, and also measure the layout. No way, as an architect of life, every step should consider how much influence it will have on the future. We need to face every choice more carefully, including choosing a spouse, including work. They are by no means people who make sudden decisions on the spur of the moment (unless they shake their foundation), and they are willing to devote their energy to managing contacts. For them, facing the world is not a question of "like it or not", but a question of "should it be".

In addition, the basic palace is also relatively conservative. If they want to take risks when building a building, the risk must be meaningful. If it is not necessary, the basic palace would rather choose to stick to it. They are naturally low-key. On the one hand, they lack high-profile enthusiasm, on the other hand, they are more afraid that high-profile will cause unnecessary attention and cause trouble. It's better to keep a low profile They also like the feeling of behind-the-scenes planning. That kind of real control makes them feel at ease and will finish what they want to do within the timetable. The basic imperial secretary's thinking is "political", and their words are always "implicit". Compared with what they hear from others, they will listen from a tortuous angle to guess whether your sentence has other meanings.

The exception in the basic palace is the fire elephant Aries. The impulse of fire is not compatible with the stable architecture itself, which makes the whole process more impatient. The architecture may be bigger and faster, but it is not necessarily more stable. Therefore, it is initiative and enthusiasm, not persistence, which is a bit reckless. After entering middle age, Aries is expected to become more and more stable due to the experience brought by age.

Type 2: Fixed Palace (Taurus, Lion, Scorpio, Aquarius)

★ Features: withdrawn, narcissistic, arrogant, autistic and introspective.

A fixed palace is like living in a fortress of your own country, living in your own world, and the communication channels with the outside world are often frustrating. It's not that people in a fixed palace can't communicate with the outside world, but only through his way can they reach your world, so it is often difficult to communicate. Only he can explain you, not you can tell him who you are. People with maladjustment can only shake their heads and escape. Moreover, they are ultra-subjective, love and hate, and even have some anti-social tendencies. This autistic trait often refines the realm of purifying their minds, which is also a blessing in disguise.

If you get used to it, you don't want to change, afraid of trouble and low cooperation. You are often considered a freak by others. Therefore, you need to look for "needed" places and increase the chances of interacting with people. The more refined a person is, the more depraved he is, and he doesn't understand what he thinks is unimportant. The personality of superego will inevitably lead to the rejection or exclusion of people, which is quite unfavorable to interpersonal relationships that need to be handled harmoniously and will only increase hardships. In addition, Zhengding Palace realized that there must be an audience on the stage. He didn't like being isolated, so he expanded outward. He has been trying to find contact with others all his life, willing to let go of himself, listening to others' voices and constantly correcting them. This kind of fixed palace is quite intelligent and tolerant, and it can usually be affirmed and loved.

The exception is the water bottle like the wind. The image of the wind and the fixation itself are also contradictory, so the water bottle is not so lonely. I feel that I have many friends, and I prefer to get in touch with the masses, but although friends account for most of my life, they are not the most important (shh ~ this is a secret). Aquarius usually just enters rather than blends in, and it is also a fixed palace with "personality". Emotionally, there is also the possibility of love at first sight and lightning fire.

Type 3: Room change (Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius)

★ Traits: wit, humor, greed, worry and contradiction.

As the name implies, they are a changeable and contradictory group. Very adaptive to the environment, but also very smart, smart and quickly change beliefs, very smart, but also very good at defense, personality also has the characteristics of change. Have a business mind to observe the situation, not afraid of trouble, love learning, seriously afraid of lack of information. Relatively speaking, it may also be less focused, more extensive but erratic, and contradictory, spiritually yearning for the sublime, and the secular world is involuntarily drawn by "fame and fortune." Vigorous and eager to learn are the sharp tools of their lives, and the most important thing to avoid is shallowness.

The central theme of the changing constellation is like a chameleon, which can be constantly revised with the needs of the environment and is very "flexible". They are not stiff at all. But it may also lose its posture and become unrecognizable. It's not that others have to struggle all their lives, but whether the changeable heart leads them to unimaginable places, finds themselves unable to extricate themselves, and suddenly looks back and doesn't know where they are. That's what makes them feel empty and scared, right?

The exception is the Virgin of the Earth image. It is really difficult to associate the stable or old-fashioned image of the Earth with changeability. Virgo's variety is reflected in its active brain and meticulous thinking when doing things. The spirit is changeable and the sense of humor is unique. I can bend and change, and I love beauty. Generally speaking, the changing colors are still relatively strong.

Constellation Three Prototypes Twelve Constellations Three Prototypes 2 Cancer

For a real crab, love contains a lot of security, kindness and pity. And love is inseparable from the care of maternal love.

Cancer people can be as passionate as Scorpio people. But because of their vulnerability, they will selectively express their good feelings. You have to wait a long time to get them to make a commitment, because mutual trust is very important to them.

When people begin to fall in love, their behaviors are very similar. For cancer, there is a maternal myth in their love. They need meticulous care and will repay each other in this way. Show your pain, helplessness, weakness and needs, and you can arouse the interest of cancer. Remember, they need to be needed. Besides, don't expect them to explain everything clearly. Few cancers will publicly express their thoughts. When you get along with cancer, you must learn to interpret his message and mood. The unhappy expression is because he feels rejected. Sticking to you means he needs peace of mind. Complaining shows that he feels sad. Irritability means that he feels uncertain. But if you try to explain the problem clearly, cancer will slip away from you. Usually he doesn't even know what's going on with him.

Cancer is usually loyal. Because safety is very important to them. But Cancer is a sign of change, so their loyalty will be tested. Cancer is good at housekeeping and is famous for its collection. In other words, if he feels safe, he will usually fulfill his other needs.

Divorce is a terrible thing for cancer. Many cancers are afraid to make a commitment because they are afraid of the separation that may follow. The safe nest was destroyed, which was a serious trauma to cancer. Any form of separation is unbearable for cancer, even if he is very eager for freedom. Once again, you must learn to interpret his information. Gradually pulling away from emotions, apathy or incompetence are all ways for cancer to express "let me leave". Cancer is rarely the one who decides to break up. First of all, it is not easy for them to face their emotions directly. Secondly, other people's opinions will interfere with them. Therefore, Cancer would rather become silent and unhappy gradually until you can't bear to throw him out of the house. In this way, he will not feel guilty.

However, they will also pay a considerable price for such behavior. They have to trample on their feelings to appear insensitive or indifferent, crush their dreams and abuse themselves to pretend to be strong. Betrayal will hurt them. Intellectually, they may be able to come up with many excuses, but emotionally, they just can't accept them.

Nests are naturally important for cancer. Cancer is a used constellation. Even if he is in an unstable situation, he should keep his usual habits-perhaps spreading out on a chair in the living room or soaking in some kind of food and wine. They need roots and a sense of security.

When love is tested, Cancer's tenderness, sensitivity, imagination, delicacy and unique courage make people fall in love with it easily. But it is not easy to put up with their emotions and self-centered inner children. Whether they play the role of mother or child (or both) in a relationship, they need constant love and security. If your emotional nature is indifference, conceit or hate to give, then you should stay away from Cancer. If you have a warm heart and an understanding of life, you may be scared by the fragile dreamer in their hearts. Cancer's greatest contribution in a relationship is that they have a profound and intuitive understanding of the nature and pain of human nature. This is rare in the world today.