Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - How I want to be a star composition.

How I want to be a star composition.

In the dead of night, I sat at my desk and looked at the stars in the night sky. Little stars are not as dazzling as the sun, nor as beautiful, bright and brilliant as the moon. I think: if I become a little star, I can walk freely in space, how wonderful it would be! The following is an essay (selected 16) about how I want to become a star. Welcome to read it.

I want to be a star. I want to be a star, a star with seven colors flashing. No matter how thick the clouds are in the night sky, a star can shine the brightest light through the clouds; Stars as hard as diamonds; Winter can radiate faint warm stars; Summer can send out faint cool stars; How I want to be a magical star.

If I could become a star with seven colors flashing. Me? It will flash in the hearts of the blind and turn my light into various patterns. I want to describe to them the gorgeous flowers and butterfly dances in spring; In summer, fountains are in full bloom and popsicles are in various patterns; Harvest sorghum in autumn, and all kinds of fruits are mature; In winter, people wear colorful cotton-padded jackets and the snow is white.

If I can become a star, no matter how thick the clouds are in the night sky, I can shine the brightest light through the clouds. I will guide the sailors in the vast fog, so that they can sail very smoothly and get out of danger every time. I also want to light the road ahead for people who get lost in the forest, drive away wild animals for them and take them out of the forest.

If I can become a star with a faint coolness in summer. I will radiate coolness in the swimming pool and let the children play more wholeheartedly. I want to spread coolness around the children's popsicles, so that the children's popsicles in the water will slowly melt and become cooler. I also want to radiate coolness around people and make them cooler.

How I want to be a magical star!

How I want to be a star! I sat at my desk and looked at the little stars in the night sky. Little stars are not as dazzling as the sun, nor as beautiful, bright and brilliant as the moon. I think: If I become a little star, I can walk freely in space.

When I see a child lost, I will light the earth with a lamp and escort him home. I heard that the United States attacked Iraq, and many children's homes were destroyed, and some even became homeless. I want to take them to a peaceful planet forever. I also want to send those who like to fight to a planet without peace, so that their wars will never stop.

When you are tired, you can take the sky as your master, the white clouds as your room, the moon as your bed, and other little stars as your companions. We can play games together. You can also listen to Uncle Moon telling stories when you sleep.

I think the moon is shining, but it can only go around our earth without freedom. Although the stars do not shine, they can fly freely in space. I know that freedom is the happiest.

At night, I dreamed that I became a shining little star, flying freely in the Milky Way. ...

I want to be a star. Every night, when I can't sleep for a long time, I will go to the window and look at the black night curtain through the glass window. There are always a few stars shining, which remind me of my memories. ...

Above the starry sky

When I was a child, my grandmother and I lived in the country. The night in the country is particularly dark. At night, I can only hide under the covers and look around in fear. Therefore, whenever I can't sleep, my grandma will take me to the balcony to see the stars. She would touch my head and say, "Look, dust. General Moon is patrolling the sky with starfighters. With them, ghosts can't get out. " I nodded, and my fear eased a little. So spend a night full of laughter. One day, grandma disappeared and stopped watching the stars with me at night. I asked my mother, "Where's Grandma?" Mother's eyes were red and her voice trembled: "Grandma went to heaven and became a star, watching you all the time." I listened, but I didn't understand. I just realized that my grandmother won't come back.

I am still often afraid of the dark and can't sleep. At that time, I will go to the balcony to watch the stars. The brightest must be my grandmother.

Under the stars

"I'm so tired! Finally arrived! " I finally walked home with a sigh. "It's not you, you have to walk back and shout tired." It was my friend Xiao Wei who came back with me. I spat out my tongue at him, and then turned to look at the stars hanging high in the sky, emitting faint light. I pointed to the night sky and said to him, "Although it is very tiring to walk back, you can still watch these stars walk with us." So we sat on the bench together and looked at the stars for a long time. From then on, for a long time, we all went to see the stars, until later, I was the only one watching the stars. He left the city because of his parents' work. On the day he left, I had an appointment to see him off, but I just hid under the covers and cried, watching a little time pass. A few minutes before his flight was about to take off, I received a short message from him: We can also watch the stars together, even though Qianshan is thousands of miles away.

