Fortune Telling Collection - Horoscope - How to get a portable musical instrument?

How to get a portable musical instrument?

First of all, harp instruments

The ancestors of the corresponding harp instruments are those located on the map of Ye Yun. After the player unlocks it, click on the map in the encounter to find the map corresponding to Ye Yun, which is a raised map. The ancestor of exchanging harps is located in the upper right corner, and the corresponding action is the action of covering your mouth and laughing. You can see the button to exchange harps on the right of the first branch.

Second, the electronic organ musical instrument

The ancestor of electronic organ is located in Gu Xia. After entering the summer, the player directly enters the skating rink, then enters the palace to start the game, and then flies in the air until the finish line. After that, you can see that there are high platforms around the finish line. Players can fly to the high platform on the right hand side to find the ancestors of electronic organ instruments, and then find a constellation diagram similar to the X shape in the astrolabe. Click on the lower left corner to summon ancestors to redeem them.

Third, the sand bottle musical instrument

The sand bottle musical instrument is an instrument that players exchange with thanksgiving candles during the festival. The ancestors of the seasons corresponding to sand bottles are also located in Gu Xia. In front of the canyon skating rink, there is a door that only two people can open. After entering, collect the ancestors of the season to get jumping movements, and then summon them in the encounter map, so you can exchange them with the candles of the season.

Fourth, round piano instruments.

The round piano was bought from the ancestors in the tomb. In the third picture of the tomb soil, you can find the ancestors who were scared by their actions. After unlocking, you can go back to the tomb and find the map of Saturn. After summoning the ancestors, you can exchange the round piano.

Five, Jason Chung musical instruments

Jason Chung should also exchange musical instruments and thank the ancestors of the season. Small musical instruments correspond to seasonal ancestors in the forbidden pavilion. On the third floor of the Forbidden Pavilion, you can see three floating stone slabs in the distance. You can find the ancestors of the season by flying over, and the corresponding action in the map of encounter is fuel.

Six, small drum instruments

Tambourine instruments were exchanged in the ancestors of the rainforest, and the corresponding action was shy. Different from other musical instruments, the tambourine instrument is not unlocked at first. Players need to give their ancestors a candle to unlock the tambourine instrument after coming back from the eye of the storm, so the last instrument that players can get is the tambourine.

Seven, trombone instruments

The ancestral home of trombone instruments is in the tomb. When the player enters the third picture of the tomb soil, he can see that there is a sealed passage on the right, which is the passage leading to the black water area of the tomb soil. Players need to enter the black water area, and there will be ancestors behind the sunken ship. After the collection, trombone instruments can unlock the exchange. In the star map, the corresponding action is shouting.