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Unique magic skills of the twelve constellations

Unique magic skills of the twelve constellations

The unique magic skills of the twelve constellations make us feel envious every time we see people performing magic tricks on TV. The magical skills of many constellations seem to satisfy our inner desires. Let's take a look at the exclusive magic skills of the twelve constellations.

Unique magic skills of the twelve constellations 1

Aries: curse of flight

Aries gives people a carefree look, and people around them are particularly envious of them. They can laugh and laugh every day and think nothing. Aries's exclusive magic skill is the flying spell, and you can go wherever you want.

Taurus: break the spell

Taurus is very stubborn. As long as you believe, others generally can't change their minds. Their greatest highlight is their hard work. Taurus's exclusive magic skill is to remove the spell, which can remove everything you want.

Gemini: The Petrified Curse

Gemini people are mostly enthusiastic and seem to be friendly to everyone, but they are rarely close friends. They are very generous people, especially to friends and relatives. Gemini's exclusive magic skill is the petrification spell, which can petrify everything.

Cancer: summoning spells

Once cancer falls in love, it has a pure heart. They will put down all their defenses and expose the softest place in their hearts. Cancer's exclusive magic skill is summoning spell, which can summon the patron saint you want.

Leo: The Frozen Curse

Leo is born with leadership, and their condescending attitude is sometimes really unacceptable, and there are often overbearing presidents. Leo's exclusive magic skill is the freezing spell. Freeze anything that doesn't look pleasing to the eye.

Virgo: immortal charm

Virgo people are mostly modest, so they put a lot of pressure on themselves. They are very kind and always think about how to help others. Virgo's exclusive magic skill is the body-holding spell, which can hold a person still.

Libra: the curse of forgetting

Libra demands balance in everything, and maintaining a deep relationship with others is his life goal. Libra is not weak in lying, they are most afraid of loneliness. Libra's exclusive magic skill is the forgetting spell, which can forget some unhappy things.

Scorpio: the curse of transformation

Scorpio's love is lifelong, and their world has not changed. They are love extremists, and they either love or hate desperately. Scorpio's unique magic skill is the transformation spell, which can become the person you want.

Sagittarius: double spell

Sagittarius is the beloved Xiong Haizi. The feelings of a shooter who is sunny, happy, lovely, kind, funny and careless are just like Xiong Haizi's wind. Sagittarius's exclusive magic skill is avatar magic. You can do several things at the same time, which is simply domineering.

Capricorn: curse of fantasy

Capricorn is always cold in appearance. They are afraid of all the unknown things, the kindness they owe others, and especially the concern of people who are not interested in themselves. Capricorn's unique magic skill is fantasy magic, which can put a person into his own fantasy.

Aquarius: the invisible curse

Aquarius is most concerned about whether it can control the situation, which they have been brewing. Whether it is a dream or love, every water bottle still dares to love even if it is bruised all over. Aquarius's exclusive magic skill is stealth magic, which can make you invisible if you want to do it. This is really what everyone wants.

Pisces: the curse of time control

Pisces will always be willful and naive, even if it is wrong and stubborn. They don't like to argue with others unless they touch the bottom line. Pisces' exclusive magic skill is time control magic, which can control time to do your own thing.

Twelve Constellation Exclusive Magic Skills 2 Twelve Constellation Exclusive Magic Array

Aries-Aries tends to go to extremes, excitable, aggressive and lack of discipline. This is the exclusive magic circle of Aries.

Taurus-Taurus is usually gentle and gentle, and once offended, it will become daunting. This is the exclusive magic circle of Taurus.

Gemini-Gemini knows everything that happens in the world, and her mind is full of many novel ideas, but it is difficult to put them into practice. This is Gemini's exclusive magic circle.

Cancer-Cancer has a gentle personality, likes fantasy, and often escapes from reality by dreaming. He is good at rhetoric, has the ability to write poetry, and also has the ability to cooperate with literature and drama. Have a certain charm. This is the exclusive magic circle of Cancer.