I will still look at the stars in my spare time and think about the person who stares at the same starry sky with me.

I remember a book saying that all the stars in the sky are guarded. I also want to protect my friends and relatives. I want to be a star, hanging quietly in the night sky without strong light, guarding my most important person.

Star, I want to be you and protect my love.

I want to be a star. It is not surprising that there are stars everywhere in the world, especially on a clear night. As long as you look up, you can see the stars watching you silently. I want to be a star because stars are different from people on the ground. They are carefree and free in the sky.

I want to become a star, roam freely in the boundless universe, watch the sun burn, watch the earth rotate, watch the moon shine, watch the black hole devour, watch many hot and rotating meteors shuttle through the universe, and then return to the earth to illuminate the way forward for people.

I want to be a star, because the beautiful and dazzling little star in the sky is not as bright as the sun, nor as soft as the moonlight, but it scatters the brilliance with comfort and expectation to the earth. So, I want to be a star.

The morning star appears on the horizon at dawn and dusk, illuminating the night sky and guiding people; The Big Dipper indicated the seasons for people in ancient times, with bucket handle facing east as spring, bucket handle facing south as summer, bucket handle facing west as autumn and bucket handle facing north as winter. Cowherd and Weaver Girl have been watching from afar for hundreds of millions of years, and they have been longing for each other, bringing beautiful legends and sad love stories to people.

Each of them is the protagonist. I want to be a more magical star than them. I want to write my own legend and shine the light that guides people to be confused.

"There are thousands of trees in the east wind night, and the stars are like rain." The little star in the sky seems to be raining. They try their best to gather little by little light and turn the earth into a fantastic world. I want to be a star, and I want to be one of countless "gems" in the night sky.

I want to be a star. Whenever I stare at the starry night sky on a quiet and charming night, I will exchange my eyes with the lovely little stars in the sky with childlike eyes and whisper with them with childlike hearts.

I want to be a star, so that I can play with the little stars in the sky, decorate the sky covered by the magician's black cloth with Sister Moon, and light up the darkness for people.

I want to be a star. During the day, the sun is on duty in the sky. Where is our little star? Play freely in the sky. We play games and chat with birds in the sky. I danced on the soft white clouds and traveled with Brother Feng. When I am tired, I will find a white cloud and lie on it to have a good rest. At night, we hold small lanterns around the moon sister to listen to her stories and look at the earth under the cover of night. Look at the star-studded farmhouses and the colorful neon lights in the city. It feels like a fairy tale world.

I want to become a star, get rid of the troubles in the world, shine in the sky forever with my companions, illuminate the world with my brilliance, and prevent darkness from appearing in the universe. Let the light of peace and happiness never go out.

I want to be a star. If I can, I want to be a star.

How nice the stars are! They can be carefree, free and do whatever they want.

During the day, I play with my star friends, chase with Xifeng, play hide-and-seek with Yunjie, and chat with birds. In the evening, I listen to Aunt Moon telling stories, enjoying moonlight and night scenes, and watching the world shrouded in night.

How nice the stars are! You can walk around, relax and watch whatever you want.

I can look down at the road in the sky and watch a person walk by quietly; I can see from the tall buildings where residents live that there are several houses with lights on; You can also see on the road that only a few cars are driving slowly on the empty road.

How nice the stars are! You can do anything you want, without studying or doing your homework.

As students, we have to study, do classroom homework, do homework, do supporting exercises, take exams, and go to cram schools. Parents and teachers are very angry because their homework is not well written and their exams are not good. There are piles of homework, frequent exams, a large number of cram schools, and great learning pressure. They are like mountains on our backs, so that we can hardly breathe. Stars, on the other hand, have no such pressure, are unrestrained and nobody cares.

How nice the stars are. They can help others with their own strength.

I can shine, light up the world and light up the path of others. On the road without street lights, it is dark at night and you can't see it at all. Walking on this road, passers-by are always on tenterhooks and very nervous, for fear of accidentally hitting or falling to the ground. I can sprinkle light on the road, so that people walking on it will no longer worry about falling.

If only I became a star!

How I want to be a star! I had a good time downstairs with my children at night, but my mother always called me. "Hey, come back for dinner and stop playing." But I had a good time downstairs and didn't want to eat at all. "Hey, come back for dinner!" Another call came.

I hope I can become a star, so I won't be afraid of being called home for dinner at night. I thought to myself, and I felt very uncomfortable. Suddenly, my whole body lit up and I became a star. I really became a star!

Guess what color it is? Of course it's not yellow, and neither is green. By the way, it's gray. Not very nice!

There are many animals living on my planet, such as leopards, lions and monkeys. Of course, it is also essential. There are also some animals that can't be seen on the earth, such as animals with a leopard head, a lion tail and a panda body, and all kinds of colorful little monsters. I think I can play with them, but I can't talk and they can't play with me.

It was still so hot in the morning, but it became very cold at night, but I didn't wear any clothes. The wind made me tremble, and then a thunderstorm came, which scared me half to death. At this time, I am afraid and afraid. All the animals are hiding in their nests, but I can only watch the rain in the air. At this moment, I recalled that I had been at home. In summer, my mother often gives me iced watermelons and blows air conditioning. I don't feel hot at all. In winter, it is very comfortable to have a heater at home and eat warm red bean soup. But now, it's always so cold, and there is no one here to play with me and chat with me. It's really boring and uncomfortable

Suddenly, another flash of lightning hit my head, and the whole place shook like the sky fell. I'm afraid to return to earth.

Suddenly, I returned to the earth. I have to say it's better to stay at home. There is not so much danger, and there is not so much harm. It seems that I should listen to my mother. My mother is the best to me.

I want to be a star. One night, I sat outside the door and looked at the sky quietly. The air is fresh, and in the boundless sky, the sparkling stars are the most eye-catching. I thought: If I become a star, what kind of experience will I have?

If I become a star, I will help people. Although I am not as brilliant as Uncle Sun and as beautiful as Aunt Moon, I can help people who work overtime to light up their way home. You can play games with friends from the stars and arrange them in the shape of spoons. This is the Big Dipper, the compass of nature. I can also chat with a few friends and form a wonderful constellation!

Every star is different. Some stars like to play in the park, some stars like to read books in the library, some stars like to play on the slide, and they will fall from the sky if they are not careful. This kind of accident is regarded as a meteor.

At dawn, we sleep with Aunt Moon. Our pillows are made of clouds, and so are our quilts. It's comfortable to sleep on it. At this time, Uncle Sun will be watching us outside the door. In the evening, Uncle Sun fell asleep and we played with Aunt Moon. If it rains heavily, Aunt Moon will tell us fairy tales until we fall asleep. In my dream, I will also think of all kinds of experiences. ...

Ah! It feels good to be a star!

I want to be a star. It is quiet at night. I lay in bed, staring at the shining stars. Although the little star is not as bright as the sun and as beautiful as the crescent moon, its spirit touches us.

If I become a little star:

When I am happy, I will shine and play with my companions; When we are unhappy, we can let Sister Moon share our troubles, hug Grandpa Sun and fly freely in the sky.

If I were a little star, I would sing the brilliant lights, beautiful and prosperous cities, ancient villages, wonderful nights and beautiful and elegant landscapes, which makes people feel how beautiful it is! I will light up everyone's heart, I can get rid of all the troubles and worries in the world, and I can light up people with poor eyesight.

If I were a little star, I would like to be the brightest one. Anyway, I always send light to the lost children.

If I were a little star, I would be the kindest one. Sister Moon was tired on duty, so I went to help her. She did not hesitate to help me when I was tired.