Leo-Leo people don't want to live a mediocre life. Usually you will get rid of this situation quickly because you know the secret of success in life and career. This is Leo's exclusive magic circle.

Virgo-Virgo people should carefully plan and arrange everything. They like to know the ins and outs of things at a glance, make records for future reference afterwards, and record every expense in their accounts. This is Virgo's exclusive magic circle.

Libra-Libra is eager to live in an artistic conception full of art and beautiful fantasy, but avoids all kinds of contradictions, difficulties and troubles in life. Ugly behavior will scare you away, and rape will hurt your heart. This is Libra's exclusive magic circle.

Scorpio-Scorpio is probably because of their personality. They are still relatively low-key in the team and never show off their talents. This is Scorpio's exclusive magic circle.

Sagittarius-Sagittarius has a strong spirit of independence, likes to go its own way and doesn't want to be bound by others. This is Sagittarius's exclusive magic circle.

Capricorn-rock-solid, uncompromising, intolerant, and never has any illusions. This is Capricorn's exclusive magic circle.

Aquarius-Aquarius is broad-minded and can bear loneliness and grievances. This is the exclusive magic circle of Aquarius.

Pisces-Pisces likes others to arrange everything for you. Most women in this constellation are like innocent and lovely children, hoping that they are the apple of their husbands' eyes. This is the exclusive magic circle of Pisces.

Twelve-constellation trick 3 12 constellation trick

1, Aries

Aries people are warm, cheerful and loyal to their friends. For them, friendship is very precious. They care about them and trust their friends. The exclusive spell of Aries is Xuan Bing Rain.

2. Taurus

Taurus people always try hard to move forward, for fear that they might do something wrong accidentally. Taurus has the spirit of not being afraid of hardship. They are patient and have the spirit of eating and drinking. Taurus's exclusive spell is Taishan coping.


Gemini people are smart and have original ideas. Gemini people are also very warm-hearted and willing to help those around them who need help. They are very kind to everyone and are cheerful and enthusiastic people. Gemini's exclusive spell is ice and snow.

4. Cancer constellation

Cancer people are mostly sentimental. When they encounter difficulties, they will be at a loss, don't know how to face them, and sometimes they are willing to avoid problems. With the call, people who believe in cancer will be happy. Therefore, the exclusive spell of cancer is summoning.

5. Leo

Leo people like to conquer others. For them, what they want to do most is to let everyone pay attention to themselves. They are vain and want to be noticed by everyone. Therefore, Leo's exclusive spell is the meteor fire rain spell.

6. Maiden's Palace

Virgo people are actually very realistic people. They are not full of unrealistic daydreams about anything. They only believe in themselves and feel that only they can change the status quo. Therefore, Virgo's exclusive spell is immobilization.

7. pounds

Libra people are lively and cheerful. For them, youth is very important, and they especially hope that they will not be old. So Libra's exclusive spell is rejuvenation. In this way, you can always be so young and beautiful.

8. Scorpio people

Scorpio people are very single-minded, and they will try their best to pursue the people or things they identify, and they are very possessive. They are extremely individualistic and have the spirit of dying for love. Scorpio's exclusive spell is forgetfulness. This can prevent them from pursuing the material world too much.

9. Sagittarius

Sagittarius people love to make trouble, so what they want most is to be invisible, so that no one will see what they have done, and they can make trouble as they want. Really a very naive person. Therefore, the exclusive spell of Sagittarius is invisibility.

10, Capricorn

Capricorn people are relatively indifferent. They are always serious and not good at joking, or they are relatively indifferent people who don't care about things around them that don't care about them. Capricorn's exclusive spell is blue sky.

1 1, Aquarius

Aquarius people are smart and witty, and they are polite and cultured to everyone. For Aquarius people, they don't care much about details, but they like learning very much and are very curious. Aquarius's exclusive spell is nine days of thunder.

12, Pisces

Pisces people love beauty the most, and they want their appearance to remain young forever. Therefore, the exclusive curse of Pisces is to stop face. So that our Pisces can be so young and beautiful every day.