I want to be a star. All the stars are shining in the night sky, and I am one of them.

I think I am proud of being a star, because I have a shiny body. I think every star is different. There are many stars in the sky, but they are all different, and some get together to play; Some think together; Some people stare together. ...

I became a star and I was surprised. You can play at night, look at the following, look at the people on the ground, and look at the beautiful lights on various buildings!

The gods can take us off and give them to others. Our stars represent luck. Those who get us will regard us as treasures. For example: Nuwa star in the sky; Chang 'e picked a few to play beside the moon to accompany her to pass the lonely time. ...

If I am a beautiful star forever, I will thank God! I always hope that I am a kind, beautiful and eternal star.

How I want to be a star. If I have a magical ability, I can change it 72 times. Guess what I'll become? That is a star in the sky.

If I become a star, I will light the way home for those who are ready to go home after work.

If I become a star, I can play freely with Sister Moon, Sister Yun Yun and other brothers and sisters. Sometimes you can find a few brothers and sisters to sit in a row together and form the constellation that people often say!

If I were a star, I would sing the most beautiful song for people on the ground and let them fall asleep one by one. I rolled in the clouds and became an elf. I danced in the sky in a "cloud coat" and charmed the people on the ground with my beautiful dance.

If I were a star, I would look down at the night sky, ah! The scenery on the ground is really beautiful! People hang many colorful lights outside tall buildings. The lights of stars are just like the lights that decorate the sky. But how can their lights compare with ours?

If I can change, I must become a star. If you have this ability, what do you want to be?

I want to be a star. Everyone has fantasies, such as being a powerful Superman and a 72-year-old the Monkey King ... but my fantasies are different from others. I want to be a star.

One night, I looked at a star outside the window with my head in my hands and thought, "I wish I were a star!" " I looked at the star, unconsciously as if I were a star.

I was so happy that I put on a shiny skirt. As lovely and beautiful as a fairy. Sister Moon was telling me a story! While I was listening to Sister Moon's story with relish, I saw a blind uncle wearing sunglasses crossing the road. Suddenly, I heard the sound of "beep …" It turns out that a bus is coming quickly. I was so nervous that my mouth turned into an "O" shape, my face was pale and my eyes were fixed on my blind uncle. While Sister Yue was not paying attention, I rushed into Uncle Blind's eyes like lightning and thought, "Although I sacrificed myself, I can save Uncle Blind's life." Suddenly, the blind uncle could see the car galloping towards him. He stepped back in fear and his sunglasses fell off. He looked around and looked around for a while, never dreaming that he could see this beautiful and lovely world. He saw lush trees, and a gust of wind blew, only listening to the rustling sound of leaves in the sand, as if playing a symphony for his uncle to see the world. Huaer smiled as if to say, "Uncle can finally see the world!" " "

"Why haven't you slept? What are you doing there? " Grandma's distressed voice awakened me from my fantasy. I climbed into bed and lay on it, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. I kept saying in my heart, "If only I were a star!"

How I want to be a star. If I can change, what kind of person do you want to be?

I want to be a star!

One day, I became a star. I looked at the busy people in the night sky and said to myself, "If only I could look down!" " "Sister Moon next to me heard:" Every June 1, 15 can play on the ground! "

I hope, hope, hope ... finally in the annual June 1, I landed with a whoosh in Uncle Feng's cart. I hid in a bush and heard an adult say, "Grandpa has bad eyes, so you'd better take him out." What if he falls? " A little girl whispered, "Grandpa can't see this wonderful world, but he can smell it. I just want him to smell the flowers. " Hearing this, I wanted to help the old man, so I turned into a golden light and flew into grandpa's eyes.

"wow! Children! " Grandpa exclaimed with surprise, "So you have a chubby face and big watery eyes, just like I thought." The little girl's bright eyes looked at grandpa's kind face, but she was overjoyed. She and her grandfather walked around and looked around. ...

Since then, I have lived in the eyes of this grandfather-seeing the world!

How I want to become a star. When I was a child, I heard my grandfather say that when people die, they will become little stars in the sky and hang high in the sky. At that time, I asked Grandpa, Grandpa, do you want to be a star? Grandpa said, of course I want to, so that I can hang high in the sky, see everything happening in the world, and find out which bad guys have done bad things and been chased by the police. I asked grandpa again, are all those little stars dead? Grandpa said: it should be?

Last year, I went back to that nostalgic place to see my favorite little star when I was a child. Here, I think of a sentence my grandmother told me when I was a child, which made me feel deeply: when a person dies, he will become a beautiful shining little star and shine high in the sky. One day, I saw a star in the sky that looked a bit like a lion. Many stars are shining high in the sky. There is a star hanging high in the sky, when I wonder which one is the star that my grandfather has become. If so, grandpa's wish may come true!

Looking back now, I am really stupid. The star is just a comet in the sky, thinking it is the soul of the dead and turned into a star, but I still want to become a little star and hang it in the sky forever, just like I can see everything happening all over the world and see if it is like Grandpa said. I also want to be a little star in the sky like grandpa and shine high in the sky.

As grandpa said, I became a little star in the sky, hanging high in a corner of the sky.

I hope some interesting things grandpa said come true.

I want to be a star. I am a star, embedded in the night sky, free and carefree.

I am ordinary. People on land can look up at me at any time as long as they look up I also looked at them silently, at the brightly lit residents, and at the growth and changes of flowers and trees. I never feel cold or lonely.

I have done many things! Flying freely in the boundless universe, watching the earth rotate, the moon shine, the sun burn and the black hole devour. In the night sky, lights illuminate people's way home. I can also show people the way home!

I am wearing Huang Cancan's clothes and a pale yellow hat, and my friends cover the sun like glittering gems embroidered on black and blue curtains.

Although I don't have the brilliance of the sun and the softness of the moon, I will spread my comfort and expectation to the earth and soothe every injured soul.

I also have many friends-stars, planets, satellites, dwarf planets and small celestial bodies. In the eyes of human beings, we are all synonymous with romance, a card that brings them hope, just like the goddess who guides the direction in mythology.

There is always a little girl holding an adult's hand, looking at me doubtfully and taking a deep breath, as if she could blow us away with a gentle blow. I patted the moon sister next to me and jokingly asked, "Alas! This little girl is really cute, isn't she? " Sister Moon nodded her head gently. I leaned lazily against my brother, which was a soft velvet cloud blocking my light.

My friends and I will get together and do our little bit to turn the night sky into a fantastic world, a place that fascinates countless children!

I am me, a little star that illuminates the night.

How I want to be a star! What a refreshing autumn night! The stars are bigger and brighter than ever before. I sat by the window and found the stars as beautiful as dazzling gems, dotted with the silver sky. The stars give off crystal-clear and soft light, which makes everything on the earth look elegant and quiet.

I really want to be a star, a bright star, shining brightly on the earth in the sky and making people feel bright at night. There are thieves at night. I want to make my light brighter and stronger, so that those thieves dare not steal. Others don't like driving lights at night for fear of wasting electricity. I will use my own light to illuminate the roads of those who don't like driving lights to prevent car accidents.

I really want to be a star, a helpful star. Some children are afraid of the dark, so I ran to give him light to stop him from being afraid. Let people who walk at night feel bright and make the sky more beautiful.

I really want to be a star, a star with a childlike innocence. I want to play with shrimp and blow bubbles with small fish in the sea. I want to play hide-and-seek with Aunt Chang 'e in the sky, sleep with Mother Moon and light up the world with Little Star. I want to spend a happy and warm night with the children in my dreams.

I really want to be a star, a superstar. I will take my children to the sky, show them the wonderful night sky and let them sleep in the arms of Mother Moon.

The star still thinks the earth is so quiet, and I thought to myself, I really want to be a star.